• Published 13th Nov 2015
  • 918 Views, 46 Comments

The Best Time of Our Lives - ThisIsMyFateNow

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody weren't always the best of friends.

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Chapter 2 - Magic Missile

With a tired yawn, Vinyl collects her books from her Musical Theory class and heads to the cafeteria to see about getting some food. Traversing the halls, she bumps into Lyra who gives her a friendly and reassuring smile. “Hungry?” the green unicorn asks, as her stomach gives off a rather obvious growl.

Grinning and nodding, Vinyl trotted alongside Lyra as the two thread their way through the mass of students all making their way to the cafeteria. Breathing in deeply, Vinyl can tell that the day’s special is toasted lilly and clover sandwiches. Levitating a sandwich onto her tray and grabbing a carton of apple juice, the two unicorns finish selecting their meals and head over to the rather bored earth pony behind the register to pay.

Transaction complete, Lyra points out an empty table and make their way to it, grateful to be out of the way. Sitting down, the ponies set their bags on the table and dig into their sandwiches, not speaking until both mares were sitting back comfortably, appetite sated. Leaning forward, Lyra breaks the silence, “How are you finding the school?”

“It’s great. I’m really glad I’m here.” she writes with a smile.

“I for one, am glad you’re here.”

Blushing at the compliment, Vinyl flips to a clean sheet, writing her response “I’m so glad that I met you. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a friend.”

“Well, I am happy to be your friend! Is there anything you like to do besides play music?”

Hesitantly, Vinyl nods and lightly scratches out something lightly on her notepad. Squinting her eyes, Lyra can’t seem to see what’s been written and looks to Vinyl with the lingering question in her eyes. With a sigh and a blush, Vinyl writes her answer more firmly and shows Lyra.

“Dungeons And Dragons?” she asks tapping her hoof against her chin, “I think there’s a couple of ponies here that play. Want to go meet them?”

Grinning sheepishly Vinyl nods and collects her things, placing her saddlebags back on and wrapping the tray and plate in a field of magic, levitating them over to the dish area. Turning back to Lyra, she motions to lead on.

As the two saunter through the lunch room, they hear the distinct voices of the various groups contributing to the low roar that is lunch time conversation. Through it all, they hear Octavia holding court. Her voice cutting a swath through the multitude of voices, the High Canterlot accent distinct. Glancing in her direction, Vinyl notices that she’s surrounded by other well-to-do fillies and colts who are hanging on every word she says.

“Someone has let their own self-importance go to their head,” she thought with a grimace, following Lyra to the other end of the cafeteria to a table laden with Fantasy Roleplaying Books and a DM screen. The rattle of dice barely discernable over the sound of the cafeteria.

Feeling more comfortable than she had in some time, she turns to Lyra. “Thank you so much. I know that this type of thing probably isn’t up your alley, but I would still like to hang out with you later.” Vinyl wrote out, holding the notebook for Lyra to see.

“That sounds good,” Lyra says with a smile before trotting off to join some of her other friends. Grinning, Vinyl turns to the table and holds her notebook up introducing herself to the other ponies gathered around the table.

The five other ponies sitting around the table were all rendered speechless by the mare with the electric blue main pulled into a ponytail asking to join them and their game. Mouth agape, the DM nodded and motions to an empty seat at the round table. Setting her bags next to her, she removes a character sheet, sliding it to the DM for approval and waits as the game resumes.

The other ponies make brief introductions, still stunned that a filly of all things, wants to join them. Shaking their heads to clear the stupor, the others turn back to the DM, waiting for the game to resume. Glancing down at his notes the DM launches back into weaving a tale, letting Vinyl become familiar with some of the plot before working her into the story.

With a jarring ring, the bell echoes throughout the lunch room, calling the students to their classes. While Vinyl is finishing packing up, she hears a distinct voice cut through the shuffle of ponies heading back to class. “Looks like our special student is also a huge nerd. As if we couldn’t tell by the dorky glasses and sad ponytail.” Octavia cut in with a cruel sneer to the other ponies with her.

Face flushing red with embarrassment, Vinyl shoves the rest of her things into saddlebags before dashing off to get away from Octavia. Tears flowing from her eyes, Vinyl races through the halls to get to her next class, trying to ignore the cutting words of Octavia. Passing by Lyra, she doesn’t even see the unicorn give her a worried look.

Turning around she trotted after the crying unicorn, Lyra followed her into an empty class room, sitting next to Vinyl. Slipping a hoof over her withers, Lyra tries to comfort her. “Hey now. I know she’s not the nicest of ponies, but don’t let her get to you like this.”

Sniffling, Vinyl nods, wiping the tears from her eyes. Looking to Lyra, she writes out “How do you ignore somepony that seems to have it out for you?”

“I know it’s going to be hard, but don’t acknowledge her. She lives off ponies reacting to her. If you don’t respond, she should leave you alone.”

Nodding, she finishes drying her eyes and collects her bags, letting Lyra lead her out and off to their next class.


Grinning, DJ-PON3 slips her records back into their sleeves and powers down her turntables. As the last few stragglers head to the door, she heads to the back of the house. Using her magic to open the door, she slips inside the room set aside for the House DJ.

Removing her signature shades and letting the spell hiding her cutie mark fade, she grabs a bottle of water and sits down. As she sips her water, she notices an envelope addressed to her on the coffee table. Frowning slightly, she levitates it to her and opens it, pulling the enclosed paper out.

Club Aurora Aetherica

From: Fire Hooves
Club Trot

Subject: House DJ

Dear DJ-PON3,

After the raging success that you’ve brought to Club Aurora Aetherica, we’ve heard nothing but good things about you. I would personally like you to consider becoming the House DJ of Trot. Your talents are simply stagnating over at Aurora Aetherica. Please let me know what your answer is.


Fire Hooves

Feeling her eyebrows climb, she finishes reading the short letter. Never did she think that she would actually be asked to work at Trot. Scrunching up her face she considers what to do. Sighing, she stands up and envelopes the letter in her magic as she makes her way to the owner’s office. Knocking twice, she enters as Night Promenade looks up from behind his desk.

“What can I do for you Vinyl?” the large stallion asks.

Floating the letter over to him, she waits for him to read it. Sighing with resignation, the stallion smirks slightly as he looked back at her. “I know you’ve been looking forward to this and I can’t say I’m surprised. You’ve been packing the house for the past few months. You were bound to be noticed. Well, this is your decision Vinyl. I’m not going to stand in your way if you want to go.”

Grinning, Vinyl trots over to Night and gives him a hug. With her smile growing wider she says “Thank you so much Night. You’ve been wonderful. I’ll swing by tomorrow to pack up my stuff. No matter where I go, you guys will always hold a special place in my heart."

“You deserve this girl. After all you’ve been through, it’s nice to see that something’s finally going your way.”

With that, Vinyl heads back to the DJ’s room and pens her response before heading home.