• Published 18th Nov 2015
  • 528 Views, 15 Comments

How to take your Human over the Border; a Cautionary Tale - Ponyess

Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle are tourists on Earth, and haphazardly decided on taking a Human with them home from the vacation. Of course, what could possibly go wrong, so long as you followed the guide, to the letter?

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Party on, Lasses: 4

Author's Note:

Ruby's POV

I had met a new girl in town by the name of Diana, at least it is how she presented herself. I had no reason to doubt her, the name doesn’t really change a thing to me; she has no history or reputation to uphold; either good or bad, it is just a name to her face. Oh, but for the smile; I guess one could follow that to the edge of forever and to the end of the world.

She never asked me to follow her all that for, just to the hotel The Silly Pony; and to partake in a small party she was throwing with a friend of hers. Oh, she was there at the hotel, alright; I can’t deny that part. The party is there, as is her friend. It may be small, but this far it is fun; she had never asked me to pay anything, or anything.

All she actually did ask; aside from coming, is to ask a few friends to come as well. I guess that was a small price. On that note, if I have a few friends there; wouldn’t that make it safe, just in case. I have a few friends who know where I am, and all that.

Diana had actually been the one at the door, opening for me at their room. There are tons of muffins, and pastries; aside from cider and a few other beverages. I guess I go with her cider; it was not all that bad, I do even like it.

The room where she threw the party had the ceiling flooded with yellow and blue balloons. There are streamers hanging from everything, and confetti all over the place. Good thing I am not the one to clean up that mess, after the party. On that note, she promised a few party favours as well; I couldn’t help but accept the massage, it certainly was glorious. There is the one catch, of course; I had found myself considerably more flexible than I had ever dared to hope I could ever be.

I had noticed how my friends followed my example; one by one, not that I could ever blame them for it. Then she had actually offered me a second chance on her massages, and I had accepted it. What had I expected, but it sure was just as glorious as the first time. Whatever had she possibly spiked her oil with? Not that I dare asking her. The first item is that it never stained, there is no trace of the oil from either the first or the second time around. Just the momentary sheen to my skin, but that soon went away. Maybe it was just a trick of the light, but none of my friends ever saw a thing.

Am I a fool for staying to the very end of the party, in hopes to enjoy as much as possible of it? Is it stupid to hope for the next party favour? She certainly had enjoyed dishing them out, right and left. Strange how many of the pastries she still had managed to consume, even without making it look as she was bolting them down as a glutton.

Of course; at the end I started to feel tired, and found myself walking into the other room and hitting the sack; only to fall asleep sometimes after it had grown dark outside. Naturally, by this time it was rather quiet in the other room as well.

As I finally did wake up, it is a new day and bright sunshine beating down upon me from the other side of the window. If only that had been my biggest problem now, even if I guess it just is embarrassing.

I can clearly feel a large ball in my rump, but with no memory of how it ended up there; I drew a blank as I tried to figure out how and when it had happened as well. I am sitting on my knees on the floor with my hands on the floor, fingers spread out as wide as I could have imagined them and firmly pressed down onto the floor.

Apparently, I am looking straight forward with my head level. Just that I can’t move my legs, my arms or even my neck. I think I have an excited smile on my face. Then it hit me, I had been covered with a layer of metallic bloody red rubber from my neck, down. It is the rubber that is responsible for my pose, fiercely maintaining it I can’t feel the second layer of that gel she had applied on my skin as the second massage. What is the difference to me? I can’t see the zipper along my back, more than I could feel it; just as I can neither see nor feel the valve in my belly bottom.

She must have slipped a rubber tube into my mouth, but I can’t really feel it there; just that I can’t move my lips, my tongue or anything else in my mouth. Likewise, she had slipped a tube into my lower orifices, and these strange pasties on my cherries. If only I had seen them, but there are these strange pads, like the once on the paws of a dog or cat on the tips of my fingers and under my toes and heels.

What finally immobilized me, is the rubber she had placed on top of my head as a strange hairdo I never asked for. Well, at least I can open and close my eyes.

On second thought; I could see that my back had been bent fairly sharply, leaving me with my rump entirely bent over and still leaving my head leveled.

“They sure are looking good, our little dolls. I think they are ready, and safe to be carried over the border now!” Diana expressed; looking at me, and a few others in the same situation.

Of course; I realized that Sapphire and Emerald had to be in the room, even if I couldn’t see them from where I am sitting. Naturally; Amethyst and Diamond are also in the room; I had seen them following Diana into the room, and coming out just after her. They had been just as happy as I had been; after the party favours, and most likely just as flexible too. There is nothing I could do for them now, of course; just as they are incapable to help me in the least.

“Either way, I am packing up; we’re going home. I just hope they make it as intended, we can’t just leave them here as they are; or release them into the city after this party!” her friend had pointed out, eagerly.

“They should be great additions to your castle, either way. If they make it, they can help you with your library, if now; I fear they will be dolls for the rest of time. Unless you could adopt them off to some Pony else, when we get home!” Diana had put forth.

Some Pony else? Are they Ponies, or Equines? Now I am certainly losing it. Whatever did they lace that cider I had with the other night?” I pondered, helpless to do anything right now.

“There is one thing we could do in order to prepare them for the ride, now as I think of it!” her friend stated.

“Oh, yeah. I can and I will do just that!” Diana declare.

Whatever she had in mind; that could hardly be good!” I thought.

Then she walked up behind me, and touched me; I could feel her fingers as she was teasing me. If I had been hallucinating this, I guess that is fine; even if all the rest is utterly wrong. Then it hit me, just as she kept stroking the petals, I am coming. Over and over; once twice and thrice, harder and harder, faster and faster. Only now; there is no chance I could stop coming. I may have had a second before, but that is as far as it goes.

Her left hand soon ended up on the rear orifice. She eagerly and enthusiastically repeated the effort with the same exact result. She had managed to make me feel wet, all over again. Whatever was this, and whoever was she? Only; as I finally peaked, she moved her attention to the soles of my feet. From there she moved up to my chest, and my now fairly large and highly sensitive and excitable cherries. There is no stopping her.

She had gone over my lips and mouth, before she turned me over and teased the pads on the tips of my fingers, before she put me back on the floor; after that, I have no idea as to what she was doing. I just realized that I was slipped into the friends back packs. After that, I noticed that Sapphire was coming in after me; this was getting cramped in here.

Right here, and in the package of the girl who had presented her as Diana; I could have sworn she had Daemonic Powers, considering what she had done to me and my friends. At first, it had been feeling good and quite all right. First now, I had seen a glimpse of her power and capabilities.

She certainly isn’t just the girl we had seen the other day. If she isn’t that Daemon I see now, then what is she? On the one hand, I pray never to learn that truth; in the fear that it is too horrible to learn, and the consequences too painful. On the other hand, I hope I do get to learn who she is; even if she isn’t the mere girl I had met a day before. Or is that somewhere between twenty and thirty hours ago?

Wherever were they taking us? She had admitted as much as to say that we were being shipped off, and to a castle. Her friends’ castle, nonetheless. Why couldn’t we be returned to normal and go back to whom, and what we had been? What was at stake here? Maybe I just don’t want to know.

Moment by moment, my thoughts are growing fuzzier and fuzzier; maybe that is an effect of constantly coming over and over. or, was it something in the way they had packaged us in these rubber encasements; like a spider packaging its pray for later.

It isn’t as if I feel drowsy, ready to go to sleep; neither does it feel as if I am losing consciousness. At least, not in the sense it feels like, if you are beaten down, or under narcosis at the surgical theatre at the hospital.

What I feel is closer to a high, even if it isn’t like being drunk or anything like that. I doubt it is like any drugs I had ever heard of either.

After a while, I felt something fuzzy over my face; but am not clear as to what it is. The clear rubber hood soon covered my entire head. Once it is covering my skin, I soon dozed off. I had not even realized that a tube had slipped in, into my mouth as the hood had been slipped onto my head.

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