• Published 16th Nov 2015
  • 5,816 Views, 22 Comments

Celestial Ecstacy - TheCrimsonDM

It was a quiet boring day, until Twilight realized she might be Celestia's daughter. Celestia however has very different feelings toward the Princess of Friendship

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One Awkward Day

Celestial Ecstasy

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Twilight Sparkle was sitting at a table enjoying the company of her dear friend Rarity. Today had been a little quiet and boring compared to the usual crazy that occurred in Ponyville, but that had been a blessing as Twilight needed the rest. After the defeat of Lord Tirek, Twilight had needed a lot of rest, and today was just another peaceful day for her.

Twilight looked down at her delicious dandelion sandwich and began salivating. Lifting the sandwich up to her muzzle Twilight took the first tantalizing bite of the bitter sweet meal. She would stay there eating all day if she could get away with it, but that would probably be a mistake… probably.

A tiny white filly with a curly purple mane suddenly jumped onto the table and grinned at Twilight. Twilight leaned back in surprise before asking, “Sweetie Belle, did you need something?”

Sweetie Belle quickly asked, “Are you related to Princess Celestia?”

Rarity who was sitting at the opposite end of the table said in an authoritative tone, “Sweetie Belle, get off the table this instant.”

Twilight shook her head and said, “No I’m not related to Celestia. Where did you get that impression?”

Sweetie Belle’s grin vanished a little as she explained, “well it made sense. I wondered why Celestia would give you special treatment and make you her prized pupil. I also began to wonder why you had so much magical power at such a young age, it really didn’t make sense. Then I realized that if Celestia did have a daughter, she would want to hide her with a foster family because her daughter would be in danger from Celestia’s enemies. So she would put her baby into a foster family of unicorns, and never let the daughter know that she was adopted, but in the mean time she would take the pony under her wing, teach her how use and control her super magic, and eventually when the time was right, turn her daughter into an alicorn princess as was her birth right… but I guess that doesn’t make any sense…”

Twilight thought about it for a few seconds, and her heart stopped. Her eyes became mere pinpricks as she realized that everything Sweetie Belle had just said… made sense. With increasing panic Twilight stood up and screamed as her entire little world just got destroyed by a few words from a mere filly. Sweetie Belle fell on her rump and rolled backwards in surprise from Twilight’s sudden scream and fell onto Rarity’s lap.

Twilight quickly turned and bolted towards her castle. She was going to get answers, if she was Celestia’s daughter, then she wanted to know darn it.

Rarity looked down at the surprised filly in her lap and said, “Sweetie Belle, that wasn’t nice. You know how paranoid Twilight gets.”


Celestia stood in front of her vanity mirror. A contemplative expression was worn on her face as she stared down a small portrait of Twilight Sparkle, taken the day that Twilight had become an alicorn. A deep sense of longing filled her old heart, she wanted Twilight to be here with her, to be with her. But despite Celestia’s best efforts to gain the affection of her old student, her attempts had all been in vain.

It would seem that no matter how hard Celestia tried, Twilight simply could see her as anything other than her teacher. She let out a deep sigh of longing for her student. If only she could somehow get through to Twilight, there had to be some way of getting Twilight to think of her more intimately. She would probably just need to be very upfront and blunt for Twilight to realize anything.

Out of all the lovers she’d had in the past, all the crushes, and all the broken hearts. There was a greater chance for something great here, and Celestia could see it. Once upon a time, Celestia had imagined that Twilight’s obvious crush on her would be enough to move on, but with Twilight slowly moving away from her emotionally, something would have to change about their relationship.

The question that appeared before her now was a simple one, but it was also the hardest one to answer. What would she have to do to make this work?

Not long after that, Celestia left her room. She needed some tea.

Since today had been so slow, she figured she could sneak in an extra tea break. She sat down at a small table, with a nice hot cup of tea and a piece of strawberry cake. This was nice, the only thing that could go to make it even better was if she had somepony to enjoy it with.

The door suddenly swung open and Celestia was pleasantly surprised to see Twilight Sparkle standing there. Twilight looked a little upset, and confused. Celestia took a sip of tea.

“Celestia, I have recently obtained some information that has perturbed me. I need you to answer some questions for me,” Twilight explained from the doorway.

Celestia lifted the tea pot with her magic and poured out an extra cup of tea for Twilight. “I will be happy to answer any questions you have, one on condition. Have a nice relaxing cup of tea with me; I’m sure it will help you.”

Twilight walked over and sat down across from Celestia. It pleased her greatly to see her faithful student here on such a wonderfully lazy day. It used to be a little jarring when Twilight would have panic attacks like this, but after nearly ten years of knowing Twilight, it had become somewhat endearing.

After a few minutes of peace and quiet Twilight finally asked, “Did you have a daughter about twenty years ago?”

Celestia had not expected this question to come up, ever. Setting the tea down gently Celestia said, “Yes… I had an illegitimate child around that time… I had to hide her for her own safety. Where did you learn of this?”

Twilight looked slightly more panicked and said, “A filly told me.”

“A filly?” Celestia asked.

Twilight’s eyes darted left and right, before finally settling on Celestia. “Am I your daughter?”

A dreadful silence filled the room for a few moments as Celestia realized just how serious Twilight was. Celestia opened her mouth to answer but couldn’t help but to laugh. Twilight looked very upset about this and Celestia couldn’t help but laugh even harder at the ridiculous idea that Twilight had come up with this time.

When Celestia finally stopped herself from laughing she said, “No, you are not my child.”

Twilight shook her head and said, “I don’t believe you. There is too much evidence to support my theory, if I am not your child then who is?”

Celestia was ready to reveal the identity of her child, but an idea popped into her mind. If she played her cards right, not only would she disway Twilight from this crazy motion, but she would also gain her affection. It was finally time to show Twilight just how much she cared for her.

“I will not tell you who my daughter is, but I think I can prove to you that it is not you,” Celestia began saying as she stood up, “If you follow me, you will find your answer.”

Celestia lead Twilight to the one of the many empty guest rooms. The whole time she could sense Twilight’s nervousness. It had been quite awhile since she had last seen Twilight this worried about anything, much less something so childish.

Once they entered the room, Celestia led her fellow princess to the bed.

“What are we doing in here?” Twilight asked.

A sly smile grew across Celestia’s lips as she lowered her head towards Twilights. “This is the perfect place for me to prove to you that I am not your mother.”

“How are y-“ Twilight began, but stopped as Celestia’s lips met with hers.

Fire raced across Celestia’s lips, her mind went numb and a weakness spread through her legs. It had been far too long since she had last done anything like this. When she pulled back, she admired the dumbfounded look on Twilight’s face.

“I… what?” Twilight just asked, her entire face was red.

“Would any mother…” Celestia purred as she wrapped a large wing around Twilight’s neck, drawing the young alicorn in closer. The other wing reached out behind Twilight and began gently stroking her lavender flank. Twilight gasped. “…Do something like this?”

The confused but needy look that Twilight gave her was adorable. Celestia almost felt bad for shocking her former student like this, but at the same time, it felt so good to know she could still do this to ponies. She made a quick glance and nod at the bed, to which Twilight simply looked even less sure about what was going on.

“Would you like to continue this? We are in a bed room after all,” Celestia said softly.

For a moment Twilight’s confusion grew, and then she looked at the bed, her eyes growing wide. “You, and me, and… oh my…”

Twilight’s weight shifted and she fell against Celestia’s chest. For a moment Twilight was silent, and then she asked in a mere whisper, “I’ve never… but… sure?”

That was all that Celestia needed to hear. Considering that this was Twilight’s first time, she decided she would go easy on the poor thing… at first.


After a few hours had passed, Celestia opened her eyes, she was face to face with Twilight. Twilight’s usually lavender face was red and she stared at Celestia with half open eyes. The two of them laid together holding onto one another tightly.

“So do you still think I am your mother?” Celestia asked playfully, she already knew the answer.

Twilight stirred a little and said, “No… no mother would do… that with their child.”

Celestia smiled and held Twilight a little closer. The two of them had found something new in each other, and it was something that Celestia wasn’t sure she’d ever get. It was a little sad that Twilight didn’t see the signs of Celestia’s love until now, but in the end, Twilight found out just how much she was loved… and how much she would be loved in the future.


After a few hours and a hot shower Twilight stood in her guest room at the castle, she couldn’t believe she had just done all of that with Celestia, her old teacher. It almost felt wrong, but somehow that only made things more exciting. Twilight would be happy to stay here in Canterlot for a few more days; her friends could survive without her until then.

A light knocking sound came to the door; Twilight nearly took off in a full gallop, but managed to force herself to walk to the door and opened it. Sadly all she saw was one of Celestia’s unicorn servants standing there. The servant had a book being held by telekinesis. “Ahem, Princess Twilight Sparkle, I was told to bring this book to you right away. It is a very precious and secret item, it would be appreciated if you did not tell anypony about the contents.”

Twilight grabbed the book with her own telekinesis spell and thanked the servant before shutting the door. She went to the table and sat down to read the book. Although there was no title to it, and it looked very old on the outside, the inside was in pristine condition. Twilight found a list of every child ever connected to the royal family at some point. Including a surprisingly short list of Celestia’s children from over the past thousand years.

Skipping right to the end Twilight found Celestia’s most recent child was born out of wedlock about nineteen years ago. It was a little shocking to think that Celestia would actually have a child that was only a year younger then herself. Twilight looked for the name of the child. Her heart stopped. The book dropped from her grasp and hit the table.
Twilight looked at the book and said to herself dumbfounded, “Celestia’s daughter…is Trixie?”

Comments ( 22 )

You know, I'm kinda not surprised by that answer, considering how weak both actually are and their fondness for illusions.

I'm just gonna call this now: This story's gonna get featured sometime this week.

“Celestia’s daughter…is Trixie?”

Well that was my first guess...:trixieshiftleft:

Haha, loved it. Love the ending too bits, have a fav!

“No… no mother would do… that with their child.”

Simply the best line ever. Also, that was brilliant. You've earned a cheeky li'l like :)


I called the shit out of that twist. Still, quite the enjoyable fic. Nice work!

... Though personally, I was hoping that mid/post sex Trixie would barge in, bemoaning having to hide her wings in public

A sequel to this needs to happen. Celestia finding out about what kind of pony her daughter is would be hilarious.

The whole time I was thinking it was Sunset. But seriously Trixie!

Too cruel.

6700245 I know right, still true though.:pinkiecrazy:

“No… no mother would do… that with their child.”

Oh sweet innocent lamb :pinkiecrazy:

It's a good thing you shall never know what some of your counterparts have done with Twilight Velvet in other, less savory, fics.

This was short and simple with some great little punchlines. I quite enjoyed it!

Trixie, huh? I actually wasn't expecting that twist...

“Celestia’s daughter…is Trixie?”

as she explained, “well it made sense.


no mother would do… that with their child.

I see Twi hasn't learned about the Mature tag yet.


Here's the sequel you asked for. Celestial Reunion.

Stars guide your path, good sir.

While I don't ship Twilestia, this was still pretty adorable.

Well, Celestia's certainly chosen the right way to tackle the situation. But that ending was quite unexpected :rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by Starlight Glimmer1 deleted Sep 30th, 2017

It appears that I have read this already. I don't know how, because if I had, I would have made sure to imitate Steve Rogers and said "ALTERNATE UNIVERSE!"
I mean, I couldn't make sure to put this YouTube video in at the time, because it wouldn't have existed, but now I can

All right. Now, with the power of belief, you can hear Steve Rogers saying Alternate Universe instead of Language!

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