• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I like big ponies and I cannot lie.

Comments ( 46 )

Never change, Bendy.

As much as I like your work, I have to downvote this on principle. I simply cannot tolerate OOC ponies.

eLLen #3 · Nov 20th, 2015 · · 2 ·

6650373 That's the joke though.

:facehoof: Is there any possibility that you could write one where the human never gives in and never (at least, never willingly) has sex with ponies. It's gotten quite annoying. Although, otherwise, this was awesome. Just that one part. Everything else is awesome.:pinkiehappy:

of course! its always the neckbeards!

I'll have you know I’ve met many a nice human.

Let me guess: we're the "many a nice human" she's met.

(Mouth ágape). I never thought i would see celestia defending humans.

basicly a lot of those type of stories squeezed down to their most basic, ever present elements when you wipe away all the filling inbetween



Did you even read it?


Sometimes, you need to change a little.


I see you more or less making the same comment on many of my stories. Face it, I'm a big fan of human x pony, so most of the time the human character is going to bang a pony, sorry.


We all know they are the most evil beings in the universe. XD


Truly amazing isn't it? You since she's often the one who's the anti human one.


Hooves in this case.


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

I'm going to take this to a weirdly serious place, but let's say celestia has seen and knows human history or at least parts of it. Would you want them in your magical happy land? They kinda fuck shit up.


But what if almost every sapient speices (if not all) are also bustards?

Yus. I gave it the upvote it deserves. It's just when I see OOC, misanthropic Main 6 and the Human tag together, I just kinda have to downvote, at least at first.

After reading it I have to say you tried too hard, but at the same time didn't try hard enough. I understand this was a parody, but it feels like you just made the concept a parody to excuse the seemingly lazy writing. The concept could work, some fine parodies have been written after all, but this one just doesn't. Dropbear has some great examples of a parodies that works really well.

I don't mean to be harsh, but it didn't seem you put much effort into this, and because of that I can't give an upvote. Even if the lack of effort was a parody in of itself.

My goodness. For a fic that is not meant to be taken seriously, I actually like this. I love the way how you made fun of misanthropy here, which puts a smile on my face. :pinkiehappy: I give you props.

Lol, I love fics that take the piss out of stuff. So much fun and so much to work with.

6651383 Key word: Willingly. Did you miss that part?:ajbemused:

This universe is the antimatter equivalent to Anon Goes to Prison. If they touch, the two universes would violently explode.

6651602 Happy paradise? PFFFFTT hahaahaha


I just kinda have to downvote, at least at first.

You dont have to downvote anything. Downvoting a story you haven't read makes you nothing but an ass hole


Are you asking for the ponies to rape the human? I don't do rape and I never will do rape. Rape sickens me.


Glad you enjoyed it. Were you happy to see Princess Celestia come to the human's aid?


I know, but I just wanted to write a shitty fan fiction that makes fun of shitty fan fiction.


Think I've done mocking of stories where ponies are elitist, condescending asssholes?


It's funny I had to add the alternate universe tag, because what some of these hardcore misanthrope say canon Equestria isn't near as perfect as they say it is.

6653258 I was pleasantly surprised, yes.

6653258 Lol, I know how that is. I've actually had this idea of a fic where pony OCs would gather and just be themselves. I was basically gonna poke fun at all the tropes we see in OCs.



Or maybe your taking this whole fanfiction too seriously.

6653258 Have you thought of what a stereotypical Australian would be like in Equestria? Fantastic story as always and I was pleasantly surprised by the reasonable Celestia. Of course it was a neckbeard.

6653444 Coming from the person that down votes stories without reading them. I down voted this story but the key is read it before I judged it. You know the saying dont judge a book by its cover. That applies here perfectly.

Where'd all these downvotes come from?

Methinks someone's butthurt.

That was a stupid read.

But It was one of the funniest reads I've had for a while.

This Story was dumb but pretty funny.

No sex tag, no gore tag, why is this rated mature?:duck:

I wish there was a picture of an evil neckbeard man

6653258 Fellow this was very good but would leave me please translate this in Spanish in fanfiction? :raritystarry::raritystarry:

For which speak Spanish read these so amazing things.


You can do that if you wish. Share me a link in once done.

Comment posted by CQC123 deleted Apr 25th, 2016

7158306 I will say you when this smart.

7158306 Fellow inside one or two hours published the history in Spanish but have to say you that so that it understand a better had to that change and add some words but 98,8% of the history this well.

this needs a group.

No offense, but WHAAAAAAAA:applejackunsure:

Just. All my YES. I had a good laugh. :eeyup::eeyup::eeyup: (rating: 3/3 eeyups)

Celestia fighting neckbeards for the good of humanity, I’d watch that. :eeyup:

So if Anon complied, what kind of pony would he turn into, would would his cutie mark be, and why?

And you ponies should invade Earth to turn all humans into ponies because we are all evil bastards and have small penises.

So how would that be accomplished?

May I suggest the Conversion Bureau?

The Federal Investigation Bureau seems to be a better choice.

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