• Published 18th Nov 2015
  • 9,337 Views, 144 Comments

Sunset Shimmer: Big Sis Best Friend Forever - smxsonic

In a world where Sunset Shimmer did not go through the mirror, she makes a connection with a young Twilight Sparkle

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Teleportation Lesson

Tears streamed from her eyes as the transformation took place, her normal orange-yellow skin morphing into a grapefruit color. Bat-like wings grew from her back, while a mangled tail grew out with the same flame-like colors as her hair. Even her clothes tore and morphed as they formed a torn yellow dress.

Yes, Sunset Shimmer had all the power she craved and more. She finally had everything: the Element of Magic, a teenaged army at her beck and call, and the means to go and conquer the world she had banished herself from. No pony - alicorn or otherwise - could stand in her way.

Then she woke up, tears still in her eyes and breathing heavily. If nothing else, that dream was the thing that kept her in line. She would have it often after she looked into the mirror; it showed her as a princess, but shortly after it showed her transforming into the terrifying monster she would see most nights to come.

Sunset dragged herself out of bed. Being true to her name, she was not a morning pony. She washed herself and brushed her teeth before going down to get breakfast.

Breakfast was a tradition ever since Celestia accepted Sunset as her student. The teacher and her student would eat a filling meal and afterwards Celestia would give Sunset her daily lesson plan.

Sunset entered the dining hall where her mentor was reading a newspaper.

“Good morning, Sunset!” Celestia greeted cheerily. Sunset groaned; she was sure that Celestia was so cheery like this on purpose. Sunset joined her mentor at the table, her cup of cold brewed coffee waiting for her.

“Morning, Princess,” Sunset managed after drinking her special elixir.

“How did you sleep?” Celestia asked taking a sip of her own tea.

“Fine,” Sunset lied as she usually did. Celestia didn’t know about her recurring nightmare and if Sunset could help it, she would keep it that way. Celestia saw the quivering wreck that the vision had reduced her student to, and Sunset would not be seen in that state again.

Celestia produced a scroll, and sent it over to Sunset. “Today, Twilight Sparkle is coming for some special lessons,” she announced.

Ah yes, Twilight Sparkle. Sunset was unsure how to feel about Celestia’s new student. There was a part of her that resented Twilight, but then the rational part of Sunset’s brain would slap that part upside the head for being mad at a filly that really didn’t do anything.
Though there was something suspect about the way Celestia was teaching this one: it seemed that Sunset was heading up most of Twilight’s lessons. Maybe it was because Sunset was the sole student being personally taught, so there was no pony there to coach her, but it seemed that Twilight was more Sunset’s student than she was Celestia’s.

“Would you mind heading up her lesson for today?” Celestia asked.

Despite her conflicting feelings about Twilight Sparkle, Sunset found that she could not say ‘no’ to the filly. “Of course!” she stated, to which Celestia gave a warm nod.

Breakfast went as normal, and Sunset went back to her room to prepare the lesson. This week was a basic teleport spell. Teleportation required a large mana pool to pull off as it basically required one to convert their body into magic and project it to their destination. It would be challenging for the foal, but Twilight had proven herself to have sufficient mana.

Perhaps that was what softened Sunset to Twilight: the large magical potential and willingness to learn. The filly was so much like Sunset, but so different at the same time. Sunset was proud - admittedly more stuck up, and generally a nag to anypony who wasn’t ‘important’. Twilight didn’t make those distinctions, all she cared about was learning magic.

The clock chimed for eleven, and Sunset had everything set up. Twilight would be there any second.

“Big sis?”

Oh yeah, that was something else that endeared Sunset to Twilight: the fact that through all of the weeks Sunset has been teaching her, Twilight had grown to have a bit of Big Sister Worship. Sunset liked that kind of blind admiration.

“Hey, Squirt. Come on in.” The diminutive nickname came from trying to have some form of approachability.

“Princess Celestia isn’t here?” Twilight asked with mild disappointment.

“The Princess is very busy, Twilight,” Sunset stated. “But, if you would rather learn from her, instead of me-”

“No, no, no! I like learning from you, big sis!”

Sunset smiled. Despite her ambivalence to Celestia getting another student, ultimately she could not hate Twilight Sparkle.

“Okay, Squirt. Before we start off today, a bit of review.” Sunset announced in her ‘teaching voice’, signalling Twilight to assume an adorable attention stance.

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“See that circle over there?” Sunset said while indicating an eight-foot circle she had drawn on her floor.

“Yeah?” Twilight said.

“I want you to create a cake that fits that circle. Don’t worry about the height.”

Twilight nodded and aimed her horn at the circle, her horn lighting up with magical energy as she focused on it alone. The edges of the circle lit and magical energies rose up. The magic started to swirl slowly. The movement of the magic began to accelerate until it looked like a tornado of light spinning in the center of Sunset’s room. The magic closed up to form a dome, which then expanded and exploded; leaving a freshly baked boston creme pie, eight feet in diameter.

Sunset walked over to the giant cake, and grabbed a piece with her horn and tasted it.

“Good job, Squirt. It’s even fully baked,” Sunset commended, while poor Twilight Sparkle sat there, exhausted.

“Big sis, I’m so tired...” Twilight droned.

“Come on, let’s go for a walk. that should clear your head.”

The two walked out of the castle and into the garden. Sunset stopped and looked back at the castle, mentally calculating the distance from their current position to her room.

“Feeling better, Squirt?” she asked.

“A little,” the filly answered.

“You feel like you can do some more magic?” Twilight nodded slowly. “Okay, Squirt; today you’re learning how to teleport,” Sunset said, once again assuming her ‘teacher voice’. “It’s a simple spell to use but difficult to master, seeing as it takes a lot of magic.”

Twilight nodded. Sunset positioned herself behind the filly. “First, you need to focus on your destination,” Sunset instructed. “You know where my room is, right?”

“Of course, Big Sis.”

“I want you to picture it in your head; every last detail. Remember the giant cake you made there? Picture that.” Twilight closed her eyes and concentrated. “Okay. Now, envelop yourself in magic and imagine yourself there. Let the magic enter you and lead you.”

Twilight lit her horn, and the grass beneath her started to rustle.

“Good. Don’t be afraid to add more power, and remember: you will always make a safe landing.”

Purple tendrils wrapped around Twilight and started to swirl at a rapid pace.

“Keep concentrating; you almost have it. Don’t lose your picture, but keep your magic flowing and controlled.”

The energy solidified itself around Twilight and exploded, taking her with it. Sunset did her own teleport, tuning her magic to Twilight’s to follow the filly’s path.

Princess Celestia enjoyed her little breaks from paperwork; running her own kingdom was not easy. If all worked out well, her workload would be lightened in ten years. Her favorite thing about her breaks was the cake; most ponies would marvel at how much cake the alicorn could eat, but it was metabolized into a magical stamina reserve.

Celestia was about to dig into her Boston creme pie when a purple filly popped into existence in front of her and dropped to the floor. Celestia looked over her desk to see her newest student shaking off some ash from her teleport.

“Well hello there, Twilight Sparkle. I trust the lesson is going well?” Celestia greeted warmly.

Twilight squeaked as she looked up at her mentor.

“Oh, h-hello Princess. Sorry about this, I guess my spell misfired,” Twilight explained.

An orange light flashed behind Twilight, materializing Sunset.

“Okay, Squirt, where did you end-” Sunset trailed off, noticing where she was.

“Oh, Sunset Shimmer. Was this part of the Lesson?”

“Yeah, I thought I’d teach Twilight long distance teleportation before we cover short distances. We were supposed to teleport to my room, but I guess Twilight focused on one detail more closely than others.”

Sunset spied Celestia’s Boston creme pie, and gave a small sigh.

“Did I do badly?” Twilight asked, her eyes growing ever so wide and sad.

Sunset smiled as she shook her head, “You did better than expected, Squirt. Most ponies don’t even wink out on their first try.”

Celestia smiled at how well Sunset was doing in her role as a teacher. It did concern her how much Twilight seemed to look up to Sunset, but it didn’t seem to do any harm at the moment. Sunset was growing up more to be fair. Something about Twilight brought out something in her something that made her more humble. Although the incident with the mirror seemed to scare Sunset straight, Twilight brought out something genuine in her student. It was something that made Celestia look forward to what the two would become together.

Author's Note:

Well, this was an Idea I had for a long time. I feel like we see a lot of Romantic SunLight, so I've decided to look at a different perspective to this relation ship.

Edited by JohnGabrielUK