• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 9,103 Views, 226 Comments

Twidark - Isseus

  • ...

At The Mountains Of Madness

The famed Elements Of Harmony had once again assembled. Except two of them were in the hospital and one was studying under primal chaos. The junior librarian of Ponyville was there, though he seemed quite lost in thought.

They'd holed up inside the Carousel Boutique to hide from the crowd. It was unsafe to go outside because of the hordes of bit-hungry ponies fighting over the coins Twilight had nonchalantly tossed outside the library. Rainbow Dash was busy relaying the events of the day, all the while darting from window to window to check if the mob was nearby.

"So yeah. When we got Rarity to the hospital she was already awake and complaining about us carrying her too roughly and about not hearing anything. The Doc said she'd had a compression and her ears were persecuted or something along those lines. Can´t really understand that medical lingo. Aaanyways, she has to stay at least overnight, so Fluttershy said she'd hang around and see if she could help."

"So is she gonna be ohkay? Ah was mighty worried when she just fell over and stopped moving."

"She's SO gonna be fine! I fall down every night and stop moving and I always feel better in the morning! Except if I don´t fall down into my bed. Once I just fell down outside cos it was so warm and comfortable and I'd just eaten a GINORMOUSLY CARAMELTASTIC cake and was feeling kinda dizzy and then it was already evening and I didn't know where I was cos it was so dark and I´d fallen down on some tree roots and my back was really sore from them and then it turns out I was in this park and there was a nice stallion there selling food and I noticed that I had lots and lots of bits and I bought a tofu dog on the spot and he told me the business was real slow and that he was soon out of business so I started telling EVERYONE in the park about how good his tofu dogs were and they ALL went and bought stuff from him and he was so happy and smiley that he gave me a veggie burger which was SOOOOOO yummy-wummy in my tummy that I had to tell everyone AGAIN how good it was and they all went to buy a veggie burger from him too and he was so happy but he had to leave cos he was out of food and we hugged and I went home except on the way home I ..."

"PINKIE!" shouted the two other mares in unison.

"And that's how I found out I was a real pony and not adopted. And I'm sure Rarity will be fine! She´s in hospital and all!"

"Yeah the Doc said the same. He was also asking me if I wanted to borrow some books while I was there. I mean it was just ONE BOOK and the thing happened, like, AGES ago. Some people can be so ... grudgy."

The indignation of the falsely accused pegasus went completely past the little dragon. He was still sitting alone on a couch with hunched shoulders and his back turned to his friends.

"Spike y´allright there? Ah mean it must be hard on ya with all the stuff Twilight´s been doing an all—"

"HARD?" The three mares were spooked by the anger in his voice. Even Pinkie lost her usual smile and stood looking at him with a slack jaw.

"My BEST FRIEND hurts my ... my ... MY RARITY! And all the other ponies! I ... I ... " The rest of the outburst soon died down when he hid eyes under his small claws. The small hoarse sobs from the tiny dragon were the only sounds inside the Boutique.

"There there, sugahcube."

The farmpony sat next to Spike and took him in a tight embrace.

"Ah'm sure it'll work out in tha end. We´re just in a mighty rough spot."

Pinkie also moved to give a big hug to the distraught little assistant.

"Twilight is being such a Meany McMeanypants, but we´ll work something out. Leave it all to Auntie Pinkie, okay?"

Only Rainbow Dash stayed away, looking around in confusion. Applejack nudged her head towards the dragon, signaling her to come and console him. Reluctantly the pegasus hovered over to him and gave him a small pat on the head.

"Yeah ... umm ... nice weather we're having eh Spike?"

"RD! Is that tha best ya can do?"

"I know! I know! It´s just ... I don´t ..."

She shrugged while a blush was creeping to her cheeks. After a few moments she tried to continue

"And aren't you a boy, Spike? I mean ... are you sure you should be crying and all?"

"RD! How can y'all be so unconciderate!?"

"I KNOW I´m sorry ... I just wanted him to stop crying cos ... It feels like if he keeps sobbing then ... I might ... too."

The anger in Applejack´s eyes soon faded into compassion when he noticed that her pegasus friend was almost on the verge of tears herself.

"I mean ... I'm supposed to be the Element Of Loyalty and *sniff* ... I don't know how I can help Twilight and I'm so angry at her I don´t even know if I want to—"

Before she could continue, the little dragon's voice cut in.

"Thanks everypony. And you're right Rainbow Dash. I shouldn't be crying and I'm sorry."

"Oh Spikey-Wikey it´s OK to cry once in a while! Just remember that whenever it rains the sun always comes to shine afterwards and it´s always more fun when the sun shines, even if you can go outside and play in the rain as well but, you can do so much more fun stuff on a sunny day, like go to a picnic and eat cupcakes and play hide-and-seek and do pranks and everything!"

"What Pinkie is tryinna say is that we all know how ya feel, an were gonna work this out together, right?"


"Of course!"

"Buck Yeah!"

"RD! Language"

"Sorry ... "

Spike couldn't help but give a small giggle at that. The ponies soon followed suit, as the depressing atmosphere was finally broken. After the laughter died down, Pinkie was already up and around, bouncing a circle around the trio still on the couch.

"So what are we gonna do huh? Huh? I still wanna throw Twilight that party, but I also need to start planning for the Get-Well party for Rarity. OH I know! Let´s make it a double party, so we can have twice the cake!"

"That sounds all fine an dandy but maybe we'd better try somethin else first? Like asking for Princess Luna to help?"

The somber mood had returned to the room as soon as she said the name. Rainbow Dash shook her head.

"Doesn't that kinda mean we failed? Weren't WE supposed to be the ones to keep an eye out for Twilight going bat-apples crazy again?"

"Ah know, RD, but with all that´s happened Ah reckon we ain't gots a choice. Ah mean ... even if we could get through the crowds and the bubble outside the library, how could be stop Twilight from just vanishing again?"

"Don't you worry your silly little hat, Applejack! I'll go talk to her and tell her we wanna help and we'll hug and it'll all be okay!"

"Didn't you just hear what she said? How can you get inside the forcefield-thingy that Twilight set up?"

"Oh Dashie. *giggle* When has something like that ever stopped me? I'm sure there's some way in she's forgotten. OH I know! Maybe I'll dig a tunnel under the bubble!"

From somewhere she'd already found a mining pick and a helmet with a flashlight taped onto it.

"Even if ya got inside, sugahcube, what stops her from just flyin the coop again?"

"Oh ... well ... umm ... OOH I know! I'll just go into my super-secret party invitation delivery mode! Whenever I do that I always seem to find the people I'm looking for!"

"You can't be se ..." Before continuing the pegasus had a flashback of how she'd tried to elude the pink earth pony several times, with no success. "... rious?"

"Of course I'm not! Being serious is so BOO-RIIING! That's why it's going to WORK! See you girls later! I´m off to see Twilight"

She hopped happily out the door, still wearing her mining gear.

After a small silence, Rainbow Dash shook her head.

"So we're gonna write a letter to Luna now, right?"


"Wait you guys! Don´t you think Pinkie can get to Twilight?"

"Ah'm sorry, Spikester, but no. Ah'm sure she has her heart in tha right place but it's her head that's been put on backwards. So let's jus call it an insurance?"

"Oh-kay. Well lucky I have my ink and quill with me, so ready when you are."

Reverently, Applejack took her hat off and held it close to her chest.

"Here goes:

Dear Princess Luna

We're mighty sorry for having to disturb Your Rulership Highness' rest it being the daytime an all. But we really could use some help with this here dilemma wtih Twalaight an all. So if you'd be so kind and regal an stuff as to come to Ponyville, we'd really appreciate it.

Yours truly, Applejack.of Sweet Apple Acres.

That sound good enough to y´all?"

"Well it doesn't really matter what we say does it? She already knows that Twilight's gone bonkers from Princess Celestia, right?"

"True enough. So, Spikester, make with the flames will ya?"

"Yes Ma'am!"

And with a loud sulphurous burp, the letter was on its way.

"How long y'all reckon it'll take for her to ans—"

She was cut short when Spike, having barely sat back down, when he regurgitated a letter. He snatched it from midair and read it, and after a moment his features turned into a curious frown.

"Well what is it Spike! Don't keep us waiting!"

Rainbow Dash tried to swoop down from above to read the letter from over Spike's shoulder, but when she got to it ...

"Erm ... Spike. What does that mean?"

"I'm not sure but I THINK it means she´s coming."

"Lemme see that there letter."

When she got to the paper, she could only look at it in bewilderment. All the paper read in large, messy letters was:

OMW W84ME T-180

The air inside the cellar was steadily growing colder. Twilight barely noticed the small puffs of steam that were turning into frost over the pages she was reading. The cold was a precaution, Discord had told. It kept the spells calm, he said. She didn't believe a word of it.

"Aren't you just making it colder so I would lose concentration or fall asleep and become totally vulnerable to you?"

"No, my dear student. I need you bright and awake. We're about ready to start with one of the most important spells in the book. It's my favourite creation."

The draconequus was sitting on the unicorn's shoulder. His pointy claws were tickling and prickling Twilight's skin, causing goosebumps to run along her sides. Or it might have been the cold. Who knows.

"I can't have you falling asleep. Not yet. Have a nice cup of cocoa."

She didn't even hesitate as the cup was placed next to her. She drank it down almost in one go, only slowing down a bit when the steamy chocolaty taste was about to singe her tongue. The hot drink felt like it was going directly to her brain, instead of her stomach. Her bloodshot eyes had been half-closed, but now they shot open as new energy entered her thinking machine.

"Got to give it to you. You really brew a nice cup of cocoa."

"It was always one of my specialties. I invented chocolate, after all."

The cold feeling was rapidly fading, being pushed out by the nectar of Discord. Her feet were prickling with the sensation of numbness that followed, as her circulation found its way into her extremities after a long while. It felt most uncomfortable, and she could only try to slowly move her hindlegs under her stomach, causing jolts of neural sensation to travel through them. Her eyes followed a few flakes of frost, floating gently down from he mane.

"How long have I been lying here?"

"Don't worry about such small things. Read. Learn. You're my Number One Student, and I'll make you understand all the secrets of the vast multiverse. Just a little while longer little Twiley."

"Please ... don´t use that name. You have no right. It's ... it's only for me and my brother."

"Did I hurt your feelings? Oh I´m SO sorry."

She felt his sharp claws travel from her shoulder to her head, until he was staring at her left eye, hanging upside down from her mane.

"Are you maybe feeling angry? Or sad? Maybe a bit of both? A mix of hot coals and bitter tears?"

"Shut up will you? I can't concentrate when you're hanging on my face like that."

She gave her tousle of a mane a swift shake, dislodging the offending chimera, and dropping him on the bed. He nimbly scrambled up and curled next to the open book. With a lazy claw he pointed to the book.

"This is where you were reading. Now continue little Twiley."

"I TOLD you not to ... URGH! Fine."

She kept reading in silence, only pausing to make a few notes on the parchments next to her. She'd incinerated most of her notes in the little occult tantrum earlier. Nothing that couldn't be replaced later with the help of her new teacher, and she hadn't found the first few chapters to be too important. Well they kind of had been, but the things she was now learning ... well you couldn't really compare.

"Does this symbol really work?"

The page she was looking at had only a simple glyph design, almost too simple to warrant such attention. It had been drawn painstakingly, every edge and curve precise and sharp. The lines formed a five-pointed star, but the lines were crooked inwards or outwards, making it look like it had been squished from the sides. At the pentagon in the middle stood a few small runes, looking like two letter U's, pointing inwards into a letter S.

It could also look like a lightning bolt surrounded by two curves. Where had she seen that kind of a lightning bolt before? It reminded her of something ... some .... pony? Had she known someone who had a connection to such a symbol? An image of a grinning face and a flash of rainbow colour appeared in her mind, but soon vanished. It was irrelevant, she decided while shaking her head vigorously.

"Can it stop ANY non-extraplanar creature from crossing it?"

"Not ALL of them. It´s a sign I created to control my ... experiments. It will work on anything that I've created and that you can call into being with this book. Think about it! With it you can summon majestic beasts of pure chaos to wreak havoc and serve all your needs. You can make them destroy, crush, burn, devour, eradicate, defenestrate, maim, gouge, rip, cut, strangle, slash—"

"I think I get the point."

Twilight couldn't even make herself feel bad for those words or the uses suggested therein. She was in control. She'd decide what to do with the creatures IF and only IF she ever decided to call them for help. And she wouldn't. Of course she wouldn't. Why would she? She didn't need the help. Especially from the chaos-beast on her bed. A small silly thought crossed her mind, and found a way out through her mouth:

"We're strange bedfellows, aren't we?".

She started silently giggling. It kept on going long after she´d already forgotten what had been even remotely funny in the first place. Discord only looked on her in silence, gently cleaning the undersides of one of his claws. If one was familiar with the mannerisms of a draconequus, they might have been able to tell that he was, indeed, quite happy at the moment.

"You´re coming along well, little Twiley."

The familiar name shook Twilight out of her mirth, and suddenly the cold in the room felt like it was seeping into her spine. She'd lost her composure. She was cracking up.

She couldn´t let that happen. Once again she concentrated deeply, like every time she was preparing to cast a spell. It was nearly a rote she´d been over countless times, but in moments of stress, it was a good way to find her center. After she felt once again in control, she continued reading.

"So it can also hurt the things?"

"Yesss. I like to control my subjects with pain and fear. At least the dumber ones. You I'd never hurt. I LIKE you. You have a beautiful laugh, did you know that?"

Twilight felt her skin crawl in disgust the compliment.

The air shimmered as several new shapes took form in the room. They were monstrous and hideous beyond belief.

"That tentacled monster the size of ancient redwood, with a mewling mouth near its base? That's a Dark Young of Shub Niggurath. That was one of my aliases when I was touring the eastern lands. These winged horrors, whose whole essence was that of a sleek predator? I simply called them Hunting Horrors. And observe my greatest invention: Packs of hounds that would find their prey whenever, wherever. Hunters in the angles, they traveled through time in sharp corners, not in the gentle curves your timeline. The Hound of Tindalos, named after the imaginary moon of a faraway planet."

"How could they follow their prey anywhere? They don´t have wings for flying or anything. Were they shapeshifters?"

"Such good questions my lovely student! I couldn't be MORE PROUD!"

The small slithery form embraces Twilights forehoof and gave it a small kiss.

"I created them with the magic of the earth. They could walk along the dragon-lines below the ground. No pony-made structure could hold them. Only the Elder Sign I showed you could stop them."

"How could I even summon one of these things? There are these strange words I can barely read ... let alone invoke. Is this the language I was speaking earlier?"

"It is the language of the Earth and the Stars my dear pupil. They are the words of unmaking, of entropy. They weaken the fabric of reality where they are uttered, and allow you to pierce the Veil of Logic and Science, into my domain. Into the primordial chaos that is the birthplace of all living things."

"I thought Gaia was the birthplace of all life?"

"Only on this small clump of rock hurtling through infinity. When the day comes for stars to grow cold, and this world crumbles, that is when Gaia herself returns back to Father Black, the dancing chaos of the void between the stars. And I´ll be riding the wave of mana back to my father who will not even know who I am, for he has already forgotten. Like he forgets everything. Because he is everything."

"That's just a load of horseapples. You're just trying to confuse me."

"As you will, my little unicorn. You won't be around to see it, so you can never prove me wrong."

"Unless, for some reason, Equestria is destroyed. And even more, the whole of this ecosystem, and maybe even this planet."

"Hmh? You surprise me yet again. That would allow you to see it, ever so briefly, before you'd join the stream of mana on its way home to Azathoth. But why would you even consider something like that?"

"It was only a thought. Just a hypothesis."

"Care to tell me how you'd make it happen?"


"Of course. This place is much too fun to destroy outright. But do tell Daddy Discord how you'd blow up the planet."

"Well ... first of all I could once again tap into the power of Gaia, to the dragon-lines under the earth. With them at my call, I could channel them into the core of the planet and unmake it slowly."

"You'd burn out before you could even do any real damage. A mere unicorn, even how powerful, can't do it alone."

"Well then I'd use all the unicorns in the land. Coerce them into helping me."

Discord waved his claw to make the image of an army of unicorns standing in formation under the command of Twilight Sparkle.

"Do you remember how it felt the first time you tried using the streams? You almost lost yourself to them. Joined them, instead of controlling them. And that was just for minor cantrips. Remember that the stream is made of limitless consciousnesses, all working together to protect the land. How many weaker minds would succumb? Would the remaining few be enough? I highly doubt it."

"That is a problem. Maybe if I taught them about the power slowly, gave them a much smaller amount of Tass to begin with?"

"They'd still be channeling vast amounts of energy. Even if they could handle the energy together, they couldn't coordinate with each other, and even one mistake would cause such a backlash that they couldn't recover."

In the image floating in the air, the unicorns clutched theirs heads as one and fell down on the ground, squirming in pain.

"Are there other beings that can touch the dragon-lines?"

"Good question my precious pony. Yes there are. All ponies are capable of it, not only unicorns."

"Huh? But only unicorns can use magic ..."

The squirming unicorns were replaced by old gray mares and stallions, wearing the garb of wizards and witches from a child's picture book.

"Nonsense! Unicorns are only the second strongest when it comes to geomancy. The land is populated with ponies that use it every day in their mundane tasks, never understanding what they are doing, only intuitively calling on Gaia's power."

"Earth ponies."

"Yes my darling little cucumber."

"Erm ... what?" Twilight had to physically push the floating image of the offending vegetable away from her. "Anyways. Earth ponies can channel the dragon-lines of Gaia? Is that how they make seeds grow and trees bare fruit?"

The images next to them were now of earth ponies, clad in green and brown wizard robes, dancing around a cauldron on a moonlit hill overlooking an orchard.

"It's not that simple. It is more of a case of finding a place where the lines are strong and making their farms there. That is why almost no unicorn or pegasus can farm the land with any success. They can't FEEL the earth's call. And the earth ponies can do so much more without knowing it. Molding! shaping! Calling into being! ... Just think about all the earth ponies and their cutie marks that you know. Aren't many of them almost supernaturally good at what they do? Without using any magic? Can they bake better bread than anyone? Can they build the sturdiest houses? Can they hear the voices of the earth and whisper back?

Discord once again made a wave with his hand.

From the stairs came the steady rhythm of somepony bouncing up and down excitedly.

"Heyaaaa Twilight!"

The prancing pink party pony popped into view.

"Oh! I FINALLY found you! I thought you'd be upstairs in your room or something. WOW-WEE you've redecorated your lab! Isn't this where you tried to study my Pinkie Sense? And oh! Oh! You have a new shelf too! It's almost EXACTLY like the ones we have at the Sugarcube Corner! Except ours isn't as badly broken and burned and the cake we keep on ours isn't USUALLY all over the walls except maybe when I get REALLY excited about some extremely excellent expedited eclairs.

"So, Discord ... what does bringing a copy of Pinkie here prove?"

"How did she get inside the forcefield? How'd she pass all the traps?"

"Good point. Let´s ask—"

"Oh and you even have your own BED here! WOW! I have to move MY bed down to the counter at the shop. That way I can work from my bed! You're just the most awesomely brilliantly geniously unicorny pony I know! Or maybe I should AAAH! MOVE IT TO THE KITCHEN! Then I wouldn't even have to get up to make cupcakes! But if it's in—"


"... the main room I could throw A SLUMBER PARTY! Inside the shop! I could invite everyone in Ponyville to my slumber party, but then I'd need a bigger bed and maybe some mattresses and I can't borrow yours cos it´s all burned and busted—"


As Twilight shouted, she used some of her magic to take hold of the bouncing pony and shake her. After a vigorous rattle Pinkie´s eyes were spinning around, but at least she was quiet for the time being. That wouldn't last, Twilight noticed, as the pink pony was already preparing for a new burst of babble.

"That was FUN! Can we do it ag—"

"NO! Pinkie! Just PLEASE! BE! QUIET!" The pony dangling in midair made a gesture over her mouth, as if she was closing a zipper.

"NOW! Please ... tell me how you got in?"

Pinkie just looked at her with big eyes full of laughter, giggling under her breath. She gestured to her mouth with an emphasizing hoof and shrugged.

"Pinkie, I´m really not in the mood with your silly games. Just answer."

"OH-KAY Miss Grumpy Grumpykins of Clan Grumpygrump. I just walked inside."

"HOW could you walk inside! I have an IMPENETRABLE FORCEFIELD around the house!"

"Oh silly Twilight! I just thought about you and how I wanted to meet you at the library and how I wanted to invite you to your Not-Going-Crazy Party and OH I ALMOST FORGOT here´s the invitation!"

She took a crumpled envelope from somewhere underneath her mane. It was pink, and was sealed with a small children´s sticker of a heart.

"How could you do that? How could you just ... "

The unicorn just stood there, mouth gaping.

"Are you telling me that you used your inborn Earth pony gifts to traverse here on a dragon-line? Did you hunt me like a Hound from Tindalos? Is that it? Can you actually see the angles of time and break into the fourth dimension?"

*gigglesnort* "Ahhahhahaaa! Twilight you always call ME random and here YOU are saying THE SILLIEST THINGS! HAHHAaaha"

Discord climbed onto the unicorn's shoulder and gently whispered into her ear.

"See? This is how Earth pony geomancy works. She can't even understand it herself."

Twilight didn't even turn to look at him while muttering back.

"Horseapples. Hounds of Tindalos? Puh-lease. There are dozens of wards and traps upstairs. Even if she did WALK into here through my forcefield, she'd never pass them by. Not even with her silly Pinkie Sense."

"No no. That´s just how their magic works. It´s the same as—"

"How stupid do you think I am, Discord? Pinkie is just a normal, if a bit random, earth pony. I've studied her, and I know she can't do any magic. Her Pinkie Sense is weird, but I think it's just something she plans ahead of time so she can trick others into believing in her tricks. It's one of her pranks to make everyone notice her and give her attention.

She took a deep breath, as a humourless grin appeared on her face.

"I've just about had enough of you Discord. Do you want to know what I do with your illusions and tricks?"

"Pfeh. There´s nothing you CAN do. You're powerless against me."

"Watch me."

The fake Pinkie was still giggling and snorting like a maniac.

"Quiet Pinkie"

She tightened her grip on the pink pony, until she wasn't laughing anymore. Instead, her eyes suddenly grew wider and she let out a small yelp, but still managed to speak up.

"Hey ... uhm ... I like hugging and all, but this kinda hurts. Could you loosen up a bit, Twilight? Please?"

"Did I ever tell you how I feel about you Pinkie?"

"Well ... you ... like me like everyone else does? Cos I bring the smiles and parties an—"

"You´re unscientific."


"You're unlogical."

"Wait ... what? What are you—"

"You're controversial. You're random. You're SO WRONG."

It was getting harder for Pinkie to breathe now.

"How ... how can ... you say something ... nasty like that ... with words I don´t even understand!"

"I know it's because you're part of him now. All Elements Of Laughter are. He's showing you to me because he knows you confuse me. Your weird abilities and your weird Pinkie Sense and your weird appearing out of random places and you chaotic babble. You're part of Discord."

"That's not funny Twilight. And this is ... really starting to hurt. Please let me go okay?"

"Not ´funny`, Pinkie? Do you think it was ´funny` for me to try and understand you while I got hit, stung, crushed and chased by a hydra for my dear life?"

"Owww! it HURTS Twilight! Please I just wanted to see if you´re okay and needed help—"

"Help? I am here with Discord and you want to HELP?"

A weird shudder went through the floating pony. First her tail twitched, then her hair stood on end and went limp, her eyes blinked rapidly and her hooves all pulled up to her stomach.

"Let me guess ... that's a Pinkie Sense, isn't it?"

"Yeah but ... I've never felt it before! I've felt all of them before! But this one means ..."

Her eyes grew even wider in shock.

"Yes Pinkie? What does your CRAZY PINKIE SENSE TELL THIS TIME?"

"It ... says one of my best friends is going to ... hurt me."

"Ahh. Well I might have to agree with that one. You see, Pinkie" Twilight walked closer to the floating mare, and wiped a large tear from he panicked face. "I've never really liked you. Not really. Actually all the random things you do really make me confused. And angry. And I've thought several times about one thing and one thing in particular."

"Please Twi ... I'm your friend .... please don't hurt me ... please ...?"

She was already tearing up, her hair hanging limp over her shoulder.

"Have you ever thought what you could do to another pony, if you got them alone in a dark cellar, just like this? What you could do when NO-ONE could come and help? Especially if you really REALLY hated them?"

With every word she tightened the purple glow around the floating pony.


"Sorry what was that Pinkie-Winkie? I couldn't hear."



The sound was loud in the small confines of the cellar. It echoed from the stone walls and the low ceiling, followed by a scream of pain from the happy-go-lucky pink pony. Her right forehoof had been twisted into a weird angle, now jutting to the side and upwards. After a long time the scream had died down to desperate sobs and laboured breaths.

"I´m not afraid to admit it: I've been SCARED of you, Pinkie. You're MAD! You keep following people. You keep threatening them with your `Pinkie Swears` and ´FOREEEVEER`s. I'm TIRED of being afraid, Pinkie. No more following and no more threats. No more smiles and maniacal laughter. All I want to hear from you is crying and begging."


"I'll give you an F for that one. I'm afraid you'll have to stay here after class."

There was another sickening crack as another leg twisted and turned.

Twilight was lying on the bed, content at her work. She hadn't thought she'd enjoy breaking the imaginary Pinkie that much. Almost too much.

After almost an hour of having fun with the pink pony, she'd sent her away. She'd vanished in a purple glimmer. It was a clear sign she'd won. She'd dispelled Discord's weak illusion. SHE was the one in control. Not the dragonequus. It wasn't about pure magical power. It was all in her mind.

"Did you see that you stupid little snake? I can beat everything you throw at me. Now I'm in charge."

"Yes. I have to admit I never expected you to be able to attack your friend like that."

"There's no limit to what I can do, you puny little chimera. So teach me. Teach me everything. Teach me about ... pegasi. Are you now going to explain to me that they can use some form of geomancy too? Maybe they do it with a REAAAAAALLY long stick?"

Twilight felt exhilarated. She'd broken through. The cobwebs had been removed from her clockwork and she was starting to see the fallacies of the things the lying monster was telling her.

"They have their own brand of magic they use to this day, yes. They follow the invisible songlines drawn across the sky."

"Now you're not even trying."

"I'm not, am I? Pegasi can't find their way in storms and darkness. They can't build houses out of steam and live in them. They can't control the weather and the air just like Earth ponies can't work the earth. You're right."

"OK I'll play along, but ... song lines? Seriously?"

"Words of creation left to linger around the heavens, rebounded by the dome of the sky where stars are painted in the night. Words so powerful that even their echo from aeons ago can still be called upon, if you know how."

"Do you know the Words of Creation?"

"No. They were the domain of Gaia, my beloved. Mine is entropy, the unmaking of everything."

"But didn't you say that chaos is the force of creation?"

"Chaos is the origin. Gaia pulled the chaos-stuff out of my father's side and made it into life itself."

"But who created Gaia?"

"ENOUGH of these QUESTIONS! Read! Study! Learn!"

The miniature serpent was angry. Despite his small stature, his presence filled the room and made clear that compromises would not be reached.

"AH-HA! So the great Discord fails to answer!"

"You're being clever again, TWILY! I can feel you trying to be clever! That is not your job. Your job is to LEARN! To do! To bring forth my chaos into the world."

"Erm ... what?"

"You are mine. Mind, body and SOUL. I have claimed you and you're forever bound. That was the pact of this knowledge. That is the price. Ultimate cost for the ultimate gift."


Twilight was shaking again, but not out of cold. The words were like weights, pulling her down into the depths of horror. She'd thought that this was just a test, a game for Discord to play with his prey before attacking. But had he already made his move? Had she already lost before she'd even known when to fight back?

"Yessss... "

More serpentlike than ever, Discord drew himself up to his full length. Twilight could feel the wrongness of his being, as he stood on the bed, level with her eyes."

"Did you not read the fine print? Oh deary me there wasn't one? That's what you get when dealing with a being of CHAOS! I don't keep my word, I give it and break it as I will."

"But if no word was given, then you cannot hold me to it! If you don't teach me everything, nothing holds!"

"I can and I will. It is not about consent or rules, it is about me and you and the words of binding."

"The words of binding?"

The small cogs in her head, no-longer covered in the cobwebs of metaphysics and confusion, finally turned a notch.

"You are mere words. You are not here. You are not the real Discord. You are just a being from the book. A glamer to fool me."

"No! I am the Son of Azathoth, of The King In Yellow, The Boundless Entity. I COMMAND—"

There was fire. It was not the wildfire she'd aimed at the apparition earlier. It was a small burst, only enough to make the pages in front of her catch fire."

"You really think I'm the book? You really think me—"

"I don't think anything. I know what you are. I was weak and open to your illusions. But no more. Now I know how I can hurt you. And I know you are not the book."


Twilight took a deep breath and dove, head first, into the burning book. She felt the heat of the flames embrace her. The fire was cleansing and pure. It was the fire she knew from her childhood. It was the fire of her mane, the flame of the White Unicorn. The true reason she was Princess Celestia's Most Precious Student. It was the one thing none alive could boast, and she'd never tell. As she felt her face blister and burn, as her eyes lost vision and the smoke burned in her lungs, she finally collapsed. She couldnt even laugh at how easy the answer had been. In a victorious scream she shouted.


Outside, Pinkie Pie tried desperately to claw her way through the wall.

Her hoof was broken in several places but she couldn't even feel pain any more.

She could just try to scratch away at the purple wall of energy.

It was the only thing standing between her and her friends. They were screaming and crying. She couldn't hear the voices through the barrier. Or maybe she couldn't hear anything at all. It was so quiet.. She could only see the worry and fear in their eyes.

She saw Applejack bucking the wall in desperation.

She saw Rainbow Dash slam into the wall over and over again.

They had been at it for hours, as soon as they'd seen her pop out of thin air just next to the barrier. But all their work was in vain. No cracks appeared, and no help came for the broken pony.

She'd been brave.

She'd tried to get to her friends.

She'd REALLY tried.

There was nothing more to do any more. She couldn't even open her eyes anymore. So close to her friends but so far away. As the last of her tears rolled out of her eyes, she fell into the welcoming arms of darkness.