• Member Since 27th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen May 27th


I write commissions and sometimes write stuff I come up with too. Nuff said.

Comments ( 90 )

You'll go down with this ship? Well then I guess this will be the last fic we will ever see from you.

You have my respect. "Gives you one final Salute before remembering that my baked pasta was still in the oven."

Good start can't wait to see what happens next. :twilightsmile:


The SoarinDash ship is still strong as far as I know. I do not die this day, and will likely write more in-heat mare breeding clop soon...ish as a result! Mwahaha!

Exactly what you think will happen.

wait what?
people don't ship these two anymore? or are you talking about not writing fics anymore in which case FAREWELL (proceeds to play wrath of khan version of amazing grace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_8nY_LQL3w )

Lol, I really didn't expect this.

Great start to this, hope to see more. SoreanDash is an awesome ship, one of my faves.

THAT WAS SO AWESOME!!! Love this story!! :pinkiehappy: I also love this ship.

Ready for a ride? Rainbow certainly is :rainbowlaugh:
And so am I - bring the fun!

I know, right? :(

Well, It only took over 3 years, but I got to it! :pinkiehappy:


I plan on there being a total of 3 more chapters after this first one.

Glad you like it so far, thanks for reading!

Fun?! :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Anyways, I'm happy you're enjoying it so far, and Rainbow is indeed going to get quite the ride!

Now if this was a Pinkie Pie fic....

"I don't want a baby, I want babies!" :pinkiehappy:


Who's to say they won't be having multiple foals over the years? :rainbowkiss:

Im down for some SoarinDash and impregnation in general but Rainbow is somepony who would focus on her career für at least another ten years or so. Should have made them older or accidentally preggers


Age isn't explicitly stated, so do with that fact what you will.

This is off to an interesting start. I hope Soarin is ready. :rainbowwild:

I'm gonna be completely honest. There's way too much lovey-dovey stuff going on, which isn't really my thing. That said, I'm always up for some quality porn, so I'm gonna stick around and see what happens. Have a fave and like too.

It's a nice start. I'm going to see where this goes.

That pic is cropped porn...isn't it? I have no issues with that whatsoever


8550625 I hope I don't disappoint! Next chapter should be out later today, just putting some final touches on it.

Well, it has the 'Romance' tag for a reason...:raritywink: Anyhow, the sex will come next chapter which, as I wrote above, will be released later today.

Indeed it is my good sir, indeed it is. If you wanna see the original uncropped version, the source is listed in the description on the story's main page.

I would rather not see it, I was only curious.

I admit Soarin is somewhat of an difficult character for to like and hate at the same time, I normally don'T like how the heat thing is portrayed but this looks like they would really think this through rather then letting themself getting fucked silly for no reason and with however is there at the time.

I decited to take a look and was positively suprised to see that they apparently take the Stallions they really love to them for doing what their etrus seems to be for.

8548504 I'm for everything that feels like they really love each other, but the only thing I can say is that I normally hate those type of shippings that look to typical,obvious or whatever you want to call it.

Fluttershy X Discord,
Pinkie X Cheese
Rarity X spike

to name a few are shipping I hate (not exactly Discord and Fluttershy anymore), because well I hate those easy choices.
With Rarity it never felt like Spikes personality would fit with her and I saw him more with Sweetiebelle if it had to be.

Pinkie X Cheese was like Pinkie marrying Pinkie for me. (I didn'T liked that he was practically the same as her.)

Fluttershy x Discord....even if I got used to this shipping and actually enjoy it sometimes, I have to admit that it describes the best what I usually hate in movies or games.
The main char meets the first Woman or whatever (usually someone boring) and that means they are the true love for each other.
I hated the fact at the beginning that Discord got shipped with Fluttershy only because she was his first friend. I thought why not letting her be his first friend and after his lesson he would get to know a new Mare and while kind of practising his behavior starting to love her or something. I prefer something that you can'T see coming from a mile away.

I hate mixed feelings about this shipping as well a few years before now it kind of doesn't matter to me anymore, which doesn't means I like it that much. At the beginning it always looked to me like Rainbow wouldn'T like soaring, but the "wonderbolt" soarin and it looked like some kind of fanmare relationship.

I just wanted to explain how I view it, because you two talked about this shipping being strong and whatever.
I don't need a certain reaction from you, I just used this chance to speak my mind again without any real expectation towards you.

Long story short, I mean no offence.

Like I said, I liked that this is different from the usual heat stories, since I kind of have a different opinion about relationships than some other people. I'm against one night stands, at least I don'T really like the idea of them and are more interessted in stories in which you actually see that they love each other for more reasons than one.
Good job I guess, I got curious and from the part I have read it looks like you did exactly that.


...and are more interessted in stories in which you actually see that they love each other for more reasons than one.

Then you should like most of my stories, as most focus on a loving relationship and, if foals are being made, than it's likely from love instead of just lust. That said, there are a few of my stories where there's more of a 'curiosity' kind of vibe which leads to sex, and a couple others which have one-night-stand-esque (or literally, in one case) sex in them.

As for Soarin'-Dash, I think they fit. They're both quirky, athletic, love the Wonderbolts, and indeed are Wonderbolts,. I'll admit that the others you've mentioned disliking, like Pinkie x Cheese and Spike x Rarity, are two I have a passing interest in, I won't say you're wrong for disliking them. That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

That all said, I'm glad you enjoy my story thus far.

Might want to re-read this chapter cause some are repeated.

I'm glad you understood it.

well I admit I kind of get used to him and Rainbow, or actually to Soaring as a character himself. I probably let those stories here give me the wrong image of him and at some point I started to think she only loves him because of being a wonderbolt. While I can't really say that till it really happens, something must have it make look like that.

Yep I said I like it, but I'm honest with you, while this quite nice I'm not sure yet if I want to read a clopstory right now. If it is something like this then it helps if it are my favourite characters since there is no story plot that would distract me otherwise.
Not sure if that makes sense I'm not always good with words, but I already admitted they or he isn'T my favourite and I'm not exactly in the mood for it.

I think I will keep an eye on your account though. Do you right something with a bit more story too?, or are that mostly loving encounters or how it is called (me trying to figure out my english again).

Yep, some parts are repeated.
Can confirm, if confirmation's needed.



Did I get all the repeats? I'm kinda sick right now so I'm not all here. I remember I was gonna put that scene in one of two places...apparently I put it in both!


Funny cuz I was considering her getting pregnant with twins. :rainbowderp: ♀🚼♂🚼

I'm so down for the slow burn kind of romance before the heavy stuff happens. This was written very well, gave me the warm and fuzzies right before the real goos stuff to come!

Glad to see it had the intended result. I had the same warm and fuzzies writing it, so figured it might work well with others too.

Just as AWESOME as the first one. Also very accurate and scientific. LOVED IT!!!:pinkiehappy:

How is that Soarin's (Soarin''s? Double apostrophe?) fault?
Whether or not a mother is carrying twins has nothing to do with the father; either the mother's body lets down two egg cells instead of one (dizygotic - fraternal), or the zygote splits into two (monozygotic - identical).

Neither Soarin' nor Rainbow Dash could've done anything about it, and the only places the blame can go to are the mother's reproductive system or the fertilised eggs, depending on the outcome.

is it wrong that i want the foal to be a earth pony

I feel like SoarinDash experienced a bit of a dip, maybe not in popularity as far as actually people liking the ship but with quality art, stories and, perhaps related to it, lack of a Soarin, Wonderbolts and to some extent Rainbow-heavy canon material. This should change.

Yep, that's my style. Glad you like it!

Yep, that's how twins work. Gender is determined by the male, while how many is determined by the female.

But...but then they can't have flying lessons...or first flights! :*(

Besides, I notated that both their families are pure-bred pegasi for many, many generations. Highly unlikely they would have anything that isn't a pegasus.

8552220 Yeah, I still like the ship a lot, but you're right. We need more Soarin'/Wonderbolts content!

i know thats why it would be such a good twist

There is such a thing called overdoing it. I get that Rainbow and Soaring love each other, so there's no need to say so half a dozen times.

It's the sort of thing where you'll want to let actions speak for you. For example, instead of saying "the dress is red" letting actions speak for you would be the equivalent of saying "the colour of her cheeks as I dipped her on the dance floor, it's the colour of her lips as I moved in for the kiss, and the colour of her dress as I spun her around".

>Sees cropped porn cover

We're allowed to use cropped porn now?

*Edits covers for sex-tagged stories*

Great job. I really enjoyed enjoyed reading it

In my experience, there's no such thing as saying 'I love you' too much to someone you love in real life.

8552828 As far as I know, as long as it's not showing any explicit bits, it's fine. I've been using cropped/'cleaned up' porn for the past 3+ years and I've never been notified about it being a violation of the ToS.

8552968 Thanks, glad you enjoyed my writing. :pinkiesmile:


Cropped porn is under the "Borderline Content" part of the NSFW rules. It's up to staff discretion as to what's too much. I was always under the assumption cropped porn was not allowed. I must be thinking of a different site, because I swear I've heard it somewhere before. :derpytongue2:

I think of this song when reading this.
Warning: It's a country song.

Omg I love this please update!!!!!

ooooohohohohoho! as soon as i saw the title and description my dick went hard! also cant go down with a ship that cant sink :D

It is, but clearly mine isn't on the wrong side of the border. All I see is Soarin' biting Rainbow's ear and her blushing. They could just be innocently playing and he pounced on her and caught her by surprise. :derpytongue2:

I like it. A pretty song and she has a pretty voice too.

8553240 I'll be writing on the next chapter soon, probably will have it done within a week. No promises though.

8553603 Well, glad my writing has the intended effect, even if it's so soon in the reading process for you, lol. Also, yeah, if even one person likes a ship, I guess it can't be sunk.


Excellent point. I never use cropped porn because I have a great relationship with the mods. (Sarcasm)

It's better that I don't test the waters. :scootangel:

like if u clopped :trollestia:

Not my favorite ship, to be honest, but I'm always in the mood for a clopfic.

Soarin' shoots... and he scores!
... wrong joke?
Nah, it fits.

I approve of this. Rainbow Dash and Soarin make the cutest couple

8553781 Fair enough.

8553920 Glad you enjoyed it that much. :rainbowwild:

8555534 Yeah, it fits. He indeed scored big. :rainbowkiss:

8560072 I approve as well.

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