• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 2,240 Views, 65 Comments

The Foundation - Solar Caesar

Celestia has realized that the time has come. The time has come to share to Twilight and her friends one of the biggest and most classified secrets in equestrian history.

  • ...


"I don't understand."
Celestia did not expect her to understand. It was...a difficult subject.

"It's complicated. But I am just informing you all that what you may see here may be...disturbing." Celestia told the group.
"Disturbing?" asked Rarity "How?"

"You will find out soon enough." Luna told the mare. "Now follow me."

The group, the holders of the elements of harmony, the four princesses, 4 royal guards, and the captain of the guard, walked in silence for a bit down a long, winding tunnel.

Then, Celestia broke the silence.
"This is an operation that not only I work on." she said.

"Really? Who else?" Twilight asked.

"Well, the Griffin president, in the Griffin Kingdoms are part of the project." Celestia told the princess.
"The Griffins? You've never got along with them." Twilight stated matter-of-factly.
"No, we haven't. But this is something that we will work together on, no matter what."

"It must be serious."
"It is. And I am also working with our closest allies, the Zebra's."

"And, you should know that-" Celestia paused.

"What's wrong? Twilight asked.

"I... am also in collaboration with the Changeling Kingdoms."
"W-what!? Twilight exclaimed. "Them!?"

"Yes." Celestia told her.
"Why? Why on earth would you work with the Changelings?"

Celestia lowered her as they walked.

"Because," she whispered. "It's that important! Queen Chrysalis is also working on the operation!"
"Well, how do you know that she won't trick you all?" Twilight whispered back.
"Because this puts her people and her race in jeopardy! She can't put her own people at risk due to revenge!"
"That...." Twilight started.

It actually made perfect sense. Even Chrysalis isn't evil enough to do that.

"Okay, I apologize for my outburst." Twilight said with an embarrassed look on her face.
"Don't worry. Luna had the same reaction. So did my nephew, Blueblood."

She nodded for the four guards to leave, and then turned to faced everyone.

"I'd like to inform you all, that there will be many people there of all types of genders and races at this place." she said.
"Ugh, like griffins?" Rainbow Dash scoffed. This wasn't a surprise to anypony. Dash had a problem with griffins due to her old friend,

"Yes, griffins too." Celestia told the rainbow pegasus. "But that's not it. There will be zebra's too. And changelings."

Then, all 5 stopped walking.

"Changelings?" Rainbow Dash asked, wide eyed.
"Yes. But they will be working with us, not at us." Twilight insured her friends.

"Are you positive?" asked Rarity. "Positive that those monsters won't... capture us or something?"
"Positive. I promise you, that you have nothing to worry about." Twilight told the group.

"Ah gotta agree with Rarity." Applejack said. "How do y'all know that they won't try somethin?"
"Because Princess Celestia says. And I trust her."

They hesitated, but continued.

Except for Dash.
"I'm not going."

"Why not?" asked Princess Cadence, who had been completely silent.
"I don't trust this. Changelings are bad news. I don't trust any of them."

"Oh, come on. This is embarrassing." Twilight said.
"It might be, but I'm still not budging."

"Okay, that's it. Dash, you are not a filly. Let's go." said Shining, who had also been silent.

"Make me."

Silence. Nobody moved, but EVERYONE stared.

"Fine. Fine then. You-you want this to get bad? It's gonna get bad!" Shining Armor said, reaching for his walkie-talkie.

"Shining, honey, calm down.' Cadence told her husband.
"No." he said. "If she want's this to get serious, I'll make it serious."

He pressed a button on the receiver.
"This is Commander Armor, Head of Security, I am requesting two security officers at my location, approximately 100 feet from Site 19, northwest. Uncooperative personnel refusing to move forward." he said into the radio.

Rainbow looked nervous.

"You wanna keep this up? 'Cause we can." He told the now sweating mare.

".....Fine." she said.

"Good." Armor said as he got out his radio again. "This is Commander Armor, Head of Security, cancel the previous order."

They continued walking until they got to the end of the winding road. This led them to an abandoned subway.

They headed down the dirty complex when they reached a mechanical door that seemed out of place. Rarity wrinkled her nose as the smell got more rust-like.

Celestia inputted a code into a panel beside the mechanical door. Then out of the wall came an object that looked to be a retinal scanner. Celestia lowered herself down to the object and a laser fell right onto her cornea.

Then, a robotic voice said:

Welcome, Authorized Personnel-

Princess Tia Celestia.

Security Clearance: Omni.

Head of Site 19.

Celestia smiled, and said to everyone-
"Welcome to the Foundation."

Author's Note:

YES! Finally. I love SCP, and this might be my first to many stories.
BUT, remember, that you can feel free to give suggestions.
I might take your advice, so give it a shot.
And for now, YAY! :yay:
Also, try googling the SCP for the number of words in each chapter.