• Published 23rd Nov 2015
  • 3,990 Views, 41 Comments

Kingdom of Harmony - Stegi

Sunset Shimmer made her decision to return to Equestria.

  • ...

The Curtain falls

“Because it’s not your special day! It’s mine!” Sunset Shimmer saw another Princess Cadance enter the ceremony. Like the guests who attended the wedding, the yellow Alicorn had no idea what was going on.

“Where am I?” Sunset Shimmer looked around. It took her while before she realized she was in Canterlot, attending a royal wedding.

“What? But how did you escape my bridesmaids?” The Cadance garbed in a wedding dress wanted to know. “You’re still too late.” She added.

“I-I don’t understand. How can there be two of ‘em?” Apple Jack was confused when she saw Princess Cadance twice.

“She’s a changeling. She takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding off your love for them.” The beat down scruffy looking Cadance yelled for everypony to hear.

Sunset Shimmer knew she couldn’t interfere. It was the past she saw, so she tried to concentrate on every little detail which might help find Princess Twilight. She saw the Cadance in the wedding dress change. A green magical ring of fire appeared around her and quickly erupted. Then Cadance changed into a black pony like creature the size of Princess Celestia.

“Hahahahaha, right you are, Princess. And as Queen of the Changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects. Equestria has more love than any place I’ve ever encountered. My fellow Changelings will be able to devour so much of it that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of!” The Changeling Queen stated.

“They’ll never get the chance! Shining Armor’s protection spell will keep them from ever even reaching us!” Princess Cadance said.

“Oh, I doubt that. Isn’t that right, dear?” The black creature turned to Twilight’s brother.

“Mm-hmm.” Shining Armor nodded.

Sunset Shimmer observed how Princess Cadance attempted to reach her future husband. But the Queen of the Changelings wouldn’t have it.

“Ah, ah, ah. Don’t want to go back to the caves, now do you? Ever since I took your place, I’ve been feeding off Shining Armor’s love for you. Every moment he grows weaker and so does his spell. Even now, my minions are chipping away at it.”

Sunset Shimmer remembered now her earlier studies on mystical creatures. She was finally able to give the dark creature a name. Queen Chrysalis. The Changelings attempted to conquer Equestria several times in the past. But they had always been defeated by Princess Celestia. More and more unfolded around the yellow Alicorn while she tried to remember everything she knew about the Changelings.

“No you won’t. You may have made it impossible for Shining Armor to perform his spell, but now that you have so foolishly revealed your true self, I can protect my subjects from you!” Princess Celestia’s voice was able to catch Sunset Shimmer’s attention again.

The yellow Alicorn watched her former mentor rise up into the air. The white Alicorn powered up her horn and a concentrated beam of yellow energy emerged from it. Sunset thought this was the part where Chrysalis would be defeated once more. She couldn’t have been more wrong.

Celestia’s magical beam was about to strike the Changeling Queen but was intercepted. Chrysalis herself went on the offense and shot a green beam of magical energy towards Equestria's Ruler. Both beams met halfway to their opponents. Chrysalis' beam slammed the white Alicorn and knocked her unconscious.

Sunset Shimmer tried to intervene, “Princess Celestia!” she shouted and her eyes teared up. Her heart shattered, her legs and hooves gave out underneath her. The yellow Alicorn broke down. ”No… no.” At that point, Sunset did not remember it was the past and she couldn't take any part in it, no matter how hard she tried.

“Ah! Shining Armor’s love for you is even stronger than I thought! Consuming it has made me even more powerful than Celestia!” Queen Chrysalis laughed in victory.

“Sunset, snap out of it.” Twi had just entered the room when she saw her friend collapsed on the floor crying.

“Let it play out.” Apple Jack said.

“Yes darling, she needs to see this.” Rarity added.

“No this is wrong, she is clearly in pain. It needs to stop.” Twilight worried.

The purple human Pony rushed to Sunset Shimmer's side, trying to protect her from whatever she was going through. Apple Jack and Rarity looked at each other, not understanding why this human reacted the way she did. Sunset’s eyes changed from glowing white back to normal. Concerned, Apple Jack and Rarity jumped up from their thrones and rushed to the yellow Alicorn's side.

“Sunset…” Twi was shaking. The human was worried and upset, a combination best avoided.

“Ooouch... My head hurts.” Sunset whispered.

“You alright, Sugarcube?” A.J asked.

“Maybe we should have waited at bit longer. It looks like she is more exhausted than I thought she was.” Rarity was clearly concerned.

“Can somebody tell me what in the world is going on here? Why did my friend just collapse from magical torment?” Twilight raised her voice.

“Look, Sugarcube…” Apple Jack started.

“Don’t Sugarcube me. I want to know what’s going on and I want to know it now!” Twi's horn started glowing, her face turned red, symbolizing anger and frustration.

“It's alright Twilight. I'm ok. I just had a sip of the potion.” Sunset’s voice was barely louder than her whisper.

“Potion? What potion?” Twi slowly seemed to calm down. Apple Jack appeared a bit cowardly when she turned her back and chewed on her hoof. But given the circumstances from the night before it was understandable. None of the ponies wanted to encounter a rage filled Twilight Sparkle again, who had no control over her extremely powerful magic.

Rarity explained to human Twilight what the potion was all about. How Princess Twilight used the potion in the past and how it helped to save Equestria. Twi finally settled down, not just by the information she received, but also because of Rarity’s persuasive and calming tone of voice. The yellow Alicorn started to feel better and got herself back up on all four hooves.

“Maybe I should have eaten something. It’s been two days since my last meal.” Sunset stated.

“Sunset, why didn’t ya say something?” Apple Jack gave her a look.

“I guess I was too busy. All the transforming, worrying and trying to find Princess Twilight, made me forget about taking care of myself.” Sunset said.

“Darling, did you see anything important that would help us find Twilight and Spike?” Rarity wondered.

“I’m not sure yet. I was at a wedding where Twilight’s brother was about to marry Princess Cadance. It turned out there was two of them. One was actually the Queen of the Changelings… Queen Chrysalis. The last thing I remember, Celestia was defeated by Chrysalis. I’m not sure how it ended.” Sunset explained.

“I think we can fill in the blanks. Since we were there.” Apple Jack paused. “But after we get ya something to eat. I’m gonna head on home and bring ya some fresh Apple Strudel and some yummy Cider.”

“I will accompany you.” Rarity was looking at A.J.

“Ya sure? Ya’ll might get your hooves dirty!” Apple Jack teased.

“We have been over this, Apple Jack. Besides, we need enough food for three ponies.” Rarity countered.

“Oh that reminds me, Diamond is still sleeping… And I really appreciate you bringing us food A.J. I don’t even have any bits to buy something.” Sunset seemed fully recovered.

“I gotcha covered.” Both Apple Jack and Rarity left the throne room.

“You could have woken me up, you know!” Twi fussed.

“Sorry Twi. After last night I figured you could use the sleep.” Sunset replied.

“It sure was interesting.” Twilight remembered her dream.

“Interesting huh? What do you mean?” The yellow Alicorn was curious.

“Well I met Princess Luna. At least, I think I did. I’m not really sure, after all it was a dream.” Twi tried to make sense of it.

“If you met Princess Luna in a dream, I’m sure it was real. So don’t think you are crazy. She has powers beyond my understanding.” Sunset smiled.

“She sure is better than Dr. Phil.” Twilight put out there.

“Dr. Phil, hahaha, ok, now I need to know. What happened?” The yellow Alicorn laughed.

“Well… hmm… It’s something I should have told you a while ago. See, ever since the Friendship Games and my transformation. How do I say it… hmm… I have nightmares.” Twi glanced at the floor.

“What kind of nightmares?” Sunset was worried.

“The kind which keep you up at night or wake you up. The kind that make you doubt yourself, in some situations, sometimes so bad that you start crying.” Twilight Sparkle was still glancing at the floor.

“Twi… Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” The yellow Alicorns voice became soft.

“I’m not sure. I guess I didn’t want to bother you. Maybe I was too afraid that if I unloaded my emotional junk on you, I would lose you as a friend.” Twi confessed.

“Don’t be, ever, you hear me Twi? You can tell me anything. Anything! You are my friend and I care for you, if there is something on your mind, I want to know about it.” Sunset’s voice was raised but quickly settled down.

Human Twilight told Sunset Shimmer all about her nightmares. How she was afraid to use magic so she would not hurt anybody again by accident. The yellow Alicorn understood why she was scared. Sunset reassured the human pony. Then she explained how magic works in Equestria and Twilight started practicing.

After a while Apple Jack and Rarity returned from their trip to Sweet Apple Acres. Both ponies carried plenty of food and Apple Cider. Rarity explained how the floor of the castle could be turned into different objects like the cutie map or a table. And Sunset asked human Twilight to give it a shot. She concentrated and imagined a round table in her head. Her horn started glowing and a round table came out of the floor.

“You've gotten a handle on magic pretty quick eh?! Nerd… Thanks Apple Jack, these Apple Strudels are delicious.” Sunset Shimmer smiled at Twilight then thanked A.J.

“Thank ya’ll, but my lil sis deserves the credit for those. Apple Bloom has been bucking at it since early this morning. But lemme ask ya’ll, what’s a nerd?” Apple Jack wondered.

“It’s human terminology for Egghead.” The yellow Unicorn said.

“A termee what now? Ooh, hahaha. Egghead, I get it.” Apple Jack laughed.

“Apple Bloom, where...? Oh, sorry. Good morning everypony. I think I overslept.” Diamond Tiara tiredly walked in bowing down and blushing at the same time.

“Your timing couldn’t be better. Come, sit down and have some breakfast with us.” Twi offered.

“Where is everypony else?” Diamond asked.

“Rainbow Dash is working on the winter weather with the other Pegasi. Since the weather anomaly stopped yesterday they are finally able to bring in a normal winter… Fluttershy is taking care of her animals it will be a while before she gets here and Pinkie Pie, I have no idea where Pinkie Pie is or Starlight Glimmer…” Rarity said.

The ponies enjoyed their breakfast. Human Twilight figured out how to use magic to feed herself, while in her pony body. They kept on talking for a while, laughing and having an all around good time. But it didn’t take very long before the good mood was soured by the task ahead. Rarity and Apple Jack filled in the blanks and told the yellow Unicorn all about the Canterlot Wedding. They still had to find Princess Twilight, Spike and Princess Celestia. Sunset Shimmer, feeling replenished and mentally prepared, took another sip from the potion.

“Equestria, will be mine. All mine.” Queen Chrysalis said.

“Mother, I don’t understand. What is your obsession with Equestria. Ponykind never did us any harm, neither did they drove us from our home. That was the Gargoyles remember?” The young changeling Princess objected.

“Silence, Emadia. You are a Princess of the Changelings. Act like one. You weren’t there or even born back then. I begged Celestia for help when we were so devastatingly invaded by the Gargoyle armies. She declined to help us and now all of Equestria will pay for it.” Chrysalis used her hoof to smack her daughter’s face.

“This is wrong mother, and you know it. Celestia didn’t want to interfere in a war which ponies had nothing to do with. She protected her own kind and yet you keep blaming her.” Emadia kept the argument going.

“Go, now, before I forget you are my daughter.” The Changeling Queen ordered.

“Queen Chrysalis, we have news from the Crystal Empire.” A male changeling guard approached Chrysalis.

Sunset Shimmer stared in the direction Emadia ran off to. The yellow Alicorn never thought there would ever be a Changeling who stood up for the ponies. But there she was, Emadia the daughter of Queen Chrysalis. Sunset began to wonder if there were more Changelings who felt like their Princess. She wanted to follow Emadia but her thoughts were quickly interrupted.

“So we infiltrated the Crystal Empire. Hahahaha.” The Changeling Queen produced an evil laugh.

“Yes ma’am. The head chief has been replaced by our spy and will begin to poison Princess Cadance as soon as she returns from Canterlot. It will take approximately two weeks for the poison to show its full effect.” The guard explained.

“Two weeks waiting for Cadance and her unborn brat to vanish. Delightful… How are preparations coming along to abduct Princess Twilight?” Chrysalis green eyes glowed in excitement.

Sunset Shimmer heard every single word of their conversation. She knew Chrysalis was bad news but she never could have guessed how far the Changeling Queen would go to satisfy her thirst for revenge. Cadance’s life was in danger and the life of her unborn foal. It had been ten days since Cadance returned to the Crystal Empire, so she had been poisoned for about as long.

Sunset had all the information she needed and more. She knew who was behind Twilight’s disappearance, and it was more than just likely that Chrysalis captured Celestia as well. The yellow Alicorn took a good look around but couldn’t really identify where they were. Sunset was in a cave connected to several other caves but she didn’t recognize any of it.

The yellow Alicorn decided to follow in Emadia's direction, curious to learn more about the Changeling Princess. Sunset heard a murmur of voices. She hurried to catch up with her and walked right in on another conversation.

“So you mother still wants to go through with her plan?” A male Changeling asked.

“Yes, Terrus. Unfortunately so. I can’t even warn the ponies because she doesn’t trust me. I have no clue what her plans are, nor can I go outside without being followed.” Emadia explained.

“I heard rumors she wants to kidnap the Princess of Friendship. Without her the Elements of Harmony would be unable to aid Equestria’s defense. Maybe it’s for the best; maybe we can finally have a new home.” Terrus said.

“You can’t be serious. I don’t even want to imagine how many Changelings and Ponies will perish in an all out open war. This insanity has to stop. I don’t want a new home, paid for with the lives of Changelings or Ponies.” The Changeling Princess was disgusted.

Sunset Shimmer was impressed with the Changeling Princess. She felt compassion towards her and wanted to help them, but she knew that was not possible at the moment. This was an image of the past, nothing more and nothing less. Sunset was fully aware of what was at stake. The fate of Ponies and Changelings rested in her hooves.

“Darling, are you alright you look like you have seen a ghost?” Rarity worried.

“We are in big trouble.” Sunset replied, her eye’s still staring at the wall.

“You aren’t kidding, are you? Spit it out.” Apple Jack felt uncomfortable.

Sunset’s eyes were wide open as if in shock. She turned and glanced at the other ponies. Her head was moving but her body seemed to be stuck. Diamond Tiara walked up to the yellow Alicorn and tapped her lightly with a hoof.

“Wake up Princess. This is no time to freeze up.” Diamond got everyone’s attention.

“Whaaa… Oh. I’m sorry everypony. I've got to go to the Crystal Empire. Princess Cadance is in grave danger.” Sunset was now fully aware of her surroundings.

“Hold on a second. What do ya mean the Princess is in danger?” Apple Jack wondered.

“The Changelings infiltrated her staff. She is slowly being poisoned since the past ten days and there is not much time left…” The yellow Alicorn explained everything she had heard and seen. She purposely left out the part about Emadia, the daughter of Queen Chrysalis.

“Then what are we waiting for?” Rarity asked.

“No, Twi and I will go to the Crystal Empire. I need you girls to stay here and wait for our return. Don’t leave the castle. When Rainbow Dash and the others arrive, make them stay as well. For sure, since there is no telling who and what all has been compromised by the Changelings.” Sunset warned.

“There is no way of telling?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“Actually there is.” Human Twilight powered up her horn and fired some magic chain lightning at everypony.

“Hey, what the hay did ya do that for?” A.J. was really not happy to get zapped, even though it didn’t hurt.

“Well, I just made sure that you are all who you are supposed to be.” Twi said.

“Twi?” Sunset gave Twilight one of those looks that said she needed more information on the topic, asap.

“Hmm… Fine. Every pony’s molecules are static. The molecules don’t change. While a Changeling, in order to change shape, needs its molecules to constantly move. So I used my magic here to make molecules static. If you were a Changeling you would have lost your ability to keep your fake shape up and would return to your natural state. Something I picked up in Genetics and Microbiology.” Twi really didn’t want to explain that because she knew what was coming next.

“Great job, Nerd.” Sunset smiled.

“Yep, she’s an Egghead alright.” A.J. added.

“I have noooo idea what you just said.” Rarity seemed overwhelmed.

“Nobody tell the others where we are going and do not mention the Changelings. Don’t forget, your closest friends could be one of them.” Sunset warned.

“Gotcha!” A.J. nodded.

“Oh dear, you can’t go like this Twilight. Everybody who sees you would mistake you for Princess Twilight. Just wait here, I'll be right back.” Rarity walked off.

“I didn’t even think about that.” Sunset Shimmer banged her head lightly against the table in disbelief.

“Here you go.” Rarity returned with two robes.

“Did you just grab them out of thin air?” Twi asked.

“Why is it, when Pinkie Pie pulls a party cannon, party dishes and party favors out of her hair... nobody questions that? But when I come up with two simple robes you guys wonder!” Rarity couldn’t believe Twi’s question and rolled her eyes.

“Thank you, Rarity!” Sunset grinned.

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle got dressed in their robes. They were covered head to hooves. It reminded Twi of a monks robe with it's simple style and off brown color. The two Alicorns had a mission, they said their goodbye’s and left the Castle of Friendship.