• Published 24th Nov 2015
  • 6,162 Views, 194 Comments

Knight of Steel - Alpha777

a BOS Paladin Knight arrives in Equestria for unknown reasons.

  • ...

Story of Survival and a Plan for a Brighter Future

I had followed the 6 girls out of the forest into their hometown, 'Ponyville'. When I arrived there, the residence had a look of uneasiness, but quickly went away when they saw I was with these girls. As I went on with these 6, I started to think, 'Is there a way to get back to the others, back to the Capital Wasteland? Am I forever stuck here in this world?'

But then I quickly shook that thought off and planned to worry about it later. We arrived at a treehouse of sorts, which revealed that it was also a library. These 6 were very interesting, like one is very kind, one being generous, besides being a fashion designer, one being honest, one being....well...random, I guess, one being very confident and athletic, and last one being what the others back at the Citadel call an 'egghead', but what I call a genius of sorts.

Anyways, We enter into the library and the one thing I notice was that there was a lot of books, not to mention well too organized. I replied, "That is a lot of books. The Scribes of the Quill may go crazy if they see all of this."

The others giggled and Twilight yelled, "Spike! I'm back. And guess what we found out on the edge of the Everfree?"

Then I saw a young boy, who could be 10 or a little bit older for all I know, came downstairs replying, "What do you me-" He stop at mid-sentence when he saw me in my power armor. 'I swear this actually never gets old, seeing their face like that.' I thought.

Spike stood there, looking at me and asked Twilight, "Uh, Who or what is he or it?"

"His name is Paladin Knight Vaughn and he's with a group known as the...uhm..."

I said, "The Brotherhood of Steel, Miss Sparkle."

She smiled and said, "Thank you, and just call me Twilight."

"Of course Mi-uh...Twilight." I replied.

Spike had his jaw hanging and replied, "Cool."

Twilight asks me, "Do you mind if we call you Vaughn for short?"

"I don't mind if you call me Tin man." I said jokingly.

They giggled at my reply. Twilight asks me if the can ask me some questions. I said, "Yeah, lay them on me."

She then said, "Good. But first I need to send a letter to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Is that all right?"

"Hey, I'm your guest so you can do what ever you want to." I answered.

She nodded and they started on the letter.

Princess Celestia was very stressed out, staring out of the window until Luna came in asking, "Sister? Are you alright?"

Celestia turned to her and responded, "N-no. I have this feeling that something bad is about to happen, but I don't know what."

That's when a letter popped out of nowhere. Celestia picked up the letter and read:

Dear Princess Celestia,

Me and my friends had heard shouting from the edge of the Everfree and soon discovered a metal golem who may be slightly higher than you and turns out he fell through a gateway from his world to ours. He is very friendly do to the fact that he takes a liking towards Fluttershy. I would like for you and Princess Luna to meets him as soon as possible.

From your star pupil,

Twilight Sparkle

She then started to ease up a little with a smile and said to Luna, "I think we have guest to meet in Ponyville."

The Mane 6 sat there around him with Fluttershy sitting next to him. Twilight gotten out a notebook and an...ink and quill? 'Never thought I would see that.' I thought.

Twilight then asks, "Are you ready?"

"Lay them on me." I answered.

"Okay, what is your species called?"

"I'm Human, or if you want to get scientific, Homo Sapiens."

Dash asks, "Does your kind look like metal golems?"

"What? No. This is Power Armor that I'm wearing. Specifically T-60b Series."

Rarity asks, "Power Armor?"

"Basically a mech suit, or mechanized suit that makes me a walking tank. There are other models such as the T-51b's, T-45b's, XO-1's and 2's, Hellfire series and Tesla series."

Fluttershy asks, "Then what do you actually look like? If you don't mind me asking."

"I don't mind, let me take this helmet off." and then I slowly took it off and the others were kinda shocked at what I look like."

Twilight replies, "Wow. You kinda look like us."

"Yeah, and here I thought I died and went to heaven."

Fluttershy ask in a curious manner, "Heaven?"

"In the descriptions from the Holy Bible, it speaks about a place of paradise where no suffering, no pain, no nothing, except for happiness. It is where people with good intentions go when they die either in peace or other. There, you would find the heavenly angels guiding you towards humanity's maker, our God. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He is the Shepherd and we are the sheep, and he is the Lion and we are the Lamb. He made the Heavens and the Earth as well as all life among it. And his love is everlasting. So even if you or I walk through the Valley of Shadows, you will never fear evil nor death, for He, God, will always be at your side to the very end" I answered.

Everyone was silent in surprise by my answer. Fluttershy then asks, "What are Angels?"

"Angels are the guardians of Heaven's Holy Light and they guide and protect the ones who had lost their way." I answered.

Applejack asks, "What do they look like?"

"They are like humans, but with feathered wings, like Dash and Fluttershy here." I answered.

Dash and Fluttershy was kinda shocked that I had mistaken them as one of the Angels of Heaven, though I still considered them like Angels.

Twilight asks, "Okay, now what is your order's purpose?"

"We, the Brotherhood, devoted our lives searching high-advance technology from before and preserve them so that they don't destroys us again. But from the Elder Lyon's Brotherhood of Steel of the Capital Wasteland, we use some of that technology to help and protect the people of the wastes from Super Mutants, Slavers, Raiders, Enclave Remnants, and such." I answered.

Fluttershy asks, "Wasteland?"

Applejack asks, "From before?"

Rarity asks, "Slavers?

Pinkie Pie asks as she slumped down, "Raiders?"

Dash asks, "Super Mutants?"

Twilight asks, "Enclave?"

I sat there, not knowing what to say, but I eventually sighed and answered, "My world was plunged into an abyss of nuclear fire and radiation, from the atomic warheads that even 1 alone can wipe out a metropolis and the surrounding area outside the major city, killing everything and everyone in the process."

All of them were shocked by this and Twilight asks, "Why?! Why would your people do such a thing?!"

I sat there in silence with my head lowered. I lifted my head slowly and answered, "War....war never changes."

They sat there in silence and I continued, "Since the dawn of humankind, when our ancestors found the killing power of rock and bone, blood had been spilled in the name for everything. From God, to justice, to simple psychotic rage. There are those of course that have attempted to prevent wars and conflicts, but eventually became unavoidable. The once known nation that I was from was know as the U.S.A., the United States of America, was born after a war for Independence and to escape the Tyranny of another. Over the years, America only fought in wars against others in the name for Freedom, for religion, retaliation, to protect other people from other nations that are threaten by their own leaders, as well as their own people, to abolish slavery, and to destroy the very corruption of men."

They all were listening very closely as I continued, "But after a millennia of armed conflict, the world itself couldn't take it anymore, that's when we tried to destroy ourselves with our own weapons of mass destruction. But the apocalypse was not really the sign of the end of the world , instead it became another bloody chapter of human history."

Twilight asks, "What do you mean?"

"In the early days, thousands were spared by this holocaust by taking refuge in enormous underground shelters known as Vaults, but when they emerged, they only have the Hell of the Wastes to greet them. So here we are, after 200 years since that event on October 23rd, 2077, we are still roaming around, still trying to slowly build back up and hopefully end any conflict once and for all. We are not really there yet, not even close." I ended the story.

Fluttershy came closer and said, "Don't worry, we can help you get this through and look to a better future maybe."

Dash shot up cheering, "YEAH!! Don't worry, we got your back."

Twilight said, "Yes, you are a friend of ours now and around here, friends help each other out until the problem is solved."

Pinkie Pie jumped and cheered, "I CAN EVEN THROW YOU A PARTY!"

I was not expecting this to happen, to just have them jump in and help someone from another dimension that they just met. I smiled and and said, "Thank you very much, usually people that I even know wouldn't jump in immediately like you guys did."

I Then picked up my helmet and put it on then all of the sudden, there was a knocking on the door. I saw Spike ran up to the door to answer it, then Spike came back a tall woman and a darker and younger woman. Spike yelled, "It's the Princesses! They came to see the new guest!"

Me and the Mane 6 came down stairs and Twilight cheered, "Princess Celestia! Princess Luna! It's good to see here!"

They smile and Celestia said, "Of course. We were eager to meet your guest."

Luna followed, "Yes, and where is thou guest?"

I thought, 'Huh, never thought I would hear someone speaking medieval style.'

Twilight answered, "He's right here." pointing at my general direction.

I stepped forward and saluted them, which confused them. I said, "Sorry, that was a salute, basically my way of showing you respect."

They smiled and Celestia said, "It is quite alright. I am Princess Celestia, and this is my younger sister, Princess Luna. But you may referred to us as Celestia and Luna."

I nodded and replied, "It is an honor to meet you two."

Luna asks, "May we know who you are?"

I nodded again and answered, "I am Paladin Knight Vaughn of the Brotherhood of Steel."

To be Continued........

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoy this story.:twilightsmile: