• Published 16th Jul 2016
  • 1,279 Views, 45 Comments

New Life - LivingIsBoring

Sweetie Belle has developed feelings for her fellow Cutie Mark Crusader, Scootaloo. What will she do?? Join them through some good times and some bad times. Will they stick together through it all?

  • ...

3: Confessions

Chapter 3: Confessions

By rainbowscoots1


"Let's just hope Apple Bloom doesn't figure out that we didn't sleep well when we see her at school tomorrow." Sweetie Belle thought.

The next day

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both woke up, had breakfast and got ready for school. Once they were ready, they were out the door before Rarity could say anything.

On the way to school, Sweetie was thinking about what happened last night. "It's very rare to see Scootaloo like she was last night but when it does happen, I know I can count on her for anything." She thought

Scootaloo sighed. "I didn't wanna break down like that in front of Sweetie, but I'm happy that she's okay now."

Sweetie Belle looked over at Scootaloo and smiled. "I'll need to talk to her about these feelings and these... Dreams that I'm having. She deserves to know."

After walking for another 10 minutes, they arrived at school and saw Apple Bloom waiting for them. "Hey you two!" She called out

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo smiled and waved at her. "Hey AB!" They both said in unison

The 3 of them group hugged and then began walking to class. "So Scoots, where did ya sleep this time?" Apple Bloom teased

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "I slept round Sweetie's house."

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. "How come this time?"

Scootaloo sighed quietly. "Dash had weather duties Cloudsdale." She said

Sweetie Belle chimed in. "Wait! Why would Dash have to go to Cloudsdale to do weather duties? I know she's a Pegasus but Cloudsdale's population IS Pegasi anyway."

Scootaloo giggled. "Yeah, true. Anyway, she had to go cuz some of their weather team were 'ill' and they needed someone there fast, so who better to call." Scootaloo explained

Bloom and Sweetie face hoofed. It was better not to go into it anymore.

Just then, Miss Cheerilee called out. "Come on in class and get settled in, it's time to start the day!"

The CMC just groaned as the walked in their classroom and sat at their desks.

"This is gonna be a long and painful morning." Sweetie Belle thought

At lunch

"Alright class, you can now go and eat! Just remember to be back on time!" Miss Cheerilee said

The class got out their seats and got their saddlebags and ran out the door.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom all went to their table and pulled out their lunch boxes with their lunches in. They began eating.

Sweetie Belle then whispered in Scootaloo's ear. "I need to talk to you in private."

Scootaloo just nodded and they resumed eating. Apple Bloom then noticed something that she didn't before. "Did you two sleep okay last night?" She asked

Sweetie Belle's eyes widened and Scootaloo noticed and nuzzled her. "We can tell AB, Sweets." She said soothingly

Sweetie Belle sighed. "Okay... I guess I'll go first. To answer you question AB, no I didn't sleep well. Here is why: I had a Dream/Nightmare because I don't really know which it was." She sighed and told AB.


Sweetie Belle was falling through a dark void until she opened her eyes and she saw that she was... In a field??

Sweetie Belle looked around and saw something in the distance. She had to squint her eyes to try and get a better view. Then she noticed, something zoom across the field which looked like a filly and then... She saw something fly up into the air and land on the ground, which was followed by a blood-curdling scream.

Out of panic, Sweetie Belle started to gallop towards the sound of the screaming. The screams got louder and louder as she got closer. When Sweetie Belle was about 5 feet away from the filly, her eyes went wide. That was Scootaloo!

"SCOOTALOO!" Sweetie Belle screamed as she galloped to her friend and examined the wounds

Scootaloo tried to stay awake but she was beginning to lose some blood. Sweetie Belle's heart was racing, she did the only thing she could do. She levitated Scootaloo onto her back and galloped as fast as she could to Ponyville Hospital, hoping that Scootaloo would be alright.

At Ponyville Hospital

Sweetie Belle ran through the doors of the hospital, with Scootaloo on her back. Sweetie Belle then shouted to get somepony's attention. "Somepony help!"

Nurse Redheart heard the shout and ran towards it. She then saw Sweetie Belle and a now unconscious Scootaloo on her back. Quickly thinking, Nurse Redheart took Scootaloo off Sweetie's back and put her onto her back instead and galloped into a room.

Sweetie Belle, who was in shock a little, followed and gasped when she saw what extent, Scootaloo had hurt herself. Scootaloo's wings were in awkward position, she has cuts and bruises all over her body and she had a large gash along her abdomen.

Sweetie Belle looked away and flinched. "I can't believe this had to happen! To my crush! Oh, Scootaloo... I hope I can tell you how I feel..." Sweetie thought.

Once Nurse Redheart was done making sure Scootaloo was alright, she walked up to Sweetie Belle and put a hoof on her shoulder. "Sweetie Belle, well done on finding Scootaloo when you did. Did you see what actually happened?"

Sweetie Belle shook her head. "No, all I saw was a little filly fly into the air and then land on the ground. Then I heard screams so I ran to where the filly was. I didn't know who it was until I got close enough to see that it was Scootaloo."

Nurse Redheart nodded. "Well, I'm glad you found her. She's okay now, you can go and see her if you want." She then walked away to tend to other patients

Sweetie Belle then took a deep breath and walked back into the room. She saw Scootloo smile at her and she smiled back. "Hey." Sweetie Belle said softly.

Scootaloo smiled lightly. "Hey."

Sweetie Belle teared up and hugged Scootaloo tightly. "I'm s-so s-s-sorry S-Scoots!" She sobbed

Scootaloo hugged back. "Shhh... Shhh... It's okay Sweetie, it's okay." She whispered in her ear

Sweetie Belle just sobbed. Scootaloo held her friend close and stroked her mane and told her that everything was alright. After about 5 minutes, Sweetie Belle pulled away. "Scoots... I need to tell you something..."

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Sweetie Belle swallowed the lump in her throat. "Scoots... I... I really like you..."

"You like as in like like me?" Scootaloo replied, making sure that she heard right

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Yeah, I love you..." She looked away until she felt a hoof on her cheek and she faced Scootaloo.

Scootaloo smiled softly. "I love you too."

They both leaned in... Sweetie Belle opened her eyes.

End of flashback

Sweetie was crying. Scootaloo wrapped a wing around her and AB hugged her. After a few minutes, Sweetie Belle's tears stopped and the other 2 crusaders gave her space.

Apple Bloom looked at Scootaloo. "Why didn't you sleep well last night Scoots?" She asked softly

Scootaloo looked away. "I had a nightmare." She muttered as she closed her eyes and told AB what happened in her nightmare.


Scootaloo's nightmare

Scootaloo was going to knock on Sweetie Belle. Now the reason for this was because she had to tell Sweetie Belle something important, something that had been nagging her for a while.

She walked up to the Carousel Boutique and knocked on the door, shuffling on her hooves as she waited. A minute later,the door opened and Scootaloo was expecting to see Sweetie Belle there, greeting her but it was Rarity who greeted her instead.

"Hello Scootaloo, did you come for Sweetie Belle?" Rarity asked

Scootaloo nodded. "Yeah, uh... Is she in?"

Rarity shook her head. "I'm afraid not. She went out to play with Button Mash."

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. "Do you know where they might have gone?"

Rarity thought for a moment. "I think they said something about near Sugarcube corner."

Scootaloo blinked. "Oh okay. Thanks, Rarity." Scootaloo then turned around and started to gallop towards Sugarcube corner

Once Scootaloo arrived she saw a glimpse of 2 silhouettes of a colt and a filly walking towards a hill. She blinked before she decided to follow them. Scootaloo found the two of them playing around in the grass. Sweetie Belle and Button Mash were having fun.

Scootaloo just sat there and listened to the conversation.

"Listen, Sweetie Belle, I need to tell you something." Button Mash said

Sweetie Belle tilted her head. "What's that Button?"

Button Mash shifted a little. "Um... I just wanna say that... I really like you..." He looked away in shame

Sweetie Belle made her hoof touch his chin and turned his head to face her. She cleared her throat before speaking. "I guess I sorta like you too. I'm not really sure but I'm willing to give it a shot."

Button Mash giggled. "Well okay then."

The 2 then shared a little kiss.

Scootaloo felt like something had just pierced her heart. She got up and ran to Sugarcube Corner with tears in her eyes.

Sugarcube Corner

Scootaloo was crying. Why would Sweetie do that?! She felt anger... But she also felt a hint of jealousy. Wait, why was she jealous?

"Why would I be jealous?" She thought. Then she slammed her hoof down. "I may be jealous but I'm angry at Button Mash for doing what he has done!"

The image of Sweetie Belle and Button Mash sharing a kiss entered her mind...

"NO!" Scootaloo screamed before she woke up.

End of flashback

Scootaloo was shaking a little and her ears had flattened against her head. Sweetie Belle hugged Scootaloo tightly. "I'm still sorry Scoots!" She cried against her

AB held them both and she stroked Scootaloo's mane and kissed Sweetie's forehead, letting them know that she was there for them.

"I'm so sorry you two... I had no idea..." She trailed off

Scootaloo answered for her and Sweetie as she was crying silently in Scootaloo's chest and Scootaloo nuzzled her and stroked her back. "Its okay AB. You didn't know and we knew you would notice anyway."

AB nodded silently and continued to comfort her best friends. "No, not best friends, my sisters. We are all sisters. We're never gonna part. Not now, not ever." She thought to herself

After a good 10 minutes, the 3 of them broke away from their embrace and Apple Bloom continued her lunch. However, Scootaloo looked at Sweetie Belle who became nervous. They both looked at Apple Bloom before Scootaloo spoke. "Bloom, me and Sweetie and need to talk in private. We'll be back soon." Apple Bloom nodded in response and the 2 of them got up and walked away

"I wonder what they're gonna talk about? It's not important, it's not my business." Apple Bloom said to herself

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle went round the side of the school building and they both looked at each other for a minute before Scootaloo spoke. "What did you need to talk about Sweetie?" She asked

Sweetie Belle was looking at the ground with her ears flattened against her head. "Scootaloo... I..."

Scootaloo became worried. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" She nuzzled her

Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo, tearing up. "I... I... I l-love you!" She then moved away from Scootaloo and cried

Scootaloo was shocked. "It's like back at hers when she told me." Scootaloo thought.

Sweetie Belle was crying silently. "Stupid! Now she knows and she's gonna ask questions and you're gonna need, to be honest." She wiped her eyes

As Sweetie Belle was pulling herself together, she felt a hoof on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Scootaloo looking at her with a small smile. Scootaloo helped her up and then embraced Sweetie Belle. The 2 hugged for a minute then Scootaloo broke the hug.

To Sweetie Belle's surprise, Scootaloo didn't any questions like she thought she would, instead, she held her hooves and smiled.

"I thought about what you said." Scootaloo said

Sweetie Belle's ears flattened against her head in shame. "Well done! Now's she's probably gonna say that she doesn't wanna be friends anymore and that I'm a freak." She thought

Scootaloo kissed her ear. "I have been thinking too. After what you told me yesterday night, it touched my heart. It really did. Also what made my make up my mind was my nightmare and the fact that I was jealous of you and Button Mash sharing that little kiss near the end. That made me realize that I love you too."

Sweetie Belle gasped and hugged Scootaloo and Scootaloo hugged back. "I love you so much Scootaloo. Will you be my fillyfriend?" She asked

Scootaloo giggled and kissed her sweetly, while blushing and then pulled away. "Yes, of course I'll be your fillyfriend." She said

The two of them then intertwined their tails and went to go and tell Apple Bloom the news.

When Apple Bloom saw Scootaloo and Sweetie coming back to the table, she smiled. "Hey girls, everything okay?" She asked

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle say next to each other and smiled at Bloom. "Everything is great!" Said Sweetie Belle happily

Scootaloo grinned. "We have to tell you something AB, but you Pinkie Promise not to tell anyone?" She asked

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Apple Bloom replied as she did the actions to the promise

Sweetie Belle then held Scootaloo's hoof under the table and cleared her throat. "Well the news is that... Me and Scootaloo are together now!" She said happily

Apple Bloom smiled brightly and hugs her sisters. "I'm so happy for ya both!"

They both hugged back and Sweetie Belle kissed Scootaloo's cheek which caused them both to blush.

"Everypony, time to come back in for the rest of the school day!" Miss Cheerilee called out from the classroom

The CMC groaned and headed to class. "I'm so happy for them but I know who won't be." Apple Bloom sighed as they continued the school day

Author's Note:

Here is the next chapter. Sorry that it seems rushed, this one needed to be done. Also, yes I know I have included Sweetie Belle's and Scootaloo's nightmares from the previous 2 chapters but it just flowed better that way