• Published 29th Dec 2015
  • 24,026 Views, 92 Comments

Treasure Hunt - Enigmatic Otaku

Daring Do, tied up and defeated, is forced to watch as the nefarious villainese, Ahuizota, plans to activate an ancient relic for ultimate power. Little does she know what the artifact's true purpose is...

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Comments ( 92 )

Beautifull ending ;`)

This daring reminds me of Nathan Drake

That's a cool pic. Who drew it?

The commissioner. Click his name to see his Deviant Art page.

6779100 The posture, ears, and tail are similar in shape and consistency with an Espeon, actually.

The rest of the appearance is completely off, obviously, but just the colourless shape and outline could certainly remind one of an Espeon.

That's just what I think, anyhow.

Daring shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe he wanted to make the perfect warrior, a hybrid I guess."


Here, have a like! You've tickled the fancy of the Whovian in me! :rainbowlaugh:

*gestures to Talthius*
What he said!

This feels suspiciously similar to Why Ancient Rituals Don't Always Work.

Read the rest of the plot summary. :twilightsheepish:

I did. Still feels suspiciously similar.

6779539 Yes...and it's somehow giving me a boner.

So am I the only one who wants to see a sequel to this? An AU take on the episode where the mane six meets daring maybe... If only to see twi's and dashies reaction to daring and Ahui's relationship.

aww that was cute, kudos sir

Pretty much close to the same thing. Both are still really good. :moustache:

Take my hoof and fly away with me, señorita. :moustache: Lol i like that part and great story. Ole!!!

*A wild fanfic appears!*
*Fanfic seems to be rival of yours*

(ง'̀-'́)ง lets go. 1v1 me. rite now. fite me!

*you suplex a table, just because you can*

I'm kidding. I'm actually super happy about this. Not everyday you get to inspire someone with a fic on a practically nonexistent ship. Definitely gonna read this later when I can.

Was waiting for as cut to rainbow blitz masturbating furiously as he finished writing this story

Am I the only one who think Daring looks kinda Asian in this cover art?

Anyway, I got a laugh out of it, if nothing else.

Tsun Tsun Dere Dere

6780906 I think it is the hair.

Pffttt.... Suplex a chair?
How about suplex a mutha fukin moving train?

6781266 "Undyne suplexes a boulder, just because she can"

Hmm, I now have this desire to write this ship. (But Daring or Derring?!?)

6779915 Yes, and they are having rough sex but to the mane 6 it looks like intense fighting. I'd write it, but i'm done with clop and mane 6 ep never happens in my fic

6781627 "And that's when RD had a wonderful, awful idea."

6781806 naw screw the screwin. I was talking about a one shot type deal. I mean picture this the twin egg heads (even IF dashies won't admit it) meet daring and freakout leading to daring and ahui's daughter/son asking his mom why their acting that way... And posibly her kicking Twis qnd dashies flanks while fluttershy and AJ baby sit the foal in the other room, rarity faints from all the drama, and pinkie pie does pinkie pie things.

I can't do this without using their original voices D:

I was half expecting to see a portion where it reveals that Rainbow Dash wrote the whole thing.

Read it. Pretty good is all I'll say. I'd go into a whole review thing, but I feel that would be unfair because I'm biased as hell from my own fic. Also, I haven't seen the comic so I don't know if this fic follows it to the page.

However, I am willing to try to give an as objective as possible review via PM if you want. I want other readers to form their own opinions on this fic.:twilightsmile:

In the title picture, is Ahuizota's tail hand flipping him off?

It's uh...bigger on the inside? :twilightblush:

6780797 so, I am not the only one.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash flies into Twilight's bedroom and shoves Daring Do's last book in her face

:rainbowhuh: HAVE YOU READ THIS YET?!

:twilightsheepish: RAINBOW, what they hay are you talking aboooo...


:facehoof: For the love of Celestia

discovering that she had already lost her hymen,

That is not how the hymen works. :facehoof: Women, or females in general, don't lose their hymen because it's not a barrier like so many people think. It is more like an archway that can be torn but you can't lose it. This video will explain it just click here. On a side note, other than my aforementioned rant, I very much enjoyed this story and look forward to more. 9/10

If a girl came after me threatening seriously to cut my dick off while I was tied up and molested, I'd've killed her.

Guess I can leave my criticism here by saying that despite what the artifact did, everything felt... like it was like you tried too hard to write it, and it wound up with cheesy and generic porn talk. Not only that, but the character communication is really awkward.

"I'm gonna fuck you whether you like it or not!

...But I'll be gentle because it's your first time...even though you threatened to kill me, sexually molested me, etc etc etc."

>Total rivals gone best-buddy parents also. greentext.jpg

Kinda lol'd at the cover art; not the author's fault, but Daring has total chink eyes, heh.

The pros to this story are definitely good, though. I could see this story expanding into something much greater where Ahuizota actually winds up being Daring's sidekick, or hell, even vice versa since Ahuizota seems to be just as good as finding artifacts as Daring, just not as good as retrieving them. Also, can't help but wonder what the hybrid kin of Daring and Ahui would look like. Also seeing the fact that you made Daring as polite as offering to pay off Ahuizota's debts, just seeing how that would go along kinda makes me play a few things out in my head.

Well written, but awkward wording at some points, and unusual reactions between the two. To me it seemed like it was bouncing back and forth between love, hate, I'll kill you, consentual, not consentual, the list kinda goes on. Good grammar though, and definitely nice to see a really rare pairing when it comes to clopfics/fics in general.

6785701 by all means, go ahead. I just had an idea for a new chapter for my fic

Humorous, heated, and quite interesting. I liked it, gender-swaps and all.

Most excellent fic.

If you make a sequel I will literally hug you.

6785084 Humans are a different species.

6787281 I did state, "Females in general". It is no different for most mammals. Horses, ponies, people, dogs, cats. The hymen is the same for all of them.


Daring is his own Short Round.


Overthinking it. It's not important to the story and there's no way to be anatomically correct with a mythological creature that's been inserted into a world of magical shrimpy horses.

6787874 I got that, It is just that people abuse the idea of Hymen in everything. Even Csi got it wrong. I just don't feel like creatures based off of a show would be too much more anatomically different from those in our world.

Lololol too funny. Daring & and her arch enemy trying to ignore sex good luck with that .:rainbowlaugh: And aww love always wins.:heart:

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