• Published 2nd Dec 2015
  • 4,943 Views, 35 Comments

Braceface - IMNOTHERE889

(Humanized) It has been four months since the 'Everfree Camp-out', the camp CHS holds every year. And, a week after it, you got your braces. Rainbow Dash did too.

  • ...

Do I Have a Lithp?

You saunter down the halls of the school, feeling oddly cheery, despite the events of the past week. The past week has just been embarrassment galore, due to gym. But, today, your demeanor was oddly bouncy, and you were smiling wide, showing off the miniature railway tracks stuck underneath your lip and firmly attatched to the things sprouting from your gums we call teeth. Your cyan and rose colored braces always reminded you of the girl that gave you a good time when you were sick during the 'Everfree Camp-Out', the camp Canterlot High holds every year. It's not officially called that, but, now, it's the 'fanon' name, given by a large plethora of students attending.

You saunter down to your locker, running the last few feet and sliding on the homestretch, causing a squeaking sound to emit from the rubber on your sneakers. Now, a few eyes were on you, and, out of the corner of your eye, you recognize Lyra and BonBon, looking at you and then rolling their eyes, Flash Sentry facepalming, and Rainbow Dash running up to you. Wait, she's running up to me? QUICK! I MUST ACT NATURAL! you mentally freaked out, since you were always an awkward camel when it came to Rainbow Dash. People were curious after what happened at camp, so, you either, subtly avoided questions, ran away, or changed the subject. But, in front of Rainbow herself is a completely different story.

You always seemed nervous around her, almost embarrassed about what she did to you. Despite the thing being good, you somehow feel bad about the fact that it was a tragedy you were not able to prevent, even with the willpower you had back then. Well, the amount of willpower a kid with a slight form of social anxiety would have. But, still, you were an awkward horse. Even after you got caught by Nurse Redheart, Rainbow still insisted to help. Even after the camp, you two didn't hook up. Maybe it was out of embarrassment, or out of regret, but, she still didn't approach you. Well, she didn't approach you to ask to start dating. Only for every single thing other than your relationship status.

As she runs towards you, you could see her silver glistening under the hall light. She was smiling widely, a smile you always loved to see. She had railway tracks of her own, and got them soon after yours. It's like, she had begged her overseers to get her braces soon after you got yours, as if it was a new trend, like girls getting their hair cut short. But, still, she had them, and, in your opinion, made her even cuter.

"Heya, buddy!" Rainbow called as she ran up to you. Her beautiful rainbow hair, her flawless cyan skin, her all-seeing rosy eyes made you immune to denial. No matter what her request is, her every feature made you agree on impulse.

"Wanna have a game of thoccer with me? I promith I'll go eathy on you," Rainbow says, enthusiasm in her eyes and lacing her voice, the voice that seemed to grace your dreams every night, the dreams you were thankful to have. But, still, you longed to lie next to her, much like how she lied next to you on that faithful night. Unfortunately, she shared a handicap with you, a handicap the braces bring. A lisp. So, you pronounce all s's like th's, which, caused you both to get picked on for. Yes, people started picking on the most amazing teenager you know after she got her braces, but, she's strong, so, she dealt with it, like the boss she is.

"Thure! Maybe thith time I'll actually thcore a goal!" You say happily, smiling even wider than you were, if that was possible. Your enthusiasm now seemed to outshine everything else about you, except for your love for the cocky athlete. Her personality left you yearning for more of her company, and her sportsmanship gave you the encouragement you need to try out the gym. You only started recently, but, hey, you were getting there. Ten minutes on the spin-bike and twenty on a treadmill. Sometimes, you even lifted weights. But, still, you were only gaining small amounts of muscle, but, she was subconsciously cheering for you on the sidelines, no matter how far those sidelines might be.

"Well, I'll meet you on the field, Brathefathe!" She says, giving you a playful jab on the shoulder. Rarely does she touch you anymore, the only times you get smothered by her is in wrestling, in which she always pins you down.

"I thought that wath your name," you say playfully, giving her a slap on the back. She tensed up the moment your hand made contact, but soon relaxed again. Rainbow surprisingly had no tense muscles, but, there were times you saw her friends asking for some relief on muscles that were aching from working too long or a second too long on the field or in the gym.

This was going to be a fun soccer game.

You were both slick and shiny with sweat, both panting in one spot, as you both get the energy you needed back from one heck of a soccer game. It was intense; playing one on each side meant a lot of work for each player. That means a lot of running, kicking, losing, scoring, and, of course, fun! Rainbow won 7-2, you were lucky to have even scored those goals, because, wow! Rainbow is such a competitor that she was on the defensive as much as she was on the offensive. She was here, there, everywhere! And, by the end of it, you were both tuckered out. Some sweat ended up trickling onto your lip and onto the metal underneath before going onto the tooth and eventually the ground.

Your legs were aching and felt like they would give away at any moment, so, you fell back onto the field's grass, allowing your legs to get some energy back, and for the sun to wash over you. Rainbow saw you and followed suit, falling next to you. You were both breathing in and out in unison, allowing air to fill your burning lungs, and to get energy back into aching body.

"Hey, remember the Everfree Camp-Out?"

You swore you could hear your braces breaking at that question. The question you've been loathing for such a long time. You were hoping that she had forgotten, so that you didn't need to bring back the embarrassment, but, she asked it, betraying you and breaking the promise you made to yourself.

"I-uh-y....yeah." There. The deed was done. She can hate you now. Maybe she was like you, hoping for you to not remember, not a thing, so that she can move on. But, it seems not, as you both remember what happened.

"Well... I jutht want to thank you for not telling my friendth. They've been curiouth ath heck." You breath a sigh of relief, since she seemed to be embarrassed about it too. But, being the worst-case-scenario thinker you are, maybe she was lying to get you to lower your proverbial defenses so that she can begin her verbal assault? Yes, that did seem like a worst case scenario. Something you would definitely think of.

"Tho, I wanna repay you." Repay me? What could she mean by that? you wonder. The only way she has repayed you before is with a slap on the back, a noogie, or a jab in the shoulder. Strangely, she always jabbed you on the same shoulder, your left one, so, did she like that shoulder more than your other one? Or, did you just need to work out more on the other one, because your left takes pain better? So many questions rolled through your head like it was taking a ride on a literal train of thought, making you worry slightly.

Rainbow got up to her feet, reaching a sweaty hand down to you. Her beautiful skin shined in the sun, almost blending with the blue sky above everything in the atmosphere. You reach an equally, if not, even sweatier hand up and slip it into hers. She pulls you up to your feet with amazing strength, even though you almost slipped out of her iron grip. As soon as you were upon your feet again, she grabs you by the collar of your shirt and pulls you into a passionate kiss. Your face blazes a fiery red, almost rivaling the heat of the sun itself, and your eyes widen, out of surprise, joy, and embarrassment. SHE'S DOING IT AGAIN!!! you scream in your head, remembering the events of the Everfree Camp-Out. But, soon enough, you lean back to Rainbow after closing you eyes, and give her the same amount of passion she's giving you.

You decide to make a move and open your mouth slightly, allowing your tongue to lap at her lips, desperately wanting entry. You've been wanting entry for so long, and you desperately yearned to taste her mouth again. She opens her mouth with much enthusiasm, and your tongues begin a wrestling match in the mismatched arena. You manage to push her tongue back into her mouth and explore it, not stopping until you've covered every nook and cranny, every peephole, every resting place. When you were done, you began your wrestling match with Rainbow's tongue again, and she pushes your tongue into your mouth, and explores yours, this time. By this time, your braces were pressed together hard enough to weld them together.

You both continue for a long time, long enough for it to seem like the sun set and the moon rose, but, the heat on your back signified the sun still being there watching history take place before its personified eyes. You were actually making out for half an hour, a long time. But, soon enough, your fun had to come to an end...


The loud bell caused both of your eyes to snap open, and you both were staring each other right in the eyes. You were glad to be able to see them this close, they were so beautiful. So full of wonder, sportsmanship, enthusiasm...


You only then realized the position you were in, and blushed even more (if that was possible) than you were before. You try pulling away, only to jerk back onto Rainbow's face. You chuckle nervously, knowing how awkward this must be for her. You put your hands onto your shoulders, and you try pushing her away as you pull you head back, but, to no avail. Your head snaps back to its original position, and you both are stuck there. You both groan un frustration, knowing that this was very bad. You both had to get home, and you couldn't while in this position.

"We are gonna be here a looooong time," you manage to say, sighing soon afterwards, your eyes downcast.

"But, hey! At leatht you'll be thpending that long time with me!" Rainbow said, trying to lighten up the situation with a smile and a thumbs up, as well as a wink.

"Theriouthly, though, how long do you think we'll be here?" You ask, giving Rainbow a worried look.

"Oh buck."

Principal Celestia look on to you and Rainbow making out through the stands, a perfect hiding place. Celestia pulls out a camera and takes multiple pictures, as well as videos, all to look onto later on, to have a good memory of the somewhat boring day she was having.

No one could possibly interrupt her, she had asked Luna to take care of her principal duties in order to get these pictures, but on the condition that she showed them to her later on. They had a deal, and, now, here she was, watching something that belongs in a cheesy teenage romance film.

"I love my job."

Author's Note:

Ahhh, the long awaited sequel to A Sick Date. Rainbow fans, sue me for the hilarity in this fic.

Go on.

Okay, please don't...

Wait, did I even write this? WHERE DID ALL THOSE DETAILS COME FROM?!

And, as always, stay pony my friends criticism is welcomed with open arms!

Comments ( 35 )

Braces are like an automatic cuteness enhancer, especially on ponies


Rainbow Dash and braces?

Talk about a cuteness overload.:rainbowkiss:

You have deserved my like and fave. Good job.

I will check it out... xDDD

6691562 I can't help but feel that KPShadowSquirrels young pony pictures will make you 'd'awwwww,' you matter what.

6691581 aww, thank you! :DDD

6691906 have fun with that XD

Cute story, but I can't get too into it. I had braces as a teen, but I didn't care what people thought. It was more focused on the pain rather than the social implications. I had no one to impress in highschool.

Its not the story, its me.

6694603 I see. Well, I just randomly got the idea, and I just had to write about it.

This is better than the first one. Much more detail in it. Again its cute and well written.
Well done :twilightsmile:

Few little things I noticed

the bones we call teeth

Teeth are not classed as bones, Teeth are just teeth.

The only way she has relayed you before is witha s lap on the back

"With a" and "slap" need the spacing corrected.

You only then realized teh position you were in,


condition that's he showed them to her later on

*that she

6695610 teeth aren't classified as bones? Well, school lied to me!
I'll fix that — and the other mistakes — right away.

Pretty great fic...theriouthly:trollestia:

6702410 I Theriouthly enjoyed writing it, for thure....:moustache:

Not to be mean, but I used to know a girl with braces, and the ever-so-slight lisp she had wasn't noticeable unless she was yelling into a microphone, and she disn't say s's like th's, rather it sounded like every time she said an S, she added a slight T noise to it.
Here's how she'd say soccer, "stocker"

Like i said, no offense, not trying to be mean, just trying to be a little helpful, and a slight jacka**. But mostly the first part. :twilightsmile:

6703627 it's okay. But, where I live, they all have lisps. And then, BOOM! Story idea.
Yes, almost every single girl I know has braces.

Got it.
P.S. I forgot to say this in my original comment, but this story was pretty good
Best story of 2015

6705359 omg thank you
I'd like to thank my mom, my computer, my bed
I lobe you guys so muchhhhh

Ha, I have braces. Even though I have gotten over my lisp, this still reminds me way too well of myself...

And Celestia.... Why?

Nice job!

6732728 Thank you! :D
Im actually going to get braces in the new year.

6734340 no problem! And good luck, they are a pain the first week or so!

I was told that there'd be pain...

6735645 Brace yourself

Haha, very punny XD

6735709 Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week

6735756 have you read the finale yet? It's a doozy!

Hahaha, did their braces get stuck together? I knew it! :yay:

Nicely done dude!

No problem dude~

That picture makes rainbow look like I❤KPA's OC, or is it just me

Got my braces off last week, got my retainer yesterday and I have a lisp. Gonna read this to help me feel better knowing I need my retainer for the rest of my life.

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