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Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.

Comments ( 27 )

And with that, she has perfected her plan for killing Twilight Sparkle.

TGM #2 · Nov 30th, 2015 · · ·

And then Fang went off to build his own seperate hive, away from their madmare of a queen.

And no comic books allowed.

Oh also, Goddamnit Syeekoh.

Hmm. I'm not sure how I feel about the shift in the second part. On the one hand, it definitely isn't as jarring, but I did like the dangerous instability on display in the Writeoff entry. Eh, I could go either way. In any case, thanks for putting this up on Fimfiction.

Comment posted by Perteks deleted Dec 1st, 2015

More like fanfic ;p

Those who fail to understand the power of narrative are doomed to fall victim to it.

Are you sure?

Psst...psst The Stanley parable...

6685000 I wish I had a gf that twisted like that...

Jeez, Chrysalis sounds just like The Monarch.

Wait... Chrysalises are butterfly pupas!

It all fits! They are both equally as incompetent as one another!

And are only at their best when arching their greatest adversary.


What if... Chrysalis isn't nuts... she's just is aware she's a fictional character?

“You think this is some kind of game?”


6686539 Trust me I planned to write something similar. Only it would be much more tragic for that matter.

Damn you Majin you stole my idea derp.

In all honesty however I have made a thread about villains always losing.

Crysalis, read this list and try again.

6. I will not gloat over my enemies' predicament before killing them.

But there’s something romantic about the idea of being locked in an endless struggle with a rival―a foe chosen by fate. The two of you desperately fight, the hero proclaiming a brief victory before you regroup to fight again, the battle never-ending.

Inspired by this one?

6684911 Good idea!

I liked this, even though the insanity wasn't as straight forward as I somewhat expected. Still, a pretty quick, enjoyable read.

Chrysalis beats Fang within an inch of his life for questioning her. Or simply because she's, you know, insane.

He slaps his queen? (Cherps, squeaks) and when was the hive near the sea? Dame that's one would I reaily do not want to visit as (speeks quickly in vespit) sorry as we do not do water sports for a reason,
Do not think I will be passing this one on to my queen:twilightsmile:

Short and to the point, enjoyable to read.
Maybe the end was a bit on the abrupt side, and a few details are too imprecise to be perfect.

Professor Syeekoh does it again!

I agree with the changeling from the story. ~hug

“Graphic novels are a valid form of literature!”

Same, Chrysalis, same.

Those who fail to understand the power of narrative are doomed to fall victim to it.

BRB, crying from laughter.

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