• Published 15th Dec 2016
  • 991 Views, 54 Comments

Predictions & Prophecies - Kinrah

What exactly is the link between a famous historical painter, a mare with a talent for exaggeration, and the student of Princess Celestia? It always comes back to this...

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Twilight's Followup

Right, this is another thing I have to get in order. Preface: Most of my thought-journal notes got scattered when the, uh, the wing thing happened, so mostly what I’ve got is my memory, but I think I’ve got it down. If I’m going to be a princess, I should be organizing like one.

468, Equestrian Royal Calendar: Anthem puts her construct into the Iris. (I keep forgetting to ask Princess Celestia for a conversion between ERC and CE. Clearly the calendar was restarted after Nightmare Moon, but that doesn’t mean that the equivalent year in ERC was a nice round number.)

Sometime between now and 0 CE: Anthem disappears. Also, Discord happens, but given that he went unmentioned, it probably happened some time afterwards. Same goes for King Sombra.

0 CE: Nightmare Moon is banished. Princess Celestia traveled back in time to try and stop it but had no luck.

593 CE: Sweeping Stroke born in Colton.

611 CE: Princess Luna, Spike, Reeds Melody and I accidentally time travel here and provide Sweeping Stroke with Prophetia by mistake. He takes the name Stalleonardo shortly afterwards.

614 CE: Colton burns down and Stalleonardo adds his suffix.

617 CE: Princess Celestia ‘loses hope’ (or that’s how she described it). Stalleonardo saves her somehow, and he is discovered as a painter as a result? I remember a painting on the floor of his workshop with the words ‘save her’ - was that when he found out she needed saving? I’m not going to push for any more information on this. Unless Princess Celestia decides to volunteer the information this will just have to be a question mark.

At some point shortly after this, this makes the most sense, Princess Celestia invites Stalleonardo to be her student, and he declines. The histories I found attribute this to 618, but given this it could really be any time.

628 CE: Vit’hoovian Stallion.

632 CE: An explanation on the virtues of painting stars at dusk. Completely convinced this was just an attempt to communicate with me.

637 CE: Stalleonardo completes The First and Last, a painting of Star Swirl the Bearded and five alicorns. The history describes it as his ‘most famous painting’, but everywhere else I look nopony’s even heard of it. I’ve still got no idea whose private collection it rests in.

I guess at some point around here he writes the note I found in Predictions and Prophecies.

651 CE: Stalleonardo publishes Predictions and Prophecies. However there is only one full copy and several abridged copies (such as the one in Canterlot). The full copy somehow ended up in Ponyville.

651 - 656 CE: Stalleonardo disappears. Still no explanation for this.

656 CE, September 1: I travel back to Manehattan to try and get Prophetia away from Stalleonardo, missing my intended destination of 651 (because I’d programmed the Iris to bring me here), and I accidentally bring along Ditzy Doo and Reeds Melody. We spend the evening looking for Stalleonardo until he puts us out with snoozeberries.
September 2: Stalleonardo puts into motion a plan to try and overthrow Princess Celestia to avoid a bad future. It backfires, and at the same time the Great Fire of Manehattan starts. Afterwards, Stalleonardo vanishes, and I blow up his workshop. Princess Celestia comes into ownership of the workbook and the sonic rainboom painting.
September 5: Great Fire extinguished.

I don’t know when Golden Oaks was planted, nor when it actually became a library, but I guess shortly after it did Princess Celestia stored the workbook in a secret compartment here.

990 CE, February 24: Thanks to the Iris I ended up here with Trixie, and sort of saved the town from an Ursa Major overnight. The damage is never repaired.
May 21: Hoo boy. What doesn’t happen on this day? All our younger selves witnessed Rainbow Dash’s sonic rainboom, and there were a further three instances of me, two instances of my friends and one additional instance of each of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. That’s far too many versions of us in the same time period. Rainbow Dash seems to think that she saw me on the edge of Cloudsdale, with my wings - so I guess I go time traveling again at some point? I can no longer cast the spell, though.

End result, we all get cutie marks, Reeds Melody walks away with the Iris.

996 CE: I flood the castle music room. (Argh, so embarrassing.)

997 CE: Pinkie Pie picks up her balloon from Canterlot as orchestrated by herself in a stable time loop.

1000 CE, June 20: I go to Ponyville for the first time and meet my future friends.
July 10: Rainbow Dash performs her Sonic Rainboom for the first time since the actual first one eleven years prior.
September 8: The first time we all realize we owe Rainbow Dash our cutie marks.
September 28: Trixie rolls into Ponyville and after a night of Ursa Minor runs away.
November 5: Discord, the first time. Enough said.

1001 CE, January 4: I receive a visit from myself from the future.
Jan. 4 - Jan. 9: Panicking about the future.
January 10: I travel back to try and stop myself from worrying about the time travel. Argh, so stupid.
January 18: Wednesday incident happens, and I know now that actually time traveling messes up the local magic field something fierce.
February 17: Dawn of ‘Hurricane’ Fluttershy.
March 19: Wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Queen Chrysalis, enough said.
March 30: Secretariat Comet, Queen Chrysalis again, enough still said.
April 2: Crystal Empire returns.
April 3: Defeat of King Sombra.
April 8: Pinkie Pie mirror pool problem. Spike retrieves the workbook from the secret compartment.
April 10: On our way back from 990 we steal some clouds. Later, I properly discover Stalleonardo’s workbook and cast Prophetia for the first time.
April 11: I get Dinky Doo to do some drawing for me, and Trixie steals the workbook. (She’s admitted since that she just sent the card to find out where the library was; the book was just conveniently there.)
April 14: Hoofington Museum trip, and an encounter with Trixie.
April 18: Marble Mine trip, and an encounter with time travel. I’m still not sure how the residual magic triggered the spell here, but there’s no way to find out any more. Princess Celestia sends Rainbow Dash the sonic rainboom painting per request from Stalleonardo.
April 19: Ponyville weather team replaced, storm over Ponyville. Time traveling out to 990 again.
April 20: Charity drive at the hospital, and Princess Luna and I meet Reeds Melody. Immediately we travel back in time to 611.
April 21: Stalleonardo fact-finding mission in Canterlot followed by a trip back to 656.
April 22: Equus Day. Trixie opens the Lifebearer’s Vault but finds it bare. She pulls a plug out of the leyline anyway and we have to stop it before everything ends. What follows is magic rush, time travel out to 990 and back, more magic rush, and the end of Prophetia (at least from my horn).
April 25: Cutie Pox Event, and I catch up with Reeds Melody.
April 29: Trixie back in Ponyville with the Alicorn Amulet.
May 1: My friends read about the charm in the workbook; Alicorn Amulet situation sorted. After some persuading Trixie permits Princess Celestia to cast Erasure and wipe out Prophetia for good. I wanted to retrieve the Iris, too, she was absolutely resistant, but we eventually agreed that Trixie could keep it, under the conditions that A) she didn’t go around blabbing that it was a magical charm and B) the second it does something unexpected she is to contact myself or the Princess immediately. I’m not happy about the decision, but Princess Celestia did come up with the idea, and it was probably the only way to handle it. I did ask if the Princess could refuel the Iris, but apparently it has to be Anthem’s own magic. Her own alicorn magic, I stress, though I didn’t mention that I knew that. I'm still not happy with the way everything ended.
May 16: Reformed Discord. Who knew? Way to go, Fluttershy.
May 29: The Prophetia time travel instance of Wednesday incident happens. Gah, what a headache that was. If there is more time travel in the future, I’ll need to be prepared for the consequences.

June 3: I went for a morning walk. That night, I had wings.