• Published 4th Dec 2015
  • 517 Views, 8 Comments

Divided Loyalties.. - Ponyess

Chrysalis is alone and lonely, a black heart, in a black skin. There is no love, and none to love; everything had been eternally lost or, so she had thought. Yet, there is the one who is willing to reach out a hoof, in friendship and hope.

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United is Strength: 3

“Together, we can take on Equestria, like none ever could; Nightmare, Discord, you, or even Tirek!” she pointed out.

“How; pray tell, do you suggest we do that? You are right in what you say; none of us ever truly had a chance, and you know why!” I responded.

“How? Because we, my dear; are never going to oppose their main force. We are not even touching a single hair on any of the Princesses, we don’t need to!” she explained, in utter clarity and all-knowing.

“I am confused, but you are the authority on Ponies; so I am bound to trust you!” I pointed out.

“Then you are in good company, even my friends are confused by me. Yes, but I hope you don’t feel offended if I compare you with Ponies; when Celestia is taken into account, you are not all that different as one may initially imagine!” she merely blurted out.

“Wait, you are priding yourself to be a friend of every Pony, and knowing them intimately; is this where your strength lies, Friendship?” I implied.

“It is this friendship that ultimately defeated and destroyed Tirek. If Earth Ponies are Farming, I am farming Friends; since I need them to smile and laugh, just like you need our Love to survive!” she cruelly pointed out, with a stabbing right fore hoof.

“Yes, I do need that love; but I can’t change who or what I am, you of all Ponies do know that, right!” I defended myself.

“That makes you my perfect allay. You know I can trust you; because you need what I have, while it is just as true in reverse!” she continued.

“Just like two insignificant Ponies indulging in a little trade on the side?” I suggested, weakly.

“Yeppers, deppers; now you got the idea all rounded up, and secured!” she stabbed on the wall.

“Are you high, or something? Oh yeah, you are just pink!” I teased, as it hit home and the situation dawned upon me with overwhelming force, crushing down on me.

This mare doesn’t play fair; when she had an entire Empire behind her, should I have been calling her sir?

As I smile at her, laughing at her little jokes, there is a void building up behind her. What I see the shadow of, is the fear and depression, their Daemons turning tail in panic, fleeing. How could this be? Could a mere smile or giggle be as strong as the love of Cadance herself? She left me stuck; between the fear, and the hope.

I ended up laughing at the absurdity in my situation, and what she was making me do. Just as she put no effort into her deed, as monumental as it may be.

Now she had me cornered, just as certainly and securely as where she had found me. I am left with no choice, and nowhere to go, but to her. Anywhere and everywhere I turn; and I am still facing her, no matter what.

When I was told that they saw me and us as Monsters; yet here I am before the Queen of Monsters herself. I can not doubt it, or deny her.

As I look into the mirror, squinting my eyes; what I see is her, and she is the Changeling Queen, by the side of a little Deer foal, which is apparently me. How could this world pull such cruel jokes on me of all the Ponies of this world known as Equestria?

I had given her all she had asked me the previous night, and she had given me all I could ask for in return. I belong to her and am hers, just as she is mine and the mate giving me all the strength a Queen could possibly wish for. How could one such as she give such an offer and make such a trade with one such as I? As if I had the power or right to question her, here or now?

I had given her all she had asked me the previous night, and she had given me all I could ask for in return. I belong to her and am hers, just as she is mine and the mate giving me all the strength a Queen could possibly wish for. How could one such as she give such an offer and make such a trade with one such as I? As if I had the power or right to question her, here or now?

In giving her everything and giving, what does that make me? Yet, she gave in and gave me everything I could ever have wished for, what does that make her? She had asked for the impossible and highly expected, but where does this all end? Could she even conceive; what she had been asking for, or what it will make her into?

There is the one oddity in the room, it isn’t in all the things I had wished for or given; just as it isn’t in any of what she wished for, or gave me. The oddity is in the one seemingly impossible act, I am not looking at her as the monster we formerly saw the Ponies as; it is the affection for her I feel.

In all honesty, I am still the very same Changeling; true and through, I have never changed my core, but I still do feel an affection for the one mare before me.

When she will realize it, I have no idea. Yet, when she does, what will she ask of me in return? Do I need to fear it, and what she could do? I guess all that is too late, and too late by far. Once I start to feel the affection for her, I have no turning back.

Why am I in a room saturated with love? I know I have never felt the likes of this, even since the days of Discords wicked rule.

Why, oh way; is there a pink mare in the same room as I am currently in? Of course, she is the source of all I have, and all I ever wanted. She asks but for me to smile at her, and smile is what I do. How could I not, after all she just gave me? If a simple smile is granting me all the love I can take, then I will smile joyfully as if insane; no regrets.

Love is best, when it is freely given; I had always known it and exactly why. I had chosen to forget and ignore it for my very own and very selfish motives, as destructive as it had proven to be. Only now, I have more love than I could ever have hoped for.

Love given freely is no base for power and control. The problem is that a Pony isn’t controlled by food as in grasses or the lack there off.

From just the one mare I have before me, I sense a steady out pour of love. She is beaming, like a star on the sky and feeding everyone around her. Every friend, and every pony smiling back at her as she is passing them on the streets. How could a pony maintain the steady out pour, of the magnitude she is?

She and her friends had crushed me over and over, again and again. No matter what I did, or how well I had been preparing for the exploits; they had still beaten me. When I had hit the very bottom of the pit; she is digging me up, despite everything I had done to prevent it.

Now she is reminding me of happier days gone by. The days when I first looked up at the old Queen of days I thought I had forgotten. The days I had been feeling full and content with life and everything it had to offer.

The Queen had passed on and passed to the other side. She had left me with a hive I apparently had not been prepared to take over. In my thirst and greed, I had changed everything and toppled the order of the old Queen. Of course it is tradition, the new Queen had to take over after the old and in the process; things had to change. Sometimes for the better, and sometimes for the worse. I had crushed her and everything she was, everything she stood for. I had built me an Empire out of the previously warm and loving hive.

In the end; everything I had, everything I had been was crushed and burned to cinders before the four winds. I had destroyed it all with the greed I had failed to harness and temper, for the good of my Changelings.

In the state. I had been in at the time; how could I have known just how wonderful something as simple as a cup of tea could be? Just the one mare by my side, and nothing but. Her radiance was pushing it all away. I am in a bubble of her attention. No sense of being trapped, bored or even the slightest hint of dissatisfaction.

With her by my side, everything is warm and fuzzy. As if I had been hugged tightly with the revered Queen of the past.

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Author's Note:

Crysalis' POV

Comments ( 2 )

8101356 I take it.

I think it is PM here. You don't need a program to read a gdoc, but I may have to check the settings for you to read it.

I do have a few oneshots too, while some are fairly short. Granted, I have taken on a few more than I manage to keep going right now. If you or anyone else is interested, I could accept help with this.

Guess I am not quite as alone as I thought. It is quite the chalenge to handle multiple stories, when you have far too many ideas for your own good like I seems to have.

8104617 Well I understand a part of wanting to get every good idea written down, but maybe you just take notes for your ideas to get it out of your head and actually continue them later, that is one way to do it I guess.

I like this chapter, but I have a little problem to figure out the situation again. I mostly remember stuff about stories even if a chapter takes a long while to appear, but I'm bad with the little details like that sometimes.

I gave you an upvote since this is already the third chapter now. I don't understand everything anymore, but I liked the way it was written.

Was this the storie where Pinkie wanted to help Chrysalis to be their somewhat mean friends?

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