• Published 7th Dec 2015
  • 646 Views, 2 Comments

Arkham Equestria - Mr-Astounding

Ponies in Batman's origin? Eh, Gotham's had stranger nights...

  • ...

A Problem arises...


"This is NOT a good sign," Spike, personal assistant of Twilight Sparkle, directed at his friends while in the Canterlot sculpture garden sometime after the defeat of a certain draconequus, having noticed that one of the statues was missing.

"You would be correct in saying so," Princess Celestia, who'd entered with her sister, Luna, in tow declared.

"It seems that due to a rare event amongst the stars, Discord was able to transfer his consciousness to another plane of existence where the Elements of Harmony had little power in, at least at that particular moment," the Equestrian guardian of the night sky declared.

"The disappearance of his stone prison can only mean that he's gained enough power to exist there in the PHYSICAL sense as well as the SPIRITUAL sense," Luna further confirmed.

"Please tell me that Discord isn't causing trouble in some other dimension or something," Fluttershy pleaded.

"I wish she could, sugar cube," Applejack remarked.

"Other dimension or not, I REFUSE to let that dreadfully repulsive troublemaker to cause mischief like he did before," Rarity declared.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, girls, but we don't have time to go to this alternate reality the same way that Discord did," Twilight sincerely stated.

"We've been thinking about that very thing, my faithful student, and I believe we have a solution," Celestia said by way of reply.

Producing a small vile, she declared, "This magical elixir was created ages ago, just in case those who worship disorder of our world were to attempt an escape to another: I've always hoped I'd never have to use it."

"So, the liquid in that bottle will take us to wherever Discord is?" Rainbow Dash inquired.

To this, the guardian of the day light replied with, "Not exactly: it will take you to the location of someone who will help you defeat Discord and whatever allies he may have gathered."

"This is so exciting! Are you excited? Because I've never been so excited in my life! Except when I'm preparing a big party, but I mean, who can top that?" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Don't get TOO excited, sugar cube. This world will probably a bit more dangerous then ours." Applejack chided.

"She's right, darling. I, for one, am feeling a bit nervous about what we'll encounter in this new world," Rarity deadpanned.

"It's okay, Rarity: I'm sure that as long as we stick together, we've got nothing to worry about," Twilight declared.

"I can think of some things to worry about, but it won't be Discord," Fluttershy replied.

"Is it okay if I go with you girls?" Spike inquired.

"I mean, you never know if you'll need to contact Princess Celestia or something," the dragon further explained

"That's actually not a bad idea: we might need some advice or tools from Equestria at some point." Twilight remarked.

"Very well: I shall allow the young dragon to go along with you, but be forewarned: the level of danger is not the ONLY thing that is different in this world," Celestia replied.

"We'll be sure to keep that in mind," Twilight insured. With that, the elixir was poured onto the ground, producing a portal.

"This is going to be so AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash declared as she and the others entered the dimensional doorway.

Author's Note:

Okay, now to get a few things out of the way: this takes place somewhere between seasons 2 and 3 of "Friendship is Magic". However, I should probably mention that I've got a pretty good idea about how go about showing the "gameplay," most of which will be answered in the next chapter or two, so hold off on any questions on that front, at least for right now. Also, just to get this out of the way, this will NOT be a perfect play-by-play of the actual game, meaning I'm going to be leaving out some of the side missions and such. If that's going to be a problem, there's the door. Until next time, however, know that criminals aren't that hard to figure out…bonus points to anyone else who knows how the rest of this goes.