• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 6,205 Views, 185 Comments

Scootalong to the Cheer - Blackbelt

Inside the schoolhouse of ponyville, a parent teacher conference takes place. Let us see what happen

  • ...


"Spying? at this time of night? Apology my left hoof, they PLANNED everything.........

"Thank you Raindrops." Cheerilee said coldly, keeping her pure unbridled RAGE out of her voice. She then gazed past Raindrops, looking at the two monsters that found themselves on her doorstep. "Explain yourselves. What are you two doing spying on me?"

Scootaloo was the first to speak. "We weren't spying! We were just-"

"QUIET!" Cheerilee hissed, causing Scootaloo to flinch with fear. "You two were caught red hoofed. Now tell me the truth; What exactly are you two planning?" Cheerilee locked the two fillies with a glare that filled them both with dread.

Lyra placed a hoof upon Cheerilee's shoulder. "Cheerilee, aren't you being a bit hard on them? I mean-"

"No, Lyra, I don't." Cheerilee said, not taking her glare off of the two fillies. "If anything, I have been far too easy upon these....students. I'll ask you one. last. TIME; What were you planning?"

Cheerilee maintained her glare. Lyra kept attempting to get Cheerilee to reconsider. Raindrops watched the scene unfold with curious trepidation. Scootaloo was unable to speak, too afraid of making Cheerilee any madder. And Diamond Tiara carefully considered her next move......

"SCOOTALOO CAME HERE TO APOLOGIZE!" Diamond Tiara yelled. Everypony else stared at Diamond Tiara. But Cheerilee's glare did not soften.

"Hmph. Sure. You get caught, so you suddenly decide to apologize for everything. I can believe that." Cheerilee's voice dripped with sarcasm.

"There's a gift basket for you sitting in the wagon right over there!" Diamond Tiara countered, pointing a hoof to the wagon in question. The staredown between teacher and student continued, both of their expressions unreadable. ....I am gonna get into so much trouble.....but I can protect Scootaloo....

"Raindrops" Cheerilee eventually said. "Could you go check on their wagon?" Raindrops slowly nodded, and walked off with a sidelong glance.

Raindrops soon came upon the wagon, and saw that what Diamond Tiara said was true; there was a small basket, filled with what appeared to be gifts. ....I think I owe them an apology..... Raindrops thought to herself as she picked up the basket in her teeth and walked back to the scene of the staredown. She very calmly put the basket down in front of Scootaloo.

Scootaloo picked up the basket and slowly walked up to her teacher. As she gently placed it at Cheerilee's hooves, the young filly risked a glance upwards. The worn and weary mare only stared down at her student, causing Scootaloo to shudder in fear once again as she tried desperately to think of what to say.

"...I..." Scootaloo gulped, trying to find her voice. "...I...I'M SORRY!" she finally blurted out.

Cheerilee looked at the gift basket in front of her. ...blackcheery drops....my favorite... she thought solemnly ...Lyra was right. I've been wallowing all day, and yet Scootaloo was worried about me all day...I could have just talked to her. After school. Or in the alley. Or instead of yelling at her when she tried to explain things just now......I'm a terrible teacher.. Cheerilee was about to apologize to her young student when a single stray thought of paranoia entered her mind.

What if this is all a trick and she tampered with the food?

A flurry of images went through Cheerilee's head: Breathing fire from eating a blazing hot pepper. Sneezing uncontrollably. Blacking out. Having to use the little filly's room for hours on end. And finally a vision of a simple tombstone, that bore a most ominous inscription upon it.

Here Lies Blackcherry Lee Punch
"Curse my love of delicious, delicious candy!"

And through all of this, the sound of a certain pegasus filly laughing filled Cheerilee's head. A vile, wicked laugh, full of delight. Delight in Cheerilee's pain. The whole experience made Cheerilee shudder involuntarily. She wanted to scream. To tell Scootaloo to get away from her. She stared down at her tormentor, ready to tell this vile miscreant off once and for all. Ready to expel her from school. Ready to run the little demon out of town, using whatever force necessary to make it happen....

And couldn't bring herself to do any of that when she saw the torrent of tears that was falling from the young filly's eyes.

"...And-and you're the best teacher I could ever hope for....you're always willing to spend time to help your students, you always greet everypony with a smile, you helped save the world, and you're nice to everyone....even an idiot like me....."

Cheerilee wrapped her front hooves around Scootaloo, pulling the pegasus into a tight hug. "...I should be the one saying sorry..." Cheerilee said simply, tears running down her face as well.

Raindrops, Lyra, and Diamond Tiara looked upon the two with relieved looks on their face.

Oh, that is so adorable.... Lyra thought, a smile coming to her face.

.....I wish I could hug Scootaloo out of nowhere like that......oh great, I'm jealous of my teacher...... Diamond Tiara thought, a small scowl forming on her face....but I'm glad everything worked out.....

Oh thank goodness, I was worried I would have to try to subdue Cheerilee.....never again...... Raindrops let out the breath she had been holding.


Two fillies and their teacher walked under the night sky through Ponyville. Or more accurately, one filly was scooting along on a scooter at a snail's pace, horribly untrained at riding the vehicle, and one was riding on the back of the mare, sound asleep. The filly directing the scooter took the opportunity to tell her teacher of what had transpired.

"....and than Snails's big sister saw us and she thought we were spying." Diamond Tiara finished her story, the scooter she was riding wobbling far too much for comfort.

Cheerilee was silent for a moment, taking in the story of Scootaloo's day. ...looks like I could have saved both of us a hard day.... she thought bitterly, as she took a moment to look at the young filly who . But something about the story bugged her. "But why were you helping Scootaloo?" Cheerilee asked.

"Like I said, I needed a partner for the school talent show." Diamond Tiara said simply. And the fact she's amazing....

"but you spent all those bits! I mean, I don't know how much your allowance is, but it seems like alot..." Cheerilee said with worry. Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes.

"I can get bits from daddy any time I want." She declared. But Cheerilee still thought there was something else to it. But she didn't have too much time to consider it until the Kart repair shop came into view. Cheerilee knocked on the door, but no one answered.

Heavy Roller isn't home? I wonder where he is....


"And zen the Lovely Lulamoon smite ze the mighty Urza Minaer BACK from wence it came!"

"HAHAHA!!! That is so AWESOME!" a very drunk Heavy Roller replied, completely enamored with Lulamoon's somewhat inaccurate story of what happened during the Eventime Festival.


Cheerilee figured Heavy Roller wouldn't mind if she just went in to put his daughter to bed. She went through the door, followed closely by Diamond Tiara, who took the opportunity to ditch the scooter and wagon next to a pile of assorted broken wheels. The teacher headed up the stairs, and turned towards her crowned student. "Stay down here Diamond Tiara." she instructed.

"B-...but I have to write a note for Scootaloo." Diamond Tiara responded quickly. and I wanted to wish her good night...

Cheerilee shook her head. "I know you want to start early on getting ready for the talent show, but do you really think it would be a good idea to start tomorrow? Especially after how today went?"

I know, it's a terrible idea to attempt putting together a whole new performance after a situation this stressful, but it's the only way I can spend time with her....and she looks so cute when she's asleep.

"And besides" Cheerilee interrupted Diamond Tiara's inner monologue, "There's some crayons and paper right there." Cheerilee pointed a hoof at what Diamond Tiara recognized as a small mess Scootaloo made in her rush to get to Cheerilee's house once they finished the card they made.

Diamond Tiara took one last look at Scootaloo, whispered a very soft "good night" and grabbed a crayon, and began to write.Satisfied that her student would keep busy with her note, Cheerilee carefully made her way up the stairs, doing her best to not wake the pegasus on her back. She made her way up to the second floor, and glanced around the dark room.

Wouldn't be the first time I've had to navigate a house completely in the dark. she thought to herself, slightly amused, looking around the living room, until she spied a bean bag chair sitting in the corner of the living room. Thinking for a moment, Cheerilee decided it would do. She poked the bean bag chair with her hoof, ensuring it was sufficiently soft, then laid the young pegasus on top of it. She was ready to head back downstairs and escort her other student back home, until she heard a small groan coming from Scootaloo.

"...mommy...don't go...." Scootaloo kicked her hooves in her sleep, looking as if she was having a nightmare. Cheerilee softly patted Scootaloo on the head, which seemed to calm her down. "....mommy...." Scootaloo said again, this time sounding much less distressed, before drifting back into restful sleep once more.

With a last look to ensure that her students sleep would be restful, Cheerilee made her way back down the stairs. She saw Diamond Tiara staring intently at a piece of paper with some writing Cheerilee couldn't quite make out. Then Cheerilee saw something very odd. Diamond Tiara grabbed the paper, stuffed it into her saddlebag, and quickly wrote another note, which she placed on Scootaloo's scooter. As much as Cheerilee wanted to ask about this, she thought it better to not ask.

Didn't stop her from taking a glance at the note as she headed out though.

Hey Scoots, you fell asleep, so we dragged you home. Don't forget that we have to work on our performance for the talent show, so I expect you at my house bright and early. And be ready for WORK.
Don't be late,
Diamond Tiara

....I'll let Scootaloo handle it. Cheerilee decided.

Back at home, locked in the sanctity of her room, Diamond Tiara stared at the letter she wanted to give Scootaloo. ...why can't I just let the words out...

Dear Scootaloo,
You fell asleep in Cheerilee's hooves, so she carried you home. I'm glad everything worked out for the best, and I appreciate the fact that you let me help. I look forward to preparing for the School Talent Show. You can feel free to come by whenever you feel up to it. I know it's been very stressful for you, so please, don't push yourself too hard.
Diamond Tiara

She lamented her indecisiveness as she dug through her saddlebags, pulling out the things she had bought that day. ....you have a week DT. A look of determination (accompanied by a small blush at the thought of that cute nickname) came to Diamond Tiara's face. You can do this. All you have to do if give her some gifts, and say what's on your mind. You can do it. you can-

Her train of thought crashed immediately when she came across something in her bag that wasn't supposed to be there. She carefully pulled out the small item in her hooves, treating it as if it was the most valuable thing in the world. She marveled at it's splendor, rotating it so she could look at every angle of it, amazed at how it caught the light. Diamond Tiara dared not question how such sheer wonderment would end up in her possession, but she knew better than to question a miracle.Eventually, a yawn escaped her lips, but she did not want to go to sleep. But ultimately, she did succumb to sleep, falling asleep on the floor.

A feather from Scootaloo's wings resting in her hooves.


Run Credits.

Comments ( 48 )

You know, I cam say that when I started writing this fic, I did not expect it to end like this. And honestly, I think what happened happened for the better.

I cannot thank the Lunaverse group enough for the contributions, wordsof encouragement, and really just existing.

But really, the one who deserves the most thanks is Emeral Bookwise. He preread everything, giving everything from grammar and spelling corrections to full blown ideas. And as I've said earlier, if it weren't for him, this story would not exist in the form it does. Thanks dood.

Wow! This has been one crazy ride, full of stuff I'd never really expected and was even a bit hesitant of. I mean, Scootiara, who'd have ever thought a crazy ship like that could actually work?

Still, considering where this fic started (not just the first chapter but the original draft that got scrapped), I'm simply amazed to see what it became. Having been rather closely involved with BB as he wrote and developed this story, I'm all the more thrilled and even a little proud to see it all warping up so nicely. I suppose part of me almost sad to see it all coming to a close, but well, all good thing must come to an end eventually, and at least we still have the talent show epilogue tie-in left to go. :scootangel:

Happy to have been whatever help I could be. I know I kinda chewed you out a bit when you first drafted this and I've likely been as much a pain as a help along the way, but you really have improved so very much and largely of you own accord. I may have shown you the way, but you're still the one stepped up your game and took it to that next level.

Huh. Scootatiara and TrixieXBourbon are now the L!verse canon ships.

Raindrops' line did make me think about whether Raindrops or Cheerilee would win in a fight. It would be pretty close, Cheerilee is skilled, but Raindrops has an extra pair of limbs and can probably take far more damge than Cheerilee. On the other hand, Raindrops is unlikely to go all out.

My reaction to the end:


This fic was awesome! And adorable. Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara kind of stole the show, but it was still great!

That was a pretty nice ending. Though I kinda hoped Heavy Roller and Cheerilee would get some final scene together.

A job well done Blackbelt! :pinkiesmile:

Aww... such a good ending, there. :yay: We need to build up Tiara's COURAGE! Good on Cheerilee, too.

Four hooves up!

DT: "Scootaloo I have to tell you the truth, I love you!"

Scootaloo: "I have a secret to tell you as well DT..."

Cheerilee's full name is Blackcherry Lee Punch?

Why can see that in a bubble font on a poster for an 70's exploitation ass-kicking extravaganza?

You can dig it..

Blackcherry Lee Punch, I like it.

Don't worry DT keep building your relationship and someday the time will come when you heart is ready. :twilightsmile:

Baww! That is so adorable! Scootaloo's not a bad kid, Cheerilee, she means well! :scootangel: And DT, it wouldn't hurt to let yourself be nice once in a while, would it? Lovely ending to a great story!

Cheerilee's full name being Blackcherry Lee Punch is freakin' cool. And the ending is so cute. I have to say that this is the first time that I'm having a HNNG type feeling.:twilightsheepish:

Good story! It seems like Cheerilee is the applejack of the lunaverse ( I think she's used the least out of the alternate mane 6). I also like how the lunaverse stories are working on creating more in depth characters for the other foals in Cheerilee's class.

That being said I don't want to be that guy, but I noticed an error in this chapter. In Diamond Tiara's letter she wrote

my house bright and early. And be for ready WORK.

I assume you meant and be ready for work.

But all in all Keep up the good work!

great fic with an incredibly adorable ending overall an excellently written fic that was an really entertaining ride :scootangel:

Your writing is substantively good, just technically rough. There were a lot of than/then malapropisms and other things where you use a similarly-spelled word that you didn't mean to, several bits of missed end punctuation in quotes, a few places where you accidentally a verb, and I spotted the occasional alot tromping about the story.


Generally a lot of small things that make you look rougher than your narrative voice really is. Ask someone to take a proofread through and you should be golden.

This story was, in order: Hilarious, humorously adorable, hilarious, suddenly FEELZ, and then downright soul-crushingly D'aww. :pinkiehappy:

In other words, this is flipping fantastic!



I do have a prereader.His name is Emeral Bookwise.

And I know it's called Bonbon's Confectionarium. But Scoots and DT don't know that.

Bravo sir. :trixieshiftright: Truly a masterpiece.

I really can't wait to see the School Talent Show I hope you're able to complete it soon I am dying to know how you will develop Diamond Tiara. I despise her in the show but in this I see her actually redeeming herself and that makes me like her character more so I can only hope for the best in the next story.:pinkiehappy:


Oh god, these two comments made my day! :rainbowlaugh:

Scootatiara is now officially best shipping.

Such a nice little story. I enjoyed it, and angry Cheerilee is super awesome. Diamond Tiara doesn't seem so bad after this story.:pinkiesmile:

While I definitely enjoyed the story, it looks like you wrote this on an old-fashioned typewriter with only one hand and an eyepatch of your own. A single round of editing would have been appreciated.

Seems looking down that Emeral did at least some of that. Still, while I was reading this earlier today, the formatting, missing words, general errors...


Yeah, pretty much.

Sound the noisemakers and blast the party music. We've got a real festival of a story here, and even without Pinkie, it's rife with the zany. While my familiarity with the Lunaverse is limited to the most general information, I was able to pick up the differences between this universe and the original and understand what's going on. Quite possibly the biggest difference I picked up was the tendency of the inhabitants of Luna's kingdom to adopt Luna's speech habits both verbally and mentally. It would seem that she's quite the influential ruler.

The story revolves around the shenanigans of Cheerilee, Scootaloo, and Diamond Tiara, though the primary focus centers around the trigger event of Cheerilee's successive misfortune. As best as I can see, this is a comical story of forgiveness that really isn't meant to be taken seriously. Between all the exuberant yelling, the Luna-esque threatening statements, and the unbridled power of angry Cheerilee, I can tell that comedy is given top priority. As far as serious moments go, the only genuine one appears to be Scootaloo's apology to Cheerilee, which does come across as believable given the events that lead up to it. I think the fact that it manages to quell Cheerilee's paranoia really makes it stand out as the most emotional point in the story. I'd say it's the one point in the story where I knew the true intention wasn't humor.

I have no really commentary to make about Diamond's role in the story. She served the story purpose of allowing Scootaloo to apologize and personality-wise served as Scootaloo's secret admirer. For what you were attempting to do, I think you succeeded. It just wasn't really anything I had much interest in.

My biggest commendation of this story would have to be your characterization of this universe's main cast. I haven't read that many stories with Trixie in them, but is probably one of my favorite instances of her. Having her perform such a charitable deed only to have her fearing for her life as a result is a comical scenario, and the simple image of Trixie attempting to teach a group of children that she thinks are going to cut her down at any moment is amusing even without it being explicitly described. Cheerilee seemed to have a believable amount of patience given the circumstances of the story, and while I couldn't really distinguish between Carrot Top and Lyra from personality, they served different enough roles for me to see them as separate individuals. All in all, they were presented as main characters that I could see making an interesting parallel to the original main cast.

After a bit of thought, I'd have to say my biggest criticism of this story is the loose framing device at the beginning. The entirety of Chapter 1 is Cheerilee explaining the story of her misfortune from earlier to Scootaloo's dad. Chapter 2 begins right where Chapter 1 leaves off, but it's no longer Cheerilee telling the story. It's just happening. Even more confusingly, it takes place before the events of Chapter 1 and switches straight from Cheerilee's point of view to Scootaloo's right at the beginning of the chapter. I think it would have been more clear if the chapter had started from Scootaloo's POV or perhaps showed her in the present explaining what happened to Diamond Tiara. It just seemed like it was unnecessarily confusing.

From what I've seen in the comments section, you seem to know about your grammatical issues, so I won't bother going into detail about each of them. I would, however, like to point out your use of the word 'than'. You use it consistently in place of 'then' so many times in this story when referring to a moment in time. 'Than' is a conjunction used for comparative statements like "I like ice cream more than pie" and "It was better than nothing."

I'm not sure if all stories in the Lunaverse are this wacky or if it's just the comedic ones, but I can definitely call this story off the beaten path. It's a simple story of misunderstanding and acceptance in the face of adverse circumstance coupled with a story of hidden feelings that I figure will end up getting its own story. I'd call this story a plate of nachos with jalapenos on top. It's zesty, it's colorful, and there's a lot of screaming involved with it.

Make the most!

Sometimes an image is needed to accurately display an emotion. This is one of those times.

2778447 no, english and English are two different languages. most people type in english. those who don't are grammar nazi's and cant live wih themselves unless they correct every goddamn mistake they find...

I was chuckling a lot throughout and had a lot of fun! The will reciting, the bar scene with the random ponies and new ponies suddenly entering the conversation, the bit with the taffy, the sudden cuts in time during the first chapter and the internal monologues.. I loved it! :pinkiehappy: And the shipping was very cute! :raritywink:
The Warpath bit was a bit overdone, though. I would have enjoyed it more if I felt Cheerilee would actually have reason to be THAT angry, but I didn't. Angry, but not furious. I really liked Lyra in this, though - you placed her perfectly :twilightsmile:
All in all, a really good story! Thank you! :heart:


Not the strangest ship ive seen but cute nonetheless.

1263349 Err... So I guess it's on that I left some you could say breadcrumbs in the last few chapters?

Silly me! I thought we were on a site SPECIFICALLY.:ajbemused: FOR.:rainbowhuh: WRITING.:flutterrage: Spelling and grammar have no place here, of course. :facehoof:


SPECIFICALLY.:ajbemused: FOR.:rainbowhuh: WRITING.:flutterrage:

Nope. It's also for reading, commenting, blogging, and talking. Have fun! :pinkiehappy:


You actually missed the beginning;

Than she rode by me and splashed me.

I corrected it to Then since than is more commonly used as a comparison between two actions/people/etc.

Awwwwwwwwwww that was sweet

(and when did raindrops subdue cherlie?!?!?!)

It's incredible how you manage to have elements of Lesson Zero, Bridle Gossip, Hearts and Hooves Day, Griffon the Brush-Off, and even a sequence that seems to belong in Return of Harmony Part 1.

You made me actually care about Diamond Tiara's feelings and general well-being.
Well done.
I leave with an impression of Diamond Tiara as canon!Rarity.
And I'm okay with that. :twilightsmile:

4890093 or Helga Pataki..

"but you spent all those bits!


"And besides"

"," after besides

Sucks more than words can say that ScootsXDeets, the possible future LyraXBonbon of ponies isn't given anything more than a "it'll never work" by the people who determine canon. Especially when fics like yours and other canon stories show that they'd have a good relationship. But none the less, this was a cute fic. It's both one of my top 3 L!Verse Fics and the most infuriating due to the lack of closure the story threads built in this fic never get true closure.

Still great job on this story.

Hilarous, heartwarming, and fun. That is what comes to mind as I read this story.

But, also something else I want to note-Cheerilee. For the longest rime, I felt like Cheerilee had gotten the hort end of the stick when it came to screentime and storytelling. Heck, the last time we see her was back in 'Ill communication' (I think) for about one line of dialouge. I suppose that it did make sense, I mean...she is a teacher and that takes a lot of time for her. Her job is probably a big hinderance on how much she could do (much like Applejack), but we still neeed moments with her. This is like it llets it all out. We see that shecan be patient, and thinking the best of ponies. We see her laugh at the bad. This was also a geat episode for Scoots, but most importantly, Diamond Tiara. All at once we see her cute, silly, and a little bit romantic. IT is so freaking adorable that it isn't even funny, I love it.

Also, I felt something funny to think about this relationship...In G3 Scootaloo and Cheerilee are sisters, and their relationship is very sisterly in this story, was this a rference?

as always the first chaptr for people to enjoy.


Yes, that is totally a reference. To be completely honest, the G3 thing was the genesis for this whole thing. Funny how that works.

You know what? After I found the theme of this story. It starts to make me a little sick. But after few lines I found myself in thoughts about this ship. I just compere this one to the worst ships in fandom. And well, kidxkid is still better than AppleMac, molestiaxAnyone or humanxAnyone. To be honest I think diamonloo is my new favourite ship in fandom.

And well alI can do is just hope for more DS in lunaverse. And oh yea, you got a new fan(atic):twilightsheepish:


What's so terrible about Diamond Tiara liking Scootaloo? DT is bitchy and domineering, not cosmically-evil.

Awwww :pinkiesad2: that's adorable.
Diamond Tiara has good taste. :scootangel:

I like everything about this story apart from how cheerilee acted.

That she does. This is literally one of the only AU's that this ship not only works. But works amazingly well.

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