• Member Since 24th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2019

Captain 1 percent



Twilight succeeds in going to equestria and learning about magic but she pulls along a lot of unwanted guests along the way. So with everyone hating Twilight and Sunset Shimmer having to face her old demons. Along with secrets being spilled as time goes on. How will it all work out?

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 9 )

shouldn't all of the Canterlot high and cCystal prep students be ponfied now, thus Twilight and Sunset should have woken up in a gaggle of confused possibly panicking ponies?

That the thing if it was the portal from the statue then yeah. but this was a tear in space and time caused by Human Twilight on a power trip so it wasn't the same.
Also the portal was thru a magic mirror made to change a person's shape.

Well let's see where this story goes. It should be interstating.

sunset shimmer

Proper nouns should be capitalized.

a lout of


So with everyone hating twilight and sunset shimmer having to face her old demons along with secrets being spilled along the way for everyone how will it all work out?

That sentence is a mess. Have someone read it out loud to you and see how it sounds.

P.S. Both words in your user name are spelled wrong.

Good opening, need to see the next update to see how this is going to take off

Doppelganger eh... not sure if should be flattered

don't quit now keep writing, I hate cliff hangers.

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