• Published 7th Dec 2015
  • 1,027 Views, 19 Comments

Where's The Love? - Eddy13

The Mane Six must stop a vampiric creature from stealing all the love in Equestria.

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With Hearts and Hooves Day just days away, Ponyville was in full swing to get ready for the event: Ponies were flocking to stores in search of flowers, candy, and romantic cards, mares were ordering new dresses for the occasion (much to the joy of a certain white unicorn fashionista), and many ponies were trying to work up the courage to confess their feelings to those they wanted to be their special someponies.

As such was the case with a certain creamy yellow pegasus who was trotting through town with her head down, nervous thoughts flowing through her mind.

"Oh, I don't know if I can do it." Fluttershy thought to herself nervously "I've tried to confess so many times before, but I always panic and back out. Why should it be any different now just because Hearts and Hooves Day?"

Looking up, Fluttershy glanced around her to see ponies everywhere in couples, many of them established couples happily waiting the next few days while others cried in joy at being asked out.

The scene brought a shy smile to Fluttershy's face.

She had always loved Hearts and Hooves Day, it being such a lovely, romantic holiday, and one day hoped to be able to share it with her own special somepony, with one such pony being that somepony.

The very pony that was on Fluttershy's mind right now.

"Oh, it would be so wonderful if we could be together" Fluttershy thought to herself with a blissful sigh "I just know that we would make a beautiful couple." She then let out another sigh, this one mournful "Oh, who am I kidding? I'm not good enough to be that pony's marefriend. Oh, well. I guess everypony has an impossible dream they long for."

Fluttershy was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't notice another pony coming up to her.

"Hey, Fluttershy!"

"Meep!" Fluttershy squeaked before instinctively leaping into the air to run.

"Whoa, whoa, relax, Girl" A voice said as a pair of hooves grabbed Fluttershy's tail and gently pulled her back to the ground. "It's only me."

Turning to the source of the voice, Fluttershy was greeted by a cocky grin. For there, right beside her, was her best friend from her fillyhood days, Rainbow Dash.

Unfortunately, Rainbow was the last pony Fluttershy wanted to see right now.

"Oh, hi, Rainbow Dash" Fluttershy squeaked as she tried to conceal her blushing cheeks from her foalhood friend.

"Hey, Flutters" Rainbow Dash with an enthusiastic smile "I've been looking for you. There's something I want to talk to you about."

"Oh, uh, well, what is it you want to talk about." Fluttershy nervously replied, her voice growing softer and quieter with each word while mentally wishing for an opportunity to get away.

"Well, I was wondering if..." Rainbow started but then stopped before finishing.

"Yes, Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked in confusion.

"If...If you'd like to watch Tank for me while I'm working overtime on the weather for the next few days." Rainbow Dash finished with an awkward grin "Hearts and Hooves Day is coming, you know, so they want to make sure the skies have a perfect romantic atmosphere by then."

"Oh, um, of course, Rainbow" Fluttershy nodded a little bit too enthusiastic than she intended "Um, sorry I can't stay, but I have things to do. Can we meet up again later?"

"Sure, Flutters" Rainbow nodded.

"Great" Fluttershy said as she walked off, mentally sighing with relief at the same time "Come by to drop off Tank when you can!"

"Sure can do!" Rainbow Dash waved back to the pony "Later, Flutters!"

Once her fellow pegasus was out of sight, however, Rainbow's grin vanished as she fell on her haunches with a groan.

"Smooth, Dash. Very smooth. The cyan mare thought sarcastically to herself "You're suppose to be the bravest, most daring pony there is, having faced down the nastiest threats to Equestria from Nightmare Moon to Tirek, but you're too afraid to tell one little timid pony how you really feel?!" She let out another groan "It's just one little confession! To your best friend since fillyhood! What's there to be scared of?!" She then sighed "Plenty, that's what! This is Fluttershy we're talking about! Aside from worrying that you'll freak her out over this, you're nervous that she'll reject you, not to mention the repercussions that could have on our friendship. Oh, why does this mushy stuff have to be so hard?! No wonder I usually spend Hearts and Hooves Day at home by myself." Her eyes then became determined. "I need some advice. Maybe I can talk to Twilight about this. She might have some ideas."

With that, Rainbow Dash started trotting over to Twilight's.

Over at the Castle of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, was in her study, reading a book from her larger-than-ever library. What was interesting about the reading material she had chosen was that it was perfect for the current mood in Equestria.

For Twilight was reading a romance novel.

She was so enraptured by her book as it neared the climax where the mare and stallion would finally declare their love for each other that she was unaware of somepony approaching the door to the room.

"Your Majesty?" a voice called out.

Instantly, Twilight was broken out of her reading trance and, after fumbling a bit with her book before nervously hiding it away, she looked up to the pony who had called her.

"Yes, Flash?" she nervously addressed the guard, trying to hide the blush on her face.

"One of your friends has arrived to see you" Flash Sentry explained. "Rainbow Dash, I believe."

Twilight smirked. "Well, at least she didn't come barging in through the window this time. Tell her she can come in."

"Yes, Your Highness" Flash bowed.

"Flash" Twilight giggled "How many times do I have to tell you to just call me Twilight?"

"Sorry" Flash replied with an embarrassed smile "It's just the formal part of my guard training, you know?"

Twilight smiled "Well, such formalities aren't necessary with me."

"I'll try to remember that" Flash replied before walking out the door.

Twilight mentally shook her head. Out of all the guards at the Crystal Empire for Cadence to send to be the new guard for her castle, did her sister-in-law deliberately chose the one guard she had a secret crush on or was it just a huge, cruel coincidence?

Ever since Flash had arrived, Twilight had been finding herself more flustered each day. In fact, that was the reason she had been reading a romance novel a few moments ago; to try and get some of the romantic pressure out of her. Her internal turmoil was soon pushed to the back of her mind as a few moments later, a certain cyan pegasus came trotting in.

"Hey, Twilight" she said with a jaunty wave.

"Hello, Rainbow Dash" Twilight replied before looking up to the door where Flash was standing at attention "That will be all for now, Flash."

"Yes, Your Highness" he said with a bow before trotting out the door, leaving Twilight and Rainbow Dash alone.

"Well," Rainbow said with a grin "It looks like things are working out with your new guard."

Twilight shook her head, this time for real "Well, apart from still being more formal than necessary with me, things are doing pretty well." She then motioned for the cyan pegasus to join her on the couch, which she did "However, I doubt you're here to talk about my new royal guard, so what is it that brought you here?"

Rainbow sighed. Twilight never was one to beat around the bush. "Well, you see, I came here to ask you for advice."

Twilight's eyes lit up. She always loved giving advice to ponies, especially her friends.

"I'd be glad to help" she said cheerfully "But before I can, I need to know what topic you want advice on."

Rainbow Dash sighed. This was the difficult part.

"I want...advice on romance."

Twilight's eyes widened as her jaw fell open. This was not among the topics she was anticipating. "Wh-What?"

"I know what you're thinking" Rainbow said with a shake of her head "The great Rainbow Dash interested in something as medial as love. Well, you know what? I don't care. I've got a crush and it doesn't bother me if all of Equestria finds out!"

Twilight looked to Rainbow in further surprise. "This is a side of you I've never seen before, Rainbow. Apparently, you've taken the lesson you learned about reading and applied it to your personal life."

Rainbow smiled smugly. "Well, I figured that if there's nothing wrong with me being into books, being interested in romance isn't bad either."

"Well, if you want my advice" Twilight said as she began scanning her shelf for books on dating "You'll need to tell me about the pony you're infatuated with. So who is it? Thunderlane? Big Mac? Or have you gotten ambitious and are interested in Soarin of the Wonderbolts?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "First of all, the tabloids have announced that Spitfire and Soarin are engaged, and before you ask, yes, I intend to see that wedding. Second, the pony I've got a crush on isn't a stallion."

For the third time, Twilight looked to Rainbow Dash with a shocked look. "Not a stallion? Then, you mean..."

"Yeah" Rainbow nodded before fixing a stare at Twilight "You're not going to judge me are you?"

Twilight shook her head "I've known that there are plenty of ponies around Equestria who are interested in the same gender. I didn't expect one of my friends to be one, but I'm not going to view you differently."

Rainbow Dash smiled. "Thanks, Twilight."

"No problem" Twilight said as she turned back to her bookshelf "But back to the matter at hand, who is this mare you like?"

Rainbow Dash paused. This was the question she wasn't looking forward to answering.

"Well, if you must know" she said slowly "She's somepony we know."

"Well, we know quite a lot of ponies" Twilight said "I'll need more details."

Rainbow Dash gulped. "Well, she's very sweet, lovable, and extremely cute. Her eyes are adorable, she has a silky mane, and her voice is as sweet as honey."

"Hmm" Twilight pondered for a moment "You know, I have to say, that description sounds...a lot...like..."

Without finishing, Twilight turned towards Rainbow Dash with her fourth stunned expression that day. With a deep, obvious blush on her face, Dash merely nodded, trying very hard to avoid Twilight's gaze.

"You're kidding" Twilight said "You're in love with her?"

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Yes, it's true. I'm in love with my best friend since I was a filly."

"Well" Twilight said as she shook off the bombshell she had received "Gotta say, I never would've expected you to be interested in Fluttershy."

Rainbow Dash frowned. "And just what's wrong with me liking Fluttershy?" she asked defensively.

"Nothing" Twilight held up her hooves to calm Rainbow down "It's just that, I never would've thought she was your type. I mean, you two are the complete opposites of each other."

Dash chuckled. "I know what you mean. You'd think that I'd want a special somepony who's as cool and awesome as I am. Imagine my surprise that I actually want a pony who is cute, sweet, caring, gentle, and loving."

"Hmm" Twilight pondered. "Well, since the pony you're in love with is already a friend of yours, we don't need to waste time talking about how to introduce yourself. But I have to know, why do you need my advice if it's one of our friends you've got a crush on?"

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Because I'm too nervous to tell Fluttershy how I feel. I'm not experienced at this romantic stuff, so I was hoping that you could give me advice on how to go about confessing to her."

Twilight looked to the cyan pegasus with a surprised stare. "You're nervous? To ask the pony you've known since your fillyhood out?"

Rainbow Dash glared. "Yeah, I know. Brave and strong Rainbow Dash scared to pour her heart out. Now are you going to help me or not?"

"Relax" Twilight said calmly as she looked over her shelf "Of course I'll help you. Now, let's see...Ah! Here it is!"

Finding the appropriate book, Twilight pulled it down from her shelf and carried it back to the couch.

"'1001 Ways To Get A Date'" She said as she showed the book's title to Rainbow Dash. "Since your problem is admitting your feelings, we'll jump to the 'Confession' portion of the book" Twilight then opened it to the proper page "It says that the first thing to do is work out exactly what you want to tell the pony you have a crush on. What are the things you want to say to Fluttershy when you confess?"

Rainbow Dash pondered the question for a moment before speaking. "Well, I guess I'd want to tell Fluttershy how sweet and caring she is, that I think she's beautiful, and that she means a lot to me." Then she frowned "Of course, wanting to say those things isn't the same as actually saying them."

"Well, we can discuss working up the courage later" Twilight replied. "Anyway, it seems we've got a general idea of what you want to tell Fluttershy. Just work on how you want to word your speech until you feel you're ready." Twilight then turned the page in her book "The book says that location is also important, as it creates the proper mood needed for revealing your feelings, so the next step is picking an appropriate place for you to confess to Fluttershy. It can range from a place with a romantic atmosphere to a place that holds special meaning to either of you, like the place where you first met."

"Hmm" Rainbow Dash thought "It'd be too cheesy to take her to Cloudsdale's Flight Camp where we first met, not to mention difficult as we might get chased out."

"Well, there are other options" Twilight pointed out "The book says that picking a location that represents your crush's likes can be shown as a grand gesture to help express your feelings."

"Hmm" Rainbow Dash pondered again before gasping "I got it! I'll take Fluttershy out into her favorite field! It'll be the perfect place to tell her!"

"That's great" Twilight smirked before looking at her book "Now, lastly, make sure that when you confess, there is nothing to disrupt your confession so you don't lose your nerve and back out."

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Yeah, right. Like there will be something to interrupt my confessing out in a field!" Upon finishing laughing, her eyes went wide with realization before she turned to Twilight.

"I'll make sure Pinkie Pie is preoccupied during your confession" Twilight said simply.

"Thank you" Rainbow Dash sighed with relief before raising an eyebrow "Still, even with all this advice on confessing, there's still the matter of me having the guts to spit it out."

Twilight smirked. "Not being able to say what's on your mind must feel different to you." As Rainbow Dash glared at the alicorn, Twilight glanced back at her book "Anyway, to work up the courage to talk about your feelings, the book suggests practicing confessing until you feel comfortable with it. And if that's not enough, focus on the reasons you plan to confess and visualize what the future will be like when your special somepony says yes."

Rainbow Dash frowned. "And what does the book suggest in the event you get turned down?"

Twilight's eyes widened before looking at the page again "In case date request is rejected, see companion guide, How To Get Over A Heartbreak." Grinning nervously, Twilight looked up to a still-frowning Rainbow Dash. "Well, this is Fluttershy we're talking about. I mean, she's not the kind of pony who'd break your heart."

"No" Rainbow Dash muttered. "But she doesn't have to be snide to reject me. I mean, she could gently turn me down and ask if we could just remain friends. Heck, at worst, she might run off the moment I speak my mind and not even say anything to me."

Twilight sighed. "Well, sorry, Rainbow Dash, but those are the kind of risks one takes when confessing their feelings."

Rainbow Dash groaned. "But that's the main problem! It might be too risky! What if Fluttershy turns me down, what could that do my friendship with her? Not to mention the implications it could have on our group!"

Twilight smiled. "First of all, I doubt that Fluttershy would stop being your friend if she turns you down. And second, I can tell you for certain that your confessing won't have a negative impact on our group of friends. Whatever happens, the others and I will still be your friends. You're just letting your fears of what could happen make you think irrationally."

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Well, even if I don't lose any of you girls, how will I be able to be around Fluttershy anymore if she doesn't feel the same?"

"Well, I'm afraid I can't help you there, Rainbow" Twilight replied. "You just need to ask yourself if your feelings for Fluttershy are worth the chance of being heartbroken."

Rainbow Dash looked to the Princess of Friendship for a moment before sighing. "You're right, Twilight. This is something I have to figure out for myself." she said as she got off the couch "Still, thanks for the advice. I'm sure it'll help."

With that, the cyan pegasus began to walk to the door, but stopped when she was halfway there.

"So" she said as she looked back to Twilight with a smirk "When do you plan to tell that guard of yours how you feel?"

Twilight felt herself become flushed as she looked away from the speedster. "R-Rainbow!" she sputtered "W-What would give you the idea that I have a thing for Flash?"

"Twilight" Rainbow Dash said flatly "We all know about the reaction you had when you saw him after you came back from the Human World."

Twilight tried to conceal her blushing face, but to no avail. Finally she sighed. "Romance is all so new to me. I don't know how to respond to it."

"Well, you could try telling the guy" Rainbow Dash commented.

"Rainbow, considering how much of a novice at friendship I was when we first me, you really think I'd be better at romance?" Twilight inquired. "Heck, you've got more romantic experience than me!"

Rainbow Dash eyed the alicorn. "Well, just take the same advice that you gave me. What's the problem?"

"The problem, Rainbow" Twilight began "Is I don't know if I like him for who he is or just because he's the pony equivalent of that boy I met in the Human World. Besides, he's a guard, I'm a princess. I doubt it would work out."

Rainbow Dash smirked. "Your brother and Cadence say otherwise."

"Rainbow" Twilight said "I've never felt this way before in my life. Even reading romance novels hasn't affected me like this. It's taking me a while to get use to it."

Rainbow Dash raised a brow. "Well, you better not wait too long to come to grips with it. That Flash isn't that bad looking. While I'm not interested in him, there might be other mares in town who'd want to snatch him up."

Twilight pondered what she was being told. "I don't know."

"It's just like you told me, Twilight" Rainbow Dash said sagely as she walked out the door with a grin "You have to ask yourself if your feelings are worth it."

With that, the cyan pegasus was gone, leaving Twilight to contemplate her thoughts on the matter of her guard.

At a lovely house at the far side of town, beautiful cello music was emanating from within. Octavia worked tirelessly to perfect her new song that she would be playing on Hearts and Hooves Day for the joy of all the happy couples.

"Oh yes" the Trottingham mare nodded in approval while pausing "That was quite lovely. I can hardly wait to see the reactions of everypony when they hear this music from the center of town."

At that moment, the door to the room opened and Octavia found her side being lovingly nuzzled.

"Really, Vinyl, darling" Octavia giggled while trying to sound reprimanding "You know to hold off on affection while I'm practicing."

Without saying anything, Vinyl Scratch simply stood up on her hind legs and wrapped her forelegs around Octavia's waist from behind and pulled herself close.

"Oh" Octavia sighed as she sat her cello down to enjoy the moment. "I just can't refute your arguments, my sweet."

Turning around, Octavia looked Vinyl in the face. The rapper pony placed a hoof on her visor and raised it upwards, treating Octavia to the sight of her marefriend's beautiful pink eyes, eliciting a warm smile from Octavia. Instinctively, the two musicians leaned in for a sweet and gentle peck on the lips.

However, upon touching Vinyl's lips, Octavia began to feel strange. Her sensual passion was fading for some reason, and with it, her love and drive for music. Upon parting from her marefriend, she felt a little lightheaded.

"Ooh, excuse me, Vinyl, Darling" she said as she woozily walked out of the room. "I think I need to lay down for a while."

What appeared to be Vinyl Scratch merely nodded as Octavia left the room. Once she was gone, however, a wicked grin appeared on the creature's face. The form of the rapper pony then leaped out the window. A flash of green could be seen coming from outside, followed by a horrible cackle and the sound of wings flying away.

Author's Note:

Quite an interesting story, I've got going here, huh? Never seen a FlutterDash/FlashLight story before, have you? True, my 'Marriage of Discord and Celestia' series has the two pairings, but they're prominent alongside Dislestia and Sparity (The latter will be called attention to later while I'll see if I can toss in a mention of the former at some point). Of course, from the looks of it, the villain of the story is picking apart every other popular fan pairing: First Lyra/Bon Bon, and now OctaScratch. What's next?

No, seriously, I need some ideas. I've got four more appearances by our mysterious Heart and Hooves Day wrecker planned out, but after that, I need more pairing ideas. Any suggestions? And before any of you ask, no, I have no intentions of having my villain go after the Spitfire/Soarin pairing.

Speaking of which, despite mentioning SoarinFire on a whim while writing, I found myself pulled towards it and decide to become an official shipper of the pairing. Probably helps that it's a SoarinDash rival.