• Published 3rd May 2016
  • 427 Views, 5 Comments

The Apprentices - Lilsane

"You would never believed what happened!" "Does it involve Orcs, and them dying?" "...yes."

  • ...

The Fork

"Still don't know why they call this place The Fork. I mean, just because it has two different entrances! That doesn't make it a fork! Last I checked, a common fork at four tips! Not two!"

The War Mage was still grumbling to himself in annoyance while the Magician was looking through the spell book. She could see just how it worked.

It seems that each rift they defended would grant her more magic power, and with the help of her partner. They could unlock traps, possibly combine and make their own.

She finally decided what items would be best for them.

"Alright, since we're lacking actual wall traps. I suggest we unlock-"

"The Alchemy Bombs!" the War Mage shouted.

"...what?" she deadpanned.

"Yeah! We totally should! Those things explode with green acid like hurties, it's so hilarious to see the skin melt off them and just become bones. Plus I want to show that Smug Alchemist how it's really done!" he said as he gestured his hands as if he was throwing them in the air.

Glaring at the War Mage, her horn began glowing, casting onto a piece of the page as it began to glow the same color. Within seconds the page contained magical letters that The Order used. Once the page was fully covered, a bag containing way too large potions with green liquid popped out.

War Mage squee'd in joy as he grabbed the bag and pulled out one of the glass bottles. "Ooh, it's all green and wavey. I bet tiny ants could totally surf those waves! You know, if they didn't bail and totally drown and melt at the same time. I want to blow up an orc! With, melt-y green liquid."

While he was looking at his new toy, the Magician groaned as she concentrated on the last of her magic on another blank page of the spell book. Once again, the page began glowing with her magic color before the text appeared on the page.

"Because we spent most of our magic on the Alchemy Bombs!" glaring at her partner, feeling frustrated. "I could only afford the cheapest of wall traps. The Arrow ones, its not much but at least it's something."

"Aww c'mon blue butt, don't be mad." not even looking at her as he shook the potion around to watch the liquid stirred around. "Look, next rift we have to defend I promise that you get first dibs on what spell or trap we should get."

"Fine, the futures Great and Powerful Magician will abide to that deal." she grumbled.

"Haha, now that's more like it!" slapping her right on her back, making her face plant into the ground.

"We are The Order's Shield!"

The Magician looked up from the ground and near the rift, seeing as how their was only one guardian stationed in this section. A Paladin Guardian to be precise. They were big and buff, wearing the heaviest armor while carrying around a two handed blade. They were one of the most trusted The Order could ever hope for.

"We are The Order's shield!"

Also pretty much just one liners.

"Seriously, why do they say that?! I mean, it's not like they actually have a shield!"

"Must you complain about everything? It's just a turn of phrase, War Mage. They're just saying that they are The Orders protectors." rolling her eyes at him.

"But they should carry a shield! Even if its one their back. Just so what they say is legit!"

"Let's... just finish up here." she trotted on down to what she believed was a good chocking point.

Placing the last of the traps, almost identical to the placement they used in the hallways. Only the difference was the arrow traps were added next to the tar traps, and would take any of the fiends out that get stuck in the tar.

With nothing left to do, they relaxed themselves close to the rift and waited.

The War Mage happily threw out the Alchemy Bombs to an empty corner and making them explode, looking back into the bag and squee'ing in joy to see that the potions were replaced after the explosion. He tested out the different ways he could use them. One being that as long as he was near the rift that he could summon more then just two at a time. And that a projectile hitting them would cause them to explode. Which he found useful, considering he was no good at actual casting of spells.

Meanwhile, the Magician was just looking through the spell book. Although most of the pages were blank, there were the ones that were filled with the history of The Order. How it came to be, what were the rifts, and how the rifts were used to gather up magic for the human world, and to give the equestrian world a boost in all ponies living there.

It all started with two small rifts, each appearing in front of the rulers of their worlds. It is said that both rulers had the same idea, allow their most trusted magic users to study them. Even though the worlds were separate, both magic wizards studied the rifts in the fashion. After allowing their curiosity to get the best of them, they both touched the rift and got sucked in.

"And that is how our masters met, right?"

The Magician shrieked, jumping high into the air and crash landing.

"Uh, didn't notice I was reading over your shoulder, now did you?"

Blowing her magician hat out of her line of sight to him revealed a very angry mare. "Must you always do that?!"

The War Mage just shrugged at her.

Getting up, she brushed herself off. She was going to give him a piece of her mind.

But before she could, they both heard the crashing sounds of the door being destroyed.

"You got lucky, War Mage," the Magician growled.

"I know, I'm always lucky!

There wasn't much difference as before. With the orcs becoming trapped in the tar, the wall arrows took care of them. The War Mage would throw a couple of the Alchemy Bombs in the middle of the groups before shooting them with his crossbow. He would laugh when the acid would melt their skin off and all that would be left was their bones. The magician just used the blade staff with her magic and would give them cuts around their bodies, which allowed the acid to seep through and kill them faster.

Unfortunately for the Paladin Guardian, they did not get to see any action. The duty of staying near the rift to protect any of the orcs that would get through the traps must of annoyed them. Or at least that is what the War Mage believed.

After their traditional victory dance, along with the War Mage's new patented victory eyebrow waggle. The Magician felt another burst of energy from the rift gather into her body, she smiled at how she was one step closer to becoming great and powerful. She soon noticed that the rift's color changed as well.

The Magician's smile faded when she sensed the rift giving her a message.

"C'mon... we're to report to The Corner."

"We're being transferred again? That's pretty weird considering that Pega Mage and Smug Alchemist were just sent there." he told her as he picked up the blade staff. "What, did the Pega Mage and Smug Alchemist die there or something?"

The magician said nothing, and walked into the rift.


Author's Note:

Current Load:
Weapons: Crossbow, Blade Staff
Spell Items: Alchemist's Satchel
Floor Traps: Tar Traps, Spike Trap
Wall Traps: Arrow Wall, Mana Well
Ceiling Traps: Shock Zapper