• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 2,370 Views, 57 Comments

The Watcher in the Halls - knightcommander

Sweetie Belle gets a secret admirer

  • ...

The Watcher

Chapter Two: The Watcher

The school day flew by like one of Rainbow Dash's sonic rainbooms. Sweetie Belle barely noticed anything her teachers said all day. Thank goodness there were no tests or pop quizzes, or surprise homework assignments that her teachers would often enjoy foisting upon them.

Sweetie's mind was more focused on the weird note she had received, and how exactly she was going to tell her friends about it. What would they have to say about it? Apple Bloom would probably be supportive; after all, she had a coltfriend herself. She would probably jump for joy when she found out about the note and that Sweetie had someone who so obviously wanted to be with her. Scootaloo, she wasn't so sure about. Scootaloo was certainly a kind pony with a good heart, and Sweetie was sure that she would certainly support her in whatever decision she made. But, she was also fiercely protective of her friends. Heck, she often almost got into fisticuffs whenever someone started picking on either her or Apple Bloom. It was only the timely intervention of her friends that stopped her from getting into serious trouble. There was a good chance that Scootaloo would be suspicious of the "Watcher" and immediately go into "protect my friends" mode. She just hoped that no one would get in trouble over that.

When the bell signalling the end of classes for the day rang, Sweetie sighed deeply. It was now or never. She would have to bring it up, ready or not. After getting her books from her locker, she left the building and trudged to the small fountain outside the school building. Sure enough, her friends were waiting there for her, as they agreed the would. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were there, along with Pipsqueak and Dinky. Dinky, ever the cheerful and energetic pony, waved to her furiously, her foreleg looking like it was going a hundred miles an hour. Sweetie meekly waved back.

"Hi guys." She said. Dinky leapt down and enveloped her friend in a hug. "Oof!"

"Dinky, don't choke her." Scootaloo joked. Dinky released her friend.

"Sorry." She said apologetically. Sweetie laughed.

"It's alright." She turned to the others. "Well, here I am." She said. "I'm sure you guys are wondering about what's going on." Apple Bloom nodded. Like Scootaloo, her style had changed over the years. In place of the bow she wore during her foalhood, she had her mane plaited in a braided ponytail, capped off with a hair clip in the shape of her cutie mark; an apple-shaped paint palette with crossed hammer and saw.

"It's like this," Sweetie Belle began, taking the note from out of her saddlebags. "I found this in my locker this morning." She hoofed the note over to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom's eyes widened as she read it. Pipsqueak, who had his foreleg wrapped around her, grinned.

"Fancy." He quipped.

"What is?" Scootaloo asked. "Let me see." She shuffled over and took a look. Her jaw dropped at what she read. "OK, what am I looking at?" Apple Bloom beamed.

"Isn't it obvious?" She said with a happy grin. "Sweetie's got uh secret admirer!"

"Awwwwww!" Dinky said dreamily. Scootaloo scowled.

"Hey, I've seen this movie before." She said, flapping her wings irritably. "Seriously, what kind of 'secret admirer' calls themself 'The Watcher in the Halls'? Sounds more like creepy stalking pervert to me!" Sweetie Belle gulped. There she goes again, she thought.

"Or maybe 'e's just trying to be poetic." Apple Bloom suggested. "Ya know, using fancy language and stuff."

"You know she could be right. My father courted my mother doing something similar." Pipsqueak said. Scootaloo wasn't buying any of it.

"I don't trust this guy, whoever he is." She said angrily.

"Scootaloo, we can't jump to conclusions." Dinky said, trying to reason with her. "We should try and figure out who this is. Maybe ask around." Scootaloo opened her mouth to object, but realized Dinky was right. She almost always was. The svelte unicorn had proven herself to be a voice of reason in their little group.

"Ugh, fine." She said, hoisting her saddlebags over on her back. "I gotta go, I got a stupid physics test to study for. Cya guys." Everyone said their goodbyes as Scootaloo took to wing back home. Sweetie Belle sighed.

"Don't worry, Sweetie." Apple Bloom said. "I'm sure Scootaloo is just bein' overprotective again."

"Yeah." Dinky piped up. "I bet you by the end of the week you'll snag the colt of your dreams!" Sweetie Belle blushed. The idea of having a sweet coltfriend, she liked the idea. But at the same time, something still nagged at her.

"But, I can't help but think... what if she is right?" She asked them. "I mean, yeah, it's remote, but still..."

"Let me see the note." Pipsqueak said, holding his hoof out. Sweetie Belle handed him the note. "I could copy it and ask around and see if anyone recognizes the handwriting. It's a long shot but I think it'll help out." He grinned. Apple Bloom smiled slyly.

"You sure, are you just using that as an excuse to go flirt around." She slapped him right where his cutie mark, a soccer ball, was located. The other girls snickered at him as he blushed.

"In the meantime, I think I'm going to ask Rarity for advice." She said.

"I'll ask Applejack." Apple Bloom replied. Sweetie smiled.

"Thanks guys." Her friends gave her a big group hug.

"What are friends for?" Dinky asked.


Scootaloo came in for a soft landing on the fluffy cloud porch of Rainbow Dash's cloud house. The twin rainbow falls babbled and bubbled with a seemingly increased vigor. Rainbow must have had them refilled, she thought as she opened the front door. Almost in an instant, she heard the pattering of little hooves on the floor of the cloud house. She snickered.

"Oh boy, here they come." She said. Two little foals bounded into view; twin colts, they each had coats that matched their parents; one had a dark blue coat that matched his father's mane, the other had his mother's cyan coat. Both had their mother's rainbow patterned mane, and no cutie marks. That was something that Scootaloo and her friends were working on. The cyan-coated foal leaped into the air at her, squealing. Scootaloo managed to catch him.

"Easy, Jet Stream." She joked. "You don't wanna knock me through the wall, do you?" Jet Stream giggled. His brother, Sky Flash, hopped up and down, happy to see their big sister home from school. Scootaloo surpressed a chuckle at the antics of her younger siblings. Jet Stream rode on her back as the walked into the parlor. "Say, where's mom?" As if on cue, she heard Rainbow's voice calling from upstairs.

"Hey Squirt! You gonna come give me a hug or what?" Scootaloo smiled and set her brother down before going up the stairs to the master bedroom. Rainbow was sitting up, her mane looking tossled. She had apparently been taking a nap, which wasn't surprising given her condition.

About a year or so after Rainbow Dash had adopted Scootaloo, she successful achieved her dream of joining the Wonderbolts flight demonstration team as one of their most highly rated prospects in years. She ended up serving on the team for four years, before several of the new recruits were downsized to streamline the roster. Rainbow surprisingly took this in stride, thanking the team for giving her the chance to fulfill her dreams despite her disappointment. During those four years, she managed to make many friends, including team captain Spitfire and her second-in-command Soarin'. Soarin' in particular became a close and trusted confidant, and their relationship eventually blossomed into love. The two married in a ceremony in Ponyville attended by all her friends and former teammates, around the same time she used the bits she saved up to open a successful sporting goods store on Scootaloo's suggestion. It was from their that Rainbow ended up giving birth to Jet Stream and Sky Flash, and now had another one on the way.

Scootaloo walked into the room and enveloped her in the biggest hug she could manage, which Rainbow returned.

"How are ya feelin', mom?" She asked. Rainbow smiled.

"Tired, achy and very eager to wake these wings up." She replied. "But nothing I haven't been through before. What about you? How was school?"

"The usual." Scootaloo said with a tired sigh. "Listening to Mr. Pi drone on in algebra was torture, as usual." She ran her hoof in a circle on the floor. "Though, something weird did happen this morning." Dash was all ears at this.

"Weird? How?" Scootaloo looked right at her.

"It's Sweetie Belle." She began. "This morning when she came in, she found this really creepy note on her locker." Rainbow smirked.

"Don't tell me, some colt was perving at her?" She asked. Scootaloo snickered a bit.

"No, it wasn't that." She replied. "It's just... the stuff this guy wrote... it just doesn't sound right." Dash crossed her forelegs, still listening intently.

"Go on." Scootaloo recounted the things that had been written in the letter, and the talk she had with her friends.

"So, Apple Bloom's got it in her head that Sweetie Belle has a secret admirer. But, what kind of secret admirer calls themself 'the Watcher in the Halls'." She said as she wrapped up her story. "Sounds more like a crazy stalker type of guy to me." Rainbow smiled.

"True, that does sound a bit... weird." She said. "But, maybe AB is right, and Sweetie does have a colt fallen head over hooves for her. Giving himself a weird nickname doesn't mean he's bad. You don't wanna jump to conclusions without knowing everything." Scootaloo nodded, knowing her adoptive mother was completely right.

"What should I do?" She asked. Rainbow ran her hoof through her mane.

"Just be there and support her, regardless of what happens." She said. Scootaloo smiled.

"When wouldn't I do that?" She asked. Dash chuckled and kissed her on the forehead, just as her colts came into the room and clambered into bed with her. She laughed. "And who invited you two up here?" They giggled and snuggled up to their mother, who nuzzled them lovingly. "Oh, and good news, your father is coming home in a couple of days." The twins cheered. Scootaloo smiled.

"Awesome!" She said. She had been starting to really miss her dad, who had been on tour with the Wonderbolts. "Say mom, do you want me to cook dinner again tonight? You look like you could use a rest." Rainbow nodded.

"Could you? I didn't get much sleep last night." Scootaloo nuzzled her and the twins. "Thanks, kiddo." She said, the covered her mouth as she yawned. The twins curled up next to her and yawned a well. Scootaloo covered them with a nearby quilt while her mother hunkered down for a nap. Scootaloo gave her one last nuzzle before leaving to go do her homework.

"Thanks for the help, mom." She said quietly and sincerely as she shut the door.


Sweetie Belle was greeted at the door to Carousel Boutique by a rather cross looking and wet Opalescence. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was going on. Sweetie Belle giggled at her. Opalescence just hissed as Rarity emerged from the bathroom, looking frazzled.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle, you're home." She said, trying to brush her mane down. "Could you be a dear and help me with Opal?" Truth be told, Sweetie didn't like working with that cat; Opal could be grouchy and downright mean when she wanted to be. She wasn't one to refuse her sister, however, especially when she was looking like she was about to have a breakdown. Sweetie somehow managed to catch Opal without being scratched and got her back into the tub, where Rarity began to wash her anew.

"Um, Rarity?" Sweetie asked. She might as well open up; Rarity might have a few kernels of wisdom to exchange with her about her situation. "Is it alright if I talk to you for a moment. Something came up at school and..." She was interrupted when Rarity suddenly gasped.

"Oh no! You're not in trouble, are you?" She asked. Sweetie Belle flinched.

"No no no, nothing like that." She said. "It's.... well, here I'll show you." She said, taking the note out and handing it to Rarity. Rarity took it with her magic, granting Opal a reprieve from her scrubbing. Rarity's eyes scanned over the note. Sweetie Belle anxiously waited for her reaction.

"My goodness." She said, holding her hoof over her heart. "Sweetie Belle, you've caught someone's eye!" Sweetie Belle blushed.

"A lot more than his eye." She said. "From reading that, you'd think I've stolen his heart." Rarity giggled.

"Sweetie, you did steal his heart." Rarity said. "Oh, my baby sister is growing up so fast..." She enveloped Sweetie Belle in a bear hug, who squeaked at the sudden display of affection.

"Ouch!" She yelped. Rarity released her.

"Oops, sorry." She giggled nervously. Sweetie Belle straightened out her mane.

"What do I do? I've never had anything like this happen to me before." She asked. "Scootaloo seems to think he's a creeper because of his signature." Rarity smiled at her.

"Well, what do you think?" She asked. Sweetie thought for a moment. Then she blushed.

"Well, honestly, I really, really want all this to be true." She said. "I've... it's like something out of a fairy tale." Her heart began to flutter. "I mean, somepony really likes me. Heck, I think I'm starting to like this person, the more I think about it. And I haven't even met them yet! Can you believe that?" Rarity giggled.

"Actually I can." She said. "Sweetie Belle, I speak from the heart when I say this; any colt worth his salt would give his left hoof to find somepony like you. You're beautiful, intelligent, talented and kind. I don't care how shallow many colts seem to be, at heart that is what they are truly seeking, and you have it all." Sweetie felt a great big smile creep across her face. It was Rarity's turn to be on the receiving end of a squeeze hug, which she accepted. "If I may offer some advice, Hearts and Hooves Day is tomorrow. Your school is putting on a festival?" Sweetie Belle nodded.

"And a dance." Rarity smiled.

"A perfect place to set up a meeting with your mystery colt." She said. "Write back to him and ask him to meet you there. Bring your friends, of course." Sweetie nodded.

"Thanks Rarity." She said. Rarity kissed her forehead.

"Not at all." She replied. "I wish you the best of luck."


"So you decided to go through with it?" Scootaloo asked Sweetie Belle as they entered school, having shown up a few minutes earlier than normal. It was Hearts and Hooves day, and the halls were done up in a variety of pink and red hearts and other decorations to mark the festivities. Flyers for the big school social and dance were lining the halls. Ponies around them chatted about who they were going to take.

Sweetie Belle nodded at her. "I wrote him a note back. Nothing much, just asking if he would meet me at the big social tonight. I hope I can convince him to tell me who he is."

"He's probably gonna do that anyway." Scootaloo said. Her tone said that she was still uncomfortable, but she gave Sweetie Belle a smile. "I talked to mom the other day. She wanted me to tell you that she hopes everything works out for you." She cuffed her friend's shoulder. "I got your back in this, one-hundred percent." Sweetie Smiled.

"Thanks." She replied. Sweetie came up to her locker and taped her note to it. "There. Now we wait." Just as they were leaving, they heard the last thing they wanted to hear in the morning. They both retched at the sound of the voice coming up behind them.

"Hey, long time, no see, Scootaloser." The prissy voice of Diamond Tiara said. Scootaloo rolled her eyes as the pink menace approach. Diamond Tiara had long ago ditched her namesake tiara that she always wore in favor of a hairclip in the shape of her cutie mark made of pure diamonds. Her mane was done up in a stupid hairstyle she must have gotten from the front cover of a magazine. She carried herself like she owned the school, which wasn't surprisingly, since she had the most amount of undeserved popularity of anyone in-crowder in the place. "And is this Sweetie Belle with you? Aww, are you two having a private moment?"

"Can it, DT." Scootaloo said. "That line of ridicule is so stale it's hardtack."

"You mind going somewhere far away? Preferably the moon?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I've got a lot of things on my mind, and I have no time to deal with a useless tart like you." Diamond was about to make a smart remark when she noticed the Watcher's note sticking out of her saddlebags. She grinned maliciously and snatched it away. "Hey! Give that back!"

"What? I was just curious." Diamond Tiara said, then began reading the note out loud so everyone could hear. Sweetie Belle blushed crimson with embarrassment as every single word was heard by everyone within earshot. Diamond Tiara cackled loudly. "Somepony actually finds your scrawny flank attractive? I can't believe it!" Scootaloo growled.

"Why? Because somepony has obviously decided they don't want to become the latest notch in your belt?" She asked. "How many colts have you dumped after using them up? Ten, twelve maybe?" Diamond Tiara scoffed.

"It's none of your business how many coltfriends I've had." She said acidly.

"And to be frank, I don't care." Scootaloo said. "Yeah, someone has fallen in love with Sweetie Belle. Why? Because she has something to offer besides a broken heart and bad memories. She has a good heart, and she's loyal and kind. Somepony's figured that out, and he likes it. A lot! And you know what? I bet a few years down the road, she's going to be happily married with a foal on the way, while you're stuck in the hospital trying to cure yourself of whatever venereal disease you managed to pick up and wondering what you could have had! Have a nice day." She said as she and Sweetie Belle left. Diamond Tiara's only response was to childishly blow a raspberry at them and go off looking for someone to take to the Hearts and Hooves Day Festival before class.

"I don't think she'll be bothering us again today." Sweetie Belle said. "At least I hope not. Ugh! No wonder Silver Spoon isn't friends with her anymore."

"DT giving her coltfriend 'seven minutes in heaven' had something to do with that too." Scootaloo replied. "But let's not dwell on that. You have a date to get ready for." She smirked. Sweetie Belle blushed. Just thinking about it made her heart skip a beat.

She hoped everything would go well.


Another long school day later, an exhausted Sweetie Belle trapsed her way over to her locker. Two tests and a biology pop quiz were enough to sap anypony, and Sweetie Belle certainly felt sapped. At least she could take a nap at home before the big festival that evening; that is, if her mystery colt, this "Watcher in the Halls", was willing to take her up on her offer. Truth be told, she had doubts that he would, seeing as how her note stipulated that her friends were going to be there to meet him as well.

When she arrived, she noticed that another note had been taped to her locker. Her tiredness was forgotten as she nervously picked up the note. It was the same kind of paper, with the same red wax seal. The only difference was this time the seal was in the shape of a heart. Was this a positive sign? Did he want to meet her? Trembling with anticipation, she broke the seal and read the note, written in the same flourishing script as before.

My Dearest Sweetie Belle,

When I received your letter asking me to meet you tonight, I'm not ashamed to say I nearly wept for joy. Ever since yesterday, I have been dreading what I would hear. I feared greatly that I would frighten you away. I am overjoyed to see that I have not, my darling.

Whatever you may ask of me that makes you more comfortable, I will gladly assent to. If you wish your friends to be there to support you, by all means invite them. I know that if it were me, I would want my trusted friends there as well.

I will be there at the festival tonight. I can be found at the town fountain tonight at seven in the evening. I will be waiting for you, my angel. I hope that this evening will be everything you ever dreamed of. It already is for me.

With Deepest Love,
The Watcher in the Halls

"Yes!" Sweetie Belle cheered, not caring if anyone started staring at her. He wanted to meet her! She'd finally get to find out who this mysterious colt was! She bounced around the halls yipping for joy, while everyone else was wondering if she had lost her sanity. Sweetie Belle didn't care. All she wanted to do at that moment was go tell everyone single one of her friends and family the happy news!


The Hearts and Hooves Day Festival. It was one of the single most anticipated events on the school calendar. It was a day that was set aside just for ponies and their lovers and friends. All over the town center, ponies milled about, conversing with their friends, eating food, playing games or just spending time with their loved ones.

Sweetie Belle was there, waiting along with her friends. It was 6:55. It wouldn't be long before this "Watcher" arrived. Sweetie Belle was pacing around, so much that they were worried she was going to dig a trench all by herself.

"Oh, I hope he shows up." Sweetie Belle said. She had dolled herself up for this event; Rarity had provided her with a simple but lovely sap green dress that matched her eyes, tied off with a ribbon across her waist with jeweled insets of her cutie mark. A corsage of green orchids finished the ensemble. Her mane was done up in a bun style and secured with black enamel hairpins.

"Everything's gonna be OK, Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo said. Scootaloo refrained from dolling herself up, and chose instead her usual look, with the addition of a black pullover hoodie. Apple Bloom was done up in an adorable red dress that reminded Sweetie of the dresses the belles wore in the old westerns. Her mane was brushed straight and capped off with a red rose stuck behind her ear. Pipsqueak was also done up in his nicest; a black suit vest with a gold pocket watch that had once belonged to his grandfather. Dinky and her date had yet to arrive, though she said they were in for a surprise when she got there.

"Sorry, but I can't help it." Sweetie Belle said. "Gosh, I hope everything goes OK." Apple Bloom placed a supporting hoof on her shoulder.

"Sweetie, have a little faith." She said. "He'll be here." Sweetie Belle smiled. If her friends could be confident about the whole situation, she could too."

"Thanks guys." She said. "You being here really means a lot to me." Her friends all wrapped her up in a hug, and everyone was all smiles, until....

"Sweetie Belle?" Sweetie Belle gasped. That voice didn't belong to anyone she knew. It must be...

"Oh my. It's him, isn't it?" She turned around to see a colt approaching them. He was around the same height as Sweetie Belle, and was possessed of a slightly stocky build. It reminded Sweetie of pictures she had seen of the male members of the Wonderbolts, an impression further reinforced by his pegasus wings which were folded over to disguise his cutie mark. He wore a black pullover hoodie like Scootaloo's, with the hood pulled up over his head so it completely covered his mane. He wore a pair of dark sunglasses as well.

The colt walked right up to Sweetie Belle and sat down in front of her, a smile on his face. Sweetie Belle felt butterflies well up in her stomach. She began to tremble. This was it! It was really happening! Her secret admirer, the "Watcher in the Halls" was right here in front of her!

"Um... hi." She said nervously. Oh gosh! I'm acting like Fluttershy! She said to herself. The "Watcher" just smiled at her, apparently oblivious to her nerves. He held his hoof out for her. Sweetie Belle gingerly let him take it. He responded by lifting it up and kissing it in a gentlemanly manner She blushed.

"Hello Sweetie Belle." He said. His voice was warm and kind, and it helped to dispel some of her nerves. "You look amazing." Sweetie Belle blushed even more. Her heart fluttered like a pair of butterfly wings.

"Oh, I'm not the pretty..." She said. He shook his head.

"No, you're not." He said. Sweetie Belle's expression began to fall, but then the next part came. "You're beautiful." Sweetie's heart fluttered again as he took her hoof in both his hands and began to gently rub it. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo could just barely contain the "awws" that threatened to well up.

"Oh, how silly of me." Sweetie Belle said. "I almost forgot. These are my friends; Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom's coltfriend Pipsqueak. The "Watcher" shook hooves with Pipsqueak and repeated his gentlemanly gesture with both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Scootaloo rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Oh boy, we got a regular Cassanova here, don't we?" She joked. Everyone, the "Watcher" included, giggled.

"If you don't mind me asking," Sweetie Belle began, "I'd like to know... who are you?" She asked. The "Watcher" seemed a bit nervous, but he still smiled on.

"I'll tell you who I am, when this evening is finished." He said. "I promise." Despite his sunglasses, Sweetie Belle could see sincerity in his smile, and hear it in his voice. She returned the smile.

"OK, I trust you." She said. "Shall we?" He nodded.

"Yes." Together the two of them trotted off into the festival grounds. Apple Bloom was beaming.

"Awwww! He's so sweet!" She said. "He's just like in his letter!" Scootaloo nodded. She pursed her lips and ran her hoof under her chin in a thoughtful manner. "Something wrong, Scoots?"

"There's something... familiar about that guy." She said. "Like I heard that voice before." She shrugged. "Must be me."

"No, now that you mention it, the voice does sound familiar." Pipsqueak said. "I can't quite put a face to it though." Scootaloo nodded.

"I think we should follow them." She said. "See if we can figure it out." Pipsqueak nodded.

"You sure we won't be violatin' their privacy?" Apple Bloom asked. Pipsqueak kissed her forehead.

"As long as we keep our distance, I think we'll be fine." He said. Apple Bloom nodded, and they left as well.


"Are you hungry, my dear?" He asked her. As if on cue, Sweetie Belle's stomach growled. She giggled nervously.

"I guess I am." She said. He smiled at her, a warm one that helped to ease her nerves. They began looking around for something to eat. Most of the stalls were selling carnival food; candy apples, funnel cakes and the like. There was even one that specialized in deep frying those silly heart-shaped candies they loved to sell every Hearts and Hooves. Sweetie Belle felt her arteries clogging just looking at the stand. Fortunately, her date had more luck. He pointed out a stand selling something a little more appropriate for a late evening meal; salads.

"Would one of those be to your liking?" He asked. She nodded.

"I haven't had a good caesar in a while." She said. Her date obliged her and ordered two of them, which he paid for, and the settled down at a spot down by the lake to eat them.

Sweetie Bell took a plastic fork she had gotten from the stand with her magic and gingerly took a bite. She smiled as the taste of pepper and olive oil filled her mouth. For carnival salad, it was delicious, better than most of the stuff she had tasted before. The only exception was Rarity's salads.

Her date, not having magic, had to forego and fork and just eat straight from the dish. Sweetie noticed that despite this, he still behaved like a perfect gentlestallion, making sure mind his manners. She liked it. Too many young stallions behaved so boorishly. It was refreshing to see.

"So, um, if it's OK with you, why don't you tell me a little about yourself?" Sweetie suggested. He suddenly looked very uncomfortable. Sweetie winced, worried that she may have offended him. "Oh, did I do something wrong?" She asked, her voice cracking a bit with nerves.

"Oh no. Nothing like that, my dear." He said. "It's just... well, I don't want to give any clues." He explained. It clicked with Sweetie Belle.

"Oooh, I get it." She said. "You don't want to reveal who you are until later. I understand." She said.

"Though, I would not mind knowing more about you." He said. She smiled.

"I was hoping you'd ask." She said. "Well, I'm a sophomore, and I was one of the original members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders." She began. He smiled.

"Yes, I've seen your flyers." He said. "I think helping young foals to find and develop their special talents is a wonderful thing to do." She blushed a bit.

"So far I've helped Twilight's twins get their cutie marks, and Apple Bloom helped Pinwheel... that's Fluttershy's little colt, find his. Scootaloo's working with her little brothers, Sky Flash and Jet Stream." She explained.

"You're Rarity's sister, right?" He asked. She nodded.

"I live with my folks over on Stirrup Street most of the time, but I try to spend as much time as I can with her." She said. "My folks are on business, so I've got a guest room at her boutique." She said, smiling. "You would love her." He smiled warmly.

"If she is half as wonderful as you are, I'm sure I will." He said. "But.. no one can ever compare to to you." He held her hoof. She blushed a brilliant strawberry red.

"Flatterer." She said. She tried to take another but, but ended up dribbling olive oil down her chin. She silently cursed her bad luck. Ugh, look at me now! I'm screwing up! Ugh what's wrong with me! She feared he would be disgusted by her faux pas. To her surprise, he wasn't. He reached over with his free hoof and wiped the dressing from her chin. Grinning sweetly, he gave her nose a gentle poke.

"Beep." He said. She giggled. Wow, not only is he sweet, he seems to have a good sense of humor. She thought. Her heart fluttered.

This must be what it felt like to fall in love.


Stomach's full, they decided to just walk around for a while, enjoying each other's company. Princess Luna's moon was full tonight, bathing the entire festival in a soft, pale light that made the whole even more magical and special. Sweetie Belle gazed up at the stars above them. One good thing about living in a small town like Ponyville was the lack of light pollution meant you could see every single star, it seemed. She loved looking at the night sky.

"The stars are really pretty tonight." She said.

"Yes, they are." He said. "They remind me of you." She looked at him.

"What do you mean?" She asked. He stopped briefly and held her chin with his hoof.

"Your eyes have the same beautiful sparkle." He said. Sweetie Belle looked like a sun-ripened tomato after that one. He ran his hoof through her mane, giving her his warmest smile. She smiled back at him as he leaned in and gave her a soft, gentle nuzzle on her nose, which she returned. My gosh... he really loves me! She thought. Her thoughts were interrupted, however, by the sound of an approaching filly she did not want to see. Not now, not while she was with him.

"And so Ivory Wings went back with him to the.... oh, look who it is!" The obnoxious voice of Diamond Tiara said. "It's Stinky Belle!" Sweetie Belle growled as she turned to face the pink, periwinkle-maned abomination. "And oh my gosh! Is this a real colt with you? That's hard to believe." Her friends, a white coated pegasus and strawberry unicorn, laughed along with her.

"Shut up, Diamond Tiara!" She shouted. Diamond completely ignored her and focused instead on the "Watcher". She gave him a sultry smile.

"Oh, what are you doing with this loser, you stud?" She asked in a sultry, silky voice. If this had been a movie, it would have driven the male audience wild. Coming from Diamond Tiara, it seemed less like silk and more like sewage water. "Why don't you ditch this little waste of time and come with with me. Let a real mare show you a good time." She tempted, rubbing his chest with her hoof. The "Watcher" looked at her with utter disgust, and recoiled as though her hoof was dangerously contaminated.

"How about I don't." He said. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm here with Sweetie Belle. I have no time for a tart with bad taste in jewelry." He said, pointing at the rather ostentatious jewelry she wore. Diamond Tiara was floored, as though this was the first time her temptations had been refused.

"But, I don't understand." She said, her voice sounding like fake shock. "Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't want to give you what you want?" The "Watcher" gave Sweetie Belle a loving look.

"She already does give me what I want." He said. "She's smart, she's beautiful, she's kind, she's honest. Her heart is full of love, and she respects herself." He turned to Diamond Tiara. "Unlike you; you're cruel, superficial, selfish, not to mention of loose morals. I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. Actually, I wouldn't even touch you with that; the pole deserves better. Come dear, let's go." He said, leading her away, Diamond Tiara looking thunderstruck. They walked back into the festival grounds. The "Watcher" snatched a rose from a nearby bush and gingerly placed it in Sweetie Belle's mane. She smiled.

"Oh, it's lovely. Thank you." She said.

"A beautiful rose for a beautiful filly." He said, nuzzling her cheek. She sighed with happiness.

"And thank you for standing up for me back there." She said. "Ugh, I get so annoyed by her. It's like she lives to make other ponies miserable." She gagged.

"I think you're right about her." He said. "I must confess, when she insulted you back there... it infuriated me." He hung his head as though embarrassed to have gotten angry in front of her. She flashed him a sweet smile and pecked him on the cheek. She giggled when he blushed almost as brightly as she had.

"It's OK, I don't blame you." She smirked. "So, are you my date or are you my guardian?" He grinned.

"I'd like to be your guardian." He said. She held her hoof to her heart. He beamed, and then noticed a ferris wheel. "Say, would you like to ride?" He asked, pointing it out. She smiled widely.

"I love ferris wheels!" She chirped. She practically dragged him over. Once again, he paid for their tickets and opened the door to the car for her. She smiled at him before getting on. He took a seat next to her, and soon the ride started. Sweetie Belle giggled happily as the ferris wheel made a couple of turns around. Then, it stopped just as they reached the top. Sweetie Belle became worried for a moment, but a comforting shoulder rub from the "Watcher" calmed her down. As they waited to be brought back down, a cold breeze suddenly, causing Sweetie Belle to shiver. She hadn't noticed until now how cold tonight was. Now she wished she had brought the stole Rarity offered.

"Are you cold, my dear?" He asked. She nodded, shivering some more. Without thinking, he gently wrapped his forelegs around her in a warm embrace. She was surprised by this, but her surprise soon gave way to a warm joy. She snuggled close to him, returning his embrace and nuzzling her head under his. He allowed his wings to leave his side and wrap her up, further warming her. She sighed with content.

"Thank you." She said sweetly.

"Anything for you, my dear." He said lovingly.

On a nearby cloud, Scootaloo watched the entire scene unfold before her. She felt her heart being warmed by the display. She felt ashamed for her earlier suspicion. This colt, whoever he was, clearly cared about her friend. And she, Scootaloo could tell, was falling in love with him. Scoots beamed, sharing her friend's joy.

"This is awesome." Was all she could muster.


It all seemed like a dream.

Everything had gone perfect. This colt, whoever he was, treated Sweetie Belle with such kindness and, dare she say, love, that it didn't seem possible. But it was happening to her. The whole time, a tide of happy emotions was coursing through her. She couldn't see it, but her eyes were sparkling, just like he had said they did. Her entire body felt warm, and she was overcome with a desire to simply stay as close to the "Watcher" as possible. Now she understood how he felt when he saw her.

There wasn't any doubt in her mind now. She was in love.

They were now standing in front of a portable stage, where a local band was performing a medley of love songs for the couples who had gathered for the dance. Couples all around them were dancing slowly with their dates. Sweetie Belle smiled.

"Would you care to dance with me?" She asked. He smiled down at her.

"I would be my honor." He said. They entered the crowd, and the "Watcher" approached the stage as a song finished and spoke briefly with the lead singer. Apparently he had made a request, as the singer nodded and signaled for the band to start playing. Soft guitar chords began to sound, and the "Watcher" motioned for Sweetie Bell to join him as the band leader began to sing.

I gotta tell you what I'm feeling inside
I could lie to myself, but it's true
There's no denying when I look in your eyes,
Girl I'm out of my head over you

Sweetie Belle blushed. The "Watcher" gently lay his head against hers. Sweetie closed her eyes and followed his lead as they danced. All the other ponies cleared the area in front of the stage for them.

I lived so long believin' all love is blind
But everything about you is tellin' me this time

It's forever!
This time I know it, there's no doubt in my mind
Until my life is thru, girl I'll be lovin' you forever

I hear the echo of a promise I made
When you're strong you can stand on your own
But those words grow distant as I look at your face
No, I don't wanna go it alone

I never thought I'd lay my heart on the line
But everything about you is tellin' me this time

It's forever!
This time I know it, there's no doubt in my mind
Until my life is thru, girl I'll be lovin' you forever.

As the song continued, Apple Bloom and Pipsqueak met up with Dinky and her date. Scootaloo had gone to fetch snacks. Dinky's date was, surprisingly to them, Featherweight. Dinky revealed that they had been a couple for a while now, and this was their first Hearts and Hooves Day together. That little heartwarming bit of knowledge took a backseat to the scene that now played out in front of them. Apple Bloom and Dinky both beamed and their hooves to their hearts as they watched Sweetie Belle and the mystery colt dance together.

I see my future when I look in your eyes
It took your love to make my heart come alive
Cos I lived my life believin' all love is blind
But everything about you is tellin' me this time

It's forever!
This time I know it, there's no doubt in my mind
Until my life is thru, girl I'll be lovin' you forever

The chorus repeated one more time, and the song began to wind down. The crowd clapped for the couple, hooves clattering across the dance area. Sweetie Belle's heart was fluttering out of control, and she felt her eyes begin to mist up with tears of happiness. Through his sunglasses, she could just make out his own eyes. They looked back at her with a expression of pure love and joy. Sweetie Belle suddenly didn't want this night to ever end


Later, Sweetie Belle and her date met up with her friends at the fountain. Sweetie Belle was beaming. Tonight had been perfect. She had never felt before like the way she did now. This had to be it. This had to be what true love felt like. She was suddenly quite thankful for the fact the "Watcher" did not reveal his identity yet. It allowed her to see him as he truly was; what was inside his heart, the thing that really mattered.

"Thank you." She said. "This is the best night I've ever had." She smiled at him. He blushed.

"No, I should be thanking you." He said. "This night... it's a dream come true for me. I finally got to hold you." Sweetie Belle nuzzled his cheek.

"But, don't forget, you promised you'd tell me who you were." She said. He nodded.

"Yes, I remember." He said. "There's no sense in hiding behind a hood and sunglasses anymore. I've done what I set out to do. I wanted you to see my heart and soul, and now you have, it's time you knew my name as well."

"This is it, guys." Scootaloo said. "The big reveal." They all gathered around close to see who "The Watcher" was. He bent his head down and took his sunglasses off first, tossing them aside. Then he pulled his hood down and lifted his head back up to reveal a black mane with a windswept look and pair of indigo eyes. Sweetie Belle gasped, as did Scootaloo.

"Rumble!?" She yelped. "Thunderlane's little bro!? Now I know where I recognized your voice! You have algebra with me!" Rumble chuckled.

"I'm surprised you didn't figure it out sooner Scootaloo." He said. "I wrote both my notes in that class when I should have been doing my class work." Sweetie Belle was speechless. Her mystery colt, the "Watcher in the Halls" was Rumble? Rumble was the captain of the school's hoofball team, a star on the field and practically at the top of the pyramid. Why was he interested in her?

"I don't understand." Sweetie said. "Why me?"

"It started just before Hearth's Warming Break." Rumble explained. "Do you remember that big assembly they put on before we left." Sweetie nodded.

"I sang in that assembly." She said. "You saw me?" He nodded.

"When I saw you step up on stage and start singing, I rendered me speechless." He said. "I had never heard or seen anyone so beautiful in my life. The whole time you were up there, I couldn't take my eyes off of you. When the whole thing was over, I still couldn't take my mind off of you. Every dream I had, you were there. It didn't take me long to figure out what was happening; I was in love with you." Sweetie Belle blushed furiously as he continued. "This whole "Watcher" business... I knew you had negative experiences with other members of the so-called 'in-crowd' and I didn't want you to refuse me right off the bat. I wanted to show you who I really was, without the mask of popularity covering it up." Sweetie Belle hung her head a bit. She probably would have done so.

"If I may interject." Featherweight said. "But I heard Diamond Tiara say the other day that she was going to 'get you'." Rumble looked like he was going to be sick.

"That slut?" He hissed. "That cheap, tawdry living mattress? The same Diamond Tiara who betrayed her best friend by sleeping with the colt she loved? And followed that up by showing up to my team party drunk off her flank and providing some 'post-game entertainment' to half my teammates? No thank you!" He turned back to Sweetie Belle. "You're the one I want to be with Sweetie Belle. You're the one I see in my dreams. You're everything I ever wanted. As this point, I don't want you to be with me, I need you to be with me. I love you, I love you more than I've ever loved anything before."

Sweetie Belle felt tears begin to well up in her eyes. Everything that happened that night; every word, every action, ran through her mind. Her heart began to not just flutter, but burn with emotion... as though it had been lit on fire.

"I love you too, Rumble." She said. She snaked her forelegs around him, looked him deep in the eyes...

And kissed him full on the lips.

Rumble's eyes went wide, but then he returned her gesture, kissing her with equal passion, equal love. Both their hearts burned, both felt each other's love for the other flowing into them, warming them from the inside. It reached down to their very souls.

Around them, their friends began to cheer, clap and whoop for them. They tuned it out, and after finishing their kiss, simply stared into each other's eyes. A single tear, born of purest love, slid down their cheeks. For all the previous uncertainty, this night ended on the perfect note.

The start of a lifetime for the two of them; a love that would last forever.

Comments ( 43 )

A little rushed but was still D'aaww inducing. Well done. :pinkiesad2:

UPDATE: Expanded the chapter to include some sweet little scenes between our happy couple. Tell me what you think!

Very nice its too bad it isn't longer:moustache:

The best Story I've ever read on here. I've only been reading for a week or so, but I do it regurlar - and nothing comes close to this. Good job! :yay:

Oh, it's over? Well, that changes my comments a bit.

I was going to note the sudden wordcount jump was a little jarring and made me wonder what was up. But I suppose that was done to avoid a serious cliffhanger.

As it is over, I don't need to cling to this with baited breath wondering about the conclusion. I can unfavorite it freely. But I wanted to note the two reasons I would have clung to it to the bitter end, despite having every inclination to dislike it.

First of all, the title touches something deep and primal in me. It was why i read it in the first place. That name sounds like a sanitized version of one of the thousand masks of Nyarlathotep. I thought maybe there was a chance, however remote, this would enter the Cthulhu Mythos. :pinkiecrazy:

The second reason I would have read on was that this story would be almost like a form of self-castigation. All the characters are so... straight, suburban, clean-cut and even, in a broader sense, bland. Even Diamond Tiara as a bully and queen bee is straight and bland. Given the visceral hatred of her I half expect her depictions to include utter liscentiousness and inclinations towards shocking perversities or cruelties. Everyone pairs off well, discord is limited and amusing, and they all fulfill the expected straight-lace white picket fence fantasy. I'm all for happily ever afters but it looks like everyone got hosed down with the Heteronormative serum. And I never use that word. But I think that's it. I was going to read on because this is such a perfect, purified example of heteronormative pony writing that I could feel how others felt reading my gleefully functional, cheery and touching homosocial/homophilial stories. And it feels awkward, I can tell you that.

So, good show finishing it up. I was properly bamboozled. :moustache:

Well, if my style or shippings isn't to your liking, you don't have to read. That is all.


And clearly I will not. The story is over. Your style is crisp and well-done and "shippings" is a bit of a pedestrian way to describe it. I wanted to see the mystery to the end. And in the end it was a third act romance that came out of nowhere, with a chatacter no one has heard of. But that is no matter. It's over. So, good day, goodfellow.

Huh....I have to admite, I really like this stroy, which is odd because I really hate happy endings, but this was well put together, you have a few errors here and there that really don't make sense but it's all chill. Also, who was the father for Twilight (please let it be Spike!) twins? Or Fluttershy, or Applejack, I think it would be cool if you released what happen with the Mane six as the CMC got older, I really like that idea, maybe you could even write a new story as such with the CMC in it as well. And what happened to Pinkie pie?:rainbowhuh:

1. Sorry but, it wasn't Spike (I'm something of a Sparity backer). The father of Twilight's twins is actually (please don't hate me for this) Caramel. I read Squeak-Anon's story and I really developed a liking for that pairing. The father of Pinwheel (Fluttershy's son) is an OC of mine, Hailstorm Tempest. I wrote about them in another fic of mine. Applejack I haven't decided what I'm going to do with her yet.

2. In the future I'm thinking I might do a Caralight and SoarinxDash fic. I haven't decided yet.

3. I do plan on some more CMC centered fics, but what I'm going to do with them is still in the works. A lot of it is going to depend on where I got with my other fic The Eugenics Murders (check it out sometime if you want). It's a derivative work of the infamous Rainbow Factor (with Rainbow Dash as a good guy), but I'm not sure what exactly I'm going to do with it.

4. Pinkie Pie is still there. I just didn't feature her because I wanted to keep the fic focused on the CMC and their friends and immediate family. Though I can says she's the force behind the big festival :pinkiehappy:

Holy crap, KISS! I love you for that.

Hehe, thanks :pinkiesmile:

But, you mentioned Featherweight in your previous comment. Any reason why? :rainbowhuh:

758789 NNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Eh, it's whatever, everyone has their own view, correct? Hmmm...I guess I can agree with Twi's mate (I'm always down for new pairings) Huh, you don't like Big Mac? Indeed, hope you chose soon.

Shit, I'm down, hoping to see those soon.

BUCK YESSS!!!!!!! Sure, I might take a look at it when I have some time.

Hmmmm.......very understandable, and CMC deserves to be the focus of a story right behind Derpy of course, Pinkie would be the main party thrower.....:pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::pinkiesad2::pinkiecrazy: :pinkiesick::pinkiesmile::pinkiehappy:

I like Big Mac just fine :eeyup:

That.......was amazing.......i love you for this:heart:

Best love story ever!

And that's number two. Definitely loved how well RumBelle was laid out, as you don't usually find well written stories based on a romantic plot line. I seriously look forward to more of your stories in this timeline.

And yeah, I'm not reading them in order right now. That's mainly because I found 'Untarnished' first.

By the way are you going to write about them getting married? Because that would be pretty awsome!

Sweet Celestia! Rumble is me!

Great seeing Diamond Tiara spectacularly get a piece of her mind...twice! She is such a b****.

This is the sweetest story ever! All high school romance and still true to My Little Pony with the love and the friendship! This is almost what it would look like if they did a spin-off about the Cutie Mark Crusaders set in the future.

Scootaloo as a perky goth I somehow find very appropriate. :scootangel:

Spinoff with the CMC? I'd watch it 83

Thanks for the kind comment my friend.

751032 Hey man, I like your stories. But sometimes us heteronormatives like a little fluff like this every once in a while to warm the heart. So there. :trixieshiftleft:


Oh, I was intending to use that as a resonably precise term, because I've had a lot of classroom time on critical commentary.

I use "Heteronormative" to indicate a rigid kind of superiority or social assumption of the exclusive existence of heterosexual characters. In most media this is usually accomplished with the trope of "Hide your Gays." I also specifically used other terms to mean exactly what I meant. "Homophilial" is meant to indicate love and affection with the same gender, a little softer and more broadly intimate than "homosexual." As well, I mean "Homosocial" to indicate the interactions within one's gender. I had to use both to indicate I mean both the dating and the friendship, with intimacy and just interactions.

I found the story weak because, as I said before, it was an "eleventh hour" surprise. Plus the characters felt a bit weak. Also a lot of the elements were a bit repetitive and just uninteresting. I've seen High School stuff done well, without even adding magical realism, as in something like Revelatory Filly Skydance. "Marimite" or "The Last Uniform" or "Strawberry Panic." This just wasn't there.

Guys, heading this off before you start arguing. Don't turn the comments section into a war.


I did not intend it as a battle, but as a clarification. I mean, I thought I had valid concerns but I may be wrong. I am sorry that a detailed, semi-philosophical felt like a battle. But I strive for precision.

I wanted to head it off BEFORE it potentially became one.

Short and sweet :3

Thanks pal. :twilightsmile:

Check out my other stories when you get the chance?

Comment posted by knightcommander deleted Aug 3rd, 2014

I gotta say I'm not a fan of this ship im more of a rumbleloo my self.....but fore this, I will make an exception, cause that was so well done and just so, beautifull that I'm just speechless right now and now I'm crying and that's a good thing....bravo good sir/mam bravo.


Finally got to rereading this after... well... far too long. And I still love it! :pinkiehappy:
Perfectly timed, awesome dialogue, and heartfelt moments than displayed the TLC placed into this terrific tale. This is beyond beautiful. :fluttercry::heart:

However: upon my rereading, I noticed a few grammatical and punctuation errors. Not enough to be worthy of liking the story less, but just a few things that do tend to hold great works like this back from their full potential.

I hope you don't mind if I provide a short example of some simple edits that can go a long way:

Stomach's full, they decided to just walk around for a while, enjoying each other's company. Princess Luna's moon was full tonight, bathing the entire festival in a soft, pale light that made the whole even more magical and special. Sweetie Belle gazed up at the stars above them. One good thing about living in a small town like Ponyville was the lack of light pollution meant you could see every single star, it seemed. She loved looking at the night sky.

The above could be edited to:

Stomachs full, they decided to just walk around for a while: enjoying each other's company. Princess Luna's moon was full tonight, bathing the entire festival in a soft, pale light that made the whole evening even more magical, and special. Sweetie Belle gazed up at the stars above them, for one good thing about living in a small town like Ponyville was that the lack of light pollution meant you could see nearly every single star in the heavens, it seemed. How she loved looking into the night sky.

Forgive me if I nitpick: I tend to be a Grammar Nazi. :twilightblush:

I wish I could upvote this story twice! Wonderous work, my friend. :heart:

If it wasn't for grammar nazis we wouldn't catch half the mistakes we make. Thanks :)

Indeed. And you're welcome. :twilightsmile:

Oh my gosh, I remember this fanfic. Feels like good days is over.

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