• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 14,875 Views, 179 Comments

Seeing the Sunset - CoverArt

After a horrible week Sunset decides to end it all.

  • ...

Forgiveness (Edited)

Sunset woke up in a sea of clouds, the night sky above her filled with thousands of stars shining down on her. As far as she could tell, though, there was no moon.

Sunset rose to her hooves and--wait. Hooves? She looked down, and she did indeed possess hooves, as well as an equine body. Sunset was now a pony again, much to her distress. Her eyes widened as she stared at her hooves. The last time she was a pony, she was in a dream that quickly turned into a nightmare.

“Th-this must be a nightmare. Oh, no no no!” she exclaimed. She began to hyperventilate, waiting for something to happen to bring her deeper into the nightmare. Sadly, knowing she was in a dream did nothing to banish it.

“Relax, my little pony,” came a calm yet regal voice from behind her. Though the voice told her to relax, Sunset's eyes shrunk to pinpricks, and her muscles tightened. She slowly looked over her shoulder, shaking slightly in fear.

“P-Princess Celestia?” Behind her, landing gently upon the clouds, was a white alicorn with a sun cutie mark. She spun around and stared directly at Celestia. She couldn’t bear the thought of what Celestia was going to say.

“This is definitely a nightmare,” Sunset managed to get out. She was about to try to run, when Celestia spoke.

“Fortunately, Sunset, while this is in your consciousness, I am real, and this is not a nightmare. You have nothing to worry about.” Her voice was calm and motherly, relaxing Sunset ever so slightly, though Sunset titled her head in confusion.

“If that’s true… then how are you even talking to me? Aren’t we in different dimensions?”

Celestia giggled slightly, replying, “Ever so inquisitive, my former student. I am still in Canterlot, actually. This is your mind. I’m only… 'visiting', I guess, is the best word. I’m using dream magic.”

“Dream magic? Isn’t Princess Luna the only one that can use that? And can that magic even go between dimensions?” Sunset seemed to have forgotten her fear, her curiosity taking over as her main emotion.

“Luna and Twilight teamed up to help me see you. They’re currently working hard, making sure I can stay here. I don’t know how long we can talk, and I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to do this again, so let’s make the most of it.” She smiled as she ended the sentence. Sunset looked down with a frown, however.

“What would we talk about? About how much you still want me banished but are too nice to really hate me? About how much of an idiot I am for going against you and then thinking I can make something of my life?” Sunset started to tear up, gasping for air as she went on, “About how much I miss you and about how stupid I am to think I could live without friends?” She stopped a moment as a sob hit her, then continued, “Or is it about how I screwed up with living my own life and now have to mooch off friends in order to even stay alive?”

Sunset fell to her knees and sobbed, her own words hitting her hard. She was sobbing so hard she didn’t notice Celestia walking over and lying down next to her until her wing draped over Sunset’s body, almost like a blanket. This made Sunset look up to her, confused. “Why?”

“Sunset… This is my fault. If I had just told you why it was so important to make friends, then you never would have looked into the mirror and come here. Though, in a way, it was better that you came here, wouldn’t you say?”

“Well… I guess, in a way. I have friends and a place to live, but what about the bad things that have been happening. If I just listened to you, they never would have happened.”

Celestia sighed before responding, “Yes, I understand that, Sunset, and I’m truly sorry you had to go through all of that. When Discord told me you were… harming yourself… I knew I had to come talk to you myself.”

“But he didn’t tell you when I tried to… get away from it all?” Sunset winced as the bad memories came forward. Celestia looked away, ashamed of herself.

“Yes, he did, but I didn’t think it was best if I intervened at that time… I don’t know why; you needed someone more than ever, then. Instead, I waited. Discord told me Fluttershy was helping you, but it was only getting worse for you, and I still didn’t intervene. I’m so stupid.”

“You’re not the stupid one, Princess, I am. I’m the one that decided to do it in the first place. If I had just been stronger or less stupid, then none of this would have happened…”

“Now, now, none of that, Sunset. Yes, we’ve all made mistakes, and I’m sure we’ll make plenty more. We’re only ponies--er, humans, both--after all. We make mistakes so we learn. I’m just happy you survived to learn.” Celestia leaned down and nuzzled Sunset a bit.

“Princess… I honestly thought you hated me, didn’t want to see me ever again. I-I knew you would forgive me, but…”

“But you thought I would banish you and lock you in a dungeon far from Equestria?” Celestia finished, chuckling slightly. Sunset blinked and looked up at her former mentor with confusion.

“How did you know I was going to say that?”

“Lets just say that you and Twilight are more similar than you think.”

“Is that a good thing?” Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow and small smirk. Celestia brought a hoof up to her chin in thought for a brief moment.

“I guess it could be, though the two of you have different ways of dealing with problems,” Celestia said, smirking. Sunset sighed and looked off into the distance.

“Twilight probably has a simple solution to solving problems. I mean, she beat me so easily.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that, Sunset. I’m pretty sure you never casted a Want it/Need it spell.”

“Wait, Twilight casted one of those?” Sunset looked up, surprised. When she saw Celestia nod, her jaw dropped. “Why would she do something stupid like that? Doesn’t she know how dangerous it is?”

“Did you think about the consequences when you chose your actions?”

“Well… no, but… I see your point, Princess.

“It's alright, Sunset. I know you will do well, and I’m here if you need me. Just talk to Discord, and I can try to convince Luna and Twilight to help me again. Though, I feel I should ask: What are you going to do when you wake up?”

“Well, honestly, probably thank Rainbow for sav--” Sunset gasped as she realized what had happened right before she entered this dream.

“Sunset? What’s wrong?” Celestia asked, concerned by the sudden gasp and the cutoff in her sentence.

“I just remembered what happened before I got here.”


“I was beat into unconsciousness by some kids from my school. I think Rainbow saved me, but I’m not sure.” Celestia gasped at the information.

“Sunset, I’m so sorry that happened to you, and I’m sorry you have to go back to that.”

“It’s alright. I can’t stay here forever, as much as I’d like to. Besides, if what I remember is right, then Rainbow saved me, so I have to thank her.”

“I wish there was something I could do, Sunset, but I can’t do anything more than visit you here.”

“That’s alright, Princess. I don’t think I can rely on you anymore, but that’s okay. I have friends here, and because of them, especially Fluttershy, I think I might be okay.”

“Are you sure, Sunset? You know it won’t end just like that. It’s going to be an everyday struggle.”

“Well, when you put it that way…” Sunset shook her head. “No, I know that if I get help, then I can make it through it.”

Celestia smiled down at Sunset. “I know you can do it, Sunset. I believe in you. If it gets too much, know that in a handful of moons, you can come and visit for a couple of days.”

“But I thought you said I wasn’t welcomed back in the castle after everything that’s happened.”

“Sunset, as of now, you are hereby acquitted of all crimes you may have committed in Equestria,” Celestia said with a smile.

“A-are you sure, Princess? All of them? But, I stole an Element of Harmony and was about to invade Equestria!”

“Sunset, you were different then. The Sunset I’m talking to now is not that Sunset. I believe in you, Sunset, and I’m sure countless others do, too.”

Sunset smiled. “Thank you, Princess.”

Celestia rose to her hooves. “Now, you shouldn’t keep your friends waiting. I’m sure they’re very worried about you. So I just have one think to ask of you.”

Sunset rose with Celestia, and looked at her with a tilt of her head. “Yes, Princess?”

“Please, wake up, Sunset.”

Sunset gasped as she woke up in Rainbow’s living room. She groaned as pain hit her, but she managed to look around. All she saw was a mass of pink and yellow suddenly hug her, making her let out a small yelp in surprise.

“Oh, Sunset, thank goodness you’re okay! We all were so worried!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

Sunset struggled to spit out the pink hair that kept getting in her mouth. “I’m glad, too, Fluttershy, but your hair and my mouth don’t mix.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Fluttershy let go of her and backed away. Rainbow and Pinkie were behind Fluttershy. They both looked equally concerned. Pinkie’s hair was even deflated slightly.

“Dashie, are you sure we shouldn’t have taken her to the hospital?” Pinkie asked.

“She didn’t break anything. There’s not a lot they could have done, and if we brought her to the hospital, they would have asked questions. Not to mention the bills that I doubt any of us want to pay or tell our parents we have to pay,” Rainbow replied. She looked at Pinkie and saw that that really wasn’t the answer Pinkie was hoping for. She sighed and put a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “She’s alright, Pinkie. We patched her up best we could, and she’s still alive, right, Sunset?”

“I’ll live. Don’t worry, Pinkie. It probably looks worse than it is,” Sunset said with a reassuring smile. In truth, it did hurt, but she could get over it. She silently agreed that going to a hospital would bring more problems than it was worth.

“Hey, Sunset,” Rainbow said, rubbing the back of her head, “I’m sorry for everything that’s happened between us. It was stupid of me to treat you like that, so… sorry.”

“It’s alright, Rainbow. At this point, all I care about is that we’re on good terms and that you saved me. Who knows what Lightning would have done if you hadn’t intervened? So, I forgive you and hope we can stick to being friends.” Sunset extended her hand to Rainbow for a handshake. Instead, Rainbow leaned in and gave her a hug. “Great. Now that that’s all said and done, what should we do now? We have all of Friday and the weekend to do stuff.”

The three other girls looked at each other before turning back to Sunset. Fluttershy was the first to speak.

“Um, Sunset, you were out all of Friday. It’s Saturday.”

“What? Really? But it only felt like… Whatever. We can still hang out, though, right?”

Rainbow chuckled as she walked forward a bit. “Yeah, of course we can, but first, let’s get you something to eat. You must be starving.”

As if on cue, Sunset’s stomach growled. She chuckled slightly, replying, “I guess you’re right. As long as you buy, though.”

“What, I save your butt, and then I need to feed you, too?” They all giggled. “Fine, but your buying next time, then.”