• Published 5th Apr 2016
  • 2,781 Views, 38 Comments

Shift in Spectrum - Superdale33

Rainbow arrives in a wasteland governed by the mad. Max finds her on the road, asleep and vulnerable. Quickly, a violent gang sweep them into danger, and both have to work together. Neither of them are happy about it. A Mad Max crossover.

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1 - Found by Chance

Hills of sand rolled endlessly into the horizon. Each varied in shape and height, but all were equally unremarkable and dreary. A paved road, cracked and broken from time, was the only element that offset the sand. It ran in a straight line, never deviating to either side as it cut into the landscape. Where it lead was hidden in a haze, merging with the wasteland like there was no true end to it. The silence was heavy in the air; stray gusts of wind sang their hushed melodies as they swayed and swerved through the sand.

The rumbling of an engine broke the still air, and it only got louder before a car screamed down the road, leaving a trail of thunder in its wake. It was painted black, but dirt clung to the side, giving the car a hue of tan as well. Two large tanks lay in the exposed trunk, pumping precious gasoline to the V8 engine jutting from the hood. This is where its name originates: the V8 Interceptor, a souped up muscle car. Its whine echoed through the hills for kilometers, as well as the ears of the driver. He sat on the right, clutching the wheel firmly. His eyes were set on the haze at the end of the road.

A man in black, he had a leather jacket and pants as dark as the Interceptor, with a shoulder pad on on his right. His short brown hair and stubble wavered in the breeze as it rushed past him. Despite the speed he traveled, the driver was more concerned of a possible ambush. The wasteland was unforgiving to those who didn’t pay attention. The moment the driver let his guard down was the moment he was a dead man. He lived long enough to know that rule by heart. It was a part of the law of the ruined world, one only governed by each individual.


Blinking, the driver rubbed his eyes. Having no windows meant dust could easily slip into the Interceptor. It was those fretful moments the driver couldn’t waste time. He hastily pulled his hand away to suddenly find a girl’s face flying right at him. He winced, bracing for some sort of impact. But when none came, he released the breath he had held. The face was gone as quickly as it came. The ease that the driver had was replaced with gripping alarm. His breathing had increased as he shook his head, furrowing his brow. His sunken eyes kept their focus on the horizon even more than last time.

And it was that focus he was able to catch a glimpse of something blue. It was so far away it was almost like a piece of the sky had fallen in front of his path. The driver didn’t show much interest in it, his face remaining stoic. However, the longer he drove, the closer the blue speck became, until the driver could see it was an actual object of some sort. Even still, the driver merely raised a brow, still unaffected by the potential obstacle.

The blue object revealed more of itself as the driver closed the distance. Lines of color made up parts of the blue, in a formation not seen by anyone for a long time. Instead of dismission, the driver was intrigued before it melted into a hard expression. He released one of his hands on the wheel, moving it to the sawn-off double barreled shotgun holstered at his side. He slowed down just enough to be able to scan the hills. They were as unappealing as ever, but the driver narrowed his eyes regardless.

It wasn’t until the Interceptor was a couple meters away did it come to a halt. The brakes whined for a split second before the humming engine was the only sound left. Pushing the door open, the driver stepped out, keeping one foot inside and over the gas pedal. With shotgun in hand and ready to fire, the driver made another sweep of his surroundings. Nothing popped out, there was no other engine sounds; it was a good sign so far.

Exiting the Interceptor completely, the driver slammed the door shut, pointing his shotgun to the right and left, his head whipping every which way. Still nothing. Sighing, the driver holstered his shotgun, facing the object he had stopped for. There was no denying it was an actual object and not a hallucination, as it had the dimensions and look of a solid entity.

The driver walked forward, the metal leg-brace on his left squeaking as he studied the object intently. It was alive, a creature - more specifically a pony - breathing as its sides expanded and compressed. Bird-like wings were on each side, fluttering every so often. Four hooves were in the place of feet and hands, and the muzzle on its face was prominent, allowing it to snore softly. Pristine fur covered its body, perfectly replicating the sky. The clean mane on its head was what made up the stripes of color, and it was what the driver paid the most attention to.

“A rainbow,” he muttered, his voice raspy and nearly unintelligible, especially through his Australian accent. The pony’s vibrant mane was also her namesake, Rainbow Dash.

Max stood over her body and glanced at her smile. She was at peace, and the driver wavered. His eyes traveled up and down Rainbow Dash, from her tail - also a rainbow - to her strange lightning tattoo to her muzzle. He swallowed as he kicked her lightly, but Rainbow made no indication that she felt it. A couple more taps of his foot proved she was in a deep slumber. All curled up like she was sleeping on the softest pillow on Earth.

Another look around and still no movement. If an ambush had been set there, it would have sprung by then. Rainbow was truly alone. Nodding, the driver pulled his shotgun out again. Pressing the short lever on top, it opened up the barrels. Two shells rested inside, and with a jerk of his arm, the driver closed his shotgun before taking aim at the Rainbow’s head. His finger was ready and twitching, and without a hint of hesitation, pulled the trigger.

There was a sizzle, but no shot. Growling, the driver lifted up the shotgun, examining it before shaking his head. A misfire. With one more shell, the driver took aim again. However, as he steadied his hand, he found his vision blurring, distorting his view. Something whispered nearby, like a far off echo next to his ear.


The driver’s name. A simple thing, yet rarely heard by him or anyone. Max shook the voice off as he clutched his shotgun tightly, using his other hand to support his arm. Both were trembling and he couldn’t stop it. Another whisper, louder than before, and he grimaced.


No matter how much he struggled, he didn’t pull the trigger. Grunts escaped his dry lips, his hands shaking harder with each passing second. In a flash, a girl was standing between Max and Rainbow.


The whispering had turned to a shout, and Max jerked back, his shotgun pulling up as he pulled the trigger. Unlike before, a small explosion emanated from it, nearly knocking him to the ground as the blast discharged harmlessly into the sky. Rainbow shot awake with a yell, her head perked and panicked. Max was still getting over the shock of the voice in his head, as well as steadying himself.

Rainbow launched into the air, her wings beating rapidly as she floated a good length away from Max. He could only watch as she hovered in the air, staring at him with fear. He didn’t express much from the phenomenon of a flying pony, but locked his gaze with her own, his arms spread out. Rainbow’s magenta eyes widened.

“Who the hay are you!?” she shouted, squeaking at the end. Her breathing was very audible as it sped up. Max was expressionless, though didn’t make any sudden movements as he slowly took a few steps back. “And what was that noise!? And where am I? And…”

She drifted off as she looked over Max. Humming to herself, Rainbow rubbed her chin, drawing closer without much caution. Max gave a sideways glance to his shotgun, still empty. His muscles, however, were ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice. Though Rainbow was startled before, she was untroubled as her gaze remained on Max.

“You know, you look kind of funky,” Rainbow noted frankly, crossing her forelegs. “You remind me of… well, nothing really. I bet Twilight would know." she looked around the area, “I wonder if that egghead is in this place.”

Her eyes eventually landed on the horizon where Max had come from. Squinting, she tilted her head to the side as she pointed a hoof.

“Who are they?” she asked, confused more than shocked. On the other hand, Max whipped his head back, finally showing an emotion: agitation. A large dust cloud swirled and blew about a kilometer away. Cars - their dark, wide bodies giving them away - drifted along the road in front of it, swaying back and forth amongst each other. It was at that moment did the rumbling of engines reach Max’s ears.

Hissing to himself, Max wasted no time rushing to the Interceptor, slipping his shotgun back into his holster. Rainbow remained still, curiosity building up as she kept her hooves dangling. She looked between the approaching vehicles and Interceptor with perplexity.

“What are those things?" she asked before she grew cross. “Answer my questions already! Don’t just get in your… thing! Where are you going!?”

The only response she got was the squealing of wheels as the Interceptor burned rubber. As soon as the wheels caught, it sped forward, the engine once again thundering as the Interceptor blazed down the road. Despite the circumstances, Rainbow smiled as it raced off at an astounding speed.

“Whoa!" she said in astonishment. “That thing is fast. Heh, not as fast as me though!”

With one final look back at the approaching cars, who were close enough to distinguish each vehicle, Rainbow rolled one of her forelegs in its socket, her smile turning into a confident smirk. Flaring her wings, Rainbow pushed them with all her might, sending herself careening after Max. A rainbow trailed after her, and the group of cars in pursuit had reached it before it faded away, hoops and hollers resounding amongst them. Their own engines roared like beasts on a hunt, ready for another slaughter.