• Published 12th Dec 2015
  • 1,208 Views, 81 Comments

The Queen and I Book 3: Friends and Family - SoloBrony

A good leader should never give up; their subjects' dependence on them should give them the strength they need to push forward. What good is that determination, though, when the leader themselves is the greatest threat to their subjects?

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Chapter 17: The foundation...

I pawed at the sheets next to my head, eyes still closed. The idea that I was awake had just dawned on me, and I had a vague suspicion that my perception of time's passage wasn't quite right yet.

Ugh... can't I just have five more minutes?

Wait... what did I want five more minutes from? I had no particular schedule to adhere to right now. I began to settle back down into bed, my mind going blank.

Some time later – though I would guess it was only mere moments – I felt a minor surge of adrenaline go through my system.

Wait, wasn't there an important reason I wanted to get up?!

I jerked myself out of bed with a gasp, looking around frantically. For a brief, panicked moment, I couldn't remember where I had gone to sleep, and I felt my magic gathering as I scanned the not-my-normal-bedroom I had awoken in – until I remembered that Celestia and I had been staying in the hive for a few days after Chrysalis' birthday, and I started to take deep breaths, trying to calm down.

“Oh my. Twilight, are you alright?"

I heard Celestia's soft voice come from beside me, just out of my field of view.

Oh... Right, Celestia was trying to wake me up. Wow, I am really out of it this morning.

“Uh. Yes. Yes, I'm alright. Sorry, I'm a bit, er-”

“Oh no, I understand. Sorry for waking you; it really wasn't so important. You should rest. I'll, er...”

I watched Celestia trail off, moving to leave. While I was still groggy, the adrenaline had done enough for my senses that I could tell something was off.

Celestia doesn't usually act so uncertain. Why would she wake me up and then claim it wasn't important?

“Hold on.”

I put out a hoof to gently hold her from leaving, and I stared at her intently for a few seconds, mulling over what had just happened.

She must be distraught over something.

“I'm fine. Just tell me what's going on.”

My body was trying to inform me that it was not-at-all fine, and with the adrenaline gently fading from my system, I was starting to ache a little. I pushed myself to focus on Celestia, and on bringing my senses online.

Celestia shuffled a little, visibly turning her words over in her head. I hadn't seen her look so uncertain before, and it unnerved me a bit, as I tried to piece together what kind of scenario might unbalance the thousand-plus year old ruler of Equestria in this particular way.

“Well, I, erm. I asked Luna to... here. Just read these.”

Celestia shook her head slightly, and levitated over a few pieces of paper, taking great care to be gentle with them. I immediately followed suit, grasping the papers gently in my magical aura, and bringing them up to eye level.

Looks like a letter to Celestia. Must be pretty old and fragile by now, that explains the caution. Hmm...


I set the last of the letters down on the nightstand, my mind racing with the implications. Celestia had since fetched me some tea – well, something not quite entirely unlike tea that was popular in the hive – and it had helped me get my focus as I read and re-read a few of the letters.

“When did you start getting these?"

“It was long ago – when you were just a little foal, I'd think. I believe I received the last one just a few years before we met, Twilight.”

“So, then... who is Cecily? And what happened to her?”

Celestia shook her head gently, sighing.

“I do not know, Twilight. But I intend to get some answers.”


Iqqel's eyes widened when Celestia asked about Cecily, and she started to look very nervous.

That can't be a good sign... I hope we're not about to get ourselves caught in some kind of trouble.

“I... I can't tell you about that.”

Celestia's eyes narrowed, though not menacingly. She had the look of a concerned parent as she looked down at Iqqel.

Maybe she recognizes this kind of behavior?

“Perhaps you could fetch Piro-Ammon for me, then?"

“H-he wouldn't be able to tell you, either!”

“Please, miss Iqqel. Can you explain why you cannot discuss it?"

Iqqel paused, glancing off at a corner, and I could see her concentrating on mental calculations. Celestia sighed lightly, and tried a different approach.

“I'll just go and ask Chrysalis about it directly, if you're not allowed to speak on it.”

Iqqel looked up at Celestia in alarm, waving a hoof frantically.

"I don't think that's really the best idea! Please, Celestia, just... this is not a good thing to be asking about right now...!”

Celestia lightly shook her head, and I saw something like anger color her expression for a moment. I realized that her patience had been worn dangerously thin, without her giving even the slightest sign.

Why is she so disturbed by this?

“I received letters from this 'Cecily' some years ago, Iqqel. It seems to me that something might have happened to her, and I must know what.”

Guess that explains that... did Celestia feel so worried for Cecily when she never showed up?

Iqqel absolutely froze on the spot while Celestia was speaking, her eyes locked straight on Celestia's. Her jaw worked a bit soundlessly as Celestia spoke, and I saw some realization spark in her eyes.

“She sent you... oh, oh... Princess, listen, I'll go and send word that you want to speak to Chrys- er, Queen Chrysalis, and-”

“No need for that, Iqqel. I am here.”

Chrysalis gently stepped into the room – a sort of office and reception area where Iqqel coordinated subjects who wished to meet with the Queen – with a look of mild concern directed at Celestia. Celestia leveled a neutral face to Chrysalis, but somehow, a sense of defiance or determination was present, making her seem less friendly than usual.

I can only guess how that feels to the changelings.

Iqqel quickly looked back and forth between the two, and gently slid a file folder off of her desk to clasp with her wing.

“I, er, I see, my Queen. I'll leave the two of you to converse – I have business elsewhere.”

Iqqel left the room like a mare on a mission. Somehow, I got an impression that she was less trying to get away from the room – as I had initially assumed – and more that she was trying to get to something.

I wonder what she's doing...

Glancing back to the others, I saw that their gazes had locked, all but tuning out Iqqel's exit. Chrysalis' expression grew more concerned – perhaps a bit confused – while Celestia's stayed serene yet firm. It was Chrysalis who broke the silence, first.

“A guard reported that you entered the Upper Spire seeming distressed, so I came to see if you needed something.”

Celestia bobbed an eyebrow, her face remaining neutral.

“Your guards were emotionally scanning us?”

“No. They, er... they just noticed it.”

Celestia seemed a bit off-balance, so I quickly chipped in.

“It, er, is a bit noticeable, Celestia. And from what I've gathered from discussions with changelings, they can sometimes feel emotions without meaning to. Especially in the case of alicorns, and especially if the feelings are intense.”

Celestia shook her head lightly, as if to clear it, and then locked eyes with Chrysalis again, her face showing determination.

“No matter. Chrysalis, I came here to ask you about one of your subjects.”

“Oh. Well, which one?”

“Do you know of a changeling named Cecily? Or, I suppose it would be Ezui-Cecily?”

Chrysalis' confused expression swapped to shock, and she stared straight at Celestia. After blinking a couple of times, her voice came out, just above a murmur.

“Where did you hear that name?”

“Please answer me first, Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis' eyes narrowed, and I could see her gritting her teeth slightly. Her expression was still one of shock, but I could tell that something very bad might be brewing, here.

Why are you asking about this?!”

Chrysalis' tone had become noticeably more hostile, and I knew Celestia was concerned about Cecily's safety and didn't fully trust Chrysalis. I knew things might be about to go from bad to worse. Looking between the two of them, I thought back to the evening before Chrysalis' birthday – the evening after she had given Piro-Krittith last rites...


I had awoken to the sounds of some kind of struggle coming from the bed next to me. After giving Piro-Krittith last rites, Chrysalis had been so drained that I opted for us to catch the morning train instead of the evening one, and we were given a hotel room for the evening. It was the last room free in the hotel, and had two beds in the same room.

“Wha... Chrysalis, you okay?"

After a moment of not hearing any response, I heard a faint cry come from the direction of her bed. I radiated some light from my horn, and slid out of bed. When I walked over to her, I found her eyes screwed shut, and her face contorted in pain.

Is she still asleep? Is she having a nightmare?

I gently set a hoof on her shoulder, and her eyes slid open, letting fresh tears roll down her face. She feebly tried to push me away, but I subconsciously swatted her hoof out of the way as I settled in closer to her, draping a wing over her.

"What happened? Are you alright?”

“I-I don't know!”

She shivered violently, and tried to push me off, but I held her regardless.

“Was it a nightmare?”

“I t-think so. I hope so...”

She buried her eyes in my neck, overcome by another series of wracking sobs. Now, I like to prepare for many things in life. Comforting a distressed changeling Queen isn't really one of them.

But reassuring a friend who is apparently having a panic attack is.

I wrapped both forehooves and wings around Chrysalis, holding her to me. I hoped that the stability and constant reassurance would help after a while, but to my surprise, after a full minute she seemed to be getting worse instead of better. I saw her horn flickering to life periodically, little green sparks jumping off of it like some kind of broken machinery.

Somewhat alarmed, I mentally ran through some of the studies I had done on changeling magic after seeing Chiri's transformation. I closed my eyes, and began gathering my magic.

I really hope this works.

I found my thoughts drifting over to my friends. I thought of Celestia, and how she could bring warmth and security to those she didn't even know.

Pinkie Pie's determination to bring good cheer and happiness to those who needed it, even if they tried to push her away.

Fluttershy's willingness to share the burdens that others faced, and to give them patience and lenience when they harmed her.

Applejack's unrelenting sense of fairness, which pushed her to be honest – even at her own expense, and only to the benefit of those she didn't know.

Rainbow Dash, who saved and protected ponies she had never met, even at great risk to herself, and was willing to give up everything she personally wanted for the benefit of those she cared about.

And there were so many others, I could hardly hope to count them all, like Spike and Zecora, who were willing to give of themselves for others. I thought about how I had forged a bond with so many individuals that had taken our friendship beyond the benevolence they showed to strangers.

It was a wonderful gift that I had been given, I decided. And I knew Rarity would tell me that it was meant to be shared.

Love magic is considered an old, mysterious art, but I had taken to solving such mysteries long ago. I didn't have a strong connection to the changeling crying into me, but I decided to take the first step in creating one. As the energy flowed into Chrysalis, her magical outbursts stopped, and her crying began to slow down.

She looked up to me, eyes full of shock and confusion.


“Do you know what the foundation of a true friendship is?”

Chrysalis stared at me for a long moment, and then winced as she seemed to realize what I meant. She leaned against me again, and mumbled.

“... Trust.”


… and I had decided to trust Chrysalis. I cut in before Celestia could re-affirm her demand to be answered first.

“She wrote some letters to Celestia years ago. Celestia's just trying to make sure she's okay, because she stopped writing abruptly!”

Celestia looked at me in surprise, but our interaction was cut short by Chrysalis' reaction.

WHAT are you TALKING ABOUT?! There were no such letters!”

Celestia looked taken aback by the sudden outburst, her expression shifting to concern rather than defiance.

“I did in fact receive some letters from Cecily years ago, and-”

“You must be wrong! Or lying, or... something!”

Celestia's wings flared, and anger etched itself across her face – fueled by some past sorrow.

“I spent years wondering whom this mystery writer was, and when I realized she might be in danger – given how her letters stopped arriving right after she promised to meet with me soon – I mobilized my Guard to search for her throughout Equestria, and even to make inquiries beyond!”

Wow... this must have really meant a lot to Celestia.

As she spoke, Celestia levitated the stack of letters out of her saddlebags and over to Chrysalis. Chrysalis took the letters in her own magic – not quite as gently as I would have liked – and began hurriedly skimming over them as Celestia spoke.

“Each and every letter found its way to me by different means – but it always stood out. One was even lying on my nightstand one evening, with no guards having seen anyone go in or out of my chambers! In the letters, Cecily says that her 'family' doesn't approve of her speaking with ponies, but she has chosen to do so regardless.”

Chrysalis frantically glanced between the letters and Celestia, frustration and anger clear on her features. Celestia heedlessly pressed on.

“When she said she would come and visit, I was ecstatic to finally know who was secretly contacting me all those years! I could ensure that she could live in a place where she wouldn't be persecuted for her interests – where I could guarantee her safety and happiness. But when she never showed up, I realized something must have gone wrong – and I began to fear.”

Chrysalis began scanning over the last letter as Celestia spoke, her irritation deepening.

“What if her family had discovered her plan to come and visit me? What if they had done something terrible to her, or-”


Chrysalis closed her eyes and stomped a hoof on the ground as she shouted, flipping the letters onto a nearby desk. She leveled her eyes at Celestia again, frustration and anger crowding out surprise and dismay as she spoke.

“I don't know where you got the name 'Cecily', or... or what these papers are supposed to be, but I can absolutely guarantee that those letters are not from Cecily!”

Celestia looked for a moment like she might speak in anger, but her response came out composed and level.

“How can you be so sure? These letters were apparently sent in secret.”

Chrysalis' wings buzzed in irritation as she closed her eyes again, grimacing.

“Because Cecily was the name I went by before my Ceremony of Names! No one else in the Hive ever used it!”

Celestia's eyes widened, as did mine.

“So... so you're Cecily?”

“No! That's not my name any more – it never really was!”

Celestia narrowed her eyes.

“I considered a lot of possibilities. I had even considered this one. But why are you denying having written the letters, if-”

“Because I never DID write them!”

“Yes you did, Cecily!”

Another voice rang out in the office, clear and strong. I glanced over to the doorway to see Iqqel walking in alongside the speaker – a red-eyed changeling I recognized from the party. Chrysalis looked stricken by his words.

“What is the meaning of this, Ammon?! Why did you call me-”

“It seems it's past time for us to confront this issue. You did write those letters. I personally delivered them to Celestia, though I did not read them personally, out of respect for your privacy.”

Chrysalis blinked a couple of times, stammering, before she gathered her wits, drawing up to her full height.

“I recall nothing of the sort!”

Iqqel immediately cut in, her voice sounding a bit raw, to my surprise, as though she had been quite upset recently.

“But what exactly do you recall about your time before being Queen?”

Chrysalis looked off-balanced by the remark, stammering again. I saw her eyes shift around a bit as she started recalling memories.

“What do you mean? I recall everything perfectly! I recall playing music for the hive, I recall-”

“Do you remember the promise we made the night before our Ceremonies?”

Chrysalis jerked her head back, her eyes locked on Iqqel, and her face starting to show signs of panic.

“Promise? What are you... what promise? I... I-I didn't...”

Iqqel locked gazes with Chrysalis for a few moments, and started backing away. I realized she was on the verge of tears, her mouth quivering uncontrollably.

“You don't even remember... that?”

Chrysalis stared at Iqqel, horror now on her features. She slowly looked back at the letters on the desk, struggling to find words.

“I think... I might have...? I t-think I remember something about it... and the letters seem familiar, somehow. I just can't... I can't remember writing them! I c-can't remember writing any of them, or anything about... about being a fan of Equestria before...”

Ammon set his jaw firmly before he spoke. It was clear that this was bothering him, but he was determined not to let that skew his words.

“You certainly were, though. You studied absolutely every aspect of their culture. In many ways, you became more knowledgeable than I was – and I was, and still am, considered the foremost expert among the Feeders on Equestria."

No wonder he wanted to have a chat with Celestia at that party.

Chrysalis glanced between all of us, her confusion and horror growing as the evidence mounted.

Why, then?! Why can't I remember any of this?!"

Author's Note:

Comments welcome, especially on this chapter.