• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 9,222 Views, 125 Comments

Never Drift Away - New Canterlot

Join everyone's favorite fashionista as she discovers what it really means to be in love during her fast times at Canterlot High!!!

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Chapter 4: ...Is All That Matters

The late afternoon of the next day felt just as exciting and nerve racking than the last couple. The school day had gone swimmingly, and Applejack had thankfully kept her hands to herself more so today than the day before. Although, Rarity did get swept up to one of the upper level hallways right before lunch. Applejack had taken her to a more secluded spot on school campus to give her the passionate kiss she had been dying to steal all morning, and Rarity was beginning to yearn for those kisses the more they were separated from each other.

Rarity had gone home right after school to change into something more fitting for a first date. She initially wanted to wear something a little formal, but her mind couldn’t shake the physical memory of Applejack’s strong hands around her hips. If she wore something more…daring, then she might get to experience more of that intoxicating embrace. Eventually, she settled on a pair of black pleaded khaki shorts that hugged her bottom and a white blouse with a very open neck and large collar. It was the perfect outfit that spoke for her, and Applejack understood well.

They met in the parking lot of the mall by the movie theater entrance. As always, it was never hard to find Applejack’s big rusty truck. Although it could be considered an eye sore, Rarity’s heart would skip a beat every time she saw it. When Rarity pulled up in front of the truck, she got out to greet her newfound love who was already standing by her door. The country gal hadn’t changed her clothes that day, but her hair appeared to be secured at the base of her back in a loose braid tied off by a red ribbon that looked exceptionally pretty.

The moment Rarity exited her vehicle, Applejack immediately threw her arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground, twirling her in place before setting her down and mashing their lips together. Rarity let out a soft giggle as she gratefully accepted the kiss, basking in the sensation of Applejack’s hands moving up and down her lower waist and back. Once they parted, Rarity licked her lips to speak. “I take it you missed me, darling?”

“Sure did.” Applejack nodded and kissed her cheek hard while tugging on the bottom of Rarity’s blouse. “Ah’m guessin’ this is why ya’ll had to leave school so soon, huh?”

“Indeed.” Rarity giggled again and pressed her hands against her shorts to smooth them out. “I wanted to change and prepare myself before meeting you here. Do you like it?” She asked, flicking her collar with her polished fingernail.

“Yep.” AJ chuckled and gently lifted the front of Rarity’s blouse up that had been tucked into the front of her shorts. “But Ah’d like it even more if ya’ll just decided on wearin’ nothin’.”

“Oh good heavens, darling. Don’t be absurd.” Rarity giggled louder. “I think we both know that would be impossible. I’m not even sure the law would allow such delinquent behavior.”

“Guess yer right.” Applejack gently squeezed her fingers around Rarity’s wrists and pinned them to her sides. “But a gal can dream…”

Rarity stood on her tip toes and kissed her dimpled cheek. “Applejack, dear? I’m afraid there isn’t much affection to reciprocate without the use of my hands.” She received no reply other than a warm, wet kiss to her neck. The blouse was definitely the right choice. “O-Oh good heavens…” Rarity cooed softly as she closed her eyes. “Darling…remember what I said about taking things just a tad too far?”

Applejack stopped teasing her neck with her lips and brought her head up to look her in the eye with an apologetic smile. “Reckon now’s one a them times, huh? Sorry, sugarcube.”

Rarity freed her hands and gently patted AJ on the cheek. “No need to apologize, my dear. It does make me very happy. Perhaps another time…and certainly in another place.”

“Ah’d like that.” Applejack resigned herself a little by only keeping on arm around Rarity’s waist. “Ah’ll be countin’ on it.”

“You are quite something, you know that? I’ll have to keep one eye on you at all times if I’m to keep my dignity.” Rarity giggled softly and wrapped her arm around AJ’s elbow as they began to walk towards the front of the theater.

“Well ya’ll can have mine anytime, sugarplum.” Applejack cooed into her ear and nipped softly at the tip of her ear.

“D-Darling-g!” Rarity squealed very softly as she felt her face turn bright red. She nervously ran a hand over her ear and brushed some of her hair back as her feet came to a stop. “G-Goodness… I…hate to admit it, but…I do feel rather stirred up when you do that.”

“Oh?” Applejack chuckled hard and wrapped her arms around her waist, picking her up into the air again. “How ‘bout ya’ll let me do that one more time… just to see yer pretty ‘lil face light up again.”

Rarity sighed softly and shook her head. “Terribly sorry, love…” She wiggled her little rump a bit to lower herself down and stand on her own two feet. “I would love that more than anything…but…as I’ve said before, now wouldn’t be the best time.”

“That’s arlight then.” AJ hugged her gently and kissed the top of her head. “Ah’m really only teasin’ ya. But, only a bit.”

Rarity pressed herself deep into Applejack’s embrace and nuzzled her cheek against her neck. “My goodness... Applejack, sweetness…you can be incredibly charming.”

“Heh…yeah, guess this ol’ gal can still learn new tricks.” Applejack gave another soft chuckle as her hand moved up and down Rarity’s back.

“Oh, pish-posh. You are not old yet. Not even close.” Rarity giggled with a happy smile as she looked up at her. “So, getting back to our agenda… Have we decided on a movie?”

“Uh…actually, was kinda thinkin’ ya’ll can choose.” AJ shrugged. “Ain’t really got nothin’ ‘n mind.”

“I see.” They walked a few strides forward before stopping in front of the large backlit display where all the movie selections were being presented. “Well, I would like to pick something that both of us will enjoy.”

“Don’t worry ‘bout me none, sugarpie.” Applejack shook her head and kissed the top of her head. “Just pick whatever. Ah’m just glad to be here with ya.”

“That’s very sweet, darling.” Rarity rolled her eyes and pressed a finger against AJ’s nose. “But that doesn’t quite solve the problem. If I don’t pick a movie you want to see, then I should expect to be quite distracted instead of actually watching something. Am I wrong?”

Applejack chuckled and shook her head. “Nope, yer right. Guess I’m right easy to read sometimes, huh…”

“At times.” Rarity gave her a very soft kiss to the cheek. “How about the new Mockingjay movie? I’m quite sure it will prove to be enough of an interest for you.”

AJ nodded. “Sounds good.” She reached into the pocket of her beat up blue jeans for her wallet and approached the ticket booth. “But Ah’m buyin’.”

Rarity took a step forward to put a hand up. “Oh, it’s quite alright. It was my idea to go to a movie, so please allow me to-”

“Can Ah get two fer that new Hunger Games movie?” Applejack asked the cashier. She had taken her hat off and pressed it over Rarity’s face before she could protest any further.

The very bored cashier made the transaction and gave Applejack two tickets along with change in cash. “It’ll be the third door on the left.” She said in a less than enthusiastic voice. “Enjoy the show, and thanks for choosing Canterlot Cinema.”

“Right.” Applejack nodded and turned to face the infuriated fashionista.

Rarity pulled the hat down from her face and eyed Applejack dangerously. “Darling,” She said with forced calmness. “I would appreciate it if you would listen to me when I’m talking to you instead of using your hat as a muffle.”

Applejack just chuckled. “Nah.” She put an arm around her shoulder and led her inside. “But Ah will let ya’ll buy the popcorn.”

“I shall do no such thing. First of all, popcorn is a death sentence for one’s figure, and second of all, you do not deserve popcorn.” Rarity crossed her arms angrily.

“Not even if Ah…” Applejack brought her lips to Rarity’s ear to whisper. “…let ya sit ‘n my lap?”

Rarity’s face softened as a dark red tint spread across her cheeks. She hesitated for a moment before answering. “I…suppose I could forgive you then…” With a chuckle, Applejack put two hands on her shoulders from behind and began pushing her towards the snack bar. Still feeling a bit miffed, Rarity marched herself towards the counter. “Good evening.” She said to the new cashier. “I would like a large popcorn, please.”

“How ‘bout a soda?” AJ asked with a chuckle.

An audible grumble came from Rarity before she added, “And a large soda.”

“Um…ok.” The nervous young boy behind the counter reached under the popcorn machine for a tub and began filling it. He presented the couple with the popcorn before handing Applejack a large cup which she filled with a ghastly colored green bubbly liquid that made Rarity cringe. “Will that be all?”

“I’m not sure.” Rarity turned to Applejack. “Will that be all?”

“How ‘bout a thing a sour straws?” Applejack asked as innocently as possible.

“Darling, you are really trying my patience…”

“Oh, ‘n a chocolate bar!” Applejack sipped the soda.

“I swear…one day you will balloon to the size of a, well…a big balloon.” Rarity rubbed the bridge of her nose with two fingers pinched together.

“Ah’m only kiddin’, sugarpie.” Applejack patted her on the back and turned to the cashier. “Just the soda ‘n the popcorn.”

“Ok.” The cashier rang up the charges which Rarity paid for with her card. “Enjoy the movie.”

“I will certainly try…” Rarity began walking towards the theater with the popcorn in her hands. Applejack followed behind her with her free hand around her waist. “You know, darling…I sometimes wonder just how you can stomach so much…appalling excuses for food.” She looked up at her with a frown. “And I sometimes wonder just how I manage to tolerate you.”

“Cause ya love me.” Applejack smiled at her and pecked her on the nose, instantly making Rarity shiver a tiny bit in delight. “Am Ah wrong?”

“N-No…” Rarity tried to sound as defiant as possible. Applejack opened the door to the theater, and Rarity stepped inside.

Movie theaters all have this strange double hallway that snakes around the back of the seats below the projector towards the exit. Almost always, this hallway is vacant and darker than a midnight stroll through a dense forest. It takes a very sharp eye to see every little corner, but Applejack only needed the darkness and the privacy for what she had planned.

As the two girls began walking through the hallways, Applejack had snatched the bucket of popcorn from Rarity’s hands, causing her to turn her head to face the thieving culprit. Before she could protest, Rarity felt and tasted the familiar lips of her beloved on her own, accented by a strange sugary flavor from the soda. Her body nearly melted as she brought her free hands up to caress Applejack’s cheeks, and for the first time, Applejack was the one to pull away from the kiss first.

“Still mad, Rare?” Applejack asked in a hoarse whisper.

“Never…” Rarity gasped softly, feeling very grateful that the near darkness hid her deep blush completely. “…Sweetness… Never.”


While lying awake in her bed, Applejack grinned up at the ceiling with her arms crossed behind her head. Although today had not been the first date in her life, it definitely had been one of the best. Every time they were together, Rarity always seemed to prepare herself for the occasion. Today had epitomized that fact very well. That cute little outfit her fashionista had on at the theater drove her mind wild, and Applejack couldn’t help but tease her the whole time, running her hands up and down her hips and squeezing her waist.

What she REALLY wanted to do was move her hands just a bit lower, but their relationship was just starting out, and Applejack was concerned that it might be much too soon for such behavior. Even though kissing was not a problem, Applejack was well aware of how often Rarity would have to push her back to contain the situation. Although a bit frustrating, Applejack felt incredibly happy. She also secretly loved that angry face Rarity would make when she became irritated. It was both adorable and very kissable.

As Applejack ran the memories of that evening over in her head, she rolled onto her side to check the time. It wasn’t that late in the evening, but late enough for the rest of her family to be asleep. Unfortunately, she just couldn’t bring herself to close her eyes, and she felt as if the world might be asking too much of her. First, she had to pull herself away from her sugarpie when the movie ended to go home, and now she was expected to sleep?

A much needed excuse to stay up came in the form of a phone call, and Applejack reached for her cell phone to answer without looking at it. Being almost completely sure it would no doubt be her fashionista, she answered with an almost coy attitude. “Guess ya’ll can’t sleep none either, huh?”

“Uh, what?” Came a crackly reply from the other end.

Applejack sat up in bed, instantly recognizing the voice. “Rainbow Dash?” She asked, running a hand through her long hair. “That you?”

“Yeah.” Dash’s voice sounded half annoyed and half frustrated. What about Applejack had no idea. “What’s with the phone sex voice?”

If she had been drinking something, Applejack would have spit all over her blanket. “Beg yer pardon, Rainbow, it ain’t nothin’ like that! Just…shut yer yapper ‘n tell me why ya called before Ah hang up.”

“I can’t tell you why I called and not talk at the same time, dummy.” Dash growled.

“Fine.” AJ growled back, and for a couple seconds, both girls experienced a very awkward silence. “So? What’s makin’ ya call me ‘n the middle a the night?” A very long sigh could be heard from Dash’s end, and Applejack immediately felt bad for snapping at her. “Sugarcube..? Somethin’ wrong?”

“No…Well, I mean, yeah…kinda.” Dash took a deep breath. “There’s good news, and then there’s…not so good news.”

“Alright.” Applejack rolled onto her side and nuzzled her face into her pillow. “Go ahead, shoot.”

“Ok… I got this letter from Manehatten University.” Dash said with a groaned.

“Accepted to college er somethin’?” Applejack chuckled. “That what’s eatin’ at ya?”

“Um, not exactly. It’s a letter from the athletic department. I think they want to give me a sports scholarship or something. It says they have a couple offers they want discuss with me.”

“Well butter my pancakes ‘n call me a grand slam! Congratulations to ya, Rainbow!” Applejack chuckled again. “That’s a mighty big achievement!”

“Thanks…” Dash replied solemnly. “It is kind of a big deal, huh…”

“Big deal ‘n then some. Ah’d be right proud a myself if Ah were ya’ll.”

“Thanks. I appreciate that.”

“Have ya told the other gals? Ah’m sure they’d be real proud of ya too.”

“No…no, please don’t tell them anything.” Dash sounded panicked at the end of her sentence. “This conversation stays between you and me, got it? I wouldn’t even tell you this…but I know you’re honest and will keep your word when you say that you won’t tell anyone.”

“Ah haven’t given ya my word yet, sugarcube. But, if it helps, Ah promise that my lips er shut tighter than a cork ‘n a rain barrel.”

“Cool…” Dash could be heard shuffling around in bed with the TV on very low in the background.

“So, what’s got ya down, Rainbow? Don’t wanna leave yer friends er somethin’ when ya run off to college?”

“Something like that…” Dash sighed heavily again. “…Something like that…”

“Listen, sugarcube. Ah know it’ll be a might difficult sayin’ goodbye to all yer friends, but it ain’t like we’re not gonna be friends when we grow up. Just gonna be different is all…” Applejack could hear herself talk, but her mind began thinking about the dreaded possible future where she might be separated from her beloved fashionista. “But…Ah do kinda see where ya’ll er comin’ from…”

“Y-Yeah…” Dash trailed off.

“Ah…Ah’m thinkin’ ‘bout what it be like if me ‘n Rarity got split up cause she went off to college er somethin’…” Applejack mumbled. “S-Sorry, that ain’t important right now. Ah’m gettin’ way ahead a myself.”

“N-No, no no, your right. I was thinking the same thing.” Dash perked up. “Well, kinda.”

“Really? ‘Bout Rarity?”

“What? No, dummy. I’m not thinking about Rarity. She’s all yours, AJ. Go crazy.”

Applejack chuckled. “Don’t think Ah need yer blessin’, but thank you kindly.”

“Whatever…” Dash grumbled and an audible thump could be heard over the phone which Applejack presumed to be Dash thumping her forehead. “…You’re not listening…”

“Sorry, sugarcube. Please keep goin’.”

“Ok…” Dash took another deep breath. “It’s not that I’ll be away from all of you girls…well, maybe that’s part of it, but mostly it’s…” Dash paused to rethinking her words. “Well, what you have with Rarity….I know how that is.”

“Ya do?” Applejack was genuinely surprised. “What, ya’ll like, datin’ somebody right now?”

“You can’t tell anyone this. ANYONE. If she found out I told you…”

“Ah swear ain’t no one gonna know ya told me, Rainbow. Just say what ya gotta say.”

“…Fluttershy…” Dash mumbled softly.

“Beg pardon?”

“I said…Fluttershy. I’m…dating Fluttershy.”

“Ah see.” Applejack bit her lip to hold back a laugh. “Well, ain’t that somethin’.”

“You don’t sound surprised…” Dash commented with a hint of irritation.

“Well, Ah’d be lyin’ if Ah said Ah was.” Applejack chuckled once and bit her lip harder. “Sorry, Rainbow. Just…Ain’t all that surprised. Maybe a ‘lil, but not much.”

“Are we really that obvious?”

“No, not really, but me ‘n probably the rest a the gals got their suspicions.”

“Crap…” Dash sighed loudly. “…I wouldn’t be shocked if Pinkie Pie got the same idea.”

“Yeah, she sure can be a real sharp tool sometimes. Ain’t nothin’ get past her ‘n a good day.”

“Yeah…” Dash flopped back on her bed and breathed a sigh of relief. It felt liberating to tell someone her big secret, even if it meant betraying the trust of the very person she cared about the most. She knew that somehow she would have to make it up to her. “…That’s kind of the whole deal. I…really wanna take this scholarship. It’s always been a dream of mine to play for a big school…Maybe even be on TV.”

“Sounds mighty nice.” Applejack nodded more to herself than Dash since she couldn’t see the facial expression. “…Bet ya’ll would have the time a yer life playin’ soccerball at a big ol’ college.”

“Did…you just…say soccerball?”

“Yeah. Why? Ain’t that a word?”

“Well, yeah it’s a word, but…” Dash actually giggled. “It’s called ‘soccer’, not… Nevermind.” Dash giggled again, her laughter beginning to build.

“Hey, it was ‘n honest mistake, Rainbow.” Applejack grumbled. “Ain’t no need to laugh at me.”

“Actually, hehe… You kind of deserve it. Who says ‘soccerball’? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard! Hahaha…”

“Now yer just bein’ cruel…”

“Sorry…sorry.” Dash took a second to regain her composure. “I didn’t mean to give you a hard time, AJ. Sorry.”

“It’s fine… Just let this one go, ‘n we’ll be even.”

“Yeah, sure. That’s fair.”

“So…what are ya gonna do?” Applejack asked, trying to convey enough concern in her voice. “Ya’ll thinkin’ ‘bout leavin’ yer sweetheart fer some big college dream?”

Dash groaned very loudly into her hand before answering. “I have NO idea… I mean, yeah I have thought about it… I really wanna do this. But, I…I don’t…” Dash paused to angrily wipe a tear from her face. “…I don’t want to leave her…”

“Well, Ah gotta ask…” Applejack scrunched up for a moment. “…Do ya love her?”

“Sure…Of course I do… I think I…love her more than anyone. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before…” Dash sighed and bit her lip to keep from crying. “Damnit…I’m gonna cry…”

“If ya gotta cry, Ah ain’t gonna tease ya none. Ah don’t cry much, but a good cry’s always good fer the soul, ‘er somthin’…” Applejack palmed her face. “Sorry, Ah was tryin’ to sound smart.”

Dash giggled and sniffled. “Yeah? Well you really suck at it.”

“Watch it, missy. Ah’m tryin’ to be nice.”

“Yeah…I know…” Dash heaved a bigger sigh. “I appreciate you talking to me about this…”

“Anytime, sugarcube. Just don’t wait too long tryin’ to figure out what to do next. Love don’t last forever…so…” Applejack paused as she felt her heart sink a little. It hadn’t dawned on her before, but there was now a distinct possibility that she and Rarity might face the same problem. “…so…ya’ll gotta hang on to what ya got…”

“You think so?” Dash asked, more so out of reassurance. “I guess…Yeah, I mean…Fluttershy is the most important person in my life… She’s more important to me than a stupid scholarship anyway… Right now…I really just wanna hug her…and tell her all this…”

“Then Ah think ya’ll gotta good plan goin’.” Applejack chuckled. “Ah’m sure she’ll be right glad to hear all them nice things ya’ll just told me.”

“Yeah…” Dash smiled took a sigh of relief. “Wow…I should call you more often. I feel WAYYY better now…”

“Like Ah said, sugarcube. Anytime.”


This would now be the third time she had showered today. The first was when she just woke up. That was normal for her, but the second time took place right after school after having rushed home to prepare herself for her very first date. Now, with the long movie behind her and many kisses gone by, Rarity found herself somewhat clammy all over. Sitting in Applejack’s lap during the movie was quite the experience. If there wasn’t a tense moment or an action scene taking place, Rarity found her lips locked firmly with those of that feisty farm girl. To top everything off, those strong hands of hers moved every which way but nowhere during the entire movie, although there was one place they dared not venture.

Being a lady of grace and civility, Rarity had a hard time coming to terms with the slight disappointment caused by Applejack’s hesitance to move south of the border. It didn’t surprise her much that Applejack was so hands on in her affections. After all, Rarity had always been more than aware of her own beauty considering the effort that went into her appearance. However, what she REALLY wanted during one of those passionate little kisses in the dim theater was to FINALLY feel Applejack give her a squeeze. As Rarity exited the shower to examine herself in the mirror, she sighed softly while giving herself a little pat on the bum. Maybe one day…if she could just get past the barrier of her own social graces.

When she stepped foot into her bedroom, Rarity let out a shriek of terror while her hands fumbled with her towel to provide as much modesty as possible. “SWEETIE BELLE!!!”

The source of her fright nearly fell off the bed. Sweetie Belle wasn’t expecting Rarity to scream, and she felt just as terrified. “Rarity! Sorryyyyyy sorry sorry!”

“What are you doing in here!?” Rarity huffed angrily.

“Nothing!” Sweetie Belle squeaked. “I-I was just trying to get a better wifi signal cause I’m downloading a new game… Your room gets better reception than mine. I didn’t think you’d be out of the shower so soon.”

Rarity’s eye twitched while a long pause took place. “…You mean to tell me that I nearly suffered a heart attack because you wanted a better wifi signal?”

“I really didn’t mean to scare you, big sis. Honest.” Sweetie Belle stood awkwardly and shuffled her feet towards the door. “I’ll just be going now…”

Rarity’s gaze followed her out the door, and as her head turned slowly to keep their eyes locked, Sweetie Belle could see her eye make another twitch of irritation. The door to the bedroom closed, and Rarity pinched the bridge of her nose firmly. “I swear, little sister…” She grumbled quietly. “…If you become the death of me, I will haunt you to your grave…”

With a very exacerbated sigh, Rarity stood and marched towards her closet to retrieve some pajamas. Normally, she would have enjoyed the feeling of immense comfort after slipping into her nightwear, but that irksome bother had drained all the relaxation out of her evening. Determined not to let the past couple of minutes ruin her almost perfect day, Rarity sat on her bed and slowly leaned back against her pillows. Before she could even get the slightest bit comfortable, the sound of her phone filled the entire room. Rarity could feel her heart begin to race again as the residual adrenaline in her system gave her another shock.

“Please…not right this very second…” Rarity sighed for a long moment before snatching her phone up. “Applejack, my darling,” She spoke into the base of her phone softly but with a hint of agitation. “I do thank you for the call, but would it be alright if I called you back in a couple minutes? I may need to go introduce my little sister to my pillow until she stops moving.”


Rarity sat up. “Darling? Are you there?”

“T-This…um…this isn’t Applejack.”

The voice was unmistakable. “Fluttershy? Oh, good heavens, darling. I am so terribly sorry. Please forget what I just said. Sweetie Belle is just being a pill right now, and I am a little miffed at the moment. Oh, and I don’t actually intent to commit murder…”

“If…now isn’t a good time…I can hang up.” Fluttershy sounded more nervous than usual.

“No, forgive me. I apologize for my rather brusque tone. I would love to speak with you.”


“Is…something the matter, darling? You sound…upset, like you’ve been crying.”

“Oh…really?” Fluttershy was making every effort to sound puzzled by the statement, but Rarity didn’t have to see her face to know the truth.

“Fluttershy, dear... Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ve known you long enough to tell whether or not you’re upset, so I would appreciate it if you were honest with me.” Rarity brought her feet together and her knees to her chin as she spoke.

A moment of dead air occurred before Fluttershy finally replied. “…Maybe a little…”

“Oh no…darling.” Rarity sighed softly. “Please tell me why you’re crying. I must know. I can’t bare to hear you so miserable.”

Fluttershy sobbed very quietly into the phone for a few seconds until taking a deep breath. “I-I’m sorry…”

“That’s alright, dear. Please take your time.” Rarity sat up and crossed her legs as she stared intently at her wall. “Fluttershy, could I ask you a question?”

A soft sniffling was followed by a “Y-Yes.”

“Have you experienced some teasing, or have you been picked on recently?”

“Oh, um…no…” Fluttershy replied very softly. “It’s nothing like that.”

“Well, that is somewhat of a relief to hear. I was afraid that you might have been the recipient of bullying.” Rarity growled at her wall. “If that were the case, I would have half a mind to…” She cleared her throat. “Forgive me. I was beginning to ramble.”

“It’s ok…” Fluttershy sounded just a tad better. “…It’s kind of nice just to talk to someone about this.”

“That’s what I’m here for, my dear. It makes me feel quite honored that you would come to me.”

“Well…you’ve always been a good listener, Rarity…”

“Thank you very much. I know I may not be the best at giving advice, but I do want to be the best friend that I can be.”

“I’m glad…” Fluttershy paused to take in some air. “…I feel a little better already.”

“That is wonderful to hear.” Rarity began wiggling her toes together as she talked. “Would it be alright if you told me now?”

“About…why I’m crying?”

“Yes, please.”

“O-Okay…” On her end, Fluttershy had curled up under her covers with her blanket pulled over her entire body. “…Well, I-I…was at Dashie’s house earlier…”

“I see. Was there a problem during your visit?”

“No…well, I don’t think so… It wasn’t so much the visit.”

“Then what exactly?”

“I know…I shouldn’t have done this. I shouldn’t have gone through her mail… I just…it was sitting right there on her dresser, and it looked really important.”

“So, you’re telling me that you went through her mail?”

“N-No…just one letter. I didn’t even mean to read it at first…”

“So, you’re upset because you read her letter without telling her, and now you feel bad?” Rarity sighed inwardly. “Darling, I really don’t see why you should be so broken up about this. I’m sure Rainbow Dash wouldn’t give it a second thought if you glanced at a letter in her home.”

“I-I know that…” Fluttershy sniffled again. “It’s what was in the letter…”

“Oh, that makes a lot more sense. Alright then, what was in the letter? I do hope Ms. Dash isn’t in some sort of trouble.”

“N-No…She’s not. The letter was actually good news…for her.”

“I’m listening.”

“It was from Manehatten University. I didn’t really understand a lot of it, but…I think she got a scholarship or something.”

“I-I see…that is good news.” Rarity paused. “I have to wonder…why she didn’t tell any of us. This does seem like the kind of thing she would be screaming and shouting about.”

“M-Mhm…” Fluttershy bit her lip harder than she intended, but it did keep her from crying again. “…I…just don’t understand why she didn’t tell me… It feels like she’s trying to keep this a secret.”

“And you feel hurt because of this?” Rarity asked.


Rarity used the next couple of silence seconds to mull over her next words. “I’m rather surprised she didn’t at least tell you. Aren’t you two best of friends?”

“A-Actually…w-well…” The hesitation in Fluttershy’s voice was painfully clear. “…W-We’re something….something more than friends.”

Rarity really had to look past those words to understand their meaning. Fluttershy had always been the type to underplay her words, so if she said ‘more than friends’, then she had to ask this next question. “Darling…I know this is terribly forward of me to ask, but…are you and Rainbow Dash…dating?”

The phone line seemed to go dead until Rarity heard a nearly inaudible “Yes.” Fluttershy cleared her throat softly. “Y-Yes…w-we…we are…”

Rarity’s face turned red, and she found that a smile was beginning to form on her lips. “I see. This really is quite something, isn’t it?”

“Um…I guess so.”

Rarity was finally beginning to understand the gravity of Fluttershy’s sorrow. “Darling, I need you to do something important.”

“What’s that?” Shy asked, feeling rather nervous now.

“I realize that you are upset and rather distraught considering the circumstances, but you must reach out and talk to Rainbow Dash about how you feel.”

“O-Oh…n-no, I can’t… I don’t want to bother her with my feelings…”

“Are you quite sane?” Rarity scowled at her phone. “Forgive me for being so…stern, but you just told me that you two are now dating, right?”


“Then why in heavens are you keeping your feelings to yourself? Being in a relationship means that you share your feelings with each other. I am honestly…and I regret to say it, but I am a little mad at you right now. There is no reason for you to bottle yourself up and lock away your concerns. You MUST talk to Rainbow Dash about your feelings!”

“I-I…w-well…t-the thing is…” Fluttershy sighed heavily. “I-I…can’t…do it…”

“Why not?” Rarity groaned. “I will not accept this behavior from you, Fluttershy. Darling, if Rainbow Dash means ANYTHING to you, then you will have to talk to her about this.”


“Is she important to you?”


“How important?”

“Dashie…means everything to me…” The sobbing began again, and Fluttershy couldn’t fight it any longer. “…I-I…love her so much…I-I can’t bare to leave her…I-I…I need her…”

“Then you better tell her all of those things before it’s too late. If you don’t and she leaves, it will no doubt destroy you. I…” Rarity felt the need to wipe a tear from her own eye. “…I…will also be rather upset if something happened between you two.”

“I’m so sorry…” The sobbing was beginning to diminish. “I’m so sorry, Rarity…I-I…I’m just a weak person… Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve having Dashie…”

“Now you STOP with those self defeating ideas RIGHT NOW!” Rarity was surprised to hear herself screaming. “No more of this negative talk, understood? No more putting yourself down.”

Fluttershy nearly cringed from the volume coming from her phone, but it was enough to make her stop crying and pay attention. “O-Okay…s-sorry…”

“Stop apologizing, dear. You never have to apologize for how you feel.” Rarity sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Darling, I am sorry for yelling at you… I am just very worried about you, and I hope you understand that I want you to be happy.”

“Thank you… It really means a lot to hear you say that.”

“Good. However, there’s someone else who cares just as much about how you feel, perhaps even more so.”


“That’s right.” Rarity nodded at her wall. “Dashie…I mean, Rainbow Dash. I may not know her as well as you do, but I can see now that she cares a great deal about you, and I am quite certain that she loves you very much. I know that you would feel terrible if something came between you two, but think about how she might feel. There’s a very good chance that she would feel just as heartbroken if things ended with you.”

“I…didn’t even think about it like that…”

“Well, at least now you understand.” Rarity laid her head back and closed her eyes, taking a long sigh. As much as she tried not to think about the possibility, her mind kept creating the hypothetical scenario of when she and Applejack would have to face the same dilemma. “But…try not to think about the worst case scenario, dear. It doesn’t do any good to dwell on the bad things in life.”

“Okay…” Fluttershy could be audibly heard taking a deep breath and a long sigh. “…I’ll try not to… I honestly don’t mean to…”

“I know you don’t, darling. You may not want to hear this, but…I’m afraid that you might have a tendency to think of the worst. Try to picture the good in your relationship, and…if I were you, I would do everything in my power to keep the relationship alive. It sounds to me like you truly do love Rainbow Dash.”

“I do…I really do…”


Applejack felt rather sleepy as she parked her truck in her usual spot in the school parking lot. As much as she felt pride in herself for helping Rainbow through her troubles, a great level of discomfort had forced her to stay up very late the night before. No matter how much she tried, Applejack couldn’t stop thinking about the possibility of being separated from her beloved. The thought kept her up until the early hours of the morning, and each time she tossed and turned in her bed, a part of her wanted to pick up her phone and call Rarity just to tell her that she loved her.

Even when Applebloom hopped out of her seat and headed towards the school doors, Applejack sat in the driver’s seat with her head leaning against the door window. Having been so rushed in the morning, she hadn’t been able to spare a moment to check whether or not her eyes had become bloodshot while rushing to fit into her usual clothes. Fortunately, she had brought her trusty thermos full of the darkest power coffee she ever made simmering inside the bottle. Hopefully Rarity wouldn’t be too taken aback by the strong coffee that no doubt would linger in her breath.

Applejack probably would have felt a little better if she knew that Rarity wasn’t having much of a better morning. Her sleep had been a bit less broken, but she had to force herself out of bed earlier than usual just to fit in her morning beauty routine. It was also unfortunate that she had to compromise attire choice for time to make tea. Instead of a perfectly quaffed head of hair, her long locks had been brushed to the side in a long wave. Instead of a perfectly arranged outfit, Rarity had begrudgingly decided on a pair of tight black jeans and a white blouse accented by a little black tie. It was the best she could to look gracefully civil without fighting every little urge to go back to bed.

She pulled up in her silver car beside Applejack’s truck and got out. Her eyes took a second to focus before realizing that Applejack was still inside her truck. It was hard to tell, but it looked as if she was sleeping. With a soft knock on the window, Rarity asked, “Sweetness?”

Applejack’s eyes shot open and she sucked in a short gasp of air before turning her head. When she saw who it was, Applejack opened the door. “Howdy…sugarcube…” Appleack mumbled through a long yawn.

“Oh, darling…You look…terrible.” Rarity put a hand on her cheek with a hint of concern in her voice. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah…” Applejack choked back a yawn and nodded slowly. “Ah just…didn’t sleep none too well last night is all.”

“I can see that.” Rarity rubbed her thumb up and down the little dimples by her nose. “I didn’t sleep very well either…”

“Really?” Applejack put a hand atop Rarity’s and kissed her palm. “C’mere…let me hold ya.”

“I…would absolutely love that, but you may need to exit your car first.”

“Nah. C’mere.” Applejack smiled and reached out with her strong arms, pulling Rarity up into her lap before closing the door.

“S-Sweetness!” Rarity gasped when she heard the door close. “It is rather cramped in here with two people in the same seat.”

“That’s kinda the idea.” Applejack wrapped her arms around Rarity’s slender waist and squeezed very tightly.

“Darling…” Rarity put her arms around her neck as she shifted her tooshie in AJ’s lap. “You’re beginning to worry me… Are you sure there’s nothing bothering you?”

“Uh…” AJ sighed and slowly shook her head. “…Ah just…keep thinkin’ all these horrible thoughts…”

“And what are these horrible thoughts?” Rarity asked in a soft voice as she put a finger under Applejack’s chin to tilt her face upwards.

A slight blush crossed her face and AJ darted her eyes down with a hint of embarrassment. “…Ah…well, Ah keep thinkin’ that…one a these days…ya’ll er gonna move away ‘er somethin’, ‘n Ah…”

“Shh…” Rarity pushed her hat onto the seat beside her beloved and ran a hand over her long blonde hair. “…It’s rather uncanny, love. I had the same thoughts. With school coming to a close soon, and…everything that’s happened recently…”

Neither girl was aware of the phone calls they each had the previous night, but the worry was exactly the same. “Shucks…” Applejack choked. “Ah’m gonna lose ya, aren’t Ah…I just know it…”

“I promise you, darling…I will always be here with you, and I’m never going anywhere. I will do whatever it takes to keep your heart close to mine.” Rarity kissed her forehead and breathed a sigh of warm air against her face.

“Ya promise?” AJ mumbled.

“I do…as long as you can do the same.”

“Of course Ah do. Ah wouldn’t have it no ‘nother way…” Applejack gave an awkward smile. “…Ah don’t really know what’s been comin’ over me these last couple days…but…gosh darnit, Ah…love ya so much… Past couple days been a dream come true fer me, ‘n Ah ain’t never been happier.”

“Aww…sweetness.” Rarity smiled back and press their foreheads together. “It fills me with immense joy to hear you say that. I would never trade my time with you for anything.”

“Shucks…now ya’ll ‘er bein’ mighty sweet too… Ah ain’t used to such mushy talk all the time.”

“Are you alright with it? I must admit that I am not accustomed to it myself, but I can definitely say that I love it very much.”

“Me too…” Applejack whispered softly as she gave Rarity a soft kiss. “Me too…”

“Sweetness…” Rarity gave her a peck on the nose before giggling softly into a yawn, then laying her head on AJ’s shoulder. “I do so wish to run away with you for the day…”

“Why don’t we then?” AJ chuckled and ran her hands down Rarity’s thighs. “Ah reckon ain’t no one gonna know.”

“It would be a highly irresponsible thing to do.” Rarity shook her head. “Besides, I would hate to think that our new relationship became the start of reckless behavior.”

“Well…how ‘bout just a bit a reckless then.”

“Just a bit?” Rarity looked her square in the face. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

“Uh…” Applejack chuckled more mischievously. “…Closer yer eyes, sgarcube.”

“Oh, goodness me, you sly devil.” Rarity put her hands over her eyes and giggled loudly. “I do hope you didn’t buy me a present, because I didn’t bring you one.”

“Ya’ll brought one alright. It’s sittin’ ‘n my lap.” Applejack slid her hand up her thigh, slowly moving higher and higher to her prize. Once her hand rested against Rarity’s soft rump, she gave a firm squeeze with her strong hand.

Rarity could not keep a gasp of surprise from escaping her lips, and from behind her hands, her face turned cherry red. “D-Darling…” She squeaked softly.

“Is…this alright, hun?” Applejack muttered into her ear.

“Quite…more than alright…” Rarity pressed her blushing face into Applejack’s neck and gave her shoulder a soft peck. “…I’ve been waiting a long while for you to do that.”

Applejack moved her head back a bit to plant wet kisses across Rarity’s forehead. “Golly…y-yer butt is…so soft…” She paused to swallow. “…Ah’m mighty sorry. Ah sound so silly right now…”

“Hush, please…Let’s just sit here like this for as long as we can…” Rarity yawned once more as she nuzzled her face deeper into her neck. “And…please don’t move your hand…”

“Yes, ma’am.” Applejack kissed her cheek and squeezed her tooshie again. “…Think maybe we could nap away the first class? Ah’m plum tuckered… ‘n Ah REALLY don’t wanna move.”

“It is very tempting…VERY tempting… How much time do you think we have before school starts?”

“Probably only a couple minutes.”

“...Then let’s just sit here…At the very least I’ll be more alert for my next class.”

Applejack slowly titled her seat back, letting Rarity lay against her atop her lap. “…Ah love ya…”

“I love you too, sweetness.” Rarity kissed her cheek one last time before closing her eyes. “…you’re so…warm.” She muttered through a long yawn.

AJ gave her a soft chuckle before closing her own eyes. “…Yer just too cute.”

Author's Note:

>>Shutup868: Thank you so so much for helping me out with this chapter through and through. You were able to proofread and make me laugh at the same time! Incredible! :derpytongue2: Thank you again for all your hard work and help.
>>Such A Chlorbag: Ohmygosh ohmygosh I'm so nervouscited.... :pinkiecrazy: Shhh, w-wait wait, we can't say anything yet! Whoops! I said something!
>>Lone_Beast: Thanks for following! I'm glad you like this story and I agree... HAWT DAMN!
>>applespice03: She sure can be sometimes, that's true. :ajsmug:
>>Darkcloudx: Thanks so much for your words. I'm glad you like the depth of the characters and their emotions. Essentially, that's what I'm going for. :pinkiehappy:
>>ajvasquezbrony & EpicShadowz: The truth is, I haven't even entertained the idea of doing a CMC pairing. Maybe someday...
>>Hobbestc: Thank you! Snuggles and cuteness are one of my weaknesses. As for AJ's old girlfriend, who knows. Maybe she'll eventually talk about it, maybe not. I haven't decided yet.
>>Fluttershy618: I'm very glad you like the cutie-ness so far. :pinkiecrazy:
>>Sage_Element: I'm honestly not sure how long I'm gonna draw this story out. I have a couple things in the works for after this story, so we'll see.
>>Madox: Time will answer the FlutterDash questions. :rainbowkiss: And as for pie, yes, It shall be pink.
>>Script: Being even somepony's second favorite story is praise enough for me! I will definitely have to check out your first favorite. Sounds might scrumptious. Thank you very much!
>>crazysticks: I am very happy that you've been keeping up with me and staying with me so far. :yay: It makes me happy to know that I can really capture somepony's imagination.
>>Frost Vortex: Cute fluffs make me faint! :raritywink::raritydespair::facehoof:

I have really big news!!!
Since I've been getting a lot of positive feedback and encouragement to do a Pinkie story, I shall, and with the help of a friend! Such A Chlorbag would be partnering with me to write a new tale. Right now, I don't want to give too many details yet, but I can tell you that our upcoming story takes place in the same Halt Hoof EG universe. We've just began production, so it will be a while. I promise that I will not neglect this story either! I will put 100% into production for the best reading experience.