• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 20,246 Views, 150 Comments

A Second Chance to Find Home - Burning Sunset

Can Sunset overcome the pain that Anon a Miss causes her, or will she give into the darkness?

  • ...

Chapter 4

Monday, December 14

The night was perfect, Sunset and Fluttershy were both dressed in beautiful dresses as the music flowed around them. It almost seemed that there was a spot light on them as they held each other close, their bodies moving to the music as shadows of what seemed other people danced around them. Of course Sunset didn't run for Princess this time, but she didn't care as she no longer craved the false love that it gave her. People voted for her before because they feeared her, not because they cared about her.

No, what mattered was that she was here with the one girl in the world that she felt she could love. They each seemed to be lost in each others' eyes when their gazes met each other as the music seemed to slow down. Their faces started getting closer and closer, their eyes closing as their lips nearly met.

"I love you Fluttershy." Sunset whispered before being smacked hard and knocked to the floor as laughter erupted all around her.

"Well I hate you!" Fluttershy screamed, tears falling as some of the shadows melted away leaving the other girls. Looking from one to another Sunset could see the pure anger and hatred turned her way as Rainbow Dash cracked her knuckle.

"I think we should strip that dress off her and dump her in the snow where she belongs." Twilight sneered as the sea of shadows parted for her as Sunset covered her chest with her arms, blood staining the fabric of the dress as it poured from her wrist. "She doesn't desevre it or a place to stay and if it wasn't for my mom she wouldn't even have it."

"Please, Twily, don't say that!" SUnset sobbed, backing away until her head hit something. Closing her eyes and reopening them Sunset found herself in the bed where she went to sleep earlier. Looking at the clock on the nightstand she was that it was ontl just past midnight and Velvet was in the chair, a book with a book light in her lap as the woman apparently nodded off reading.

Climbing from the bed, Sunset made her way to the bathroom while be careful not to wake the woman. She debated stopping to get a robe, but doubted she could get it on and tied. Using the restroom was a bit of a challenge as was washing her hands, but she turned the water on slow so there was no splash and was careful not to get the bandages wet. Once finished she wanted to cry as it had stung a lot more than when she ate the pizza, but she was able to balance it on her hand so she didn't have to be humiliated by being fed by someone.

Heading back to the room, she noticed a light on downstairs so carefully made her way to the living room where she found Night Light staring at the dry erase board he was working on earlier. He didn't seem to notice her as she moved to where she could see it, standing close to him. It looked almost like the same equations used with some advanced magic, which she studied a lot. It also looked like stuff she read in those college level ooks she read when at the library before the Fall Formal. Looking at it she noticed that one number was off if she was right.

"I think that should be a three." Sunset said making Night Light jump in shock, nearly making Sunset giggle a little.

"Oh Sunset, you scared me there for a second." Night Light said, chuckling. "What are you doing up?"

"I needed to use the bathroom and saw the light on." Sunset replied, looking over the equation once again. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure the eight should be a three."

"You know, I think you're right there." Night Light said, cocking his head and looking over the equation again. "That fixes everything, I've been trying to figure out where I messed up at all day."

"Sometimes it takes a fresh pair of eyes." Sunset said, offering a nervous smile.

"Well thank you, that helps me out a lot." Night Light said scratching the back of his neck after changing the eight to a three per Sunset's suggestion. "So you understand this?"

"Well, pretty much, it's just a simple equation." Sunset said, wondering if she said something wrong as Night Light's jaw dropped.

"Sunset, that isn't just a simple equation. Most of my students can't even do equations half this complicated at first." Night Light said with awe in his voice.

"I'm sorry if I did something wrong." Sunset said softly.

"Don't be sorry." Night Light said hugging her, "Don't ever be sorry for being smart. It's a wonderful gift that should be nurished."

"Thank you." Sunset said blushing, unsure of what else to say. She wasn't used to compliemts like this. She hated to admit it, but she never even got compliments from her friends that often. She actually got more hurtful comments from them than compliments even though she told them that there was no offence taken.

"I think I'm done here for the night, care to have a cup of tea with me?" Night Light asked making Sunset a little nervous. She really didn't know this family too much yet despite feeling that she knew Velvet somewhat and Twilight a bit more. She had heard horror stories of foster children and really didn't want to end up being just another victim. "Don't worry honey, I'm not going to hurt you. And if anyone tries, just tell me and I'll make sure they pay for it."

"O-Okay." Sunset squeake dout, her voice hitching at first.

"I think there's even some pizza left. Do you like it cold or warmed?" Night Light asked.

"You're going to think I'm weird." Sunset said, hating herself for her emotions being a roller coaster as her nervousness had quickly turned to shyness, something she really wasn't before. Yet she felt a bit of a connection to this man and found herself trusting him even if a part of her was still a little nervvous about him.

"I wouldn't think your weird, what is it?" Night Light asked as he pulled the pizza out of the fridge while Sunset sat at one of the stools by the kitchen island.

"I kind of actually prefer pizza cold." Sunset said softly which got Night Light chuckling a little as he fetched a couple of glasses.

"So do I actually, it just has this taste to it that's hard to explain. My wife thinks I'm crazy, nice to know someone else on my side." Night Light said as he grabbed a straw for Sunset and the pitcher of iced tea.

"It's kind of weird I guess, but everybody has weird things they like, right?" Sunset asked as she licked her lips watching Night Light open the box between them.

"Personally I like pasta cold if anything." Velvet said surprising the two as the woman hugged Sunset from behind. "Why didn't you wake me up? I was so scared when I found th eroom empty."

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother you just because I needed to use the bathroom." Sunset said softlyu.

"Honey, you don't have to be sorry, but please wake me up next time." Velvet said kissing the top of the Sunset's head before claiming the stool on the other side of Sunset and swiping Night Light's glass of tea.

"Okay." Sunset said softly, though she couldn't help feeling kind of good that somebody actually cared that much.

"Sunset figured out what I messed up on and solved the equation for me." Night Light said making Sunset blush at the attention comng her way. "She's really smart, maybe I can see about getting her a scholorship at the University."

"What?" Sunset asked in shock, not sure f she heard right. She had more or less resigned herself to not being able to do much of anything after High School when she really didn't have a way to do so.

"Well only if you want to go there. The University has scholarships for those that are exceptionally gifted or have a lot of potential. For you to unserstand that equation enough to actually point out my mistake when I was havibng a ahred time doing so myself is a sign of you either being very lucky or very smart. Personally, I think very smart." Night Light said with an encouraging smile.

"Maybe we can talk about school later." Velvet said, "Though it is a good idea. For now, you two should finish your snack because you have school tomorrow Night."

"Yes mother." Night Light said, rolling his eyes which got a giggle from Sunset.

After their snack Sunset and Velvet returned to their room, the girl looking at the bed then back to Velvet. She didn't feel right about the older woman having to sleep in that recliner just because Sunset herself messed up. Looking up at the woman who put a hand on her shoulder when she paused before getting to bed.

"Are you okay honey?" Velvet asked squeezing Sunset's shoulder gently in a comforting way.

"I'm not getting back in bed unless you get in with me." Sunset said, "It's big enough for both of us and it isn't fair that you have to sleep in the recliner. It's bad enough I'm taking you away from your husband."

"Honey, I'm fine in the recliner." Velvet said softly, though the woman rubbing her neck told another story.

"If the recliner is fine then you get in the bed and I'll take the recliner." Sunset said, crosing her arms though she didn't look very intimidating when she winced from hitting her gauze wrapped wound on her elbow.

"Sweetie, I'm really fine in the recliner." Velvet said, though she was starting to think abiut it. The chair wasn't all that comfortable to sleep in and the bed was really big enough for both of them with enough covers for them to have their own set each.

"Besides, it will help me sleep." Sunset admitted softly, "I'm having nightmares."

"Nightmares?" Velvet asked with worry.

"Ever since I woke up in the hospital." Sunset sighed, looking down. She really didn't want to talk about them, especially the last one since Twilight was there as well.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Velvet asked wth worry for the young girl.

"Because I didn't want anyone to know, but if somebody was next to me I trusted then maybe they won't bothe rme." Sunset said hopefully, though she wasn't sure if she trused the woman that much. She may not have been a man, but Sunset knew first hand that a female could just as easily have feelings for another female as a male.

"Okay, if I sleep with you, you have to promise me that you will talk aboutthem tomorrow while Twily and Night are at school." Velvet said.

"What all does Night Light do at school?" Sunset asked as the two climbed into bed.

"You haven't answered me." Velvet said before she got comfortable.

"Okay, I'll talk aboutthem if you promise not to tell anyone else aboutthem." Sunset sighed.

"Only if you promise to talk to Soothing Voice about them so she can help with them more." Velvet said.

"Okay, I promise." Sunset sighed, "So, what does Night Light do at school?" Sunset asked softly.

"His main job is researcher, but he also teaches a few advanced classes. Not many people tak ethem so he only has a few classes a week." Velvet explained, "The University isn't the best in the country, but they have good people who care for each other unlike some of the more popular schools in the country."

"That actually sounds nice." Sunset yawned, sleep threatening to overtake her. "Do you think he might be able to get me a scholarship there? I think I'd really like to go."

"Of course he can, honey." Velvet said, her eyes misting over as Sunset fell asleep. How could this sweet young woman who had such a wonderful mind and loving personality be pushed to do what she did? Velvet didn't believe for one moment that Sunset tried to kill herself just because of the weather no matter how logical it sounded. The girl was emotinally hurt and vulnerable and that meant that something else had happened to push her to slit her own wrist. Velvet promised herself that she would do her best to help Sunset not only find the best home possible, but to make sure her mind and heart both were nourished.


Velvet sighed as she looked across the island where she was sitting at the island in the kitchen, the door propped open so she could see the couch where Sunset was sleeping again. She was sure both of them needed a little time apart after Velvert had to help the teen bath, careful of getting the bandages around her wrist wet. The experience was really embarassing for both of them, yet they made it through it as Sunset told Velvet about her nightmares.

Sunset was hiding something, that much Velvet was sure of. Actually she knew the girl was hiding more than just everything her dreams were about, but Sunset would need time to come to trust Velvet enough to talk about everything. For now Velvet wanted to figure out a way to help the emotinally destroyed girl get over what happened as more of the truth had come to light.

The teen had admitted that in her dreams her friends turned on her, accusing her of something Sunset didn't want to talk about or go into further detail. The point was the girl admitted that it really happened while letting it slip out that one of those girls had hurt her the worse, hinting that she possibly was in love with them. It was horrible that this was happening to the girl, but Velvet intended to do everything she could for her.

Right now though she needed to call the girl's school, and even though Sunset refused to admit what school she was going to Velvet was sure she knew the right one. After all there was only two High Schools in the area and one of them was a private school that Twilight attended. The other was ran by two of her oldest friends that along with herself and Psey was called the Four Musketeers by a lot of people.

"Thank you for calling Canterlot High School, Pricipal Celestia speaking, may I help you?" Celestia finally answered the phone making Velvet sigh in relief.

"You do know that I've been on hold for ten minutes, Tia." Velvet said a little sourly into the handset she held up to her ear.

"Sorry Vel, we're really busy here. If the holiday preparations weren't enough, I'm dealing with a scandal that is putting the students on edge." Celestia sighed, making Velvet wonder just what was going on and if perhaps Sunset was somehow involved.

"What's going on?" Velvet asked, unsure if she would get a straight answer or not. While Luna was a little more open with her about things, Celestia was more intent on sticking to the rules and not revealing things about the students to outside sources without a parent's permission first.

"One of my students that used to be a huge bully decided to go back to her old tricks." Celestia growled out, "And to make it worse, my sister is wasting time investigating it more instead of trying to get ahold of those idiots to get the account removed."

"I thought your school's MyStable setup was ran by a third party that closed down for Christmas." Velvet said, wondering just what was going on to have Celestia in this foul of a mood.

"They are, but interviewing a bunch of students to try and find the culprit when we already know who it is is a waste of time." Celestia sighed, "Vel, if this isn't important then I have to go. She didn't come in today and I need to go over to her home and talk to her parents about this. This can't go on anymore, we already had three fights today because of this."

"What's this girl's name?" Velvet asked slowly, biting her lip hoping that she was wrong.

"Vel, you know I can't tell you that." Celestia groaned out.

"What's her address?" Velvet asked, once again getting a frustrated sigh from Celestia.

"Vel, if you don't need anything I have to go." Celestia said before Velvet repeated what she was sure the address she was given by Cadence and Posey was. "How do you know that?"

"Because Sunset Shimmer is asleep on my couch right now." Velvet said, having to pull the phone away from her ear from Celestia's scream. "Calm down!"

"Calm down? Are you insane?" Celestia demanded to know, her voice full of anger and frustration, though Velvet was sure there was also a hint of worry.

"Celestia, what is going on?" Velvet asked slowly, with as much authority she could put in her voice.

"I can't discuss that with you..." Celestia managed to say before Velvet cut her off.

"Well seeing as I'm the girl's legal guardian right now, you very well can. I want to know what is going on!" Velvet demanded, growing a little angry herself.

"That ungrateful brat threw the second chance she was given back in her froiends face and broke the promise she made to me to not get in any more trouble." Celestia hissed out angrily making Velvet herself angry. She knew Celestia could get moody during this time of year as the workload right before the holidays more than doubled. Velvet refused to accept that as an excuse for the shattered teen on her couch ending up in that condition.

"I'm going to say this one time only, Tia. Don't talk bad about her. Not to me and not around me. I want to know what the hell is going on right now." Velvet growled out.

"She made a fake account and has been posting secrets and embarrassing photos of all the students. It's worse than a tabloid." Celestia growled, "And I can't even get ahold of anybody to get it taken down!"

"Has she posted anything over the last few days?" Velvet asked softly, her anger quickly slipping away.

"Yes, she even posted something before school this morning." Celestia said making Velvet smile sadly. It meant she was right, Sunset was inocent of it yet at the same time sad because whoever was had caused Sunset to try and kill herself. Velvet didn't buy that Sunset tried to kill herself because it was going to be cold all night. There was stores open all night at the very least that she could have went to to keep warm.

"Well it wasn't Sunset then, I have a doctor's excuse for the week for her here. There's no way she could have done anything since Friday night." Velvet said with a little more smugness than she meant to.

"And why is that?" Celestia huffed out.

"Because she tried to kill herself and has been in the hospital since then until yesterday when I brought her home. She's been with either Night, Twily or myself the entire time since coming home." Velvet replied. She was actually afraid that Celestia had hung up until her shakey voice came over the phone.

"This is a joke, right Vel?" Celestia whimpered, making Velvet feel a little bad for her friend.

"I'm afraid not, Tia. She's really hurting though she's trying to hide a lot of it." Velvet said. "I think it's better that I take her out of CHS Tia."

"What? You can't do that, Vel. She needs an education." Celestia said, her voice unsteady and if Vel knew her friend, the woman was crying on the other end of the line.

"I'm sorry, Tia. She was hurt very badly at that school and I think it will be better I transfer her to Crystal Heart with Twily or home school her." Velvet said rubbing her temples. She really loved her friend, but just a few short minutes ago it sounded at if Celestia was ready to persecute Sunset, and holiday frustration just wasn't an excuse. "Will you please bring me a copy of her records."

"At least let me talk to hr first, Vel." Celestia pleaded, something in her voice making Velvet want to give in. She refused to though, Sunset needed somebody there for her not somebody to force her to go back to an obvious toxic enviroment.

"If she wants to talk to you then she can, but I'm not forcing her." Velvet sighed.

"I'll come by as soon as I can, I need to talk to Luna about this. I'm not sure what to do." Celestia sniffed, her voice low and full of sorrow.

"I'll see you then I guess, Tia. Give Luna my best." Velvet said hanging up the phone. She kind of wished that it was one of the old style ones as a part of her felt as if slamming it down would have been better.

"Why did you stand up for me to her?" Sunset's voice came from the couch, making Velvet look again to barely see Sunset's eyes peering over the back of the couch, her hair a little messy from napping.

"Because you need somebody that cares for you in your corner. and I care." Velvet said as she got up and walked into the living room. Sunset sat up and watched her as she walked around and sat next to Sunset, pulling the youger girl into a hug.

"Why do you care?" Sunset asked, a little shocked that a virtual stranger cared more than her friends.

"Why shouldn't I? So far you've given me no reason not to care." Velvet said, rubbing Sunset's back.

"Thank you." Sunset sighed, nit really sure what to say. She hated feleing like this, she knew she used to be strong and confident, but most of that was taken away by Twilight Sparkle and her friends. For awhile she regained some of it through becoming friends with the girls, then helping on the sirens' defeat. No matter how much confidence she managed to regain she was never able to admit her growing feelings for Fluttershy. Not it didn't really matter as she was shown that none of that really mattered and what little confidence and strength was taken from her by the firends who told her she was like family to them.


Posey grumbled about the incompetence of the newest interns as she scoured her desk for a simple sheet of paper to take some notes down on. She was reviewing Sunset's files again after cadence delivered adoption papers and other paperwork that Social Services would need for the girl when a permanant home was found, if one could be.

Looking over her office she noticed Sunset's bag sitting under her coat rack, remembering that she was planning on dropping it off at Velvet's later since the girl forgot it when she left the hospital. With a small smile she went to pick up the bag to look and see if the deliquent had any actual school supplies or if the bag was full of drugs.

"Damn it, Posey, stop thinking that way." Posey hissed at herself, feeling ashamed for her thoughts of the poor girl. She really didn't like Sunset a lot, but the girl wasn't that bad. She needed to stop taking her frustration out on everyone around her as it already cost her enough s it was.

Taking the bag back to her desk she dropped back in her chair nd opened the bag up. She couldn't help feeling a pang of sorrow at the couple changes of clothes wadded up in the bottom and a few school books and a notebook. Pulling the notebook out she started flipp9ng thorugh the pages looking for blank sheets until she caught sight of Fluttershy's name. Flipping it back she found doodles of butterflies, the same ones that Fluttershy wore on more than one page as well as Fluttershy's name written over and over in stylized lettering. Swallowing nervously she flipped the page to the last one that was written on to find a letter, Sunset's suicied note that made more than a few tears spill joining the dried wet spots on the page.

"Oh Sunset, I'm so sorry." Posey choked out, looking up as an orderly came in carrying a couple reams of copy paper for her printer/copier. She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and glared at the young man. "About time."

"Sorry Ma'am, I had to help downstairs." The nervous young man said after putting the paper on the desk.

"It's fine, thank you." Posey sighed, mentally kicking herself for letting her anger and frustration get to her. She felt as if her ex was poisoning her as she was finding it harder and harder to let the negative feelings go. Thankfully everytime she saw her daughter all bad feelings fled as if Fluttershy had a holy light that banished all darkness around her.

"I have more deliveries to make, Ma'am, have a good day." The man said, giving her a smile.

"You to, thank you for bringing me the paper." Posey said, smiling as the man seemed to brighten up a bit before nodding and hurrying off. Grabbing the first ream she ripped it open snd stuffed a stack of paper in the tray of her printer and quickly made a couple copies of the note before shoving the notebook back in the bag. She left the copies on her desk with the file before heading to the door. She didn't have any appointments and the only reason she was here was to fill out the papers as a favor to Cadence. Right now she had something more important to do though.


"So, you have to let it simmer for a few hours?" Sunset asked curiously, sitting at the kitchen islan on a stool watching Velvet stir the large pot of homemade spaghetti sauce. She knew that cooking probably wasn't all that easy, but cooking completely from scratch looked like it took so much effort.

"Yes, well I like to, it makes it taste better." Velvet nodded, "So you really are enjoying watching me doing this boring stuff?"

"If my wrists weren't so sore I'd be helping you if you let me." Sunset replied with a smile, meaning every word. It would be nice doing something like this with a mother figure while leaarning how to do it at the same time.

"I'd love the help, honey. Twily hates cooking, and even if she didn't, she could burn water." Velvet sighed, "I love her, but cooking just isn't her thing."

"I'm not sure how I'd really be, I'm not usually a patient person to tell you the truth." Sunset admitted, "But something about just spending time with you doing it was fun."

""Well I'm happy your enjoying yourself." Velvet said as she walked by, kissing the top of Sunset's head like she often did to Twilight before catching herself. Brushing it off she looked toward the door when th ebell rang making her wonder just who could be there. She doubted it was Celestia yet, though you could never be sure with that woman. "I'll be right back honey."

Walking to the door, partialyy wondering if it was a good idea to leave Sunset in the kitchen alone. she was happy to realize she didn't have to wonder as Sunset followed behind her. Looking throughthe peephole she saw the pink hair of her old freind standing on the porch making Velvet sigh. She hoped that Posey was there for something good, but the way their relationship was made it very doubtful.

"Hey Posey." Velvet said as she opened the door, letting the woman into her home as Sunset looked on nervously as Posey held a bag out to Velvet after stepping inside.

"You forgot this, it's Sunset's things." Posey said nervously, her eyes red and puffy worrying Velvet.

"Did you look in it?" Sunset said nervously, reaching for the bag momentarily before realizing she wouldn't be able to take the bag on her own.

"I'm sorry, I needed a sheet of paper and was going to borrow some from your notebook." Posey sighed, "I saw your doodles and your note."

"Note?" Velvet asked, looking between the two.

"I wrote a note before I killed myself." Sunset sighed softly, her eyes tearing up a little. "Please don't tell them, especially Fluttershy. I don't want her thinking this was her fault. I did this to myself."

"You really are innocent, aren't you?" Posey asked, letting a few tears slip free at the theens nod. The doctor pulled Sunset into a hug. "I'm so sorry, honey. I've been so mean to you these last few weeks beliving you were just using my daughter and her friends."

"I'd never do that." Sunset cried as Posey stroked her back.

"Why don't we go in and get comfortable." Velvet said, feeling bad both her old friend and the teen who was now sobbing loudly. The poor girl seemed to e on a constant rolloer coaster of emotions, but she supposed that was to be expected from a young woman who recently tried to end her life.

Within minutes the trio were seated at the island kitchen with a plate of cookies and milk for everyone, Posey smiling a little as they were her favorites. Things seemed to be a little tense though as Sunset really didn't want anybody finding out about her letter as she was ashamed of being a little spiteful in it despite being angry and upset when she wrote it. Posey herself was a little nervous being in her friend's home after so long, not really wanting to step foot in it in what seemed like forever.

"Thank you for bringing Sunset's things." Velvet inally said after everybody ate several cookies quietly. She supposed she may as wel broke the silence between the three.

"I wanted to apoligize to you anyways, Sunset. For both the way I treated you and if it's true, the way your friends and my daughter treated you." Posey said softly.

"Don't be sorry." Sunset sighed, looking down at her glass of milk with a straw in it. She really wished she could keep a good hold on a cookie to dunk it, but settled on being able to pick it up in the palm of her hand enough to eat it. She felt so clumsy doing so, having to blance everything between fingers or on her hand. "I didn't take any offense by it."

"Sunset, honey, if your trying to bury your emotions it won't help you. It'll only hurt you in the end." Velver said softly, putting a hand on the teen's arm.

"It doesn't matter, it's in the past." Sunset sighed, Posey groaning as a memorty surfaced. She remembered the few times that Sunset was around the girls and they kept saying things that Sunset would respond to their half hearted 'no offense' by replying 'none taken.' Looking at the girl, her expression a little similar to how it was during those times was like a splash of cold water.

"It isn't, is it? This has been building up for awhile, hasn't it?" Posey asked slowly, praying that she was wrong because if she was right it meant that Posey could have possibly helped prevent this from happening.

"It doesn't matter." Sunset said softly, her eyes watering as Velvet rubbed her arm.

"It matters to me, Sunset. If something is bothering you, you need to talk about it. I'll be here to help you if you let me." Velvet said as the girl started shaking.

"Fine, you two want to know the truth? Okay then, here's the truth. I've hated myself ever since my fall from grace. It was bad enough when I realized what a monster I've been to everyone, but to have the very people who were supposed to be my friends constantly reminding me about it just made me hate myself more." Sunset said, crying softly as she tried to ball up her fist only to hiss out in pain. Posy grabbed her hands and held them straighter as Velvet hugged her from the side.

"I'm so sorry I didn't put a stop to it." Posey sniffed, angry at herself for letting things get bad enough for this girl to try and kill herself.

"It's not your fault, and honsetly I was okay with it as long as I had her nearby." Sunset cried, "When she said she hated me, I couldn't take it anymore. She said she hated me. She hates me."

"Shhhh, it'll be okay." Velvet cooed as Sunset tried to rock back and forth as she sobbed out that somebody hated her over and over. Velvet and Posey both tried to comfort her until Sunset cried herself to sleep. Picking her up Velvet carried her into the couch where Posey picked the blanket that was left there and fixed the pillow there as Velvet carefully laid the teen there letting Posey cover her up.

"I can't believe I thought she could ever be a monster." Posey sighed, looking down at the girl as she slept. "She looks so sweet."

"Sometimes we make mistakes, Posey. All we can do is try to fix them and move ob when we realize that we made them." Velvet said softly, the two moving back to the kitchen.

"What if it's hard to fix your mistakes, Vel? What if you already drove the people you care about away before you realize they were right all along?" Posey sniffed, unable to look at Velvet now. The woman gently tipped Posey's head back with a finger under her chin.

"If they are real friends they will always be there waiting for you to come back to them." Velvet said opening her arms, Posey hesitating a few moments before throwing herself in those waiting arms while Velvet hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Vel." Posey cried, "So many years because of my anger and stupidity."

"Shhh, you aren't stupid. You had every right to be upset, I just wish you didn't have to be hurt so bad." Velvet said storking her friend's har.

"You know, I'm actually taking anger management classes and going to therapy." Posey sighed.

"That's a good thing, and if you ever need anything I'll be here for you. I'll always be here." Velvet whispered.

"I know I reject your offer every year, but if you plan on making it this year, I think we might actually come." Posey said, "I thinki maybe it's way past time we stop arguing."

"Does this have anything to do with Sunset?" Velvet asked softly, unsure of what to say but happy that she may have her friend back after so long.

"Maybe, I saw what a monster I've been to her and it made me see how I treated you even when you always did your best to be there for me." Posey said as she pulled back from her friend. "I'm sorry to both of you, but I'll do my best to make things up."

"Just don't wait so long before you stop back by and I'll be happy." Velvet said giving a teary smile to Posey.

"I won't, I promise." Posey said hgging her friend again.


Fluttershy hated avoiding her friends, especially since she felt so lonely and empty at the moment. She hadn't seen Sunset since Friday night and was getting very worried about the girl despite being angry and hurt. She didn't want to believe Sunset was behind everything, but there was no other explanation that any of them could come up with. Not that the othere cared enough to try coming up with more possibilities, but it's something Fluttershy was still trying to do with no luck. The photos came from Sunset's phone and it had never left the girl's possession.

At least she had an excuse to avoid the girls tonight as her mother was taking her Christmas shopping then they were planning to go out and eat afterward. Walking into Posey's office, Fluttershy couldn't help sighing when she found it empty with her mother nowhere to be found. Seeing Posey's ohone on the desk though meant that she had to be somewhere nearby so Fluttershy decided to wait.

Going over to the desk to see if maybe Posey left her a letter, Fluttershy looked over the paperwork to see something with Sunset's name on it. Picking it up she noticed it was some kind of letter which she quickly read over, having to read over it again to make sure she read right as she held a hand over her mouth in horror. Praying that it was some sick joke, Fluttershy sifted through more pages seeing x-rays's and mentions of Sunset slashing her wrists and comments about how the original x-rays must have been wrong as the following ones after she woke up showed a lot less damage done and there was no way they could have healed so quickly. All Fluttershy could do was stare n shock though at the letter as the fact that she had been a huge part of driving SUnset to doing this.

Angrily, she made a copy of the letter and a couple pages of the file on the desk that was easy to understand. Sure she could understand a lot of it actually as her mother taught her a lot, but the others wouldn't understand it. Still, what they would understand was enough evidence to prove that Sunset wasn't Anon-A-Miss so Fluttershy could shove the fact down her so called friends' throats.


"This is a lot better than the school's." Sunset said, her eyes widening momentarily in delight. Velvet just had her test the sauce that was pretty much finished, just simmering waiting for the noodles to be cooked and for dinner to arrive.

"I hope so." Velvery laughed, "This is homemade from my gram's recipie."

"It must be nice." Sunset sighed wistfully.

"What must be?" Velvert asked curiously.

"Having a family that loves you." Sunset sighed, looking down hugging herslef as she realized what she just said. Something she always thought about, but not something she ever admitted out loud to anybody before. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"Oh sweetie, there is a family out there just waiting to love you. Look at us, we care so much about you. We will find you a family that wants to give you a permnant home, I promise." Velvet said, her heart going out to the girl. She really did hope that Cadence could find the perfect home for the teen as it seemed that she had been through so much to reach this point and despite seeming to be hurting to most people, Velvet knew she was still puttig up a front trying to keep some sembalance of strength and control.

"I'm sorry if I'm not holding my breath." Sunset sighed, "Sorry, let'[s change the subject, please."

"Okay honey, why don't I put something on the TV for you?" Velvet asked, the teen smiling at that a little.

"That'd be nice, thank you." Sunset said, managing to keep any hint of anger out of her voice. She was angry with herself for being in her current state of having trouble even using a remote. She had little doubt that she would have to be handfed by Velvet if the damage to her wrist was any worse than it was. Thankfully straws let her drink by herself, even if somebody had to prepare the drink, and she could eat by herself for the most part. She didn't think she'd be able to deal with more humiliation than having to be bathed.

"Sunset." Velvet started when they got to the living room, Sunset sitting on the couch as Velvet picked up the remote, running her fingers over the buttons. "I want you to know that even when you do have a family that adopts you, I'll always be here for you if you need anything. No matter what it is, I'll be here for you."

"Thanks." Sunset said, giving the woman a somewhat teary smile. It actually meant a lot that the woman cared for her and done everything that she had for her. She seriously doubted Celestia would have taken her in like this despite claiming she'd do anything for her students. Yet she went to try and talk to her after first starting at Canterlot High and see if there was any help she could provide, yet the woman brushed her off. There was just something in her eyes that made the woman look both angry and hurt seeing Sunset, but Celestia had told her that she should go see Luna as she was busy. It was part of the reason Sunset gave up trying to be good at all and decided to just take what she wanted by any means neccessary seeing how neither Celestia wanted anything to do with her.


"Fluttershy, what are you doing here?" Posey asked as she just about walked right into her daughter at the entrance to the hospital.

"We were supposed to go shopping then dinner, mom." Fluttershy said, stuffing something into her purse making Posey a little curious to what it was.

"You know what, lets go ahead and go. I think the file I was working on can wait until the morning. It isn't like it has to be done right this moment." Posey said hugging her daughter, not wanting to let go. Seeing Velvet and Sunset reminded how lucky she was to have such a good friend and an even better daughter.

"Mom, are you okay?" Fluttershy asked as she pulled away, looking up at Posey who was wiping a few tears away. All anger at not being told about Sunset draining away as Posey looked a little upset yet happy at the same time.

"I'm fine honey." Posey said, running her fingers through her daughter's hair before tilting her head up a little to lock eyes. "I love you honey, please don't ever doubt that."

"I know mom, I love you to." Fluttershy sniffed, realizing what was wrong. "This is about Sunset, isn't it?"

"You saw the file on my desk, didn't you?" Posey sighed, dropping her hands to her sides and drooping her head.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help looking when I saw her name. Did she really do that?" Fluttershy asked, hoping that maybe she was wrong. The sadness in her mother's eyes confirmed that Sunset actually did do that.

"She made me promise not to tell you or the girls." Posey sighed, "She really cares about you."

"I don't deserve her." Fluttershy sobbed throwing herself into her mother's arms.

"Shhh, honey, she doesn't hate you or blame you. Just take this as a hard earned lesson to trust your friends more." Posey cried as she held onto her daughter as she was taking this whole thing as a lesson as well. She had apologized to her friend, but she knew it would take time before they were like they were before, if they ever were. The same would probably happen with Sunset and the girls, though something told Posey that her daughter had the best chance of succeeding.