• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 248 Views, 4 Comments

Deadly Silence - snowolfgirl

Deadly Silence doesn't remember her parents or what happened to them. She only remembers what happened after she woke up in the hospital.

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I wake up and I open my eyes but I cant see anything. I'm in my bed at my house, but that's impossible my house is gone. The smell of my house is there though. Old oat cookies and last night's hay-burgers. The door creaks open letting a little bit of light into my room. My mother slowly steps into my room.Her hoof steps echo softly around my room. I sit up slightly and look at her.

"Mom?" She freezes turning her head slightly to look at me.

"Go back to sleep I didn't mean to wake you." She says softly. She turns to leave and I sit straight up, tears in my eyes.

"mom no don't leave." I turn to the lamp that's on my bedside table and turn it on.

My mother stands there her coat a glorious midnight black, her eyes the icy blue of cyan. she squints slightly into the glare of the lamp. She shakes her head tossing her black mane to one side of her shoulder. "Whats wrong? You should really get back to sleep, it's really late and you have school in the morning."

She uses her magic to switch the lamp back off. "Goodnight my sweet."

She walks towards the door and steps out then shuts the door behind her. I jump out of bed and stare at the door for a second willing my dream to become a reality. In a matter of seconds after she shut the door to my room smoke started seeping in from underneath the door. My room quickly fills with smoke as i stand there trying to piece together whats going on. Smoke equals fire, right?

"Mom! Fire!" I opened the door only to be greeted by red hot flames right outside my bedroom door. I scream slam the door shut and run to hide underneath my bed as if i can hide from the flames. I place my hooves over my eyes then I'm surrounded my flames. They get hotter and hotter burning my fur, singing my flesh and all i can do is cry.

The glass in my window shatters and the Princess of the Moon flies in and beats her wings to push the flames back. She reaches under the bed with her hooves and tries to grab me while the flames creep closer again. There is a flash of light and the world around my disappears right before my eyes.

I hear screaming but i don't realize where it's coming from until i realize its me that's screaming and Singing Shadows is trying to calm me down. The dreaded pinkness of the room slowly swims into focus as Singing Shadows shakes me.

"Hey, hey its okay. It was only a dream.You're okay, it's okay calm down." he strokes my mane softly speaking into my ear.

I'm shaking and I can feel it so i just nuzzled right underneath his chin while he tried to sooth me. I'm crying into his fur and he wraps his hooves around my shoulders. "whatever it was it's gone now and I wont let it come back, okay. I promise." He pulls me closer and plants a small kiss on the top of my head.

We sat like that, me wrapped in his hooves, for a while. how long I'll never be sure, but I felt like nothing could replace the safety I felt right then.

He continues to stroke my mane while my sobbing and shaking subsides. The whole time he's reassuring me that I'll be okay. His soothing voice slowly helped me to drift off to a dreamless sleep.

Author's Note:

And little Rainbowdash says "'i love you daddy' who would write such trash'" and i fell over laughing for a second or two XD. Best moment ever! :rainbowlaugh:

Comments ( 1 )

6959679 yeah I need to work on the shift key remembering XD

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