• Published 22nd Dec 2015
  • 1,384 Views, 5 Comments

All Hail Megatron! Ruler of the Crystal Empire! - General Grievous Hero

Megatron and Starscream arrive in Equestria and plan to take it over. Now, if only they could get the locals off their backs while Sweetie Belle adpots someone as her brother...

  • ...

2-Rainbow Dash vs Starscream

Starscream was flying in his jet mode in Equestira. He was trying to figure out how to beat Rainbow Dash in the race.

"I must prove to Megatron that we are stronger than ponies!" Starscream yelled. "Rainbow Dash will lose to me! I, Starscream, will show her!"

Starscream boosted up, and he then passed the finish line he set up training. He flew back to the Crystal Castle as he saw it was getting dark.

"I'll wait until tomorrow to brag about my victory!" Starscream said as he headed back.

"<<Why don't we cheat?>>" Swindle asked Starscream.

"Cheat? I would never cheat! I have to play by the rules!" Starscream yelled.

"<<Remember the last time you played by the rules, Starscream?>>" Swindle told Starscream. "<<You lost to Megatron when you challenged him>>"

"You're right, Swindle!" Starscream told his Mini-Con. "I'll cheat if I need to. That'll make Megatron really like me!"

When they returned to the Crystal Castle, Starscream looked and saw the Mane 6 yelling at Megatron.

"You held Cadance and my brother in a CELL?" Twilight Sparkle yelled. "Megatron, release them!"

"Shut up, Princess!" Megatron snapped. "Or you will soon join them."

"What's going on?" Starscream asked.

"We just learned, you and Megatron put Princess Cadance and Shinning Armor in a cell!" Applejack yelled at Starscream.

"Why, of course!" Starscream told the Mane 6.

"WHAT?! Starscream, how could you say something like that?!" Fluttershy yelled.

"Because the Princess needed to be captured so my Master's plan wouldn't be ruined," Starscream explained. "I care for my Master now. I'll never try to take the Leadership of the Decepticons again."

"No. He won't," Megatron said.

"Megatron, what's your plan?" Starlight Glimmer asked.

"To make all of you ponies equal. I want everyone to be the same so I can make the Crystal Empire grow. With everyone the same, I can have so many friends when they are equal," Megatron told the Mane 6 his false plan.

"Megatron! That's good! I tried to make everypony equal but it didn't work. By doing that, I hurt various friends," Starlight Glimmer explained.

"Hmm. Maybe I'll try to do it, a different way..." Megatron thought aloud. "Anyway, go! You need to practice for your race!"

"Megatron, I can beat Starscream without practicing," Rainbow bragged.

"I though I told you to leave!" Megatron yelled.

"Um. Yes, King Megatron! Ruler of the Crystal Empire!" Pinkie told Megatron as she left.

The rest of the Mane 6 followed. Starscream walked up and stood near Megatron.

"Starscream. Have you finished practicing?" Megatron asked the Seeker.

"Huh? Oh yes. I'm ready to win the race against Rainbow Dash," Starscream told Megatron.

"Is something wrong, Starscream?" Megatron asked.

"Nothing, sir," Starscream said. He glanced at the Crystal Castle Guards. They closed the doors as the Mane 6 and Starlight Glimmer walked out. "It's just, how are you going to enslave the public?"

"Don't mention that now, Starscream!" Megatron yelled. "The only that matters is the race!"

"Yes, Megatron. The race."

Today was the day for the race. Rarity was wearing her outfit that she wore during the sonic rainboom. Megatron looked at Rarity.

"What is that ridiculous outfit you're wearing?!" Megatron asked.

"Ridiculous?! This is one of my favorite outfits and I don't appreciate you calling my outfit ridiculous!" Rarity yelled at the Emperor of Destruction.

"I don't like what you're wearing. Do you always wear stuff like this?" Megatron asked Rarity.

"Of course! I have to look, beautiful!" Rarity explained angrily to Megatron.

Megatron did a face palm. This is stupid! I'm starting to get annoyed with these ponies! I wish Starscream would hurry up in picking up those fillies! I really want the race to start before the white one and pink one bother me some more! Megatron thought in his head.

Starscream, in his jet mode, flew upwards to Cloudsdale, taking the Cutie Mark Crusaders with him, inside his cockpit.

"Why are we going to the race?" Sweetie Belle asked the Seeker.

"Because I want to show you I can beat Rainbow Dash!" Starscream yelled.

"Rainbow Dash? She can totally smoke you, Starscream!" Scootaloo told Starscream.

"I'll show you, Scootaloo! I'll show you that I'm stronger than her!" Starscream told Scootaloo.

"Um. I think Rainbow's going to win..." Apple Bloom stated.

"Yes. Everypony thinks she's going to win. But she will lose!" Starscream told them.

Then they landed on a cloud with the rest of the Mane 6 and Glimmer. Starscream transformed out of jet mode and the CMC fell to the ground. Starscream glared at them.

"You brought them along?!" Applejack yelled at Screamer. "What were ya thinking, Starscream?!"

"I know what I am thinking! Are you ready, Rainbow Dash?" Starscream asked.

"Of course. Ready to kick you sorry rump!" Rainbow Dash bragged.

"Why you!" Starscream yelled.

Megatron looked at Starscream and Rainbow Dash. "First of all, Rainbow Dash, we don't have rumps. We have hides. Anyway, get on with the race so we can either release Princess Cadance and her husband, or do whatever I choose."

"Okay. I hope Rainbow Dash wins," Twilight muttered.

"What was that, Princess?" Megatron asked.

"Uh, nothing, Megatron!" Twilight said. "I was just talking to myself,"

"You had better be. Or you'll face the consequences, soldier," Megatron threatened Twilight.

"Soldier?" she asked.

Pinkie Pie walked over to Twilight and Megatron. "He usually calls you soldier for no known reason. I guess he's used to his other Decepticons back on his planet," she explained Megatron.

Megatron gasped. "She took the words right out of my mouth. This pink one is, interesting. But not as soft as the yellow one."

"Look. WE HAVE NAMES!" Pinkie yelled.

"Names. Oh yes, I forgot! I'll call you Crazy Pink!" Megatron said.

"Crazy Pink? My name is Pinkie Pie! Not Crazy Pink!" Pinkie complained.

"The yellow one will be named...Shycon."

Fluttershy looked at Megatron, worried. "Shycon? Um...Mister Megatron...I have a name. My name is Fluttershy..." she said lowly.

"I already know Rainbow Dash's name. I'll call the white one over there... OCDcon," Megatron thought aloud.

Rarity looked at Megatron. She gasped. "OCD CON?!" she yelled. "I'm not OCD! My name is Rarity! Thank very much!"

"You do act like it, OCDcon! Now, the orange one will be called...Bluntcon!" Megatron said.

"Bluntcon?! Now wait just a second! I'm not that darn blunt!" Applejack stated.

"But you are. As for those Cutie Mark Crusaders...Hmm...I'll leave them the way they are...for now...."

The Mane 6 started arguing about their new nicknames and how they didn't act like Megatron using them. Starlight Glimmer looked worried. I hope my friends are okay with Megatron. I'm ready for this race to be over and done with... she thought in her head.

Meanwhile, Starscream and Rainbow Dash looked at the track Rainbow set up for them. The track had 10 ring clouds in a circle. It had 3 ring clouds going straight from the starting/finishing line, then 1 curved to the left. 4 ring clouds headed straight on the other side, 1 curved to the right, and one headed back up the line.

"Alright, all you have to do is go through those 10 ring clouds 3 times. On the third time, make sure you stop at the finish line. Got it?!" Rainbow explained.

"Got it. I'll crush you!" Starscream yelled.

"Not if I beat you first!" Rainbow yelled back.

"We'll see about this Rainbow," Starscream told RD. He then chuckled evilly. "WE'RE GETTING READY START THE RACE! EVERYONE PAY ATTENTION!" Starscream screamed.

Everyone looked at Starscream. Starscream and Rainbow Dash walked to the start/finish line. "Transform!" Starscream yelled.

Starscream in his jet mode sat right next to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow looked at Starscream. She then looked back at the 10 rings of clouds. Fluttershy, with the racing flag, walked over to the start/finish line. She raised the flag up into the air. Everyone took the seating positions. Rainbow Dash glared at Starscream. Fluttershy swung the flag down and Starscream and RD were off.

"You're pretty fast, Rainbow Dash!" Starscream pretended to compliment Rainbow. "Watch this!"

Starscream boosted towards the next ring cloud. They had already passed Ring Cloud 1 and were on their way to Ring Cloud 2.

"Oh yeah?!" Rainbow smirked. "Come on, Rainbow! Show 'em a little dash!"

Rainbow passed Starscream and went through Ring Cloud 2. She flew past Ring Cloud 3 and kept on going. Starscream flew past Ring Clouds 2 and 3 and was heading to the fourth. Rainbow saw the big red and white jet headed behind her.

"Hmm, Starscream's catching up! But not for long..." she said to herself with a smirk on her face.

Rainbow Dash turned left on Ring Cloud 4 and passed through it. She then dashed all the way through Ring Clouds 5, 6, 7, and 8! Megatron was stunned.

"Rainbow Dash is cheating!" Megatron protested. "She should be disqualified!"

"Calm down Megatron! Let's see what's Starsceam's going to do," Twilight said calmly.

Starscream was confused. "What?! How is Rainbow Dash beating me?!" Starscream yelled. "Rainbow DASH!"

Starscream boosted towards Rainbow Dash passing Ring Clouds 5, 6, 7, and 8. Starscream was now right behind RD. Rainbow Dash looked back.

"AHHHH! How did you catch up?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I'm full of surprises!" Starscream told Rainbow.

After the 2nd lap, they were on the third one. Starscream was behind RD again and they were on Ring Cloud 8. Swindle activated Starscream's Null Laser Cannons activated and fired at Rainbow Dash.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!" RD screamed.

Everyone gasped except Megatron.

"Oh no! Rainbow Dash!" Rarity yelled.

"What's the matter OCDcon?" Megatron asked. "Are you upset that Starscream shot Rainbow Dash?"

"Yes. And...wait....my NAME IS NOT OCDcon!" Rarity yelled.

"Oh no! Rainbow's hurt!' Scootaloo yelled.

"Megatron! I think you're responsible for this!" Twilight yelled.

"Me? Why would I be responsible for this?" Megatron asked.

Starscream passed the start/finish line.

"YES! I win! I win!" Starscream yelled. He transformed and grabbed Rainbow Dash. "You lose! Now I can help my Master!" Starscream smirked.

"You....cheated...." Rainbow gasped.

"Okay. Fine, I cheated! But I don't care!"

Megatron looked at everyone. "Return to base! Take Rainbow Dash back to the Crystal Castle!" he commanded.

"Who put you in charge?" Pinkie demanded.

"I'm in charge Crazy Pink! Now do what I say!" Megatron yelled.

"Yes, Megatron," Pinkie responded.

When the Decepticons and their "allies" returned to the Crystal Castle, Megatron looked at Twilight Sparkle.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, command while I'm gone!" he commanded.

"Command? Okay..." Twilight responded.

"Starscream, fallout!" Megatron commanded.

"Uh...yes, sir..." Starscream responded.

Starscream and Megatron walked out of "Megatron's" throne room and went into a separate, empty room in the castle. The door shut behind them. The Mane 6 had worried looks on their faces.

"What's happening?" Pinkie Pie asked her friends.

"I dunno, y'all. Let's go check it out," Applejack stated.

The Mane 6 and the CMC walked off. Starlight Glimmer stayed behind, guarding Megatron's throne.

"Where are we going, Megatron?" Starscream asked.

Megatron stopped walking, but didn't face him. "What is your problem, soldier?"

"What do you mean, sir?"

"I'm talking about the race. Do you remember what you did back there, Starscream?"

"Uh sure. I decided to cheat so I could gain your favor, Megatron," Starscream told the Emperor. "So we could, you know, enslave the ponies."

Megatron turned around and walked towards Starscream.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"

Megatron looked at Starscream before rasing his right arm. "You're terminated!"

He smacked Starscream in the chest, and the resulting collision made a loud, hollow boom that resounded through the castle.

The Mane 6 and CMC heard the punch through the walls.

"This is the same noise from the Castle of Friendship!" Applejack yelled.

"Give me a break! Don't tell me he's going to going to exterminate his own soldier?!" Rainbow yelled.

"We have to stop him!" Twilight yelled.

"I say we let Megatron exterminate Starscream," Apple Bloom stated. "He did hurt Rainbow Dash."

"You want him to die?!" Sweetie Belle yelled. "Apple Bloom, are you crazy?!"

Then the Mane 6 and CMC heard another crash as Megatron punched Starscream again.

Starscream was on the ground wounded holding his chest again. It was like the same thing that happened on the Exodus and at the Castle of Friendship.

"I was just...following orders sir. That's all!" Starscream tried to explain.

"And you even failed miserably at that," Megatron yelled.

He then grabbed Starscream's face and pulled him up to his. "Just looking at your ignorance repulses me to the core!"

Megatron threw Starscream to the ground, creating another loud crash.

Pinkie Pie tried to open the doors, but she couldn't.

"Oh, just great. Now he's locked us out here!" Pinkie explained to the Mane 6 and CMC.

They heard another loud thump.

"Huh? Megatron come on! Open up, will ya?!" Pinkie yelled.

"Why don't you just break your way through, Pinkie Pie?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You're serious?" the pink pony asked.

"If you don't hurry, Starscream will be history!" the young white filly told Pinkie.

Pinkie thought as they heard another thump/smack.

Starscream was on the ground wounded again, and this time, facing the ground.

"Oh, now what's the matter? Are you too pathetic to even fight back?!" Megatron yelled as Starscream groaned. "You're a disgrace to the Decepticon race and deserve to be destroyed!"

Starscream groaned again. Right before Megatron could do anything, the door broke down. Pinkie Pie, with a large piece of wood looked at Starscream and Megatron with the rest of the Mane 6 and CMC.

"Megatron! I can't let you do this!" Pinkie yelled.

Starscream looked over at Pinkie Pie, confused at her caring for the Seeker. Pinkie looked over at the wounded Starscream.

"Oh no, Starscream!" the pink pony yelled.

"WHOA!" Rainbow Dash and Sweetie Belle shouted.

Megatron looked at Mane 6 and CMC. "It is done. A punishment worthy the crime," the Emperor told the Mane 6. He walked out of the room and headed back to his throne. Pinkie ran over to Starscream.

"Starscream!" Pinkie yelled "Are you alrigh,t Starscream?!"

Starscream groaned and looked at Pinkie as she gasped. He soon got up and headed out of the room as well.

"Where are you going?" Pinkie asked.

"I have business to take care of," Starscream said.

Starscream walked of the room. After a few moments, a confused Mane 6 and CMC followed him.

The End of Chapter 2