• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 22,764 Views, 697 Comments

That Strange Stallion - Gunther the Green

There's a new pony in Ponyville but they just can't figure him out. He answers questions but that only crops up more questions.

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The Strange Trick

That Strange Stallion

The Strange Trick

While some ponies have spent several years living in Ponyville, there was one who'd only arrived today. But this was no ordinary pony. She was the personal student of Princess Celestia. Truly an up and coming genius of the magical arts, if only she would get her head out of the books. But who could fault her? Her diligence was 'rewarded' with a special assignment in checking up on preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, ordered by the Princess herself. There was also some advice for making some friends but first things come first and she was a mare on a mission.

After an encounter with a Stetson wearing earth pony and a rainbow maned pegasus, the lavender unicorn didn't look or feel too good. Her once straight mane was frizzy and her stomach was over encumbered by apple themed food. Her companion was a small purple baby dragon with green spines and underbelly. Despite being at each encounter, he didn't look disheveled in the slightest. He had a checklist firmly gripped in his claws, which showed what they still needed to do.

"Come on Twilight, you should at least give them a chance," the dragon tried to console the unicorn. "I mean getting some free food and a new hairdo isn't so bad. Plus did you see those moves? They've both got to be athletes," he complimented them in hopes of brightening her outlook on the two mares she met.

"Spike, free food is one thing, but back there, I felt like a stuffed potato," Twilight retorted to the small dragon on her back. "Also, I don't think running somepony down is a good first impression. Following that up with soaking them and drying them off while utterly wrecking their mane is not a good sign either."

"She was only trying to make up for what she did," Spike explained, defending the mare he hardly knew.

Twilight sighed, "I realize that Spike, but she could have at least waited to see if I protested her efforts."

"You'd still accept an apology, right?" he fished for her.

"Of course, Spike," she took the nibble

"Then you'll ask to be friends?" But he pulled it in too soon.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Don't push it."

"I like to think friendship is worth pushing for," suddenly said a new voice next to her.

"Ah!!" Twilight screamed, jumping away from the new pony. She took a few breaths to steady her heart as she looked at the mysterious green stallion. Who was this pony butting into their conversation?

"Hi there," he greeted them with a big smile and a wave of a hoof.

She leveled an unamused stare at him, "Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?" What a rude stallion. He should have announced his presence, instead of just listening in.

"Yes," well at least he admitted it. "I'm Martin, who are you?" he smiled at her frown.

A quick nudge from Spike prompted her to stop glaring and actually respond. "My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is my assistant Spike" she introduced them while Spike gave a quick, 'Hi there.'

"Woah," he looked past Twilight, towards Spike, "I've never met a baby dragon before."

The way he emphasized 'baby' piqued their curiosity, "You've met other dragons before?" She didn't think any dragons would come out of their way to a town like Ponyville.

"Yep," he confirmed until his face fell into confusion, "wait, no." He put a hoof to his chin in thought. Twilight and Spike exchanged a look for the odd behavior of Martin. Shouldn't the answer be obvious? You either had seen one or hadn't.

"Are wyverns considered dragons?" He asked them. Are what?

"What's a Wyvern?" asked Spike, very interested in the topic. There were very few ponies they knew with first hoof knowledge of dragons.

"Ok imagine you," he pointed a hoof at Spike, "But you had wings instead of arms."

Spike looked down at his claws trying to imagine them as wings while Twilight questioned Martin, "If it's just a dragon with those kind of wings, then why not consider it that?" It seemed obvious when somepony pointed it out.

Martin's head tilted in though, "Huh, I never thought of it like that. Must be some kind of distant cousin to dragons. Thank you." Good, she was more then happy to educate somepony who was seeking answers. "So where were you heading off to?" he changed the subject while sweeping a hoof in the direction they were heading. Twilight decided to drop it for now and focus on the task at hoof. She started walking again and he followed beside her. That was fine, she could handle conversation along the way. As long as she get's there on schedule.

She took the checklist out of Spike's claws with some magic and held it in front of her face, "Well I happen to be on assignment to check on the Summer Sun Celebration preparation. I've already gotten confirmation on the food with Applejack and the skies are clear thanks to Rainbow Dash. So next is decoration with somepony named Rarity." Hopefully that meeting won't have as much hardship as the other two. Oddly while she was saying that, he was staring at the floating paper mouthing something she wasn't able to catch.

He shook his head, "Oh, Rarity, ya I know her. She was in the town hall getting ready to decorate it." Good they've already started on it. It had to be done by tonight.

"And that's where we're heading," Twilight confirmed. With any luck she could breeze through the rest of the checklist and get back to her research.

"So Martin," Spike began, looking at the flank of the stallion, "I can't help but notice your cutie mark. Is it about making frie-" zzzzzip, don't need Spike finishing that thought and giving Martin any ideas. While Spike fought the zipper on his mouth, she gave the checklist another look over making sure everything was in order.

Martin looked at the spell in amazement, "Woah, I've never seen a spell do something like that."

Twilight blushed a little at the praise and gave a shrug, "Just something I picked up during my studies." It wasn't anything special, "Any unicorn could do it with enough time and dedication." Something about what she said gave him a confused look while he glanced at her horn. What is he thinking about?

"Is that how it works? Huh, I wonder if Theo knew," he looked further up in thought. Now who could that be?

"Who's Theo?" Spike voiced her thoughts as he finally unzipped his lips. The name brought the most honest, heartfelt smile she'd seen on him yet.

"Theo is my best friend. Great guy, fun to be around, good sense of humor, and smart. He is always able to get me out of trouble. We hang out together ALL the time. We were never far apart. That is until today," his smile dropped a little.

"What happened?" Twilight wondered what could have torn them apart.

"Well Theo is an extremely powerful magic user that specializes in assisting others. You can probably tell we bring out the best in each other. Anyway, we were out practicing magic together, and I'm just abysmal at it," that got some raised eyebrows. He was an earth pony. Unless he studied magic thoroughly, of course he wouldn't be able to help much except be a test subject. "Then one botched teleport spell later, I arrive in this town," Martin revealed.

Twilight's eyes widened in shock, "You're a victim of a broken teleport spell?" That was serious, he was lucky to land in someplace safe, much less intact.

"I wouldn't call it broken, but sure," did he know something about the spell, that was used on him, more in depth?

"Do you need help getting home?" she offered. She'd have a few choice words for the unicorn for using such a spell on his best friend.

"Nah, he's probably collaborating with my other friends to reach me. So it's best I sit and wait. Besides, this town is interesting. I think I'll stick around for a while and enjoy it." He certainly seemed to believe in his friend's reliability. "If all else fails, I could try doing my own magic." What? He had to have been joking.

"That's impossible. Earth ponies can't do unicorn spells like teleport," it was just natural law. While earth ponies and pegasi have passive magic, they can't manifest it like unicorns and alicorns.

"Oh ya? Watch me," he said before stepping out in front of her, making them both stop. He stood up on his hind legs and waves his hooves at her while making exaggerated ghost wailing noises. "Ooooooh," Twilight leveled another unamused stare at him, slightly upset that her schedule was being put on hold again. "OOOOOoooh, I call upon the power of the Voodoo Mystics," that got a raised eyebrow out of her. He was bringing voodoo into this now? What's next, a rain dance? "By the power invested in me," he continued in his 'spooky' voice. "Abracawatsits!" he declared while throwing his hooves towards her. They stood in awkward silence, although Spike looked around to see if anything had actually happened.

"You done?" Twilight asked hoping this ridiculous show was over.

"Wait for it" he said unmoving. Then he simply dropped back down to all fours again, "Poof, we are now friends."

Twilight blinked in utter bafflement, "Excuse me?" Spike found the whole thing hilarious and fell off her back laughing up a storm.

"I just used Voodoo Mystic arts, to bind you into making friends with several ponies in this town." Oh he did not just do what she thinks he did.

"Are you making fun of me?" Her stare evolved into a glare. She started advancing towards him while he backed away in fear.

"Well I may have over sold the magic trick-" he tried to explain but she wouldn't have it.

"Voodoo is not a real magic. Maybe potion making is a real thing, but definitely not voodoo dolls or curses. So I will thank you for not treating me like a foal!" she shouted as he fell over a chair outside a diner. He fell over onto his back, hitting his head on the ground. "Come on Spike," she said before continuing her journey towards town hall. Spike sprinted after her and immediately tried to get her to calm down.

"I'm sorry!" Martin called from his position on the ground. "Check please!" A waiter actually came out and gave him a receipt, "Huh, what do I owe them? 'One apology?' I can do that."

After a minute of consoling Twilight did calm down and rethink her thoughts. She shouldn't have blown up on him like that. He clearly didn't take what he said seriously. He was just having a little fun. But when he mentioned the one thing that's been bugging her all day, she just sorta, snapped. She'll apologize later, after this whole Nightmare Moon thing is over.

Author's Note:

Before anyone thinks I demonized Twilight in that one bit, I most definitely didn't mean it like that. It's just a set up for later chapters. Twilight is actually my favorite of the Mane 6, though that doesn't make her my favorite character in the show. I'll reveal that later. Anyway, thoughts, I'm sure most of you are noticing that Martin's past is getting weirder and weirder as the story progresses. Well all I have to say is "you ain't seen nothing yet".
Holy cow, more people are enjoying this story then I thought. I'm glad I can satisfy them and I hope you enjoy the chapters to come.
As I mentioned in the comments, Chapter 7 is going to be special and I hope to have it finished at the same time as chapter 6. So if all goes as planned, it will be a double chapter tomorrow, unless something in real life comes up, then the 27th at the latest.