• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
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MLP x Fate/Stay Night Crossover, knowledge of Fate/Stay Night is not required.
Art drawn by Co-Creator Kul

The Holy Grail War, an ancient ritual in which Magi summon ancient Heroic Spirits in order to compete for an omnipotent wishing device. Every 60 years, 7 Masters are chosen by the grail to compete, and in Canterlot the 4th Holy Grail War is about to begin.

When Twilight Sparkle was a child, the only thing she wanted to do was become a great Magus that her parents could be proud of. However, after a traumatizing incident, she finds her magic circuits trashed and her body severely weakened. Now living alone in Canterlot City as the current head of the Sparkle family, Twilight struggles to learn what magic she can without her body destroying itself in the process.

Wanting to just live a quiet, peaceful life, Twilight was going to stay out of the Holy Grail War. However, when the circumstances surrounding her drag her into the flames of war by force, she must decide if she will stand and fight, or run to safety. With the help of her childhood friend and a powerful Servant at her side, the Grail War might just be survivable.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 130 )

What, was she shot by one of Kiritsugu's origin bullets?

The one story from your anthology I didn't read gets made into a full blown story. Welp. I guess I'm reading it now!

Well, this looks interesting and promissing, dont really see many Fate/MLP stuff so this was a nice surprise when a saw it, gonna be following this for sure.

I shall read this, I love the fate series.


Not quite. Normal Fate characters don't exist in this universe as that's not how I usually like to do crossovers, preferring to seamlessly merge the worlds into one, so Kiritsugu's Origin Bullet isn't here. What did happen is still a mystery for the readers though!


I'm hoping to make them all about this long yes. Some variations will apply of course.

Ok, I really want to see Fluttershy as an Assassin class(Flutterbat) or as a master who outright wrecks their opponent(not Twilight or Spike) with spectral animals.


Can't guarantee you'll quite get that, but I DO have a place where Fluttershy fits into the story, she just might not show up for a good long while heh

Well can't get everything, so long as she appears its fine.

really really really cool, alwsome story and it onlt ch1, cant wait to read ch 2

I have to ask is it rainbow or trixey fighting it sounds more like trixy but you gave the bad guy rainbow hair so I am confuse on who it is why rainbow and trixy ar not my top fave I don't really like them to be the bad guys, but your story your rules and I will read it to the end. also thanks for a great ch , it going to be 1 heck of a story

never mind I know the ansure. still again a alwsome ch and still in it begiang stages. keep up the good work.

I can't help but be reminded of dragoon rainbow dash from when she played Kain in that ffiv fic.

no pic of rarity darn it wanted to see how this rarity looked when set for combat

good story so far loving it thoe i must say based on the white skin im guessing bersker is celestia i say flutter shy would make more sense do to her hole scary when angry thing

also when will saber till twilight her name is sunset

update soon

7245376 I think it was called pony fantasy 4 or something like that.

I am getting the feeling that it is most obvious who Berserker is. :trollestia:


Probably just your imagination bruh

You know, I don't know if it's just me, but Twilight here seems to feel more like Sajō Ayaka than Shirō. I don't know if it's just because she's female... but the glimpses we have of Ayaka, soft-hearted, insecure, depressed, etc... gave quite a few Twilight vibes. Then too there is her relationship with the priest.

And that's a good thing.


It's funny you should mention Ayaka, as in one of my earliest drafts for this piece, like 2-3 years ago, had her as the main character. Basically my original draft for the story was gonna be that it was going to use the Fate/Prototype characters, but they were going to summon Equestrian heroes, with Ayaka summoning Twilight as Saber, using the sword from Silent Ponyville 3.

Of course, since then not only have we had so many new seasons, we've had the new Equestria Girls movies too (of which I'm a huge personal fan of) so I have a lot more material to draw from to create a full-on Fate crossover. So a lot of inspiration for this story does still derive back from when it was working with Prototype as a framework, but also updating it with knowledge from F/SN's normal routes as well as Zero.

Glad to know people were about to catch on to my inspirations even after all the chances ^^

Ayaka summoning Twilight? :rainbowderp:

Like how I felt when watching the Fate/Prototype short, my feeling can be summed up as 'well, this was interesting, but I am glad they went with the final version instead'.

But yeah, I like your fusion a lot better than any forced crossover, it gives you a lot more freedom with your story instead of forcing the very interesting cast of MLP-characters-put-in-horrific-situations (which certain unnamed persons seems to enjoy doing) into the already fairly well-defined and distinctive roles and personalities the Fate cast have. That's actually a fairly common pitfall of crossovers or fusions. Imagine trying to slot a square Spike into a round role (I'll let myself out now...) like Shinji or Issei (though I am having a bad feeling about him... ancient magi family doesn't spell anything good in any Fate-esque universe, I am at least hoping the Drakens don't take too much inspiration from the Matōs)...

This is going to be a wild ride, even if we know it's going to end in tears.

P.S. As a side note, I can see another aspect of what gave you the inspiration, as canon-Sunset also bears a lot of similarity to Prototype-saber, cocky, protective, etc, even if we know even less about him than Ayaka.

Well, I'm not familiar with Fate, but this is pretty good so far. It kinda feels like it needs a bit of polish and proofreading ("it's" instead of "its", for example), but it's good stuff.


"Its", "Theres", and other small grammatical mistakes will always be a staple of my writing, no matter how much I improve lol. Even if I get proofreaders I'm sure some would still manage to slip by anyway. But ah well, I do my best to catch what I can and if anyone points them out I'll usually fix them. (Only stories currently being worked on, not older ones)

i have a feeling cherlee is a magus and is supressing her magic or something

Well, Luna would make sense for (one of) the (two) Archer class(es), given there's no less than 3 archery based constellations: Sagittarius, Sagitta, and Orion (with his bow), as well as the concept of "shooting stars."

This is pretty darned interesting, and I'm positively tickled with the idea of Sunset being a sword-wielding warrior/protector. I'm following.

I'm pretty sure that broken sword was the catalyst.

Also, dat wake-up scene. :rainbowwild:
Sabre's...pretty lax about nudity, isn't she? Or is she just really duty-bound to the point she doesn't care?


Anything is up in the air right now, you never know!


Interesting theories for sure, guess we'll have to wait and see how the other Servants play out.


Saber is pretty lax about nudity in general, I thought it would be a bit of a funny quirk to harken back to the idea of "Ponies don't normally wear clothes". Of course Fate Sunset wasn't originally a pony, but I thought that would be a fun character quirk to bring to her character. Plus it allows for situations like the wake up scene. I also feel that she's more lax about nudity around other females than say, if her Master was a male, she'd probably be more hesitant to get naked if that was the case. So we'll see how things change as feelings develop hehe.

Glad you're enjoying it so far! I'm having a lot of fun writing it for sure, so getting others along for the ride is great :twilightsmile:

It also makes we wonder about the culture the Servants come from, and if that's a Sabre thing or a general thing. (And now I'm wondering if Rider's pulled something similar around Spike. :pinkiecrazy:Probably not, though, given your earlier "more hesitant around males" point.)

And there we have it, season 1 Rarity. Will be interesting to see his this plays out.:3

Is Berserker Celestia? :rainbowderp: Well, this is interesting. More conflict awaits~

I was expecting either Servant Pinkie or someone with a boundary field to do something here, but I guess more fighting comes later. Non-stop fighting does get boring after a while.

Elderly hand... possible Servant: Chrysalis? Cinch? Discord?

"Oh, one more thing, before you head back in. You haven't seen Sugarcoat around have you?"

"Sugarcoat?" Twilight blinked confused. "No, I haven't met her yet. I was gonna say hi to her if I saw her though."

"Hm." Lemon crossed her arms as she thought about it. "Well, so far the other girls said she hadn't arrived yet, which has me a little concerned. Sugarcoat's usually the first to arrive, and if she's gonna be late she usually let's us know. But we haven't heard a word from her."

I had suspected that something bad had happened to Sugarcoat.

I didn't suspect that it would be the other way around.:rainbowderp:

outside of the ending this chapter felt pointless

you should have had sunset interact with all of twilight's friends also her friends acted to much like this was a slasher film (unless that was the plan based on the ending)

im guessing sugarcoat has tirek as her partner was expecting tirek to be the last one him or the dazlinsg as some 3 in 1 set

thoe i was not expecting sugar coat to be evil was expecting her to be rainbows magus so kudos on the plot twist there (and was expecting her to have atacked twilight to make her enter the war as some form of protection or something along tose lines)


This chapter severed 3 specific purposes.

1. Establishing Twilight's relationship with the Crystal Prep kids, which is kind of important. They won't be completely absent from this war, and they're liking and trusting Twilight will be important even by next chapter.

2. Establishing Saber being okay with the date with Flash. That will be VERY important for the 'Romance' tag part of the story.

3. Sugarcoat's reveal, of course.

So it might not seem all that important on it's own, but in terms of pacing the story, it was very important for me. I could have skipped the party, but it would have caused a lot more headaches for me in the long run to do so.

7320663 based on your past writings and how this story is structured and what little i know about fate stay im guessing the romance is between twilight and sunset so yea i figured that would play into things there

and i was not trying to be to critical of the chapter just really seeing sabar meet twilights friends just sounds like it would have made more sense but sorry if i came across as rude

I'm really enjoying this!

It has to be a tricky balance in fitting the Servants to their scope with an unknown world like this. Once we know who Saber is in Fate we have a depth of understanding as most everyone's at least heard of the tales of King Arthur. But mixing their need to be interesting characters, their in-character need for secrecy regarding their identity, and having historical/mythical figures that those of us reading don't know all create a tightrope walk you've handled well so far! Twilight's reaction to Saber's identity carried a good weight to help pull the reader into the mythos and I'm hoping for more insight like that as the story unfolds.

I love how this is so much an EG world and that of Fate yet it's own unique thing. My only criticism would be some typos in the first few chapters that I believe were already mentioned and dropped off in the last couple chapters.


Thank you! I really appreciate the kind words! It's definitely a struggle to make sure people are still interested in the history of each Servant and feel the gravity of their mythos in the world itself when you don't know anything about them, but I'm glad to know I've been succeeding so far! I do have a history for each of the heroes and before the story is over you'll have heard the tales of their deeds and how they came to be Heroic Spirits, so I'm hoping the small hints here or there will all come together once you hear the stories!

As far as typos go, I fully own up to them and do my best to catch them before release, but there's only so much I can do on my own heh. I am looking into a great proofreader though, and I'm hoping they'll be able to help me clean my stuff up way better than me on my own can do.

So, how "Nasuverse" is this going to get? Should we be expecting worms?


No worms, I can promise you that xD

Things will get dark, but I don't think I'll ever make it Nasu levels of dark. And the Servant's pasts will be Darker than most of the Master's pasts, just based on the nature of their Legends being what made them who they are.

This is the best FATE/ story I've seen on this site. Congrates.

“Well,” Sunset grit her teeth in anger, “I think we found out where everyone went.”

I think you slipped up here? This is the only line in this chapter that refers directly to Sabre as Sunset.

Other than that, I caught the art added to the previous chapters by chance earlier. Nice work from Kul.

Saber shifted from her position, managing to stand up on shaky legs. Her body was torn to shreds, her armor falling apart, and blood dripped from every wound. She turned to face Caster and Sugarcoat, and raised her sword, gripping it with both hands once more.



Good catch! Fixed it now. I've caught myself saying 'Sunset' instead of Saber so many times while writing that a few are bound to slip through still haha

not the way I see the story going but still quite alwsome. I realy want to know ehat will happing next and if sugercout was just being mindcontrol or not. please make more ch, till than I be waiting

My guess is Sugarcoat is a pawn, and someone else is Caster's Master.

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