• Published 23rd Dec 2015
  • 3,403 Views, 40 Comments

Loyal Knight - MrAlterad

Sunset Shimmer wants to change, being a better pony towards her friends. Becoming a hero wasn't part of the plan...

  • ...

3. Tomorrow's Promise

'Knight of Princess Luna.'

To the nobles, a knight was nothing more than a pain in the flank. A pony with a flashy title who could say whether or not they could do this or that. An outsider that the princess favored. A nuisance.

To the common pony, they were an inspiration. Somepony that had earned Princess Luna's trust, meaning they were respectable individuals of merit and praise.

However, few fully understood what the title meant, or what it granted. Sunset Shimmer and her friends knew. A knight was somepony Luna relied on. Counted on. Trusted without any doubts. Holding the title offered a great deal of power for aiding the princess. Commanding the troops. Overseeing the nobility. Full access to the treasury. Insight on the world's secrets.

There were given so much, to tackle the task of protecting Equestria, each in their own unique way. They tackled the threats to the nation before they would require intervention by the princess. There were tasked with giving the princess some peace of mind.

All knights are given an affix to mark their station, and were addressed as Sir or Lady. Lady Clover the Clever, Sir Tell Tale the Bookkeeper, Sir Prismashield the Dauntless. Many, many knights served under Princess Luna through the centuries, and each and every one of them, she called friend.

It was a goal Sunset once sought, tempering her patience over the years as Luna's student. And now, it was being offered to her. She expected to be happy to hear those words. Indeed, her heart nearly leapt from its chest when it finally settled in what Luna was offering. But that elation was short-lived, replaced by confusion.

How was making her a knight suppose to tackle her problem with being called a hero?

Her confusion then shifted to worry as she realized that though accepting would bring her closer to Luna, it would also put more distance between herself and her friends. Or was that really the case?

Luna gave Sunset a concerned look, her jumbled state evident on her face, her expression settling on glancing away from Luna, as she tried to set her thoughts straight. Today was proving to be mentally exhausting.

“Sunset?” Luna asked, a little confused by her reaction. Sunset's head snapped up at her voice, briefly glancing to the side for a moment, before giving her a focused look.

“It's too sudden,” she stated.

“Sudden?” Luna replied, “Well, I suppose so, but, I was always under the impression you'd jump at the bit when I offered you the post.”

“That is-” Hey, wait a second! she thought as she gave a suspicious look, “You said this was a long time coming, were you...”

“Yes, I've been intending to knight you for several years now.”

“For how long?” Sunset asked, her pride pushing through her confusion, getting a thoughtful look from the princess.

“It felt like a right fit shortly after you graduated,” she replied, before tilting her head, “Did earning the Element of Loyalty change your mind?” she asked curiously, getting a hesitant shake from Sunset.

“When I was caught in the shadow snare, I saw things. Things about myself that I've been trying to overlook,” she admitted, not in the mood to offer more at this moment. She then gave a hesitant smile. “Luna, I'm happy that you're offering me the position. I really am. But, I need some time to think about it.”

“Of course Sunset,” Luna replied, a patient smile on her face, “It's a life changing decision after all, so take as long as you'd like.” She then put a hoof on Sunset's shoulder, “I trust you'll make the choice you believe is the right one, and will be happy to support and respect it.” Sunset gave her a thankful nod, before adopting a small frown.

“What about Tell Tale? You're not making me his subordinate, are you?” She had mixed feelings about that notion. She was kind of hoping her days with him as her pseudo-mentor were over.

“Oh no, Sir Tell Tale will become Celestia's knight. That way he can help her get better acclimated to how Equestria runs.” She then adopted a fond smile, “He's particularly good at managing the nobility.” She then let out a sheepish laugh, “Though I'm certain he's not looking forward to the end of his vacation.” Sunset tilted her head at that. “They want to speak to Celestia. They're anxious, with a new princess appearing 'without their consent',” Luna added, a gleam of something dangerous in her eyes, which quickly passed.

“You think Celestia would really need help with all that?” Sunset asked skeptically, which Luna didn't hesitate to nod to.

“When we ruled together last, she made all the shots, while I helped look over everyponies' dreams,” she explained. “I had no idea how involved running a nation was. Taking over for her was rough, that first decade, but I adjusted.” She then adopted a sad smile, “I'm afraid the Equestria of then is long gone.”

“I suppose so...” Sunset replied. Equestria's bigger than where it started, in size and population, she thought to herself, before looking to Luna to voice her next concern, “So, how is becoming a knight supposed to clear up everypony calling me a hero?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “Isn't that just going to validate it?”

“Exactly,” she replied confidently, getting a flat, disappointed look from Sunset. “Sunset, everypony calling you a hero is a matter of course. I know it can be bothersome, but unfortunately you'll just have to roll with it for a week or two. Things will settle down and before you know it you'll stop having ponies hounding your home.”

“Is that really how it works?”

“That's usually how I've seen it play out,” she replied, getting a cross look from Sunset. “Ponies typically ask things of heroes. 'Could you chase the timberwolves away from my farm' or 'please donate and or help to this noble cause'. But I know you'll be fine in that regard.”

“Oh,” Sunset replied, blinking for a moment, before letting out a sigh. Is it really that easy? Was I really worrying over nothing? she wondered, recalling Trixie's mirth at her distress. She then glanced to the balcony doors as Celestia returned, leaving Shining standing alone outside, lost in thought.

“Have you finished?” Celestia asked, casting her eyes hesitantly to her sister, before looking to Sunset.

“I think so,” Sunset replied, giving Luna a curious look. There was a sad glint in her eyes, but it faded as Luna nodded.

“Sunset, I think it would be best if you made your way to Ponyville,” Luna said. “My sister and I need to prepare some things, and I know the others would appreciate your help in setting the feast up.”

“I... I think I'll do that,” Sunset replied with a nod, looking forward to the prospect. “Shining, you coming?” she asked, certain he'd reply with a nod. He hesitated, looking to her with an odd look on his face. He glanced away from a moment, before taking in a deep breath, as if psyching himself up for something.

“Yeah... Where are we going?” he asked, his voice taking on an enthusiastic note.

“Ponyville?” Sunset asked in a curious tone, now wondering what he and Celestia had talked about.

“Oh, alright!” he said, before his eyes widened, a idea coming to mind. “How does a hot-air balloon ride sound?”

“It sounds good to me,” she replied. I can use the ride to think things through, she thought, failing to notice Shining's hesitant smile as he came to her side. “Later Luna, Celestia,” she added, giving the princesses a smile, getting two back as she left, Shining following a step behind her.

“So, what matter did you need to discuss with the Captain?” Luna asked as the door started to close, making Sunset and Shining stop, their ears turning in unison to catch the reply. Celestia let out a small chuckle.

“That's a secret for later, dear sister,” she replied, and Sunset could feel the smile in her words. She also didn't fail to notice Shining letting out a sigh of relief. He then stood tall when he noticed Sunset appraising him.

“A secret's a secret,” he said resolutely, making Sunset look at him for a moment longer, before letting out a sigh herself. They then made their way through the castle, their hooves being the only thing breaking the silence, both lost in their own thoughts.

If I accept, then nothing will really change, right? I mean, Luna will be counting on me more, and I'll need to learn everything that goes into being a knight, but I'll still live in Canterlot. She then frowned, But, then I'll be busier than ever. And what about Spike, and my friends? Is now really the best time to become a knight?

Reflecting on Luna's words, Sunset noticed a particular detail that gnawed at her. What about Tell Tale? For some reason, she couldn't picture him simply leaving Luna's side. Is he fine with this? And what about Celestia? Her frown persisted. There was something about all this she didn't like, but she couldn't nail down what it was.

She paused, bringing a hoof to her chest, feeling the pendant hidden under her scarf. She was the bearer of loyalty now. Her life was changing, and it was thanks to this mysterious ruby...

'The Longest Day'

It's what everypony was calling Shadow Flare's brief reign. Sunset's mind looped through what happened that day, weighing how it weighed on her life, and how that weight was now adorned around her neck.

And she found that it wasn't true. The Element of Loyalty wasn't the cause of all the change spiraling around her. Her life was changing because she acted. Luna was right, it had been her choice, their choice to get involved with Shadow Flare. Yes, she provided the means, but ultimately the choice was theirs. It was Sunset's choice.

She wanted to save Luna. Somepony she loved was in danger, and she came running. That was her decision, and she didn't regret it. Shadow Flare gave her a choice, and the one she settled with earned her the necklace. She didn't choose to be a hero, it was simply an unseen consequence of her decisions.

Just like being labeled as a 'Disciple of the Moon' was a consequence of dragging Luna to the Grand Galloping Gala.

Sunset wanted to kick herself in the flank. She wanted to set everypony straight, let them know she wasn't a hero. But it's not really their fault they see her that way. She was trying to run from the problem by turning to Luna, and the princess didn't let her have it.

So now here she was. She was a hero, and she'd have to put up with it. It was a label given by others, and it was arrogant to call them wrong for it. Twilight, Trixie, Shining Armor, Spike, they all deserved credit too, but it was her plan, her magic that won over Shadow Flare. And now here she was, another decision waiting to be made.

To be a knight, or not?

She honestly couldn't see herself refusing, so it was more of a question of when. Should she accept the role now, or wait until this whole 'reforming the Elements of Harmony' thing blew over?

“Judging by the look on your face,” Shining began, his voice pulling Sunset out of her thoughts, bringing her back to the cold outdoors, warmed by his patient presence, “Luna didn't give you what you wanted.” He had a concerned look in his eyes.

“Hah," she let out, "She offered to make me her knight instead,” she explained, getting a surprised look, which Sunset mirrored, but for a different reason. They were already at the balloon's landing.

“A knight huh? And you didn't say yes,” he stated, making Sunset blink at him.

“H- How'd you know?”

“I could see it on your face,” he replied matter-of-factly. She didn't immediately reply, their conversation on pause as they settled things out with the attendant for the balloon ride. A few minutes later they were in the air, having the balloon to themselves.

“Perks of being captain,” Shining replied happily, getting a sigh from Sunset as they began to drift to Ponyville.

“Perks. Being a knight has a lot of those,” she began, making him tilt his head. “The offer caught me off guard. I needed to think about it.”

“Have you decided?” he asked, and Sunset shook her head.

“I want to say yes, but it feels like I'm not being given much of a choice.”

“Why's that? I mean, you said earlier you wanted to change, by your own actions. Isn't choosing to be a knight the perfect opportunity for that?” he pointed out, getting a conflicted look from her.

“Shining, can you picture me refusing the position?” she asked, making him quickly shake his head.

“Not really. You'd surprise everypony if you refused it.” His brow then furrowed, “You're not going to refuse, are you?”

“I...” she hesitated. If she wanted to change, then going against what she'd normally do would be a step in the proper direction. Right?

“I think you should take it,” he added in a determined tone. “If you don't feel like you've got a really choice in it, then just do what you'd always do.”

“What I always do?” she asked, getting an affirmative nod from him.

“Settle it on your terms.”

“You … don't think I'll grow more distant, by taking that position?”

“More distant?” he asked in surprise, “I can't really picture that happening.” His eyes then widened as he put together what was eating at her. “Wait, when you said you needed to change earlier, you were talking about that?”

“Y-Yeah,” she replied, losing him in thought for several seconds, before he let out a sigh.

“I get it now. Being called a hero when Trixie and Twilely aren't makes you think they're being pushed away.”

“I didn't say that?”

“You said you don't want change placed on you,” he pointed out as he raised an eyebrow. “Sunset, don't worry about all that. Being a hero, or being a knight, they change how you live your life, but not who you are.”

“I don't follow,” she said flatly, getting a thoughtful look from him.

“Do you think I've changed? I spent years at the academy, training, working my flank off, and here I am now, Captain of the Royal Guard.”

Of course he's changed, Sunset thought, her look holding steady as she considered him, He's taller, more confident, stronger, and of course, he's Captain of the Royal Guard!

“Yes, you have changed,” she stated matter-of-factly, getting a sheepish chuckle out of him.

“So, I'm no longer Shining Armor?” he asked, making Sunset tilt her head as she glanced to the side.

He's still Shining Armor- Oh...

“I think I see what you're saying,” she admitted, “You're a lot like you were before leaving for the academy.” She then nodded to herself, “You're the same Shining Armor I knew.”

“And even if you're a hero, or a knight, you're still going to be the Sunset Shimmer everypony knows.” He then adopted a sagely look, “Knight. Hero. Captain. They're all titles that give ponies that don't know us an impression of who we are. Our friends and family, they don't need those fancy titles. We are who we are. Sure, we change. Our lives, those can change in an instant, but who we are? That takes a bit longer.” He then gave her an assuring smile. “Would you say I'm a different pony from who I used to be?”

“No, you're still the same insightful, goofy and collected Shining Armor I fell- I came to appreciate,” she replied, suddenly finding herself very interested in the landscape they were flying over, and not what she almost said. Shining blinked at her stutter, before blushing slightly.

“But you see my point, right?” he asked, getting silence from her for several moments.

“...Shining, I want to change for the better.”

“And I'm sure whatever choice you make will be the right one,” he replied, before giving her a soft look. “Don't worry too much about it, Twiley does more than enough of that for the three of you,” he added in a playful tone.


“Look, if it helps, you are changing for the better,” he assured, getting a surprised look from her.

“How do you know?”

“The Sunset I used to know wouldn't have talked with her father yesterday,” he said, making her heart flush briefly, before she adopted a small smile.

He was right. She was already on the path of changing who she was. Changing her life was a means to changing who, but ultimately it was how she lived her life that made her who she was. Luna wanted her to be her knight. Something about that bothered Sunset, and it wasn't about the change it would have on her life. He was right. Whatever it was, she was going to settle it, on her terms.

“So, I'm goofy?” he asked, making her blink in surprise, before letting out a short fit of laughter.

“You're worse than Trixie.”

“I think she'd be offended by that,” he replied lightheartedly, “And I'm more, confident, you say?” he added, giver her a toothy grin.

“You seem more put together, more commanding. Guess you'd be a poor captain otherwise.”

“Sour Night called me bold. I suppose applying for this role right out the gate would give that impression.”

“I suppose...” Sunset replied, carrying a small smile as she took in the snowy clouds above Ponyville.

“I kind of find it funny. You know, Celestia told me that I needed to be more bold.”

“What, when she pulled you to the side?” she asked, getting a nod from him, his cheeks flushing slightly. “Why's that?” He didn't answer for several seconds, his face deepening a shade of red, a fact that made Sunset's face start to flush, though she couldn't pin down why.

“So, if you said yes, and became a knight, I'm guessing it would also make all the front pages,” he pointed out, glancing off to the side to hide his blush, getting a curious look from Sunset, before she frowned.

“I suppose so,” she let out with a sigh, glancing in the opposite direction. “Then I'll have more ponies waiting at my home to pester me with more character provoking questions,” she said, getting a short laugh from him.

“By then, your magic should be fully recovered. You'll be able to teleport around Canterlot without much trouble.”

“True, but it'd probably be better to answer a few of their questions first,” she said, making it sound like the worst possible thing that could happen.

“It guess it would be a real bother,” he said teasingly.

“Yes, yes it would.”

I can see the header now: 'Sunset Shimmer, Knighted for Kicking Flank!'”

“Hah. I don't think Celestia would appreciate that,” Sunset pointed out.

“Hmm, what about: 'Brings Back Night, Becomes Knight!'?”

“Still better than being called 'Disciple of the Moon',” she replied, a smile on her face as she took in the cold breeze.

“Or how about: 'New Knight and Captain: Canterlot's Hottest Couple?'?” he said, getting a short laugh from her.

“I wouldn't mind that one,” she replied, her mirth being cut short. Wait. What did he just- She blinked, her heart skipping a beat. What did I just say!? she thought, her mouth falling open as she turned to him, his face practically red, his mouth hanging open at her response.

“You're fine with that?” he asked eagerly as he leaned towards her.

Wait, what's happening!? she screamed to herself, her eyes widening. Shining is taking the initiative!? He beat me to it!? she was tripping over her thoughts as she glanced to the side. Stop thinking and answer him you silly filly!

“Are you?” she asked. What kind of reply was that!?

“Yes.” He had a fired up look in his eyes. “I wouldn't mind at all. In fact, I'm quite certain I'd love it.”

He said yes! Sunset's chest hurt, as if her heart were trying to kill itself on the spot. No! Not dieing right now! Answer him! Pull yourself together-

“I know you probably didn't want to hear this right now, with everything else going on, but Sunset, I want to be your special somepony.”

Special somepony! He. Said. It. She was starting to feel dizzy. Pull it together Sunset, take a deep breath, and give a reasonable, collected—

“Why?” Or you could ask another question. Sure, why not!? “I mean, why me? I'm rude, insensitive, arrogant, prideful, stubborn—“ He shook his head, bringing himself closer to her, causing her to slink back unexpectedly.

“Sunset, you're not rude. You're direct. You give your unfiltered opinion without hesitation.” He then shook his head as he sat down, letting her sit back up. “Insensitive? You're just focused, so focused that you forget who's around you when you're lost in thought. And arrogance? More like confidence, and why shouldn't you be? You likely have the strongest magical aptitude out of all the unicorns in Equestria, and you're almost the smartest! And yes, you're prideful, but you don't wear it as a badge, unlike nobles. You don't let your pride place you above everypony else, you don't expect normal ponies to worship the ground you walk on. And as for your stubbornness? Yes, I'll admit that it can be frustrating to deal with that, but it also makes you very reliable. Nopony doubts you'll do what you'll say because of how stubborn and resolute you are. Sunset, where you see flaws, I see what makes you beautiful. I love that you're not afraid to speak your mind. You try to right your wrongs, and you never ask for help unless you need it. Your independence is inspiring. I've wanted to be more like that, to be more 'put together'.” He gave her a soft, and caring look, his words having painted her face beet red. “Sunset, I love everything about you.” He then gave her a worried smile, “I have to know. Do you feel the same?”

She had no words to offer him, her mind lost in his rebuttal to her flaws. She'd always hoped she was more than a friend to him, and those words convinced her of that, leaving her speechless, her eyes stinging at the truth of it.

“...You really have changed,” she started off, letting out a weak laugh, which grew a little bit, letting out the pent up emotions his confession bore. Her odd mirth made Shining adopt a sheepish look, which made her make an assuring gesture. “I like it,” she quickly added, “I love it." She then glanced to the side, before taking in a deep breath. "Shining, you probably know by now; I've always had a crush on you.” His sheepish look only grew.

“I didn't notice for the longest time,” he admitted, “Trixie pointed it out to me a few years back.”

“R-Really?” Sunset stammered, suddenly suspicious of what Trixie whispered to Spike earlier in the day.

“I thought the way you acted around me was, well, normal, but as I got older, I saw that wasn't the case.”

“I'm … not sure how it started, it was just an odd attraction. But as time went on, it became stronger.” It was her turn to adopt a determined look in her eyes. “I can't list off everything I like about you-” She then shook her head. Come on Sunset, that's not true and you know it! “Shining, I like your goofiness. I love that you treat me like any other pony. I love your patience, and how cool you are,” she let out, holding a hoof to her chest, his blush deepening slightly.

“I- I'm cool?” he asked in surprise, getting a sweet laugh from her.

“I mean cool-headed,” she added, giving him a sly smile.

“Oh,” he replied, a little disappointed.

“We both know I'm the hotheaded one. I have a short fuse, and I'm quick to assume the worst about others. And yet, you always have a patient look in your eyes when I go off, and your smile always calms me down.” She then looked off to the sky, a winter breeze ruffling her mane as she took in another deep breath. “Shining, I always wanted us to be, well, more. But something was always distracting me from it. I'm direct, and blunt, and yet I couldn't be the one that started this conversation.”

“...I get the feeling that Celestia knew that.”

Celestia?” Sunset asked, caught off guard by the turn in topic. Her eyes then widened, “Wait, did she—“

“She did,” he replied, shaking his head, “Never thought I'd get 'romantic advice' from royalty.” Sunset hadn't been expecting that, making her stare off for a moment, adopting a considering look.

“I wonder if she saw it in me, when she was with Shadow Flare?” Sunset said, more to herself, before looking to Shining Armor. “So, you want me to be your special somepony?” she asked, giving him a timid look. Her expression caught the stallion off guard, making him reel back, as if it had physically hit him. He then collected himself, clearing his throat before giving her a sure-fire look.

“Only if you'll have me as yours, my lady,” he replied in his deep, heroic tone, getting a youthful laugh from Sunset, which he adopted as well.

“I'd love to,” she replied, taking initiative as she closed the distance between them, sitting snugly next to him. He blushed, and she followed suit as she leaned into him, enjoying the warmth he radiated. “You know, becoming a knight would make me your superior,” she pointed out, giving him a playful grin. He let out a bemoaned sigh.

“I suppose I'll have to treat you as a princess then. Shouldn't be too hard though.” He then gave her a playful grin of his own. “You do realize that becoming a couple means we're inviting all sorts of drama onto our lives, Right?” he pointed out, making Sunset scoff.

“Like I'm going to let that happen.”

“Oh?” Shining said coyly, “What if some evil pony decides to take one of us hostage?”

“Then I shall take a moment, right now, to feel pity for said fool,” Sunset said without a hint of doubt, closing her eyes and bringing her forehooves to her chest. “Alas poor villain, I pity thee,” she let out, getting a boisterous laugh from Shining, which she shortly mirrored.

The couple continued their playful banter as they drifted to Ponyville. Both of them radiating the purest form of happiness, wearing youthful smiles, as their hearts floated above the clouds.


The sun would be setting soon, and everything for the feast was almost ready. Lined outside Town Hall were countless tables, the square rimmed with many stalls, ponies at work cooking everything an Equestrian could ask for. Those not cooking were getting the tables ready, dishes and glasses and adding a little bit of a holiday touch.

Inside Town Hall, ponies of note and name were allowed entry for the large ring of tables in the building's first floor. It was here the princesses would dine, after which they would step outside to interact with the ponies not given entrance into the hall. It was here that Sunset and her friends found themselves.

As soon as Sunset and Shining Armor had arrived in Ponyville, they were assaulted with things to do. They did them together, but the rush and panic that seemed to permeate the town's air kept them from idle chatter. In fact, Sunset wasn't able to get a word in with her friends for several hours. Not that she minded. Everypony was busy getting things together, and she found herself enjoying the controlled chaos around her. After several hours of hard work, everything was nearly ready, leaving everypony hungry, and giving Sunset and her friends some time to themselves.

Sunset and Shining found Trixie and Twilight together in the hall, Spike on Trixie's back, each of them wearing festive clothing. When Trixie noticed Sunset approach, she glanced between the couple, before adopting a sly smile.

“Hello Sunset,” she began, “Trixie couldn't help but notice that you to have been glowing since you arrived~” Trixie said in a teasing tone, making Sunset and Shining share an embarrassed look.

“Glowing?” Twilight asked, adopting a scrutinizing gaze, “There is something odd about you two. You seem, happier?” she added, getting a sheepish laugh from Sunset.

“Don't mind Trixie, Twilight, she's just being—“ Sunset began, her voice being switched off by a certain show-pony's magic.

“She's just being a good friend who's losing her patience,” Trixie finished, stepping closer as Sunset pointed at her tingling throat, giving Trixie an annoyed look. “Come on Sunset, isn't it about time you came clean with her?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “If you're not up to it, Trixie could tell her for you,” she added coyly, her spell fading out as Sunset gave her a surprised look.

“Come clean about what?” Twilight asked curiously, an oblivious look on her face as she glanced between Sunset and her brother.

“Twilight, I ... maay be stealing your brother from you,” Sunset replied sheepishly, getting a blank look from the purple unicorn.

“How would you do that?” she asked curiously, making Trixie throw her hooves in the air in exasperation.

“For Luna's sake Twilight. They're a couple of lovey-dovey-silly-ponies!” Trixie then shook her head, “Come on! Sunset's been pining after your brother for forever!”

“What? Huh?” Twilight asked, sounding alarmed, looking between Sunset and Shining for a moment, seeing them blush in tandem. “...Oh,” Twilight replied with a blank stare, before her eyes widened. “Oh!” She then gave them both a sparkling smile. “That's- That's wonderful! I mean, you're sure about this?” she asked, giving them a seriously concerned look.

“Positive.” Sunset and Shining replied in tandem, getting a short chuckle from Spike. Twilight was about to say something, but a flurry of fireworks and illusions went off, catching the entire attention of everypony in the hall.

Sunset gave Trixie an annoyed look, before she started feeling the eyes of everypony on her and Shining. It wasn't her imagination. Everypony was looking at them, some with fond smiles, others with confusion or even envy. It took Sunset a moment to realize why they were looking at her. Floating about them was an illusionary arrow accompanied by the words 'Finally Going Steady'.

“We- We're not going steady—“ Sunset stammered out, her face turning red as Trixie stepped in.

“The Great and Patient Trixie has been waiting years for this. So yes. You are!” she said with a stalwart smile, before catching Sunset off guard with a hug, “Honestly, it's aggravated Trixie to no end...” she added, giving the surprised mare a light squeeze, before letting go. “Still, Trixie is happy for you,” she then glanced between them, “Both of you.”

“Huh. My best friend and my brother,” Twilight said, more so to herself, “Does... that mean Sunset will become my sister someday?” she asked out loud, the question making Sunset's heart skip a beat, her words nearly causing her and Shining to topple over at the prospect. Twilight's eyes then widened. “Oh! Speaking of family,” she began, adopting a sheepish look.

Oh no, what now!? Sunset thought, preparing herself for another loaded sentence.

“Uhmm, Sunset, I'm really sorry,” Twilight said, getting a confused and flustered look from Sunset, “I tried to talk your dad into coming tonight, but he was too busy.” Sunset's eyes widened at her words, and as if popping a bubble, the eyes of everypony drifted away, Trixie cutting off her magic as she gave her friend a concerned look.

“You-” Sunset began, before shaking her head and taking in a deep breath, “That's alright Twilight. Thank you. But, don't worry about it. I'll be with him tomorrow, along with relatives,” she assured, turning Twilight's frown around.

“After yesterday, well, I wanted to surprise you,” Twilight explained, before letting out a small sigh.

“There's a lot of questions I have about this,” Spike admitted, pointing a claw between Sunset and Shining armor, getting a light chuckle from Sunset. “Good questions,” he assured with a smile, before adopting a considering look, “But first thing's first. What did Celestia want to talk to you about?” he asked, making Sunset let out a sigh, glad the topic was moving away from herself and Shining.

“It was nothing big, she wanted to apologize,” Sunset explained, before adopting a troubled look. “Luna however, well, she caught me off guard.”

“How's that?” Spike asked curiously, making her glance to the side for a moment, before adopting a determined look.

“She's offered me to be her knight.”




Twilight, Spike and Trixie said in unison, making the group of friends eye the blue unicorn curiously.

'Curses'?” Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I think our blue friend doth protest,” Shining chimed in, getting a sigh from Trixie.

“It's just, Trixie kind of wanted to be Luna's knight,” she said sheepishly, pursing her hooves together as she glanced to the side.

“Trixie,” Sunset began, “you wouldn't be able to go out and about, doing your shows if you were her knight,” she explained, making the show-pony scoff.

“Says you,” Trixie replied, sticking her tongue out, “Still...” she added, letting out a defeated sigh before giving Sunset a wink. “Trixie is happy for you. But!” she said as she raised a hoof, giving her a small frown, “She will not let this slide.”

“If you say soomph—!“

“That's the second best news I've heard all day~!” Twilight let out, practically tackling Sunset in a hug. “So, when do you start?”

“I haven't said yes yet,” Sunset admitted, ignoring the pain Twilight's hard hug elicited in her horn as she pushed her friend off. “But I'm going to, after talking to her.”

“So you'll be starting soon?” Twilight asked, getting a nod from Sunset.

“Once I get something off my chest, yes, I will.” She then adopted a sheepish look, “You girls don't mind, right?”

“Trixie does mind!” she replied with a small glare. She then blinked as she caught onto Sunset's meaning, making her roll her eyes, “Oh, you mean about that whole 'I'm a terrible friend because I shine as bright as the sun' thing.” She then cleared her throat, “Trixie. Doesn't. Mind!”

“I'm with Trixie,” Twilight assured, “Sunset, you asked us for help. We're not going to stop simply because you're moving up,” she said with a warm smile, which Sunset mirrored.

“Thanks girls. I, I'm really lucky to have you,” Sunset said, giving both of them a brief hug.

“So, does this mean we're moving back into the castle?” Spike asked, getting a considering look from Sunset.

“I … don't know. We'll iron out the small details later. Promise,” she assured, before glancing to the stairs that led to the second floor. “I guess they'll be coming out soon, so I'll go give Luna my answer.”

“Shall we go with you?” Spike asked, making Sunset shake her head.

“I want to do this part alone. I won't be long,” she assured, her eyes looking over Twilight, Trixie, Spike, and Shining Armor.

“We'll be waiting for you down here, so have at it!” Shining said with a beaming smile, getting a determined nod from Sunset, before leaving the others behind.

Going up the stairs, the guards at the door let her pass without provocation, getting a small smile from Sunset as she entered the room Luna and Celestia were waiting in. Sunset quickly noticed an awkward feeling in the air, making her look between the two sisters.

Both of them were dressed for the occasion, with a matching set of red outfits, with hats that had white outlines on the rims. Judging by the way they were looking at each other when she entered, Sunset was under the impression that they were both trying to keep a conversation, and failing.

“Sunset?” Luna asked, pleasantly surprised, “Have you returned with your answer?” she added with a hopeful grin.

“Yes, but there's something I wanted to ask first,” she began, “It's about Tell Tale. Is he fine with becoming Celestia's knight?” she inquired, getting a considering look from Luna.

“He seemed … ambivalent,” she replied, sounding a little put off. Her eyes then widened upon hearing her tone. “I mean, we discussed this last week,” she admitted with a small blush, “He said he'd leave the choice up to you.”

“Last week?” Sunset asked, making her recall that Luna had foreseen Shadow Flare's return. “So, you're just going to give him over to Celestia?”

“I, that is...” Luna trailed off, blinking at Sunset's words. “You make is sound like I'm passing him off to her,” she said, sounding offended. “That's not the intention I was going for. My sister needs a knight too, after all.”

Those words made Sunset's eyes widen, her mind putting together how she could settle all this on her terms. She glanced to the side for a moment, asking herself if she was fine with this notion, before nodding.

“Well, if Celestia needs a knight, then let me be that knight,” she replied, getting shocked looks from her company. “I mean, if that's fine with you,” she added as she turned to Celestia.

“S-Sunset?” Luna asked, masking her emotions for a second as she considered her former student.

“Luna, I don't think it's fair to Tell Tale to just pass him off,” Sunset pointed out bluntly, making Luna glance to the side.

“Yes, you're right. I suppose I saw his ambivalence as acceptance.”

“Sunset,” Celestia began, coming closer, “May I ask why you would want to be my knight? My sister has helped you through so much. To just switch to the newest princess of the throne—“

“That's not what's happening,” Sunset replied, shaking her head defensively, “Luna's right. You need a knight. And I'm sure Tell Tale would be better for helping you settle in, but,” Sunset adopted a frustrated look. “I think I'd be better suited to be your knight than him.”

“What makes you think that?” Celestia asked, a curious glow in her eyes.

“You need a friend right now. Underneath all the power, the responsibilities, that's what is a knight is. A friend. And we're friends, right?” Sunset asked as she gave Celestia a smile, which the princess quickly mirrored.

Sunset then turned to Luna. “You told me that friendship is one of the greatest powers in Equestria. Well, I want to grant Celestia that strength.” And, help her reconnect with you. She thought to herself as Luna considered her words. She glanced to the side, lost in thought for several moments, before adopting a warm smile. She looked to Sunset, making the unicorn's heart skip a beat. She saw pride in Luna's eyes.

“I understand,” Luna said. “That, and I get the feeling you don't want Tell Tale slighted for your benefit.”

“I...” Sunset replied, suddenly recalling the weight around her neck, “I guess you're right.” She then looked between the two princesses. “So, is it alright?” she asked, and Luna eyed her for a moment, before looking to her sister. Their eyes met, and Luna gave her a small smile, and a nod.

“I see no reason to refuse,” Celestia replied, walking around Sunset, as if to appraise her, “In fact, I find the prospect quite welcome.” She then closed her eyes, before looking out to the window, as if trying to let go of some unseen weight. She then looked back to Sunset, a composed look in her eyes. “Sunset Shimmer, I accept you as my Knight. From this day forward, you are to be addressed as Lady, and I grant you the suffix of 'The Loyal',” she said, giving her a big grin.

“Lady Sunset Shimmer, The Loyal,” Sunset said out loud, liking the sound of it. She then blinked at Celestia's silence. “Wait, that's all there is to it?” she asked, sounding a little disappointed, which got a chuckle from the princesses.

“There is a ceremony for friends and family,” Luna began, “as well as a public announcement, but those are more for show.”

“It was this simple when we started long ago,” Celestia pointed out, looking to her sister, “and I suspect that hasn't changed,” she added, getting a nod from Luna. Celestia's grin then started to simmer, before her ears fell. “You, are my second knight,” she said, a somber feeling hanging in the air following her words. There was silence held for several moments, and Sunset had a feeling that it had more to do with whom the previous knight had been, rather than the large gap of time between the two.

“Sunset,” she continued, “a dear friend of ours once told us that a good leader keeps someone close to them. Someone who isn't afraid to tell them they're wrong. When we became princesses, we followed her words, and created the station of knight you are now a part of.” She then looked to her sister, “Luna's knight was Clover the Clever. It was adorable how Luna used to tease her,” she said getting a small blush, a fond look in Luna's eyes, “I, my knight...” a pained look flashed across her face, making Sunset take a hesitant step forward. She wanted to assure the princess, but she felt there was a gap between them, a large one, born of a pain in the princesses' heart that couldn't be breached.

Well, that wasn't entirely true. There was one entity out there that managed to breach it.

“Do you think Shadow Flare is still out there?” Sunset asked, making Celestia's ears perk up.

“Flare?” she asked, her somber mood lightening.

“She's in the Realm of Dreams now,” Luna said in a guarded tone, “She hides from me, but I'm certain she's out there.”

“Celestia, I can't really help you with what happened long ago,” Sunset admitted, quite certain it was a task she was poorly equipped for, “But, I can help you with what happens tomorrow.” She then gave Celestia a determined smile, “And helping you, helps Luna. Helping the both of you, helps Equestria. Helps my friends, and family.” Her ears then dropped as she gave Celestia a timid look, “So please, try not to wander into the past. As long as you're walking on the path forward, I'll be there to stand by your side.”

Celestia had a conflicted look, her eyes darting between Sunset and Luna for a moment, before she eyed the ground. She stood quietly for a moment, before taking a deep breath.

“I ... shall try. Since you're promising to be by my side, I promise to keep my head forward,” she then gave Sunset a delicate smile, “Stewing over the past has been something of a habit for myself and Flare, what with being trapped in...” Celestia then shook her head, “But that is in the past. Thank you Sunset.” There was a small pause between them, before Celestia adopted a small look of wonder, “I must say, this was not how I was expecting my day to go when I awoke this morning.”

“Yeah, you and me both,” Sunset grumbled, getting a small laugh from Celestia.

“Well Sunset, you've surprised me,” Luna said, a proud look in her eyes, “I'm happy with your decision, and as I said, I'll support it fully.” She then gave Sunset a smug look. “Being a knight is no walk in the park, but I'm sure you'll manage just fine.” She then looked to Celestia, and their eyes met. "You're quite fortunate, dear sister," she added, a small note of envy in her voice. Celestia considered her words for a moment, before looking to her knight.

“So, when would be a good time to do the public knighting?”

“Umm,” Sunset replied with a sheepish smile, “Can we put that off till after new years? I want to tell my friends and family first.”

“That is certainly fine with me,” Celestia replied.

“Indeed,” Luna added, “After all, tomorrow is Hearth's Warming, and tonight there is a feast to be had. Which I do believe is currently waiting for our arrival. So, shall we?” she asked, getting a nod from her company, before they descended to the banquet hall.

“So, Sunset,” Celestia began, adopting a coy smile, “Did Shining put my advice to good use?” Sunset immediately found herself blushing, getting a hearty chuckle from the princess. “I suppose he did.”

“You ponies and your interloping,” Sunset mumbled under her breath, her red deepening as Celestia started to let out a hearty laugh. All eyes were on the princess as they entered the hall, and Celestia didn't mind. With a subtle nod, Sunset split off from the sisters, returning to her friends, who were waiting eagerly for her.

Sunset hesitated, the entire day flashing before her eyes for a moment, before adopting a determined smile. Today was loaded with surprises that left her emotions all over the place, and now it was winding down, her direction clear. There was news to be spread, and this time, she'd be the one giving out the surprise.

Indeed, it proved to be very satisfying.

The rest of the night flew by at a startling pace. Feasting with her friends. Singing carols, poorly, with Shining Armor. Becoming better acquainted with Applejack and Rainbow Dash, who totally wasn't Shadow Blitz. Seeing Luna and Celestia smile, the shadows between them temporarily dispelled by the festive air, brought a smile to Sunset's face as well. And as the night slowly winded down, Sunset found herself looking forward, wondering where she'd be next Hearth's Warming Eve, and just how far her relationship with Shining, and Celestia would grow. She then adopted a fiery stare. It would go as far as she reached.

I wonder … if it'd be alright to bring Shining to dinner tomorrow...


It was early morning on the third day of the new year.

Outside the castle gates, a stallion of note approached, eager to see how the castle fared while he was on vacation with his daughter. As Sir Tell Tale reached the gates, he let out an annoyed sigh. The castle looked completely the same. He had to admit, he was a little disappointed. However that feeling was short-lived, being replaced with pride at how quickly the damages he'd heard about were repaired.

Entering the intact courtyard, he pulled out a clip board and quill, eager to return to his duties, a mental itch that's been begging to be scratched since he left over a week prior. There was a pop, accompanied with a flicker of teal light, making the stallion turn to Sunset, several paces behind him, a flustered Captain of the Royal Guard at her side.

Tell Tale's eyes saw through them, easily putting together that their relationship had moved to the next level, making him conceal a smile, before giving Sunset his typical, collected look. She noticed him, a mixture of emotions flying through her eyes. One shined through, as always. Determination. The Captain glanced between Sunset and Tell Tale, giving Sunset a small nod, which she answered with a smile, before he headed to the castle to tackle his own duties.

Sunset said nothing as she approached the bookkeeper. She was different from when he last saw her. Was it the gemstone hanging from her neck? No, it was something deeper than that. She's finally found closure with her past.

“Well met, Lady Shimmer,” he said, the vaguest hint of pride in his voice, making her pause for a moment, before giving him a smug grin.

“Good morning, Tell Tale.” As usual, she avoided using his title, which he has long since expected from her.

“Something about you is different, did you get your mane cut?” he asked in a neutral tone, but she could tell he was teasing her.

“I guess you could say I've changed,” she said, rolling her eyes, before walking a step past him, “It's been a whole year since you were last here after all, I'm practically a different mare now. Now, let's get going, wouldn't want to keep the princesses waiting, right?” she asked, glancing to him, making him nod.

“As you-” before he could finish, she was gone, teleporting in a flash, undoubtedly to the library where Luna, and likely Celestia were. Her actions got a small chuckle out of him as he shook his head, continuing forward as he mused over the young knight. “You know what they say, Sunset,” he said more to himself, “Some things, never change.”

Author's Note:

Another story completed! I should write short ones more often.

Was it enjoyable?

I had this story conceptualized ever since finishing Midnight's Radiance, but I was apprehensive about writing it. There were a lot of things I wanted to touch on following shadow's flare, and a number of them were cut out to keep the focus from wondering too far.

Those missing bits will be covered in Obsidian's Heart, whenever I get to writing that.

So, the alpha ship for the Trioverse has set sail. It'll probably be awhile before I tackle the beta ship...

Anywho, was it an enjoyable read? I hope so, writing it proved far more stressful than I thought it'd be. :twilightblush:

So, thanks for reading!

Comments ( 22 )

I like it! Good work. :twilightsmile:

Awesome job

You ever notice that when it comes to sequels on this site, each progressive one is less popular than the last? I suspect it's kind of like, let's say a 1000 people liked the first one at its start and upvote, but only 500 actually liked the way it went and ended yet don't remove their upvote, so when the next story comes out, only 500 people bother reading it. Then the same thing happens and a significant chunk of those readers, while upvoting at the start, don't like the ending so that the next sequel has an even smaller reader base.

It's why I've decided never to do sequels whether it be fanfics or published work. If each subsequent book in a series is likely to do worse than the last, I'd rather just release multiple stand alone stories.

6839434 In the end though, isn't it more about what YOU want to write rather than what others think of it? Sure getting validation and praise are a nice bonus but I think that the core of writing is, indeed, writing what you want to write.

EDIT: P.S. The story was great; as always. (Although I'm Sunset fanboy trash and this hit me right in the Dawwws :twilightblush:)

Hmm, I suppose that's true for fanfictions and other things you write purely for fun, but if you ever try to write for money, stand-alone stories are best for starting out. Book sales have a tendency to drop for each installment in a series, and publishers are less likely to publish your stories if you tell them it will have a sequel as that adds more risk from a business perspective. After all, you could die before you finish book two.

Great chapter I like the fact that Sunset is Celestia's knight and that she and Shining are now a couple.

this story was amazing

Rainbow Dash, who totally wasn't Shadow Blitz

Subtle much? :moustache:

Well this was cute. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Well, that was fun and cute. Can't wait to see Sunset getting into shenanigans from being Cellie's knight.

Apparently I forgot to set this to track.

Now that I've noticed, the conclusion is quite good.

Great story and thank you for sharing it with us.
That's people for you, it isn't much about how sequel goes, but the fact that people don't bother to discover and read it.

I liked it. Sunset is really cool in this fic.

7114314 I like writing her and Trixie. :pinkiehappy:

I loved it! Definitely my favorite portrayals of these characters! :raritystarry:

Wonder what the beta ship is? :rainbowhuh:

Calling it now, Sunset's father gets hitched to a hoity-toity mare that totally isn't a changeling queen.

I like this pairing (in this universe, in most it would be odd). I never much cared for Shining or Cadence in the show, they were pretty bland overall.

I do feel inclined to point out that female knights are referred to as ‘dames’ (pronounced like ‘dom’) not as ‘ladies’. Not many female knights to be heard of, so it’s a little known fact.

“Then I shall take a moment, right now, to feel pity for said fool,” Sunset said without a hint of doubt, closing her eyes and bringing her forehooves to her chest. “Alas poor villain, I pity thee,” she let out, getting a boisterous laugh from Shining, which she shortly mirrored.

The couple continued their playful banter as they drifted to Ponyville. Both of them radiating the purest form of happiness, wearing youthful smiles, as their hearts floated above the clouds.

Discord would say no to that but whatever.

i enjoyed this story much, much more than

EMidnight's Radiance
Three best friends are reunited after a year of following their own dreams. Just in time to welcome back Celestia, who refuses to lower the sun...
MrAlterad · 37k words  ·  541  6 · 9.2k views

. it felt more coherent and i could follow along the story beats. the characters felt consistent and to me sunset grew in a linear fashion. cant wait to read the next instance of your trio-verse.

Comment posted by kitsune_shadow deleted Aug 10th, 2018

I thought the female knight was an Amazon to the level of a lady ... but what do I know?

“Twilight, I ... maay be stealing your brother from you,” Sunset replied sheepishly, getting a blank look from the purple unicorn.

“How would you do that?” she asked curiously, making Trixie throw her hooves in the air in exasperation.

First, Shining Armor, then Twilight Sparkle. Is being dense genetic or something?

Floating about them was an illusionary arrow accompanied by the words 'Finally Going Steady'.

Trixie? Don't ever change.

I'm betting that Tell Tale suggested that Sunset make the decision because he knew what Sunset would decide?

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