• Published 24th Dec 2015
  • 2,142 Views, 6 Comments

Blind Date - Harmony Split

Midnight is your average bat-pony mare. She’s searching for love the same as any other mare, but is she looking in the wrong place? Somedays the answer you’re looking for is right in front of your muzzle, you have but to open your eyes to see it.

  • ...

One Door Closes, Another Opens

One Door Closes, Another Opens

“Bucking dates!” I growled into the sky, kicking a lone stone with my hooves in anger.

Another failed evening. For weeks I’ve tried dating just like my best friend, and neighbor, Red Night told me. I went on seven so far, and all of them ended the same. Either the stallion was a total jerk, massively horny, or simply not my type. Well, somehow they all weren’t my type, it seemed like each one was worse than the last.

I continued on my way, silently cursing all stallions. I stopped as my reflection looked back at me in a shopping window. What’s wrong with me? Is it how I look? My midnight-purple coat combined with my black mane and my dark-blue eyes were… dark, that I had to admit. Is it because of my ears? My wings? My fangs? In my mind, those three things were the reason for my failures. My fluffy ears, leathery wings, and long fangs clearly marked me as a bat-pony, a creature of the night. A creature ponies would never want anything to do with.

And I really made sure to keep my fangs in check this time.

“Hey, Midnight!” somepony yelled, causing me to jump slightly.

Turning around, I noticed Red Night running towards me, her dark-blue mane dancing in the air before she slid to a halt before me, her red coat dripping of sweat. “So how was it?” she asked, her rose eyes amusing me.

“As always,” I grumbled before sniffing slightly. “And all because I’m a bat-pony.”

“What?” Red asked, surprised. “No! They’re just being jerks!”

“It just seems that nopony is interested in me, or… well, just really really bad ones. Like this one today,” I mumbled.

Red cocked her head. “What happened?”

“It was nice at first, but as I went for the restroom, he followed me, he said that he could feel that I just wanted a quick buck and he would like the same.”

“What did you do?”

I glared at her, “I did what I would do to everypony in that situation. Now I can’t visit that restaurant anymore.”

“Ouch,” she winced.

“Yeah, no kidding. Seven stallions up, seven down. All of them either complete and total assholes, or just not my type.”

She looked at me strangely. “Well, what are you looking for?”

I rolled my eyes as we started walking together. “How about one that’s just not a total bucking asshole for starters?”

“So not an asshole and you’ll fawn over him?”

“Well… no,” I admitted, unsure how to answer her question.

“So if they pass the ‘not an a-hole’ test, what then?”

“Why are you asking me?”

“Oh come on, I’m just trying to help you.”

“Pft, maybe I’m just better off alone.”

“C’mon, just answer the question before you dedicate your life to being all alone.”

At that I did sigh. Sure stallions were… well, dicks, but there was a reason why I kept trying after all. “I don’t know. Somepony I could talk to, could hold a discussion with. Somepony I wanted to be around, somepony that didn’t just think with his dick.”

“Like a mare,” Red said with a chuckle.

“Oh come on,” I rolled my eyes. Writing that thought of, and yet...

Red stopped chuckling and turned to me. “ Well… maybe that’s true. Maybe you’re not into stallions?”

“Uh, excuse me?” I asked, flabbergasted.

“Maybe you’re into mares? Did you ever had feelings for stallions at all?”

I stopped to think about it. “Not since flight school,” I admitted.

“Well, then maybe you should date mares?” Red smirked.

“No, I think I’ve enough of dates,” I snorted before continuing my way home.

“Midnight Skies, wait!” Red shouted and I stopped. “I got an idea! Blind dates!” she continued, a wide grin on her muzzle.


“That way you can check her out and decide if you want to give it even a try!” she exclaimed happily.”

“I don’t think they work that way,” I mumbled. “And I never gave the go ahead for dating mares!”

“Oh c’mon!” Red pouted, nudging me slightly. “Nothing wrong in trying!”

“Aaand you think that’s gonna work?” I asked skeptically.

“Of course! I go to blind dates all the time!” she replied chipperly.

I grinned teasingly at her. “And we all can see how far you’ve made it thanks to them!”

“Oh, shush! Listen, blind dates are good to check others out, even if you just want to buck!”

“Like you?”

“Now shut up,” Red blushed before looking into my eyes. “I’m going to set up a blind date for you, alright?”

“How?” I asked.

“Mhh, you’ll just have to wait and see,” she answered, the grin on her face doing nothing to help my bad feelings.

“Why do I have the feeling that this will end badly?”

She only laughed. “Because you are a dork! A sexy and cute dork, but a dork nonetheless.”

I blushed upon that. “You’re unbearable sometimes.”

“Midnight, I know how you can get worked up. I’m your neighbor and the walls are thin,” Red smirked.

I sighed. “Alright. But please, a nice mare. Nothing sex-crazy, nothing… stupid, and please, no bookworms again!”

Red only shook her head and smiled. “You should be open to everything. Sex-crazy can be interesting, and bookworms can be utterly adorable! Just look at Princess Twilight!”

“So the strong, hard-hearted Red Night has a crush on the youngest princess?” I teased.

She blushed, but then smirked. “You bet your sweet flank on that.”

“Unbearable,” I giggled.

“Hey, what about you? I still have room for you in my diary for a hot night together.” Red suddenly perked up.

“What?! C’mon, Red, don’t fool around with me.”

“I’m not,” she smiled. “Let’s buck!”

“What was that about sex-crazy can be interesting?” I laughed. “You’re definitely one of them!”

Red pouted. “So? That’s not a bad thing! C’mon, just me and you, a hot sweaty night of ‘just friend’s’ banging. No strings attached. It’ll definitely loosen you up.”

I only shook my head. “We’re friends, let’s not overdo it.”

“You’re no fun.”

“I know,” I replied with a wink.

Red grinned. “Alright, I guess I’ll just have to get my fun tonight somewhere else. I’m talking to you tomorrow about the blind date. Just be prepared!”

“Whatever,” I mumbled before trotting home. It’s just Red Night, as always unpredictable and crazy.

I chuckled. Yeah, that’s her.


Somepony banged on my front door, waking me up in the worst possible way. I groaned and shifted, trying to find a new comfortable position and go back to sleep.

Who the buck is this?

It grew louder and louder, and as I tried to snuggle myself deeper into my blanket and cushion, I rolled too much to the side and off the bed, landing painfully on the floor.

“For Luna’s sake, if this is not important I’m going to murder somepony!” I growled, before untangling myself from my sheets and getting up.

Of course, I should’ve known that Red would stay true to her words and come to me the next morning because of the blind date.

“What?” I snapped as I opened the door, just to shriek as Red jumped in and on me, planting a big wet smoochie on my muzzle. “Red, WHAT THE BUCK?!”

“Good morning to you as well!” she giggled.

“You’re in the mood again. Couldn’t find someone last night?” I groaned and tried to get up, but Red hold her position.

“Of course I did! An awesome pegasus mare. I tell you, she was soooo good with her tongue, you’ve gotta try it!”

“Red, get off me!” I simply growled in reply.

“You gotta loosen up!” she pouted but moved off me.

I blinked. “Thanks. And for your information; I’m not searching for a one-night-stand, but I already told you that.”

“What’s wrong with some fun from time to time? I don’t really believe in a lifetime of love. You gonna change partners one way or another, so why not have fun some the time?”

“Because it’s wrong,” I exclaimed. “Why do I even bother telling you?”

“Indeed,” she smirked. “Now, I found the right partner for your blind date!”


“You heard me. And it’s this evening in the Everfree Gardens Restaurant!” Red clapped her hooves.

I rolled my eyes. “You’ve gotta be kidding me!”

“Nope! But trust me, she’s a real cutie!” Red smirked.

“Why do I have the feeling that we have different definitions of that word?” I snorted.

She playfully nudged me, in a weird attempt to cheer me up combined with a nip. “Hey, heads up, you’re gonna love her!”

I turned my head away. “Yep, right. If this ends like the other dates, we know I’m a hopeless case or you’re a bad set-up!”

“If I’m right this time and she’s your type you’re going to love me!” she shimed.

I paused at that. If I’m even into mares. If she is my type. Damn, there are so many restrictions, it only can end badly.

My thoughts were distracted as Red suddenly nuzzled up against me. “Hey, it will be fine and I’ll always stay at your side!” she stopped and chuckled, glancing at my flank. “Even if I’d much rather have those cute flanks for myself.

“If this blind-date is a failure, you can have them,” I sighed.

“Seriously?!” she blinked, staring at me with wide eyes.

“Yeah,” I blushed. “I mean, a hoof is not the best you know.”

“Well,” she grinned. “I keep that in mind, but I think your blind date is going to work.”

I chuckled and reached over to nuzzle her. Yep, she was crazy, but I kinda loved her for that. She was my best friend, someone I could always trust upon. Even if it wasn’t always easy with her. “Yeah, I heard ya silly mare.”

“Hey, I’m crazy and not silly!”

“You’re both,” I replied.

She stopped and glared at me for a few seconds, just before giggling and jumping at me, pinning me to the ground. My laughter followed in seconds as she unfolded her wings and started to tickle me like mad.

“I’m not! Say it!” she demanded, her wings finding easily every sensitive spot on my coat.

“Al-alright!” I choked out between my laughter. “You’re not silly, just a bit you crazy mare!”

“WHAT?!” she asked, diving right at the ankles of my hooved with her wings. “Say that again!”

“We’ve gotta get ready for work!”

She stopped and blinked, just before scowling, “That wasn’t what I wanted to hear!”

“You know that Luna will get mad if her two personal guards show up late you silly dork!” I chided her playfully.

She just snorted. “You can really ruin everything.”

“Get off me, get ready, and you’ll get a kiss.”

As soon as I even spoke the words, she was up, out of the door, and to the right smashing through her own apartment’s front door.

Yep, that always gets her motor running.

I giggled as I heard the crashing coming from her apartment before shaking my head and taking a quick shower. It didn’t even last long.

“Hey, Midnight! I’m doooone!”

“RED! Get out of my bathroom!” I scowled after my heart calmed down, but the mare just snuck her head into the shower, looking me over before pursing her lips. “Alright, come here.”

She leaned in and I gave her a quick kiss. Yes, it felt good, like everything I did with Red, but that was normal for friends like us. She hummed before breaking it, smiling.

“I still say you kiss pretty well for a virgin,” Red giggled, retreating her head quickly as my hoof reached for it. “I’ll wait outside, make it quick!”

I simply scowled before finishing up and drying myself up. It took a while to get my uniform on; after a week's vacation it was no wonder. Looking into the mirror I looked ready as always, the dark-blue uniform with the purple trim coming nicely with my midnight-purple coat and black mane. On top of that I added my armor. It was colored in the purple and blue of the Night Guard.

Leaving my apartment, I nearly smashed into Red who was waiting directly in front of my door.

“C’mon, slowpoke,” she yelled teasingly while taking off. “We have to go at full speed if we don’t want to be late!”

I growled but quickly took off after her so not to lose her. As usual, I knew it would be a race. One which I was determined to win.

“Hey, that’s cheating!” I shouted after her, just to receive laughter in response.

While being faster than her, she was always… more agile and trickful, knowing every single point towards our work to lose or distract me. Talking about distraction...

“Your tail stays where it is today!” I reminded her.

“Don’t know if I can promise that!” Came the teasing reply.

I grinned inwardly and sped up. “You keep cheating and I’ll stop letting you kiss me.”

That spun her around. “What?!”

“You heard me.”

“That’s unfair, you know I love your smooches,” she complained.

I didn’t answer that, just kept up my speed and shot past her, leaving her wide-eyed behind me.

“You bucking cheater!”

“Yep!” I chippered, heading at full speed towards the castle.

“For that you owe me more than a simple kiss!” She shouted after me, but I was already far ahead. “Midnight, that's not how you treat a mare like me!” I heard her and as I turned my head, she stuck her tongue at me.

It was a distraction long enough to make me fly through a rain cloud, draining me and slowing me down. I thought she would just overtake me, but after a few seconds, she crashed into me, hugging me with all her might. Sometimes, sometimes she can be really cute. I simply had to smile as I hugged her back.

Red planted her muzzle right on my chest, something I always liked when she did. It felt… nice to hold her like this, to hold anypony to be honest. No… that’s not true at all, it was different when it was her. It felt… better?

“You’re wet, but warm,” she cooed.

“I'm just wet,” I replied with a small smile.

“What do they always say about sharing body heat to warm up?”

“Red, we can’t be late,” I said as I let her go, much to her chagrin.

She blew me a raspberry. “You’re no fun.”

I laughed. “You’re crazy. C’mon silly filly, let’s get to work.”

I took the lead, forcing Red to fly faster and catch up to me. Despite our.. fun, we had made good time and there was no risk of being late. Something that cause me some relief, especially as the castle was coming up.

“I hope everything goes great for you tonight,” Red said.

“We still have some duty to attend together,” I rolled my eyes. “So don't wish me any luck yet. I just hope nothing changed during our vacation.”

“No, I… um, I mean it, I got you an extra special mare for your blind date.

“Well, even if the night turns into a bust, it’ll still be fun between us,” I said with a laugh.

I didn’t realize it at first, not for about an hour after work started in fact, but she didn’t laugh back. The two of us came for a landing on the castle grounds. Red landed right beside me, a noticeable tension in her stance.

“Red?” I asked.

She gave me a quick smile, but it was forced. “Have a good day at work. I’ll send you a message with the details.” At those words she kissed me on the cheek and trotted off.

“Hey, Lieutenant, I didn’t know you were a fillyfooler,” A stallion said from behind me.

“I’m not, we’re just friends.” I replied back.

“Friends with benefits it seems,” he said with a laugh as he trotted away.

I held a hoof to my cheek, right where she kissed me. This doesn’t… no, we’ve done this forever. It’s just our way. I shook my head clear and went to report in.


The first half of work was… well, boring. I reported into my CO and was assigned my normal duty, again. It may sound interesting to guard Princess Luna, especially if you—as a personal guard—were counted as her good friend, but it wasn’t at all. She barely had the time to talk with us between the courts, and unlike Celestia, she wasn’t the ‘I always take time for my ponies’ princess.

I wasn’t even blessed with the company of Red. Today, somehow, she was on the duty in front of Luna’s chambers. Something, at least in my book, was even more boring. Or at least I thought it would be.

At lunch I went to go check up on her. Even if the day was as boring as ever I’d have to

“And what, pray tell, did she do?” I heard the Princess’s voice around the corner.

“Nothing!” a voice grumbled. That was definitely Red Night. “She’s totally oblivious about it!”


“Yep! No matter what I do, it’s always the same,” Red cried, but suddenly froze still as I moved around the corner.

“Lieutenant Midnight Skies, what a pleasure to see you again,” Luna spoke with a smile.

“Luna,” I gave the smile back before looking questioning at Red.

She seemed to shrink under my gaze before Luna cleared her throat, “I heard that during your leave you went on quite a few dates.”

“Red!” I growled but Luna raised her hoof, silencing me.

“There is nothing wrong in telling me. We’re supposed to be friends here,” she said before smirking. “But I also heard that you will attend to a so called blind date this evening?”

I don’t think I was able to sink into the floor from embarrassment, but even if, I doubt Luna would’ve wasted any time to pull me up again. “Yes,” I mumbled.

“Tis good to get back on the pony after fallowing off.”

Red and I started at each other, blushing madly.

“Is that not what the saying is?” Luna asked.

“I don’t think so,” I whispered while Red grinned at me.

“I’m sorry then. Red also happened to tell me about the mare she chose for you. I think you will be a good match, is the saying I believe?” Luna smiled.

“You know her?” I asked, flabbergasted.

“Quite well, actually. So I know that everything will run fine.”

“Tell me about her!” I said, sitting on my haunches, not caring about the rest in the moment.

“Tis supposed to be a blind date, you know? But she is kind, maybe a bit… weird from time to time, but she got her heart at the right place. I also know that she longs for the right mare at her side.”

My face scrunched up in confusion. “Do I kn—”

“‘Tis enough questions for one day. I need to be getting my sleep before the night comes back around.”

“Luna, please one more question,” I looked at her.


“Why did you assign us to your dayguard and not in the night? I mean no offense, but it is kind of boring protecting you during the day,” I said quietly.

She smiled, then laughed. “Oh dear midnight, you don’t know? I told it to Red Night once,” Luna said before leaning in, whispering into my ear, “I keep the interesting mares at day, the time where I’m usually… active.”

The way she said it left no real imagination in my mind and I blushed furiously while Red rolled onto the floor, laughing madly.

“This is a joke, right?” I asked.

Luna, already on the way to her chambers, stopped and turned. “We never joke about the most sensual display two ponies can join in together,” she smiled softly before continuing her way.

I simply sat on my haunches. “Red? Did Luna just say that she wants to buck with us?!”

She just got to her hooves and nodded at me.

My jaw was still on the floor. “I-I-I-I-I…”

“Maybe later,” Red said with a smile. “After your date tonight.”

“But… why me?” I objected. “I’m not even beautiful and I’m a virgin. Why would a princess want to do that with me?!”

Red frowned. “Because you sell yourself short. You’re way better than you think you are, you just need somepony to show you exactly that.”

“What do you mean?”

“You really don’t get it,” Red mumbled before turning and walking away.

“Don’t get what‽” I yelled. “What‽”

She simply walked away, not looking back.

I rolled my eyes and turned to the nearest wall, where my forehead and the plaster became intimate, a few times actually. I only stopped when it started to hurt to much, well, that and my stomach reminded me the other reason I had come this way.

“Food… buck me. I guess I’m eating alone after all.”

My usual plan was to eat together with Red, but something was off. Since this morning, she seemed so happy, but suddenly so sad. As if I did something wrong. Did I offend her somehow?

Another growl told me it was damn time to eat something. That and the fact that the last bunch of meat I had been three days ago made my hooves go forward towards the mess. Quickly.

As usual for our kind—especially those of us that worked during the day—I ate alone. It wasn’t bad, well, somedays it wasn’t bad. I was used to it. And with my brain on Red I don’t think I would have made good company at that moment anyway. So without ceremony I finished my lunch and went back to my post. Still unsure what exactly I had done so wrong. No matter how long I thought about it, I had no clue.

The rest of the day was… tiring. My brain simply on the problem of my friend as opposed to what I should have been doing. I supposed I should be grateful that in the palace, no one is really going to try anything. Still, I almost jumped out of my fur when somepony from the Royal Guard tapped me on the shoulder right before it was time to go home.

“Lieutenant, sorry for startling you. I called your name three times and you didn’t answer,” the earth pony said.

“Ah, it’s you Golden, what’s up?”

“Is everything okay with you?” he asked, watching me carefully.

“Yeah, yeah, just a little lost in thought.”

He looked at me, almost as if he didn’t believe me until finally shrugging and reaching into his armor for a note. “I was instructed to give you this.”

I took it in thanks before opening it up to read what was inside.

Hey Midnight. Sorry, something came up and I will not be returning home right away. I won’t be able to see you off to your date so I wanted to make sure you knew. You should be at 7 pm at Everfree Gardens Restaurant. There is a table reserved, just tell the staff your name. Your date will be wearing a long black dress with purple trim. Anyways, I hope you have fun and I just know you’re going to like her. I can feel it in my gut.

Your friend

Red Night

Great, now I know I really pissed her off if she doesn’t even want to talk to me directly.

Something wet was on my muzzle, trailing down and I raised a wing to wipe it away. As I pulled my wing away, on its tip was a lonely tear. I was crying about it.

“Bad news?”

I looked up from the letter to Golden. “Just… made my friend mad, don’t really know why.”

“Mares,” he said with a shrug.

“Hey! I resent that!” I said back, chuckling.

“Well, then stop daydreaming, Lieutenant,” Golden said, laughing.

I only grumbled, but I simply couldn’t tear my mind from Red. I was pissed off by myself that I got her mad. Somehow. Even if I still had no clue why. Looking at the clock in the hallway I sighed. At least it’s over in ten minutes. Maybe that date will distract me.



“The Princess wants to see you as well,” Golden said before shaking his head and trotting off. I swear I could hear him mumbling something about stupid mares and daydreamers.

Maybe he’s got a point?

I had no time to give him a fitting reply. Quickly, I made my way along the hallway and to Luna’s chambers, surprised that Red wasn’t placed in front of them, but Lonely Star. The black mare grinned at me, her sky-blue eyes mustering me.

“Hey, Midnight.”

“What’s up, Star? Where’s Red? I thought she had the duty here.”

“There was something coming up so she left and Luna ordered me here early. Now go in, she’s waiting,” Lonely Star smirked.

I nodded my head and knocked on the door, just to see it open quickly and being pulled inside before it slammed shut behind me. “You kept me waiting,” a voice whispered before I saw Luna coming out of the shadows, a smile on her muzzle as she trotted up to me.

“You asked for me?”

“Indeed, I did,” she said, coming very, very close to me before stopping. “Do you have any romantical experience at all?”

“Uh, what? Princess, I-I don’t know what you mean,” I stammered.

“You heard me, answer my question.”

My head sunk low. “No. I tried it so many times, but I think I’m just a failure.”

“I have to apologize, but I know that this is not correct. Red Night told me about a few things, and the most important is that she thinks that you’re not a failure.”

“She’s my friend, of course she would say that.”

Luna frowned. “Obvious, indeed,” she whispered after a few seconds of silence.

“Not you too!” I groaned. “Is it me who is oblivious? I don’t get it! Is it this why she’s mad now?”

Luna chuckled. “Midnight, Red is right. You think too low about yourself. I indeed hope that this date will open your eyes to the truth.”

It was unprofessional as hell, but I scowled at her, an action that earned a chuckle and then a laugh from the night princess. “Oh, Midnight, never change! Now rush home and get ready. It’s nearly time.”

“So you just called me here to give me a pep talk?” I asked.

“Yes,” she commented like it was the most obvious thing in the world.


“Well, now that you mention it, there is one more thing you can do. Consider it an order by the way.”

I gulped. The way alone she said it made my coat stand up where it shouldn’t. It was simply a bad sign. “Yes, your highness?”

“I expect you to…” she paused. Never a good sign.


“To try tonight.”

My jaw dropped. “What?”

“Did you not understand my order?”

“You want me to try? To try what?”

“At your date, I want you to give this one a real shot. To go with the flow and actually try. I want you to forget your past and act like this one might be the one.”

“Y-you can’t be serious?”

“Very much so. Tell me, will thou obey the order from her princess?”

I had no choice but to kneel down and lower my head. “I will, your highness.”

“I’m pretty sure you’ll like her,” Luna suddenly smirked.

I raised an eyebrow as she started to get dressed in her royal guard. “Luna, may I ask something, as a friend?”

“Of course.”

“Why the interest in my social life? I mean—”

“Because Red Night and you are my friends. Not just because you two are my personal guards, but because I really have a personal interest in you two,” Luna smiled gently.

There was something about seeing her smile directed at me that just… I don’t know how to describe it, that just made things not matter anymore. It’s like that one smile can change everything, can make a good day bad.

“You’re my friend too,” I replied.

“Good, I expect to hear all about it tomorrow. Unless things go well in which case feel free to take the day off.”


“You heard me, now go. Fashionably late is for high strung mares.”

I turned towards the door, about to leaving, but I stopped, turning. “Luna?”


“The day off… that was a joke, right?”

“It was not,” she smiled. “Although I would love if you could join me in my chambers to share all the details,” she added with a wink, something that put me off since she was my princess after all.

I’m honestly not sure how I made it home that day. It felt like it happened in a daze, almost like it was all happening to somepony else. I remember leaving Luna’s room and then putting a key in my lock to open the door to my apartment.

It was silent. Way too silent. Normally, at the time I came home, either Red was at my side or you could at least hear her crashing through her apartment door. I missed it this evening. It would have been something, anything to take my mind off my own thoughts.

Unceremoniously, I discarded my armor on the floor. Piece by piece before the uniform followed next. My hooves lead their way into my bathroom. I hadn’t intended to go there, I just… did. Soon, I found myself staring at the mirror, my thoughts automatically on what I wanted to do with my mane before I stopped myself.

“I never style my mane!” I said to my reflection.

“You should look good for the mare expecting you,” my reflection said back and I jumped.

“Now I’m even getting paranoid, great,” I mumbled.

She had a point you know. Besides, Princess Luna did order you to try tonight.

It’s hard to argue with that sort of logic. And looking at the clock didn’t make it any better. I had exactly thirty minutes to get done and to the restaurant.

I settled for a quick shower. Taking five minutes just to make sure I was clean. But even then I found my hooves spending a little longer on my mane then I normally would. I conditioned the thing about three different times. Making sure that it was nice and soft before I got out of the shower.

I dried off and looked myself over in the mirror once more. “Well… it is an order.”

While it was hard to simply… enjoy myself, I took some solemn in the fact that I wouldn’t spend the night alone if/when everything went bad. I had promised it to Red after all and it wasn’t a bad thought. While I had no idea why, the thought indeed warmed me.

“Maybe I should just ask her out on a date,” I joked as I finished styling my hair. I decided to wear it simple, letting it flow over one side in an elegant way and covering an eye. I just hope this is enough.

The next issue was clothing. Of course, most of the time we literally wore nothing, but this was a special occasion. I think I still have the black dress with the red trims. It took me some time to find it and get it on, but in the end, I was finally done. A last check in the mirror and a glance to the clock.

“Shoot,” I mumbled. “This has gotta be enough, I’ve got ten minutes to reach the restaurant.”


The Everfree Gardens Restaurant was a medium sized restaurant a bit outside of canterlot. It wasn't the typical classic restaurant, but it had a flair that most ponies seemed to like.

As soon as I landed in front of it, I checked my mane and dress. Everything was still fine—by my standards anyway.

“Good evening. Do you have a reservation?” a stallion dressed in black asked me, his eyes only showing a small sign of offense against me.

Typical fancy ponies. Always think they're better.

“There should be something for Midnight Skies,” I said as he looked down on some papers.

“Ah, indeed. Your company is already waiting on table five at the right window,” he said before seeming to not notice me anymore.

To say that I was nervous… well, that would've been a giant understatement. My body literally shook as I walked in and headed to the right.

You can do this, everything will be fine…

I walked slower and slower, but managed to go on. At least until I saw my table and a dark-blue mane caught my attention. “Red Night?!”

The mare turned her heads towards me, hesitantly, trying not to look directly into my eyes. Her cheeks were sporting a healthy blush. “H-hi, Midnight.”

“Is this some kind of joke?” I asked, seemingly confused.

“You still don’t know?”

I was about to retort, but as tears started to flow down her muzzle, I simply couldn’t. Instead, I sat down at the table and looking into her eyes. “Please tell the stupid mare what she doesn’t know. You know how I can be,” I said and she chuckled.

“I’m crazy, but you are an adorable dork.” She choked before her expression went serious again. “Didn’t you notice anything over the last few years? My behavior, how I acted towards you?”

“I don’t know… I mean, we kissed, hugged, we were so close to each other. But I thought that was just how we were?”

“Midnight, this connection means a lot to me! I’m totally serious with all of this because I have a crush on you and it’s been that way for a long time.” She stopped, her blush growing. “I would even go so far to call it love.”

That really struck me and I finally realized what she and Luna meant with me being oblivious. Oh Luna, I was such a fool. But do I have the same feelings? I smiled as I thought about us, how we always had fun. She always tried to steal hugs, nuzzles and kisses from me. They all had felt good, wonderful even.

The time I took to think, Red’s tears started flowing again. “You don’t feel the same, do you?”

“Wait,” I said as she tried to stand up. “I don’t know it… But…” I stopped and smiled at her. “What I know, is that I enjoyed everything we did. Even the kisses and the other close… stuff.”

Her ears seemly perked up at that. “Are you serious?” she asked, but as I nodded, she smiled. “So not all hope is lost?”

I had no idea how to answer to that, so I simply chose not to. Red seemed happy with a smile and a nod from my side, because she reached over the table and pecked me onto my muzzle, stunning me. It was a warm touch, making me simply happy.

“Is… is that okay?” she asked. It was unusual to hear her so passive over something that we’ve done a hundred times before. But I’d be lying if I said this time… this time it didn’t feel different.

When I didn’t answer right away her expression changed. She lowered her head and looked down at the table. “I ruined it, didn’t I?”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Our friendship. I risked everything on this date. I… I…”

I took her hoof in my own. “You didn’t ruin anything. Forgive me, I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about all of this. I mean… I never even really thought about dating mares before. And now here I am, out on a date with one and she just happens to be my best friend in the whole world. You’ll have to forgive me it if’s all kinda strange.”

“You still consider me your friend?” Red asked.

“Best friend,” I said back with a smile as I lightly brushed a hair away from her face. It caused her to smile at me.

I sat back, my smile matching hers as we both just kinda looked at each other. It was… strange. I felt like I should say something. “Y-you look nice.”

Great job, me...

“T-thanks, you too,” she replied.

I smiled again before picking up the menu. She did the same.

There was just one problem with my epic plan to busy myself looking at words. I didn’t want to. My brain was yelling at me to say something to Red, to try and make the situation a little less awkward. The problem was that whatever section of my brain that knew how to do that was keeping stubbornly silent.

Finally I gave up with the minute and just said, “This is stupid, we’re friends, we shouldn’t have uncomfortable silence between us.”

“I agree,” she replied.

“So what should we talk about?” I asked.

“I uhh….”

“Yeah, same boat.”

How about bucking anything!

“Y-you look nice?” I said.

“You said that before,” she replied.

Buck me, she’s right.

“Ugh, well you tell me, what do mares normally talk about when you ask them on a date?”

“I don’t know, honestly…”

“I thought you went on dozens of dates before?” I asked, flabbergasted.

“About that…” She blushed.

“You… suddenly don’t want to brag?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I…” she started but stopped, then sighed. “Actually, I never really went on a big date.”

“Big date?”

“A-any date.”

My jaw fell to the floor. “But… I… what? You always talked about bucking this mare or that!”

The blush on her face made me feel like an ass for blurting that out.

“You, um… you seemed to like those stories. I… umm…”

“You never actually did any of these things?”

“I wanted your attention!” She suddenly cried out. “I never did anything bad except… one time,” she added the last mumbled.

“One time?”

“Yes. Four months ago. Do you remember Stardust’s party?” I nodded and she continued. “You… you said you don’t want to go there, not even with me. I… I flirted with you, everything! So, I went alone to the party, got wasted and… well, it happened,” she said, her head hanging low.

“You… had sex?”

“I’m sorry! That’s why I didn’t go to work for the following three days. I was ashamed, I felt like I betrayed you!” she replied, tears falling freely again.

I reached over the table, caressing her cheek and wiping all the tears off. “Hey, we weren’t even together. You didn’t betray me.”

“Yes I did. I-I love you, it was a betrayal of my heart.”

I pulled my hoof back. “You… love me?”

She looked up, fear in her eyes. “I told you I have a crush on you. But as also said, I would even go far enough and call it love. I had some long time to develop my feelings for you. I’m sorry… I’m just a stupid mare, I’m going to go!”

She shot up and made to take off. I leaped out of my chair and grabbed ahold of her, preventing her from leaving. “You’re not stupid, not at all. I just… I just wished you would have told me.”

She paused, her body shaking in my grasp. “Why, it’s just me being dumb.”

“Your feelings are not dumb. You’re not dumb, Red. It must have been such a burden for you to carry around all this time. Pretending to be someone you’re not.”

“I’m sorry I lied to you.”

I placed my hoof on her head and ran it through her mane. It was like silk, smooth and fluffy. That caused me to smile. She must have gone to an expensive salon.

She turned around and buried her head in my chest. I smiled a little. It felt… right, in a way I had never known before. Heat sprawling through my body and my heart fluttering as she nuzzled deep into my coat.

“Can you forgive me?” she asked as she lifted her head.

“Of course I can,” I replied without hesitation.

She smiled, before it faltered. “Will you give us a chance?”

That question took me a bit by surprise. Was I ready for dating my best friend? Of course, I couldn’t deny that I already had certain feelings for Red. But was it enough?

There’s nothing wrong in trying. I smiled. “Yes, I’ll give us a chance. Let’s try if it works,” I said and her eyes went wide.


“Yes, really. Besides, Luna did order me to try,” I said the last part with a chuckle.

Red Night hugged me so hard that I thought my ribs would be surely bruised before she planted a firm kiss directly on my lips. “Oh thaaaank you so much!” she cheered before calming down. “Um, sorry!”

“It’s okay,” I laughed. “Now let’s order something. I don’t know about you but I’m hungry.”

Her stomach picked that moment to growl. “I guess I am too?”

We smiled and sat back down at the table. Things felt… different. I found myself back with my muzzle in the menu, but again I couldn’t read it. Every time I’d start, I’d steal glances at the mare across from me. Red would catch me and make funny faces back, causing me to laugh.

We were definitely taking too long though. The waiter came up and asked, “Ma’ams are you ready to order?”

“Ma’ams?” Red asked with a grin.

“If you don’t want to order and… playing around in our restaurant, I have to politely ask you to leave.”

“I looked up, glaring. “Well, seems like we have to look for another restaurant, Red. I’m pretty sure every others would be pleased to have Luna’s personal guards and best friends eating at their place.” With that, I stood up.

“Wait! I’m sorry for my rude behavior!” the waiter suddenly spoke up. “Please, sit down, you have all time you need and, of course, this is on the house.”

“Bring us two of your special,” Red said with a smile. “And your most expensive wine.”

I glanced at Red in surprise as she passed the menu back. Red glared at him as he left and then winked at me.

“You’re evil.”

“What can I say? I’m trying to impress my date.”

I grinned. “Mhh, it’s working so far.”

“That’s good to hear,” she purred, making a pleasing chill running down my back.

I couldn’t help but smile as I stared at her red coat and blue mane. There was definitely something about her, something I hadn’t noticed before. To be honest, I still don’t know what it was, she just looked… different. Her playful crazy self still was well… crazy, but it seemed… I don’t know.


“I think a picture might last longer,” Red said with a playful smile.

“Maybe, but it’d never match the image in my head.”

“Who knew you were so smooth? Let me guess, one of your dates used that line on you?”

“Nah, by now they were just trying to get under my tail.”

“So this is just like all your other dates?” Red said with a giggle.

“Well, I’d say I’m a little more open to the possibility this time around.”

“And you did promise that if the date goes bad you’d be mine anyway, so win-win?” Red grinned.

I laughed at that. “Don’t count if you stack the deck in your favor.”

She blew me a raspberry.

“Not that I won’t hold up to my end of the promise,” I said with a grin.

“So either way I’m getting lucky, score!”

“Should remove the pressure, no?”

She smiled at me and blushed a little. “You know I’d never hold you to that promise.”

“I know,” I said back.

Still, the idea did intrigue me.

“I guess this is what you and Luna were talking about?”

“Yeah,” she admitted.

“So you called me obliviously and told her everything?”

“Well, duh!” Red rolled her eyes. “I’ve been flirting with you for over a year! I even invited you in my bed more than one time and all the obvious innuendos! You really are a dork, but an adorable one!”

“I just thought you were being playful,” I admitted.

“Playfully wanting a piece of that flank,” she said back, grinning.

“Luna, I really am oblivious.”

“That’s what she said.”

“Buck you too,” I replied teasing.

“Only with your help,” Red smiled and showed her fangs, and I had to admit that it aroused me a bit.

“Madams, your dinner is here.”

I looked over to see that the serving pony was back. He was levitating a tray of plates in his magic look at us with an ‘I hope I don’t get in trouble’ look on his face. I was more than used to that look—having more than enough experience with it on the troops under my command.

I gave him a scornful expression on that Red picked up on and copied.

“E-Enjoy your meal!” he stuttered before quickly making his way back to where he came from.

I grinned at Red before looking at the food. The special, of course, was a wide range of salads. Nothing too strange in a restaurant mainly for ponies, even if I had preferred meat.

“It’s… well, it’s not the best, but I hope you’ll still like it,” Red said sheepishly before starting to eat.


Dinner ended mostly without incident. Although we did abuse the wine bottle a little more than we should have. But hey, who could really blame us? It was a good vintage aged three hundred years.

Of course that didn’t change the fact that I was a little more than tipsy on the walk home. But, on a positive side, it allowed us to abuse each other for help to walk more or less straight. I enjoyed it, feeling her coat on mine, breathing in her scent, which under all the wine was her very own, smelling like freshly peeled oranges. It was so sweet and soft, it really took me.

“That… was fun,” Red said with a smile upon her muzzle.

“Yeah, best date I’ve ever been on.”

She pressed herself a bit deeper against me. “I love your scent.”

“So do I love yours.”

“We’re drunk… fuck,” Red blurted out after blushing.

I grinned. “Nah, just a bit tipsy.”

“Yeah, we’ll test that theory walking up the stairs,” she replied.

“We can do much more than that,” I said before I could stop myself.


“Uh, nevermind, maybe we’re really drunk.”

“Well, duh!” she replied.

“C’mon time for the real test.” I said as we opened the door and walked up to the staircase. “The hardest thing we’ve ever done.”

“I don’t know, remember that time in basic?”

“Hey, shut up about that.”

“When you—”

I spun her around and kissed her, just to shut her up, but I was a bit selfish. It was so damn good. Even if it proved to be more than difficult to stay upright and hold the kiss in our state.

She tasted like wine and salad. Behind there, I could taste her own, her personal flavor. It was as sweet as her smell, so I loved it. I really wondered how I tasted, but that was a question for sometime later. When I pulled back, she was smiling at me.

“I think that makes for a good night.”

“Yeah, I agree. Of course we still gotta get up the stairs.”

“With you by my side, I think I could do anything.”

“We’re about to test that theory.”

She looked up and gulped.


Just as expected, the stairs proved to be the biggest obstacle we’ve ever faced. I think, with hindsight, she was doing some of it on purpose. After all, more than once she’d purpose bump into me and knock us both down so we’d spend more time together. But, in the end, we both made it to the floor.

“Hey, Midnight?” Red asked as we walked down the hall.


“What’s that?” Red asked.

“That? Oh, that’s the elevator.”

“OH BUCK!” We both shouted. Then laughed.

That laughter carried on to our doors. I smiled as I left her side and moved to my door. As I pulled out my key and tried to unlock it, I realize something. I realized that fitting a small key into a tiny hole drunk was a lot harder than I thought it’d be.

Red had the same issues, dropping her own bunch of keys more than twice before she slammed the key into the lock and opened the door. I looked as she slowly stepped inside, suddenly I didn’t want her to go, to leave me alone.



“Would you like some tea?”

“I’d love some,” she smiled before walking over to my door.

Comments ( 6 )


A pic? Because I see nothin':rainbowhuh:

if you look close enough you will see that it's a snow owl in a blizzard with its eyes shut.

6763102 No idea, I didn't even try to comment.


You got first comment without even trying.


I enjoyed this, it had a good focus on the fliw of events. Some of the dialogue, while getting the information across felt kind of flat, like it was just info that didn't flow well for me as i read it. The characters were fun to read about and their talks with or about luna and their job added to the story a nice background.

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