• Published 25th Dec 2015
  • 14,397 Views, 149 Comments

Paradoxes, Timelines, and Consequences - Frost Bear

Starlight Glimmer is now Twilight's daughter! But what does this mean for Equestria?

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Meet the Parents

The train bounced up and down. The cars shifter and turned with every turn. Twilight’s stomach had butterflies fluttering in circles. She hyperventilated in a paper bag. One of the most terrifying challenges had come to test her abilities. Truly no task was scarier or more difficult to do than this. Today she was going to do the impossible. Today she was going to go through all of Tartarus, metaphorically. Today was the day she dreaded since she was thrown back in time.


She was going to tell her parents about Starlight.

On the opposite side of her, Starlight was over joyed for this visit. Where Twilight held panic and dread for visiting her parents. Starlight was impatient and excited to see her grandparents. Her constant questioning about them didn’t help Twilight one bit.

“What do grandma and grandpa do? Are they royalty like you? Did grandpa save grandma from a dark tower owned by a demon king?”

Spike chuckled, amused by Starlight’s innocence. He sort of didn’t want to tell her the truth right away but he also didn’t want Starlight to be disappointed with her grandparents. Having a princess for a mom put high expectations for her grandparents. Those expectation were things no one would be able to live up to.

“Calm down, Starlight, grandma and grandpa aren’t that big,” Spike confessed.

Starlight sat down with a smile, “That’s ok, I’m just REALLY excited to finally see them! We missed out on so much during my foalhood. It’d be nice to catch up on lost time.”

“Says the unicorn who’s developing time spells,” Spike grinned.

“Ha ha, when I finish my time freeze spell I’m going to make you wear so many silly hats,” Starlight glared.

The train stopped. The conductor announced they had arrived in Canterlot. Spike carried Twilight off the train while Starlight skipped gleefully down the station. Heads turned to see the odd family. Nobles pointed their noses in the air with a huff. Average workers gazed at the stunningly beautiful alicorn under the dragon’s arm. The guards gripped their spears.

“Halt!” One of them shouted, “You’re under arrest for kidnapping!”

Starlight stopped and stared at the stallion, “Kidnapping? What are you talking about?”

She looked at Spike, “Oh, hey Spike, Can you put mom down?”

Spike nodded and set Twilight next to Starlight.

“There see? No kidnapping going on here.”

“You can’t fool us, dragon,” the guard snarled, “We’ll slay you if we have to!”

“You guys can’t even fight off changelings,” Spike folded his arms, “Fluttershy was able to fight off changelings. FLUTTERSHY! Do you honestly think you could stand a chance against a dragon?”

“I sure can!” the guards charged at Spike with their spears aimed right for him.

Twilight lashed out with unstoppable magic, “You two stay away from my son,” she growled viciously.

The guards yelped and ran away with their tails between their legs. The Canterlot ponies didn’t mind the fiasco. A recent incident involving princess Celestia and ice cream cake monsters made them unaffected by nearly anything.

“Feeling better?” Spike asked Twilight.

Twilight sighed, “Yeah… My parents aren’t that far from here. Let’s go.”

Twilight nervously slumped down the street with her two adopted children. Thankfully the neighborhood wasn’t bad. A little old, but not bad. Senior couples walked by and waved politely at the family. Spike and Starlight waved back while Twilight tried her best to remain calm.

At last, they reached Nightlight and Twilight Velvet’s house. Twilight’s knees shook. Her mouth was dry and her breathing became ragged. She stood there, not having the courage to knock or ring the bell.

So Starlight rang the bell while Spike held Twilight in place.

Twilight yelled and jerked away, being stopped by Spike. She sweated as hoof steps came closer to the door. The door knob turned and the door opened inwardly. Behind the door was Nightlight, Twilight’s father and Starlight’s grandfather.

“H-H-Hi d-d-d-dad,” Twilight nervously squeaked.

Nightlight looked at the alicorn. Then the dragon. Then the unicorn.

After a brief moment of silence, Nightlight turned around.

“Honey! It’s Twilight!” he shouted.

“What is it this time?!” Velvet yelled back.

“She looks a lot older.”

There were hoof steps coming from upstairs. Velvet rushed down the steps with a scowl. She glanced over Twilight, Spike, and Starlight. Twilight was sweating enough to fill a pool. Spike struggled to hold her in one spot. And Starlight held a smile that would make Pinkie Pie proud.

Velvet sighed, “Alright, come in. I’ll put some tea on.”

Spike pushed Twilight through the doorway. Starlight bounced joyfully to the couch in the living room. Nightlight grunted as he sat down to read the news paper. Velvet came back with fresh tea.

“You have some explaining to do, Twilight,” Velvet grumbled, “again…”

“Hehe, I know you don’t like it when I don’t tell you important things like saving the world and such…” Twilight fidgeted.

“Oh no, we love it when we’re the last one to hear our daughter fought a deity of chaos,” Nightlight sarcastically stated.

“Ah well… I have a very good excuse this time!”

Velvet sipped her tea, “I’m sure you do… like the last seven times.”

Spike coughed, “Should I say it this time?”

“N-No! I’ll do it! Just… give me time.”

Nightlight flipped the page of his paper, “We’re all ears. Go ahead.”

Twilight performed her breathing exercise, “Alright… so…” the pointed to Starlight, “This is Starlight Glimmer! She’s your… granddaughter…”

Starlight waved, “Hi grandma! Hi grandpa!”

The two grandparents stared at their unexpected granddaughter.

“So who’s the father?” Nightlight crudely asked.

Twilight spat out her tea, “D-Dad!”

“We’re just curious, dear,” Velvet rocket in her chair.

“Starlight’s adopted,” Spike stated.

“Hmph,” Nightlight leaned back into his chair.

“So you never found that special somepony? Oh Twilight, I raised you better than that.”

“She’d probably have no problem getting a stallion now,” Spike teased.

“SPIKE!” Twilight shrieked.

“That’s good,” Velvet chuckled, “So why did you adopt Starlight? Was to protect some sort of time loop?”

“Um…” Twilight blinked.

“That’s the exact reason,” Spike laughed, “How’d you know?”

Velvet shrugged, “Mother intuition.”

“Well… I guess I don’t have to explain everything then… right?”

Nightlight waved a hoof, “We stopped caring after not getting an invitation to Shining Armor’s wedding… and changeling invasion.”

“Your father means; the only thing that matters is you’re safe and we have a new granddaughter! We don’t need the details to the story.”

Twilight sighed with relief, “Thanks mom.”

“Now Starlight,” Velvet called.

Starlight happily hopped up to her grandma, “Yes?”

“Have you met a young stallion yet?”



Nightlight and Spike laughed hysterically.

“They’re so much alike!” Spike slapped his knee.

“She really is your daughter, sweetie!” Nightlight held his sides.