• Published 8th Jan 2016
  • 1,079 Views, 9 Comments

Replaced - Revenant Wings

Amethyst harbors a minor grudge on Twilight Sparkle ever since she took over her duties as Ponyville's premier event planner and organizer.

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Amethyst tossed back the eggnog and drank the entire glass in three gulps, setting it back down on the table with a slam and a noisy sigh.

A young male pony in a black suit came up to her and looked uncertainly between her and the empty glass. “A-Are you done, miss?” he asked.

“Bring me another one, waiter,” Amethyst said. “And bring me the stuffed peppers.”

The waiter raised an eyebrow. He spoke careful but guardedly. “You’ve already had three eggnogs tonight. Are you sure you want another?”

“Yes! Now bring me the eggnog, and the stuffed peppers. At least I’ll be eating with it.”

The waiter nodded and hurriedly left. He came back moments later with another glass of eggnog and hurriedly left again in the direction of the kitchens, leaving Amethyst alone to sit and think.

Amethyst was at a small restaurant on the outside of Ponyville’s main square. Outside, she could see snow gently falling and covering the ground with a layer of soft white fluff. The air outside was chilly and a small gust blew in every time the door was open. Outside, the Hearth’s Warming Eve tree was being placed in the square and being decorated, with a purple alicorn mare standing outside and watching over the scene.

Twilight Sparkle… Amethyst found herself hating the alicorn, a remarkable irony considering she was the Princess of Friendship. Before she had ever been in Ponyville, Amethyst was the one who organized the major events. She was the main party planner (Pinkie provided the party; Amethyst brought order), she was the leader of Winter Wrap-Up, she even was the head of Ponyville’s Public Relations Department for Mayor Mare; if anyone had a problem, they went to her.

But ever since Twilight had come into town, Amethyst was almost forgotten. She kept her spot as the head of Public Relations, but Twilight’s ascension to Princess left Amethyst mostly relegated to paperwork or reading over query letters to other departments, a simple clerk. A minute piece of what she once was.

Amethyst was served her peppers and eggnog. She drank down the eggnog in five large gulps, wolfed down the peppers, and left the restaurant after quickly paying.

Amethyst walked through town and past the large Hearth’s Warming Eve pine with ornaments and tinsel and lights being hung up in the early days of the winter season. It was cold and a chill ran through Amethyst and she wrapped her scarf around her an extra time.

As she was walking by the Hearth’s Warming pine, Twilight came down after directing a squad of pegasi hanging tinsel around the top. Twilight settled down a short ways away from Amethyst, and on her way to look at another part of the pine, looked and saw Amethyst walking in her direction.

“Hey, Amethyst!” Twilight called, waving at her. “How are you?”

“Oh, fine,” Amethyst spat. “Just finished some stuffed peppers and eggnog and was heading home to relax with a book. Fun…” she deadpanned.

“Oh, that sounds fun!” Twilight clapped her hooves joyfully. “I’d love to do that myself, but I’m so busy with all this preparation for the Hearth’s Warming celebrations.”

“Oh, well I’m sorry you can’t,” Amethyst said sarcastically. “I’d love to be working out here, but I’m feeling a bit of a chill.”

“Yeah, it is pretty cold out here,” Twilight said calmly. “Hey, is something on your mind?”

“What? Oh, no no no.” Amethyst stepped around Twilight and continued onwards. “Nothing. You go on about your duties. I’m sure you haven’t organized any time for me.”

“Amethyst, wait!”

But the purple mare didn’t wait. It’s hard to feel mad at a mare who’s so nice, Amethyst thought. She walked out of the square, leaving huge imprints and kicking up snow as she went, just so she could stay mad at her.

* * *

Later that afternoon found Twilight at Rarity’s boutique. Having been confused by the attitude of Amethyst Star, Twilight had gone to the pony who’d been there the longest and knew the most of anypony… and was focused enough to stay on track.

They had been having tea and eating small cookies in Rarity’s main living area in front of a large fire. Rarity was bundled neatly up in a large pink robe and with slippers, while Twilight merely had on a scarf, her own jacket left at the door.

“So, how well do you know Amethyst Star?” Twilight asked.

Rarity mused over it for a while. “Well, I don’t personally know her,” she said. “She came in here once and commissioned for me a rather lovely-designed pendant with an amethyst gemstone in it.”

“And, what was she like to work with?”

“Oh, an absolute charm.” Rarity sipped her tea. “Very punctual, very organized, but rather understanding. She came in to look at the pendant as a work-in-progress numerous times, and every time seemed pleased and grateful at how it was coming along.”

Twilight thought about it over a sip of her own tea.

“Come to think of it,” Rarity added, “she’s rather like you. Well organized, love of books, common pony we go to when we have our problems. I’m surprised you’re not friends.”

“Well, I admit I have had a few shortcomings in my friendships,” Twilight said sheepishly, “given I’ve been spending so much time with you and the other Elements.”

“Well, that’s quite understandable,” Rarity said, putting a hoof to Twilight’s shoulder comfortingly. “We’ve been thrust together in many adventures, and sometimes it’s a little difficult when life throws so many things at you.”

Twilight smiled at Rarity. “Well, then maybe you can still help me.”

“Well, I’ll do what I can, dear.” Rarity winked.

Twilight smiled. “Well, I was in the square today supervising the setup of the Hearth’s Warming pine, when Amethyst came by. I tried talking to her, but she seemed rather standoffish and angry. I was going to ask her why, but she walked away.”

Rarity squinted her eyes and gave off a “hmm”. “…well, I think I see what’s the matter.”

“You do?”

“Yes. You see, before you came here, Amethyst was normally in charge of things. I bet that she sees you in most of the positions she was in before, and envies you.”

“Oh. I… it’s hard work. I’m organized, but it’s not my talent. And it is really stressful with all these being placed on me since becoming a princess.”

“Then go and tell her that,” Rarity said, making a sort of pushing motion with her hooves. “Let her know you wish you could have her talent for it. Maybe even invite her to help you, show her how she would do it.”

Twilight smiled. “That’s an excellent idea!” she said. “Oh, thank you so much, Rarity. And I think I have just the way to go about that…”

* * *

A few evenings later, Amethyst was sitting around with family; her little sister Dinky was coloring with some of her cousins, and Amethyst was talking to some of her own cousins that she hadn’t seen for some time. Dinner had been served and eaten, hot chocolate was available in rather large quantities on the stovetop, and a fire was in the fireplace as a light frost painted the edges of the windows.

It was dark and cold outside, moreso than normal, so Amethyst was surprised when a knock came at the door. She politely excused herself and went over to the door to open it, determined that no one should have to be outside in such weather.

She was even more surprised to see the pony standing outside was none other than Twilight Sparkle.

“What are you doing here?” she quickly spat into the cold.

“Do you mind if I come in?” Twilight asked. “I need to talk to you about something.”

Amethyst opened up the door a little more and moved out of the way as Twilight jumped inside. She quickly closed the door as Twilight shivered; she wore nothing but a scarf.

“It’s freezing outside!” Amethyst said. “Are you crazy?”

“Perhaps.” Twilight dusted some snow off a box neatly wrapped in brown paper. “But I wanted to talk to you before too long.”

Amethyst didn’t know what to do or say about that, exactly. “You want to have a cup of hot chocolate?” she asked by way of conversation.

Twilight shivered again. “I… that would be nice.”

Amethyst led Twilight into the kitchen and poured them both a cup of hot chocolate. They sat at the table, Twilight blowing a little steam off her cup before sipping it. Twilight placed the box on the table next to her though mentioned nothing about it.

“You have family over?” Twilight said, motioning to the main living room.

Amethyst nodded. “Family came over from Las Pegasus about two days ago. They’re here throughout the Hearth’s Warming season.”

Twilight nodded. “I’m really sorry. I’ll make this quick.” Twilight gulped and looked Amethyst directly in the eye. “What were you angry about when I saw you in the square?”

Amethyst looked at Twilight in surprise. “Why do you ask?”

“Because… it seemed like you were angry. It’s my job as the Princess of Friendship to help other ponies get along with each other.”

Amethyst sighed and rolled her eyes. “It wasn’t much. It’s just that I’ve had a lot on my mind recently.”

“Uh… if you don’t mind me asking, there was a line that bothered me when you said it.”

“What do you mean?”

“You said – and I quote – ‘I’m sure you haven’t organized any time for me’. You sounded like you weren’t just mad, but mad at me.”

Amethyst figured it would have come up eventually. “Alright, I admit, I was mad at you. Happy?”

“Not really. I went and talked with Rarity earlier this week, and she said you were mad at me because I do a lot of the things that you used to do around here. Is that true?”

Amethyst nodded. “At least you did your research and went right to the point. Would have expected nothing less.”

“…I’m not sure I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

“Alright, alright!” Amethyst nearly shouted. “Yes, I’m mad at you. Yes, I’m mad because before you came here, I was the one who was the big organizer for all these things. I used to be the one everypony went to, but ever since you came here, I’ve just been relegated to Ponyville Public Relations… and frankly, since you’re doing all the work there, too, I’m nothing lately but a clerk doing paperwork.”

Twilight leaned back in her chair a bit and flinched. “Well, um, I’m really sorry about that. Really. I had no idea I was stepping on your position like that.”

“Oh, big deal! Ponies always say they’re sorry, but how often do they really mean it? I mean, what can you do about all this, huh?”

“Well, I can’t change the past. But, I did want to talk about more than that.”

Amethyst put her chin on a hoof and glared at Twilight from across the table. “Do tell.”

“Well, I wanted to say I’m impressed. When I first arrived here, and even for the first few months, you were really competent at organizing everything around Ponyville. Meanwhile…”

Amethyst watched as Twilight pointed to below her eyes. They were surprisingly baggy, puffy, and a slightly darker purple than before.

“…sometimes I don’t like the load I’m given. I overschedule. I overwork myself and barely get any sleep at night thinking about what I’ll have to do. Especially with being a princess and everything now.”

Amethyst’s glare softened and turned to one of surprise.

“I envy you, really,” Twilight continued. “I mean, you were able to get so much done around here without breaking a sweat. I kind of wish I wasn’t doing it alone sometimes, because it can get really hard and a lot of pressure comes on me with so many ponies depending on me for so many things.”

It was at this moment Twilight pushed the box over to in front of Amethyst.

“Open it. Consider it an early Hearth’s Warming gift.”

Amethyst gently brought out a butter knife and sliced open the packaging. She tore off the paper to find a box, and used the knife again to open the box. Upon looking inside, she noticed a vest made of brown, green, and blue leather.

“Wait a minute…” Amethyst trailed off for a moment. She used her magic and pulled the vest out and looked at it. “…isn’t this the outfit we gave you for being the all-team organizer?”

Twilight nodded. “My first Winter Wrap-Up in Ponyville,” she said fondly. “I want you to have it.”

“But why?”

“Because you should be the one in charge of that,” Twilight said. “There are things that I took over from you, and I want you to have them back.”

“What are you saying?”

“I want help. Specifically, I want your help. Perhaps… do you think… you could be something of an assistant? Helping me out with things around Ponyville? I can handle any royal business, but if you were to take back your position and help me out with planning and organizing things around Ponyville, I’d really appreciate that.”

Amethyst found herself even more shocked, but soon found herself smiling and crying. “You… you really mean that?”

Twilight nodded slowly and smiled at her.

Amethyst nearly tackled Twilight from how hard she hugged her. “You’re forgiven,” she said.

Twilight giggled. “Well, it’s glad to know that it was well-received. I’ll send a letter to let Princess Celestia know.”

“Well, that’s amazing! Really, it is. I promise. So… is there anything else?”

“I want to be your friend, too. I heard you liked books and were organized and punctual, and wondered if every once in a while you wanted to stop in for tea and we could talk over books.”

A wide grin broke out on Amethyst’s face. “I’d be glad to, Twilight. But, how about we start now? Want to join us for a few games before you go?”

Twilight smiled happily back. “I’d be glad to.”

Comments ( 8 )

But Amethyst was the one responsible for winter being late in Ponyville for at least 3 years in a row... :rainbowhuh:

...yeah, forgot about that. Still, mention is made of her being the primary organizer for a while and the one they used to depend on.

I like this. It fuels my secret Ametwyst ship.

Woop woop.

a vest made of brown, green, and blue leather.


A good Slice of Life story.

Also, she was head of the Animal Team before Twilight stepped up. (Not Fluttershy, as some would expect.) I don't know that there was anypony keeping everypony organized.

Some questions are best left unanswered.

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