• Published 11th Oct 2016
  • 1,432 Views, 96 Comments

The Guild of Equestrian Railwaymen: Dual bands of steel through the hills - bucking bronco 1968

Railway life is dangerous, busy, and stressful, and the machines used on it are unforgiving and deserve respect. But when a railway's employees, and especially the owners, lose that respect, death and disaster can almost be guaranteed.

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Chapter 8: Sour homecoming

The next few days passed in a crawling blur, well, for me at least. While Coal Dust spent the time catching up with two of his childhood friends, I spent my days thinking about what my next move should be.

With my head finally somewhat wrapped around the idea that I was some sort of fugitive for, well something, I came to realize after about a day and a half that the only course of action I had, was to wait and see what Princess Twilight could dig up, and hope it didn’t end with a platoon of guards dragging me off to Faust knows where.

I spent most of my days hanging around the small Ponyville railyard. It was nothing compared to Tall Tale yard, sporting only a single, small, six engine roundhouse, a small eight siding yard area, and an even smaller “dispatch” area which tripled as the station and yard signal box. I spent much of the time walking the yard limits, chatting with off duty engine crews or the few maintenance crew members, talking with the yardmaster.

It was nice talking with the Ponyville railway workers. Much as Dusted Quartz and Iron Sides had said, I had friends in the other railway workers of the nation even if I had never met them, and they weren’t so easily swayed by the words in the papers written by ponies that didn’t understand the basics of the lives we lived.

Or, I’d simply just sit by the trackside and watch as the small 2-4-2’s, 4-4-0, 0-6-0’s, and the only other 2-4-0 I’d ever seen go about their work on the small local line, much like I had as a young Tall Tale railroad brat. This was the exact thing I was doing on my fourth day in Ponyville. I was sitting under a tree close to the roundhouse, and watched as one of the line’s 0-6-0 saddle tank was steamed up for a quick run down the local tracks to pick up loaded boxcars.

I sighed as I listened to the slowly building steam start to flow through the small engine’s pipes, when I heard a voice, “You are a surprisingly hard pony to find FIre Stoker.” I looked over just in time to see Princess Twilight sitting down next to me.

“Afternoon Princess.” I said with a nod. “Please Fire Stoker, just call me Twilight. I’m still not a fan of my new title.” Twilight said as she made herself comfortable on the grass next to me. “It took me awhile to track you down. I ended up having to ask your friend Coal Dust, after I tracked him down.”

I had to chuckle at that, “Yeah, Dusty has been running around with his old buddies for the last few days. I’m surprised you were able to find him.” Twilight laughed, “It wasn’t easy, that’s for sure. But he was able to tell me that you’d be here. He said something about, not being able to stay away?” I gave a small smile, “Not being able to stay away from the railroad, that’s what he meant at least.”

“Why’s that? If you don’t mind me asking. I would have expected you to be with Coal Dust.” My small smile grew slightly, “It’s hard to explain, and harder to truly understand. But it has to do with where I’m from. Before the railroad was started, Tall Tale was just a small little lumber town in the mountains. My grandfather grew up back then, and he told me that there wasn’t really very much to the town. There was maybe forty families in total, and it was a tight knit community. Then railroads around the country started popping up, and a couple ponies decided to build part of the railway that’s up there now. The town grew quick, and know it’s the size that it is today. But we stayed as close and tight knit as we had been when we were just the small little logging town. Not a big surprise, almost the entire town was employed by the railroad when it was at its height. Me, I’m a fourth generation Tall Tale colt, and a second generation railroad brat. Since it had been built, my family has worked on the railroad. My life has been centered around it since the day I was born. My grandfather is still considered the best engineer the line has ever seen, and my Dad filled his shoes pretty well. Me, I’m on the same track if what all my friends say is true. But that’s not why I love the railroad so much, it’s just a by product. No, to me, life just becomes simple when I’m in an engine cab. Sure, there’s the possibility that we could end up dead at the bottom of a mountain on a daily basis, but that just doesn’t come to my mind. When I’m in the driver’s seat, the world is just easier to understand. Sitting here, I’m a stallion in hiding, with ponies trying to track me down and throw me in jail for something that wasn’t my fault. But when I’m in an engine cab, I feel like I did when I was riding around with my Dad on runs. When I’m in the cab, I’m just a colt with a train, and the only thing I have to worry about is where the rails are taking me. And I’m not the only one from Tall Tale that feels like that.”

I glanced back and looked at my cutie mark, an open fire box door with fire burning bright inside. Twilight followed my eyes and saw the cutie mark for herself, “There aren’t many ponies in Tall Tale that don’t have cutie marks that relate to the railway. Most of us are second or third generation railway ponies, and we all hold the railway near and dear to us. To us it’s more than just a job, it’s a way of life. It’s not an easy way of life, and it won’t make us rich anytime soon, but it’s one that we couldn’t think about leaving.”

I then turned back to watching the 0-6-0, “Well, at least that’s what it used to be like. It’s become harder to not consider moving on to a different career.” “Why’s that?” Twilight asked. I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was actually interested in what I had to say.

It felt kinda weird being such an average pony and having one of the princesses so interested in basically the backstory of my life.

“There’s been a loss of respect for the railways, at least by the big decision makers.” Twilight cocked her head, “Loss of respect? How do you mean?” I looked over at her, “Well, railways demand respect from those who work on them. We run machines that weigh thousands of pounds, are scalding hot, and are basically rolling bombs. You have to treat them right, or they won’t treat you right. The ponies in Canterlot that run our railways now don’t see it that way. As my Grandfather and my Dad always told me, ‘Treat your engine right, and she’ll serve you without a gripe. Treat her wrong, and in no time you’ll be gone.’ That’s something we all try to live by in the Smokey’s, among other sayings, but Canterlot doesn't seem to see it like that.”

Twilight didn’t say anything as she thought about what I had just told her. “That actually makes a lot of sense. I don’t know much about the operation of steam locomotives, but I have read up a bit on their construction since they’ve started to move into Ponyville heavily. They do seem to be the kind of machines that take only a small miscalculation to destroy.” She said after a few moments. She then turned to look at me again, “You’re Father and Grandfather sound like very smart ponies. I’d love to talk with them sometime.”

I couldn’t help myself from hanging my head again, “I would too.” I could feel the quizzical look Twilight gave me, “What do you mean?” I sighed, “They’re both gone. My Grandfather disappeared almost twenty years ago when I was 8. We don’t know what happened to him, he was just gone one day without a trace. My dad, he, died when I was thirteen. There was a train that stalled on one of the grades, and a mix up with the signals due to fog. He ran right into the back of it, and gave his life to save his fire pony.” I didn’t say anymore, and just kept staring at the ground in front of me. Even after fourteen years, it was still hard for me to bring up my father’s passing.

I then felt Twilight put a hoof on my shoulder, “I’m so sorry to hear that Fire Stoker.” I chuckled a little, trying to take the sadness out of the air, “Look at me. Telling a princess, basically me life story, as if she’s my psychiatrist.” I looked over to see Twilight smile softly, “Well, Princess Celestia always did her best to listen to the problems of ponies in her staff and those that came into her court, and try to comfort them when I was younger. She used to say that one of her roles as a Princess was to be supportive of her ponies who had seen loss.”

I cracked a small smile, “I like the sound of that. Thank you, Twilight.” Twilight smiled and nodded, before she perked up, “Oh, I originally came looking to you to tell you what I’ve been able to find out. Celestia wasn’t able to find any information about a guard platoon being dispatched to Tall Tale. She even spoke with the commanding officer of the reserve base out there and he had gotten no order to go looking for you, nor did the local police. But both were able to confirm the fact that guards are patrolling both Tall Tale and Vanhoover looking for both you and Coal Dust to a lesser degree. She sent out a group of her personal guards to try and figure out who sent them out to Tall Tale. But when they got there today, they couldn’t find a single guard. So by the looks of things, you appear to be in the clear to go home. Myself and Celestia are still going to try and find out why guards were deployed in the first place.”

That was the best news that I had heard all week. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear that.” I said as a massive smile came across my muzzle.

Twilight chuckled, “After what you just told me, I do in a way.” I was about to say something else, but I was interrupted by another voice, “Mom!” Twilight and I both turned to see a black and indigo alicorn galloping over to us with a scroll held in her indigo magic. It took a minute but I realized as she grew closer that she had been one of the other fillies with Applebloom watching me pull into the yard those few days ago. As she got over to us and stopped to catch her breath, Twilight spoke, “What’s the problem Nyx?”

The black alicorn finally caught her breath, “This letter just came in from Celestia. Spike said it was important.” Twilight smiled, “Well thank you for getting it over to me in a hurry. But why didn’t you just fly over?” Nyx grinned sheepishly, “My wings are still sore from my training with Scootaloo yesterday.” Twilight chuckled, “Well thank you again. You can head back to whatever you were doing.” Nyx smiled before she turned and trotted off back in the direction of the Crystal Palace.

"I didn't know you had a daughter." I said casually as Nyx trotted away. Twilight smiled as she looked off at the retreating alicorn, "That's alright, you wouldn't have known to ask. Though, she technically is adopted." I was surprised to hear that, "Really? What brought you around to that decision? Was it because she was an alicorn?" Twilight laughed, "In a way." was all she said.

I returned my attention to the letter Nyx had brought, “So, what’s the letter say?” I asked as Twilight opened it and scanned it over. After she finished, she looked over at me and smiled, “Well, it looks like you are all set to go home. The plain clothed guards saw the Royal Guard Platoon boarding a train bound for Hoovington this morning. It seems everything has gotten cleared up.”

I beamed, “That perfect. As much as I love this place, I really miss Tall Tale. As Applejack would probably say, it’s hard to stay away from my roots.” Twilight chuckled as I stood up, “That is something she would say.” I smiled back down at her and chuckled along, “Thank you for everything Twilight, it means a lot to me. Sorry to just run out of town, but I really want to go home.”

Twilight nodded as she stood up too, “It’s no trouble at all Fire Stoker, I’m just happy I could help you out.” She reached over and gave me a quick hug, “I hope you have a good trip home Fire Stoker. And stay safe when you get back home.” I laughed as she let me go, “I’ll do my best Twilight, but that’s easier said than done back where I’m from. But, if I’ve gotten this far with all my limbs, I should be alright.”

Twilight surprisingly laughed at the somewhat dark joke, “I’ll take your word for it, It was nice meeting you.” “Same to you Twilight. I’m sure our paths will cross again, hopefully without the guard tailing me next time.” We both laughed, and waved as I walked off to track down Coal Dust.

It took a little while, but I finally found him, Mac, and Ratchet paling around in town. “Oh look who finally was able to pull himself away from the railyard. What’s goin’ on Stokes?” Dusty asked. I smiled as I joined the group, “Oh nothin’ much, just getting some good news from Princess Twilight.” “Oh, and what might that be?” Ratchet asked.

I smiled at the others, mostly at Dusty though, “Those guards over in Tall Tale finally turned tail and left town. We can go home.” Dusty smiled, “Sweet!” He then turned to his two buddies, “Don’t take this the wrong way guys, I’ve loved having the chance to catch up with the pair of you. But I miss home. I may have grown up back here, but Tall Tale is my home, and so is the railway. Stokes is much worse than I am.” “Hey.” “But I can only stay out of the cab of an engine for so long.”

Mac and Ratchet laughed, but Mac spoke for the both of them, “Ah can understan’ that Dust. Been good seein’ y’ah again though.” Ratchet nodded in agreement, “So, you skippin town right now?” Dusty looked over to me, “I’m ready to split when you are.” Dusty turned back to the others, “Yeah looks like it. Tell AJ and the rest of the clan that I said goodbye will’ya Mac?” Mac nodded again, “Can do.” Dusty smiled and shared a quick hoof shake with Mac and Ratchet, “Like I said guys, it’s been real good catching up. I’ll try to make it back sometime soon. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do while I’m gone.”

He then winked at Ratchet, “That goes double for you with AJ.” Ratchet laughed while Mac shot him a death glare, “Oh calm down Mac, you know I’m just screwing around. You’re gonna have to let her go at some point.” The three of us laughed as Mac mumbled under his breath, before Dusty turned to me, “Well, you ready to rock.” I smiled, “More than ready.”

We both turned to head towards the railyard, with Mac and Ratchet turning back in the direction of the farm. We walked over to the railway station to talk with the yardmaster to find out when the next train out west was due to head out. “Afternoon Punch.’ I said as we walked into the office. Ticket Punch, the yardmaster of Ponyville looked up from his work and smiled at us, “Afternoon boys, what can I do for you?”

“We were curious when you next train out west was leaving,” Punch looked back down at his timetables, “Well, the next passenger train we have heading that was is bound for Appaloosa, but that won’t be leaving until tomorrow evening. However, we do have a short freight heading over to Applewood in just a couple minutes. I’m sure Road Switch won’t mind you two tagging along in the caboose.” Me and Dusty smiled, that was good enough for us, “That’ll be fine. Thanks Ticket Punch, if you’re ever out in Tall Tale, come find us.”

Punch laughed, “Don’t know when that’ll ever happen, but I’ll keep it in mind. Have a safe trip home boys.” “Thanks Punch!” Me and Dusty said as we walked out of his office and beelined for the yard. We found the train still getting organized over in the yard, so I left Dusty reserving our seats in the caboose as I walked over to the roundhouse. Since we had come in, 9413 and 9414 had been taking up two of the six bays, even if they didn’t fit.

I walked up to the exposed front of 9414, ever since the record breaking run, I had earned a much larger respect for not only 9414, but Steam Punk and his team for having created such a beast of a machine. Even though she had been basically created from 9366, having never driven one of her class, I just didn’t understand why the passenger roster crews had been as angry as they were when the class had been banned from use, but now, I understood clearly. I set a hoof on her coupler, “Thanks for being good to me on the ride over girl. It’s sad to have to leave you here, knowing you won’t run on Tall Tale metals again, but it’s good to see you getting a second chance at life. Be good for those Manehatten ponies, ya hear?”

The big engine’s metal seemed to settle with a creak, almost like it was saying ”Do I really have to?” “Hey, don’t give me any of that. They may not be the engineers you’re used to, but with Iron Sides around, I know they’ll treat you right. Just be good from them please.” 9414 creaked again, giving a quick ”Fine”. I smiled and patted her coupler, “Thanks girl.” I then looked over at 9413, “That goes for you two.” She creaked, ”Yes sir.”. I nodded, “Thanks again girls. I’ll come track you down in Manehatten some time, and show those steam colts how we run in the Smokey’s.” With that I turned away and started walking back to the yard proper.

I knew that if somepony had walked up, they probably would have thought I was crazy. I was, in a way, but I’ve always felt that you had to be crazy in one way or another to run the rails of Tall Tale. We all talked to our engines up there, and I’m sure any normal pony would try and ship us all off to a mental hospital. The thought just made me laugh, maybe they should just open one up in Tall Tale, they’d get plenty of business.

By the time I made it back to the yard proper, I saw the railway’s 4-4-0 backing down onto the small assembled freight train. “Come one Stokes! I’m not holding the door for you!” Coal Dust called from the back of the caboose. I rolled my eyes as I made my way over to the caboose, before pulling myself up onto the back of the caboose just as the train jerked into motion. “Almost missed your ride Stokes.” Road Switch said with a chuckle from his seat up in the caboose’s dog house. Both me and Dusty laughed, he had a bit of a point.

As we slowly rolled past the Ponyville station, we saw Ticket Punch come out of his office and run towards the passing caboose. Seeing this, I quickly opened the door and stepped back out onto the walkway at the back of the caboose. As the caboose rolled closer to the rushing stallion, I called out to him, “What’s the rush Punch!”

The other stallion came to a stop on the platform two cars ahead of the caboose, before he held up a piece of paper that he had in his magic and calling back “Telegram for you and Dusty just came through!” As I was brought closer and closer to the unicorn by the accelerating train, I reached my hoof out and grabbed the telegram out of his magic as I had done dozens of times before when running through Tall Tale non-stop with a freight to Hoofington.

As I was dragged away by the train, Ticket Punch waved with a smile on his face, “So long tough guy!” I nearly fell off the walk laughing, “That doesn’t even make sense!” “Watch a movie sometime!” Ticket Punch yelled one final time before I was too far away to hear him over the sound of the locomotive at the head end as it picked up speed.

“What did Punch want?” Dusty asked as I re-entered the caboose. I held up the piece of paper, “Telegram for us came through last minute. It’s probably just Files telling us the same thing Princess Twilight did about the guards leaving Tall Tale.” “I was wondering if that was the case. Or if the two of you had got found out and were running to a new town to lay low in for awhile.”

Road Switch said with a laugh from above. “Ha ha very fun Switch, very funny.” “Hey, I thought it was funny.” “Well open it up and let’s get it over with. Might as well see what he had to say.”

I nodded and opened up the folded piece of paper, “Let’s see here. Stoke, Dusty. I’ve got great news, the guards left Tall Tale. I think they finally figured out that they got something wrong. I’m sure the second you hear this you’ll jump the next train heading West. Just wanted to help you out, I wanted to let you know that a freight train will be heading out to Appaloosa tomorrow morning. It’s supposed to be a quick round trip, so if you two can make it out there in time I’m sure Blastpipe and Ash Pan would love to see the two of you again, and hoof the controls over. That’s right Coal, Ash is going back to work. His ribs, head, and leg are still healing, but the hospital cleared his concussion. Don’t know how he talked himself back into an engine cab, but you pulled it off so maybe it runs in the family. Crankshaft is happy he’s back though, case he finally took Blastpipe off his hoofplate. He keeps asking why he always gets stuck with Blast as a replacement firepony. Either way, see you boys when you get home.

Just as I had first guessed, Files was just telling us about the guards leaving Tall Tale, but I was surprised to hear that Ash Pan was already back in an engine cab, considering the injuries he had received in the wreck. I wasn’t the only one surprised either, “Wait what? Ash is already back driving? We’ve barely been gone a week and they already cleared him?” Coal asked in confusion.

I shrugged, “This is Ash we’re talking about, he could talk his way into the Royal Guards and get promoted on the first day.” Coal shrugged, “Yeah you’re right. Still, it’ll be nice to see big bro again.” I shot Dusty a sideways look, “Since the hell when do you call Ash big bro?” Coal shrugged, “Since I nearly killed him.” “And I thought I had a weird family dynamic.” Switch said from above. The three of us laughed.

That set the tone for the rest of the run, as the three of us shot the shit for the rest of the 17 hour journey to Applewood. I was kinda surprised that Ponyville would have a crew run for 17 hours straight, but considering we had done it just a few days earlier, it wasn’t too shocking. As the Ponyville crew switched with an Applewood one tasked with shunting the train, Coal Dust and I made our way over to the office to ask if they had any trains heading out to Appaloosa.

It turned out they did, but it was literally leaving right then. Dusty and I didn’t waste any time as we ran into the yard, quickly seeing the train that was slowly beginning to leave the yard. We ran over to it as fast as we could, and found a conveniently open box car coming towards us. Having jumped trains a number of times before, we were easily able to match our speed with the accelerating train’s, and swing ourselves up into the moving car.

The ride over to Appaloosa was longer than it had been when we ran it, but then again the 4-6-2 we were behind was doing 50 mph at best most of the trip. As we watched the sun come up from our spot in the boxcar, bot me and Dusty nodded off, sleeping through the entire ride. We were woken up by a pair of Appaloosa yard workers, who would have been a lot angrier about us jumping trains if they hadn’t recognized who we were.

Even though we had just taken a two hour nap Dusty and I were still tried, so we quickly made our way over to the bunks to crash. We both came too early that night, feeling well rested and ready to finally go back to work again. Coal and I had both agreed on the ride over to Applewood that this was the longest vacation we had taken in years, and we were ready to see it finally come to an end.

After taking a minute to get a small cup of coffee, Dusty and I made our way over to the small Appaloosa dispatch office to find out when the hell Blast and Ash were gonna be coming in. Turned out they still weren’t gonna be in until 8 o’clock that night. So, with nothing better to do for two hours, we decided to get our hooves dirty the old fashioned way and went to lend a hoof at the maintenance shed.

After a couple of hours of greasing bearings, replacing brake shoes, cleaning out smoke boxes, and retubing boilers, the 2-10-2 Blastpipe and Ash Pan were in charge of rolled into Appaloosa. As we saw the beast come to a stop, we left the other shop ponies to their work and walked over to the idle engine.

“Hey guys!” I yelled up to the cab as we grew closer. Two heads popped over the side of the engine cab, “Stokes, Dusty!” They both yelled happily as they jumped down from the cab and tackle hugged us. Dusty laughed as Ash Pan got up and ruffled his mane, “Ha, good to see you again big bro.”

Ash Pan laughed as he pulled Coal into a headlock, meanwhile Blastpipe looked over at the brothers, “Since the hell when did he start calling you big bro?” He asked as he helped me up. Ash Pan laughed as he noogied Coal’s mane, “Every since he thinks he nearly killed me. Doesn’t bother me much, means I get to screw with him more.”

He said with a chuckled as he pressed his hoof down harder. “Ok Ash, enough. Enough!” Ash Pan laughed as he finally let Coal Dust go, “Alright alright I stopped.” He then brushed his hoof off on his denims, “Faust, you got enough soot and grease in your hair? What did you not shower for a week, again?” “One time! One damn time and I never hear the end of it!”

I couldn’t help but chuckle, “No, he actually cleaned himself for once. We’ve actually been helping out the shop ponies over here for the last few hours waiting for you two to show up.” Blast and Ash laughed, “Why am I not surprised. You two still can’t stay away from the railway. Especially you Stokes, how’d you survive?” Blast said with a laugh. Coal Dust himself laughed, “He didn’t! He spent almost the entire time we were in Ponyville hangout at their railyard!”

The others laughed, I just shrugged. They knew I had a hard time staying away from the railroad, so I didn’t really see why this joke was still funny. “I think Fire Stoker is an addict! Time to ship him off to rehab!” That one was actually funny, so I laughed a little bit.

“Alright you three, enough taking the mickey out of me.” They stopped laughing, well Blast and Ash did, I had to smack Dusty to finally shut him up. “Alright, in all seriousness, you two still got enough left in you for the return journey back to Tall Tale?” Ash asked. “Yeah, I think we’ll be alright.”

That was when Blashpipe and Ash Pan let there faces show how tired they were, “Good, because we’re dead. The train we’re taking back is already organized and ready to leave. Everything you need to know is on the second set of papers on the clip board next to your seat Stokes. We’ll see you when we get home.” The two then started walking off towards the yard. “Where the hell are you two going?” Dusty called. “To the train. We know where it is and we’re gonna go get some sleep in the caboose. See ya!” Blast called back as they kept walking.

I turned to Coal, “Well, you ready to go back to work properly?” Dusty stretched a bit, “I guess. Even if hoof firing a hungry freight engine isn’t exactly what I feel like doing for 18 hours.” “Oh like you don’t enjoy it. If you didn’t, you would have put in to become an engineer by now.” Coal smiled at me, “And deprive you of my lovable personality, never.”

I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, right, that’s why. Tell you what, if you fire to Mustangia, I’ll fire the rest of the way to Tall Tale.” Dusty waved a hoof as he walked over to the 2-10-2’s cab ladder, “Nah. By then if I don’t keep moving, I won’t be able to get out of the seat when we get to the yard.” I shrugged as I walked after him, “Have it your way.” With that, we pulled ourselves into the engine, #6059, and set to work.

It had been a long time since I had touched one of the “big six’s” as the shop crews liked to call them, as the railway only had 15 of them. Though, that might have changed since I had left because I distinctly remembered three of them being on the verge of boiler failure when we left, and knowing how busy the back shops were, they probably wouldn’t have the time to get them done for awhile.

It only took a minute to get situated and ready to roll, and once the yard crew had uncoupled us from the train, we moved off to get turned around and ready to collect our return train. Five minutes later, we were turned, refueled, and coupled up to the return train. With confirmation that Blastpipe and Ash Pan were indeed in the caboose, and already sound asleep. With everything set and ready, I reached forward, grabbed the regulator, and cracked it open.

The feeling of steam rushing into the cylinders of an engine under my hooves that I’d desperately been missing filled me as my “big six” pulled the slack out of her train, and started to pull me back home.

I won’t bore you with the return journey, as it was pretty stock standard, compared to the journey we had taken the first time we ran the line. But I will say I was able to get the big freight hauler to hit 90 mph, so it wasn’t too boring of a run. But, with all that said, I couldn’t help but let out a happy sigh as the sign for the Tall Tale yard limit came into view around the edge of #6059’s boiler.

“We’re almost home Dusty.” I said with a yawn as I slowed the engine down to the 30mph local limit before the yard. “Thank Faust.” Dusty said with a grunt as he threw another big shovel full of coal into the fire box, “I really wish they would clean these things out right. It makes them such a pain in the ass to fire” I let out a sleepy laugh as I pulled back on the brakes, “I’ll take your complaint up with Blowtorch.”

Dusty grumbled as he leaned back against the cab wall, “Like that will do anything anymore, he doesn’t have control over the shops like he used to.” I mumbled a tired agreement as we came across the beginnings of the yard.

As I slowly pulled the “big six” in, I saw a crowd of ponies standing by the tracks, “Dusty, I think we’ve got a welcoming committee.” Coal Dust got up and came over to my side of the cab, to see what looked like the entire workforce of the railway waiting to greet us as we pulled in. “Blast and Ash must have phoned ahead.” Dusty said as I brought the train.

Literally everpony was there, even Reefer was there, dressed up in this destroyed denims. “Welcome back boys!” He yelled as #6059 came to a stop. Everypony else cheered, it felt like we were celebrities or something.

“Well, you know what they say Stokes, it’s good to be home.” Dusty said as he patted me on the back. “You got that right Dusty.” I said with a happy sigh.

We were finally home, and could get on with our lives.

That’s at least what I thought.

Just as me and Dusty went to step onto the ladder of the cab and climb down, the doors on the boxcars of the train parked to our left were flung open.

Turns out the guards hadn’t left after all, and the first we knew of it was when I found my face slammed to the grimmy floor of #6059’s cab, as Dusty was forced out. “You’re under arrest for first degree murder, evading arrest, and interruption of a guard investigation!”

The pony on my back hollered as I was forced into a full set of hoofcuffs. I was so tired and caught off guard that I didn’t know what to say, or even think. The massive assembly of railponies tried to come to my rescue, but were forced back by the spears of the other guards.

Despite this, Blowtorch, Dusty, Reefer, and even Red Hot tried to fight there way to me, but ended up being stopped by the guards all the same. “Stokes!” Coal yelled to me as he struggled with two earth pony guards on the ground.

“Dusty! You gotta tell somepnoy! You gotta tell Twi….” The rest of my sentence was cut out as one of the guards holding me down hit me in the back of the head with the end of his spear, knocking me out cold.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I'm back!! So college has been kicking my butt, yet I've still been finding time to slowly get this chapter done, and I'm happy to finally get it out to all of you. With only one week left in the semester, I'm hoping to get the next chapter out for this story before I go back to school in January, so keep your eyes open for that. I don't really have much to say here, as it's 1:15 a.m. right now at the time of posting, and I've been up since 6 a.m. this morning. So before I go into sleepy ramblings, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, I can't wait to see your comments, and I'll see you in the next one. Mason, is going to bed!