• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 30,528 Views, 1,879 Comments

Blank - Carrier of Heartbreak

A dying young man discovers that his life may not be what he thought it was, and the seemingly innocent TV show he watches in his hospital room may not be fictitious.

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S1E11: You Don't Know Me Pt. 1

Whatever the cushion I was sitting on was made out of, I wanted to live in it. It was the most comfortable thing I had ever felt with my ass, hands down. I just wished that it was a different color. Dark pink wasn't exactly my first choice for couch colors. Eh, couldn't really complain too much, though. It was Twilight's couch, not mine. I wouldn't appreciate somebody walking into my house, rubbing their butt all over my couch and declaring that the color was wrong. At least it was big enough for me. Most of the stuff in this world so far had been pretty small. To find something that could fit me and maybe three others was a blessing.

The only uncomfortable thing about my current situation was my surroundings. There was pretty much nothing around the couch I was in. It was painfully obvious that Twilight had only moved into the castle relatively recently. She really needed to get some more furniture to take up all this empty space. Maybe she just hadn't gotten to this room yet? No...if that was the case, then why would she have brought us in here instead of any other room? It was just kind of unnerving, like being inside of a giant ballroom but only using one table.


Oh, yeah. That whole thing about my surroundings being a bit uncomfortable? Not exclusive to the emptiness of the room we were in. I also had to put up with all of my new pony friends trying to relax around me. It was pretty futile. They were all shaken up in some way, some having different reasons than others.

Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were all still shivering, the recent image of their princess zooming past them to get me probably still etched into their eyes. Twilight had the added stress of having her mentor in her castle, looking around at the blank halls and empty walls. Rainbow was trying to keep a neutral face on, but her panicked breathing and shakes betrayed her. Fluttershy looked like she wanted to zoom to me and make sure that nothing else could harm me, but the meeting with the princess kept her rooted.

Spike stood next to his sister (mother?) figure as they talked. I had almost forgot about him. Apparently, he had fallen asleep inside of a punch bowl after drinking its contents during the party. The problem was that it had been spiked. Ha. Anyway, he had been sleeping off the ill-effects of the punch since last night.

Applejack was understandably upset about the whole thing; she had missed all of the action and was absent for my potential capture by Celestia. She had gone off to check the side of town opposite Dash, but had only been notified of the events after they had happened. She had seen Dash flying around, but couldn't run fast enough to reach us before it was over. She was currently sulking a ways off against a wall, scuffing her hoof on the ground irritably. I hated to see her beating herself up so badly over something she couldn't control. She did her best, but had just been in the wrong place at the time.

Lyra, Bon-Bon and...uh...Prime, I think, were with the others, conversing with Princess Celestia. Probably about the whole incident that had taken place with Time Warner. Prime looked absolutely devastated. I could see his trembling from where I was sitting...all the way across the room. I hadn't talked to him directly, but I heard whispers. And boy, did they make me feel like shit. Prime was Time Warner's younger brother, and had been acting as his mediator for...hell, probably years now. So I had watched a pony learn that his older brother was going to be put away for assault. Probably for the rest of his life. I could only imagine what Emily would be going through if I had been taken away from her forever.


And that thought brought me back to the form that had caused the 'Poomf' sound on the couch next to me.

"...Ryan...?" I heard Sarah ask me quietly. Her voice was still as shaky as it had been when I got hug-molested by Princess Celestia. Celestia had decided to take everybody inside to talk after she noticed many ponies in Ponyville giving Sarah the stink-eye. Time had been taken away by the guards. Luckily, he had been in his shocked state and put up no resistance. So now, that just left the worst part of the situation...the talking.

"Yes, Princess Luna?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from sounding too hostile. I wanted to let her know that she had fucked up, but I didn't want her to think I hated her. My response seemed to do what I wanted. She flinched and looked at me with teary eyes.

Nope, not looking. I knew that the second I saw her crying, I would forgive her and forget all about what she had done. Nothing would be learned. I had to do this...as much as I hated myself for it...

"Ryan...it's...it's Sarah..." she whined to me. I just nodded and kept looking straight forward. Sarah lowered her head and stared at the floor. All that could be heard now was the hushed conversation going on between the rest of the ponies, minus Applejack. I noticed AJ was watching us now with interest. Hey, personal business going on here. I lifted an eyebrow at the cowpony and she quickly averted her gaze, a blush on her face. Finally, after a minute or two, Sarah continued.

"I'm so sorry, Ryan..." she choked out. As soon as I heard this, I looked over at her blue pony form. As much as I wasn't really attracted to her real body, I still wanted to calm her down with the same forms of affection I had saved for her human self. Not right now...she needed this. Too many times, she had acted out of protective jealousy and I had let her. I guess this was the first time she had actually acted out against anybody...real...ugh, bad thoughts, go away.

"For what?" I asked, still keeping my voice soft but neutral. She needed to know for herself what was okay and what wasn't.

"At the hospital...I didn't know...I...I didn't mean to make you think that I had left you...it was just something I whispered to your storyteller to make her leave me alone...she...she used it in her story...Ryan, I would never leave you like that..." she sobbed. Oh, yeah. She was crying again. God damn my overpowered sympathy. I couldn't help but scoot a bit closer to her, just enough for our sides to touch. Instantly, I could feel her body heat. She was so warm...I missed her. I just wanted everything to go back to the way it was...with her in my arms, in our cabin, just living our lives...but I guess that was impossible, now. Sarah's gaze shot up to me, a look of relief making it that much more painful for me. I was just...wait, what?

That wasn't what I was expecting her to apologize for at all. I meant the whole turning-me-into-a-chick thing, along with threatening Twilight over something that I had done. But she...she hadn't left me, before? I mean, I guess that makes sense...she got all jealous about me kissing Twilight. I was angry because she had punished me for doing so after I thought she had left me. She thought we were still fine together, so of course she got mad. It wouldn't have been her if she didn't have a pissy fit. It made sense, but it was still not okay.

"Sarah..." I began. The look of joy on her face just raised my own spirits, regardless of whether I wanted them to or not. "That's not what I was talking about." She tilted her head at me and gave me quizzical look. Figure it out on your own, Bear.

"Erm...sorry for...um, not stopping Time Warner before he could attack you?" she guessed. That wasn't something she could have foreseen. Not her fault. I just shook my head and crossed my arms, leaning against her a bit more. Her large blue wing unfolded and wrapped around me, providing an amazingly comfortable blanket. I settled down for the stream of guesses that was probably going to take place.

"Sorry for not telling you that you weren't real?" was her next guess. Ouch, but wrong.

"Pbbrt," I raspberried at her.

"Sorry for setting off your tongue fetish?" she asked. I quickly threw a hand over her muzzle and looked around to make sure none of the other ponies had heard her. Nope, the others were still in their little chat over there, and Applejack...oh, fuck me. She was blushing and looking down, her face scrunched up adorably.

"Shh!" I hushed her, giving her a stern look. "Not out loud!" Sarah just gave me an apologetic smile and resumed her thinking. Damn it, Bear. Now I might have to worry about ponies licking me. If I was the super-celebrity I was told I was, I wouldn't doubt that some of these little cute equines had some...interesting thoughts about me at some point or another. Twilight's 'collections' were my Exhibit A. I had a sneaking suspicion that she had other 'collections' that she wasn't going to show me.

"Sorry for...going into your dreams?" she guessed again. This one made me stop and think. That honestly did sound like something that should have been bothering me. But when my entire life before that day had been a dream anyway, what did it matter? So, no, that wasn't a correct answer, either. But she was getting closer. She bit her tongue for a moment before the answer smacked her in the face.

"I'm sorry for turning you into a female!" she shouted at me, proud that she had figured it out. I stared at the, my face going pale. The room was silent now. Oh, fuck my life. I clenched my eyes shut, not wanting to meet any gazes from the ponies that were now undoubtedly staring at us. Sarah had just shouted that she had feminized me at the top of her lungs, right in front of both her sister and the new friends I had made. I expected laughter, but after a few moments, that's not what I got.

"You did what, now?!" Applejack scolded, stomping over to the couch we were sitting at. I sensed the hostility immediately and stood up to intercept the fuming mare. Twilight had been the only one I told about the whole dream-gina thing. I should have known there was going to be trouble when the others got wind of what their princess had done to me. They were probably already upset over thinking Sarah had left me at the hospital, and this new detail would just drive their tensions further. Especially for Applejack, being the advocate for honesty that she was.

Sarah flinched and tried to press herself into the couch, away from Applejack. This was the thing I was surprised about. Sarah backing down during a fight? Who is this alicorn and what did she do to my Sarah? Besides turn her into a pony? Maybe...maybe Sarah was finally understanding that what she had done was wrong? Now that she knew I thought she had broken up with me...good girl, Bear. I think you got it. Now, just have to talk to her about threatening Twilight.

"Applejack, cool it. I got this. She didn't actually leave me at the hospital," I informed her. Her mouth fell and her eyes shot open. Behind me, I could hear Fluttershy gasp. What?

"Buh-but...we saw the show..." Applejack tried to counter. I just shook my head and sighed. Yes, you watched the show. I lived the damn thing. I thought the same thing, so I couldn't blame her. I could hear a few sets of hooves walking up behind me. I wonder who? Hmm...I'm guessing Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight. I turned around to find out if I was right.

What the-?

When did Pinkie get here? Ugh, never mind...

I was kind of right. The correct answer was Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity. Twilight was surprisingly back near her mentor, giving Sarah a look of apprehension. Oh, maybe that was why. The whole 'gender-bend you in your sleep if you get close to my boyfriend' thing. She was scared of Sarah. That was the next thing on my list.

"Yeah, I was in the show. I thought so, too. But Sarah just told me that my storyteller made it so I thought that," I explained. Lyra visibly recoiled when I said that. Ooh, yeah, probably shouldn't talk about that in front of the others. Sarah might have seemingly broken up with me in the show, but since Lyra was my storyteller, she technically killed me. The others didn't seem to know that it was her, so I didn't want to spill the beans and possibly send Lyra to the gallows or something. I would have to talk to her privately about everything.

"But-" Applejack tried to continue, but I cut her off.

"AJ, seriously. I got this." She looked into my eyes for a few seconds. Was she testing my honesty or something? Rude. Finally, after a few moments, she sighed and nodded her head. Without another word, she walked over to join her friends. At least she wasn't secluding herself against the wall anymore. That shit was just depressing. I turned and sat myself down next to my girlfriend. She was still frozen, her back pressed against the amazing couch.

"That was right, Bear. A bit softer, next time, though," I chuckled to her. To be honest, I wasn't feeling much like laughing, but it was what I was used to doing in tense situations. I hated having to sit through talks like this...again, I just wanted to stick my fingers in my ears and wait until everybody cheered back up. But since I was the subject of the stress, I couldn't just hide away. Sarah looked up at me. She didn't smile, but I could tell she was relieved. Her body lost some of its stiffness and she didn't look like she was about to chew her tongue off anymore.

"I...probably shouldn't have done that...especially since...you thought..." she stuttered in her whispered voice. She looked to be on the verge of tears again as the gravity of what I had been put through fell upon her. Nope, you had your cry. No more. I quickly wrapped my arms around her and pulled her body against mine, drawing a surprised yelp from the princess. That surprise quickly became happiness as she snuggled herself into my side. Whoa, was she trying to blend our bodies together? This was some next-level snuggling, right here. Not that I was complaining. She was warm and I needed the affection. As much as I wanted to just cuddle and forget about the rest of my situation, I remembered that I still had that one issue to talk to her about.

"So...Twilight told me about the 'making sure I stayed asleep' thing," I said calmly, not wanting to freak her out too much. Fat lot of good that did. Her body froze again and she took in a deep breath. I sighed and ran my fingers through her weird water mane thing. When she realized that I wasn't scolding her, she relaxed a little and cleared her throat.

"O-oh?" she managed to say. I just rolled my eyes and blew into her ear. It flopped back and forth as she let out a few involuntary giggles. Whoa, that was super-effective. I guess pony ears were more sensitive inside than human ears. I would have to store that in my arsenal of ways to tease Sarah.

"M-hmm. Sarah, I know you like to watch out for me and all, but I don't want you threatening others over stuff like this. Twilight was just trying to help, and that threat scared her. Look, she's not even looking over here. When the others came over, she didn't," I told her. She got this adorable thoughtful expression as she took it what I was telling her.

"But...you're mine! Why should I let her get kisses from you?" she asked. She didn't sound accusatory at all; she was genuinely confused about my logic. Hm. Thousands of years old, princess alicorn. She was probably used to getting her way. Not on my watch, sweetie. Not that I was wearing a watch...

"That's not the point, Sarah. She's my friend and you scared her over something stupid. Just...calm down in the future, alright? If you have a problem, talk to me about it," I said. Sarah looked like she wanted to say something else, but the finality of my gaze made her change her mind. She nodded and gave me a weak smile, her wings wrapping around me once again.

"And no more man-ginas. My dick stays." She jumped at this before quickly nodding. Good girl. She had taken this whole conversation...a bit better than I was expecting. I thought she would have argued more about the kissing thing, or maybe she would have said that her punishment was just. Then again, I didn't know that she thought I thought that we had been together the whole time. Details like that can change the outcome of entire conversations.

To reward her for her relative maturity, I leaned to the side and gave her a quick kiss on her muzzle. She blinked and tilted her head up, staring into my eyes. For what seemed like minutes, we just stared at each other. I was once again lost in the endless depth of her teal eyes. It almost felt like I we were just floating through the cosmos together, building our own constellations. My dream was interrupted by her eyelids. They had closed halfway and she was moving slowly closer. What was she-?

Oh. She was going to kiss me.

With her pony mouth. Um...not sure about this...was this okay? I mean, it's Sarah. We had been kissing for two years now. And worse. Why would this bother me? Pony body...pony mouth, pony tongue. And what a tongue it was...dammit, that's not the point. Gotta clear my head, I need to think! She was getting closer and closer now, and...you know what, fuck it.


It wasn't actually bad. Not really all that different, except for the rest of her face being farther away than I was used to. But that honestly made it easier. I didn't have to tilt to the side to avoid bumping our heads together. It wasn't a deep kiss. Just a simple smooch, but it meant a lot to me. I was here, with Sarah. The one thing that rooted me to my past life. She was here, with me, and she still loved me. My death hadn't pushed her away from me.

As I started to pull away, I felt the tip of her tongue graze my lips for a moment. I shivered violently at the feeling and my eyes shot open. H-holy hell...that tongue of hers...Oi. Not fair. She was giving me this really seductive look that was way too tempting for that equine face of hers. Noooooope. Kissing was enough. If she wanted that kind of attention, she was going to have to wait and use her human form in my dreams.

"Awwwww!~" I heard a certain pink mare gush from a few feet away. Somehow, without us noticing, Pinkie had sneaked over to our couch and watched us having our intimate moment.

Oh, shit. The others were all looking at us, as well. Each pony had a different look on his or her face. Fluttershy was smiling gently and looked like she was finally relaxed. Applejack was still blushing and scrunching her face up. Rainbow Dash was making a gagging motion, but her body again betrayed her with a blush. Lyra and Bon-Bon were watching me in shock, some horror emanating from the former. Prime was lifting a brow, but his eyes looked...dead. Twilight and Rarity looked...wait, why did they look sad? Rarity had more of pouty face, but Twilight...she looked absolutely heartbroken. Why? Because we were kissing? Did Twilight...no, she couldn't. At least, I sure hope she didn't. That was the last thing I needed now...multiple colorful mares trying to get me. One was enough for me to handle on top of everything else right now, thank you very much.

And Princess Celestia looked...glad? Huh. I would have thought that seeing some magical bomb that her pupil spat out smooching up her younger sister would have caused her at least some slight discomfort. But nope, she just nodded her head a couple times and smiled. What an odd world I now live in.

I turned my gaze back to Sarah in time to catch her scrunching just like Applejack, her face the darkest shade of red ever. Pfft, ha. You instigated this, sweetheart. If you didn't want your sister and my friends to see us, then why go on the affectionate offensive? Of course they would be watching. Most of them were distrusting Sarah because of what they thought she had done to me at the hospital. Now, at least they knew the truth.

Truth...I had some things I wanted to know as well.

Like what was with that face welt?

"So what happened to your face?" I asked Sarah quietly. She shook herself from her flustered state and looked at me. She had guilty eyes. Oh, boy. What did you do now, Bear?

"My sister saw the latest episode," she said softly. I just tilted my head at her. So what if she saw it? So had every other pony, it seemed. She saw my confusion and elaborated further. "She saw the scene when you thought I had left you...she thought I did, too. I was as surprised as her, but she still managed to get a hit in on me before I could explain." Oh, okay. That makes sense. Sister squabbles.

"Dang, that's still a bit harsh. I never got that rough with Emily..." I pondered aloud. Sarah just smiled weakly at me and snuggled herself against me more. The ponies around the room had gone back to their conversation, all except for Twilight. She was still giving me that same pleading puppy face that was tearing at my heart. What the hell did she want me to do?

"Oh, that's far from the worst our fights have gotten," Sarah whispered. I don't think she meant to say that to me, judging by how fast her hoof shot up to cover her muzzle. I just watched her, unsure of what had triggered such a response. She didn't look like she wanted to talk more about it, so I didn't press her to. She had made a lot of progress today. She deserved a break from the drama.

I decided to just sit there and snuggle with her, my gaze locked onto her mane. I could very clearly see stars moving around and forming different constellations right in front of me. When I could take the curiosity no longer, I lifted a hand to her mane and dragged my finger through it, trying to draw with the stars. To my giddy surprise, the stars followed my finger around and remained wherever I moved them to. Holy shit, this was amazing. I could draw with stars in my girlfriend's hair. Being Ryan Burbank, this meant that I was obliged to draw exactly what my male mind demanded.

I drew a dick in her mane.

The lines forming the new phallic constellation connected in just the way I wanted them to. It took all of my willpower not to burst out laughing at the sight of my ancient alicorn partner and her new schlong. My first thought was to call the others over to show them, but I came up with a better idea. I would just leave it there until one of the others noticed. I knew that the only one that would say anything would probably be Celestia, so the rest would be left to sit uncomfortably with us. And the award for the most hilarious mad genius goes tooo~


Luckily, Sarah didn't notice what I had done. She thought I was just petting her, apparently. Every once in awhile, she would let out a content sigh that would top the last sigh in terms of adorableness. I didn't want her to wonder why I stopped, so I took up the rest of our waiting time by going around the rest of her mane, repeating the penises in all different shapes and sizes. Within ten minutes, she had a cape of dicks flowing around her head. I really wished I had a camera. This moment deserved to be immortalized forever. The Almighty Sarah, Princess of Cock-n-Balls. I had to chew on my tongue to keep myself from giggling. Sarah just made little noises that I guessed was the pony form of purring.

Eventually, our couch session was interrupted by Princess Celestia. She walked over, now visibly more upset than she had been before. Oh, shit. I hope she didn't change her mind about destroying my ass...I needed it.

"Ryan, I was informed about the list of crimes that Time Warner has committed. I just wanted to check your side of the story to make sure I get every detail," she explained. Her voice was calm, but her clenched teeth let me know that she was seething inside. At least that anger wasn't directed at me.

"Okay...so..." I insinuated, not sure where to start. Princess Celestia got the hint and cleared her throat.

"The first incident took place at the Carousel Boutique, is this correct?" I nodded. "Time Warner tried to claim ownership over you, but was pushed back by Rainbow Dash and Applejack. When he attempted to attack Twilight, you then jumped in front of her and took the blast. Is this also correct?"

I shivered a bit as the scene replayed in my mind. In hindsight...I was pretty stupid. I'm sure Twilight and her friends could have handled him without the bomb they were trying to protect running around and shoving its fuse in the fire. I swallowed nervously before nodding. Princess Celestia flinched when I did. Oh, fuck me. Yeah, she knew it was stupid.

"As thankfully as I am for wanting to protect my ponies, I will have to ask you to act with more thought in the future. If my understanding of the situation is correct, then that blast very well could have set you off and killed every pony in Ponyville. Maybe even more," she explained stoically. Those words coming out of one of the rulers of the land made me feel like that much more of a jackass. It felt like she was resorting to using her political power to keep my dumb ass in line. She was right, though. I needed to think more about situations before I just jumped into them. But...I don't know, it was like seeing my loved ones in trouble just flicked a switch or something.

"I understand...and sorry about the jumping thing, too. And the running. Same rules?" I asked, trying to get the rest of my dumb decisions out of the way. Celestia nodded once and continued. At least we didn't have to go through the same questions about the other times I used my magic to almost kill myself and those around me.

"Yes, so the next incident was when you picked up Time Warner and he started filling you with magic. Correct?" Another nod. "Then you had a magical backcharge and accidentally sent him flying through the wall." All correct so far. "Was that all that took place inside the boutique?"

"M-hmm. Next thing that happened was outside," I explained. The white alicorn nodded again, seemingly checking the facts in her head. I could almost see a bit of Twilight in her, except Celestia didn't need a physical list there with her. Mental checklist for the win.

"There is a bit of a gap in information concerning the beginning of the next event, as none of the others were there to witness it. How did you come to engage Time Warner?" Celestia asked. I was really glad her voice was calm. It made it feel a little bit less of an interrogation and kept me from shitting myself in fear.

"Okay...so...hmm, I think we all saw Rainbow up in the air, signalling to the others that she had found Time. Rarity, Twilight and Fluttershy took off to help her. I tried to follow, but the whole 'magic leaking' bullsh-...uh, stuff happened when I ran any more than a moderate jog. I talked to a few ponies in town for a bit, but stopped when I saw Time trying to run. He was shooting lightning at Dash and the guards and...I don't know, I just kinda lost it. He nicked one of her wings," I said grimly. Across the room, I could see Rainbow Dash give me a quizzical look before unfolding her wings and examining them. Her eyes widened a bit when she noticed the scorched tip on her wing. A spell like that could have seriously injured her if it had hit more than just the tip.

Princess Celestia had turned her head to look at Dash. When she spotted the almost-injury, a small smile spread across her lips. I had no idea what was running through her head at the time, so I chose not to take my chances and just remained quiet. Celestia then turned back to look into my eyes. Her gaze was just as deep as her sister's, with even more experience behind it. The only difference was...well, Sarah's had a lust behind hers. I would have been really disturbed if Celestia had looked at me the same way that Sarah always did.

"I see. So your sprint and jump was not just an urge to fight the one that attacked you. It was a protective response?" she asked, but I didn't think I had to answer. Still, I gave her a small, nervous nod. "Again, I am glad that you feel so strongly towards Twilight and her friends. And so soon after going through one of the most painful experiences imaginable. Still, please be more careful," she pleaded. I smiled a bit and nodded.

"Okay, Princess. I'll try my best. But what...what if I start to go off again and I can't control it?" I was dreading the answer to this. It was something I didn't want to think about much; the absolute worst-case scenario in which I do explode. Princess Celestia's gaze softened into one of sympathy.

"I have already discussed this with your friends. I'm going to have them watch over you. Since Twilight is the only one that knows how to stabilize you quickly, besides Luna and myself, you will stay with her for awhile. The others will be around to help you settle in. Once everything around here calms down, I'll send for you to come up to Canterlot with Luna. We need to work on finding you a way to stay here without the risk of detonating," she told me, her smile growing wider. Throughout her speech, I had been growing my own wide smile. She wasn't going to boot me from existence! I could stay here with my friends...I...I...

"I love you," I stated blankly, my face devoid of emotion. Behind the scenes, my emotions were battling each other to the death for the chance to show themselves. They were all at a stalemate. I didn't know what to feel. Joy, relief, excitement, and a bit of sadness. The sadness came with the finality of knowing that I wasn't going to just wake up in my bed at home. I was presented a problem, a life changing dilemma, and I was taking the steps necessary to move forward. And I had all my friends here with me to help me through it...and Sarah, too!

The ponies were all giggling now at my random statement, except for Sarah. She was puffing her cheeks a little, looking between her sister and me. I gave her an exasperated look and she deflated immediately. Seriously, already getting jealous? And puffing her cheeks at her own sister? Rude.

"Hey, what about Time Warner? What's going to happen to him?" I inquired. Celestia's eyes narrowed, but somehow I could tell her anger was once again directed not at me.

"I will 'take care' of his arrangements. He could have killed a number of my ponies, including all of you. He will not be getting off lightly," she declared. Behind her, Prime looked like he was about to throw up. He was swaying from side to side, the only thing keeping him up being the mares on either side of him. I gave him a pitying glance before looking back up to the large alicorn.

"Um...I know he attacked us and all...but could you get him some help instead of locking him away forever? When I saw him, he honestly looked more insane than anything. I think he has some mental issues that need tending to..." I asked softly. Prime's eyes shot wide open, a new spark of hope gleaming in them. Sarah pushed me against the side of the couch, glaring into my eyes.

"Ryan, what are you talking about? He tried to kill you!" she growled. I should have anticipated her not agreeing with me. With as protective as she was, she didn't take the news about Time too well. She almost went after him before the guards could take him away. Luckily, we got her inside Twilight's castle and managed to calm her down. It seemed my request for mercy just brought up her hostile intentions once again. Oops?

"Okay. I will do what I can," Princess Celestia stated suddenly. The room went quiet. Had we all just heard her correctly? Judging from the bewildered looks that every pony and dragon in the room wore, I hadn't been hearing things. She had agreed to take it easy on him and help him...after he had threatened to kill Twilight. Her former student and current Princess of Friendship. She...was just okay with that? Sarah sure wasn't.

"Tia, what are you doing?! He's dangerous! He needs Tartarus, not pity!" she yelled at her sister. At some point between staring and yelling, she had got up on all fours on the couch, now taller than her sister. The only problem was that she was standing on my chest with one of her legs. Oof. I didn't want to ask her to get off and risk having her direct her frustrations at me. Just let Celestia handle it, she'd known her for much longer. Celestia just gave her sister a knowing smile and raised a hoof. Rude?

"I'm aware sister. But if Ryan says that Time deserves another chance, then what makes him any different than the other troublemakers that have been reformed?" she asked. Sarah didn't respond to this. She just looked down, in deep thought. The other ponies were also considering this new point. Prime, on the other hand, was doing a happy dance where he sat. It was pretty darn cute.

"That is...ugh, fine," pouted Sarah above me. I felt that the tension had died down enough now to tap her leg. She looked down and gave me a questioning look. All I had to do was point to the hoof on my chest for her to remove it quickly. She smiled sheepishly and looked away, a small blush forming. Celestia just smiled and stood up straighter.

"I'm afraid I have to return to Canterlot now. I have been away for far too long as it is. Luna, please return sometime tonight," she teased subtly, giving Sarah a playful wink. The mare above me just blinked, trying to sort out what had been said. She didn't get it.

Before she could turn to say her goodbyes to the other ponies, Celestia's eyes caught sight of the many dicks drawn in Sarah's mane. Her eyes widened a bit, and she let out a barely contained snort of laughter. Sarah had been too busy trying to work out what had been said to pay attention, but I had caught it. We shared a knowing look for a moment. Celestia's lips curled a tiny bit, but otherwise, her poker-face was amazing. I was certain that if I had seen some guy draw dicks in Emily's hair...well, I probably would have hospitalized him with the asparagus story, but I still would have gotten a laugh out of it.

Princess Celestia said her goodbyes to Twilight and the rest of the ponies before heading out. It was only a few hours past noon and already so much had happened. I wanted to be tired, but my body was still pumped up from all of the magic I had used. Damn it, me, stop being such a dick. Regardless of my body's current hyperactive energy, I did my best to snuggle the shit out of Sarah. She accepted the terms of my cuddles and returned them with her own.

The room went uncomfortably quiet after that. Prime was still doing his little dance, which seemed to be amusing or uplifting to the rest of the ponies in the room. Even Luna managed a quick giggle at his antics. I didn't know whether or not she knew why he was so happy.

"Sooo...want to play a game?" I asked out loud. It was quite a shot in the dark, honestly. The mood was pretty out of the realm of playing much of anything right now. But apparently, my proposal hit a nerve with Twilight. Her eyes went all starry like she had just met me for the first time again. What was her deal?

"Omigosh! W-we have to play some games from OtherWorld!" she exclaimed. Games from OtherWorld? So, what, like Earth games? That actually sounded pretty nice. Some familiar territory and something I actually might have a chance at winning, depending on the game. The rest of my friends were looking around, unsure of themselves. Lyra and Bon-Bon looked pretty damn anxious, but they stayed close to Prime. He seemed to need the support. Despite his current joy, I knew that look. He was still one fuse away from another breakdown. His brother was still going to be going away. Probably for a long time. Maybe a game would help take his mind off of things? I knew I could use one. Or maybe ten.

"Uh, sure. Whatcha got?" I dared to ask the excited purple princess.


...Where the fuck does that keep coming from? Oh, Twilight blew up. Huh. Wait, now she's back. Guess she was teleporting. Damn, I wish I could do th-...I'm made of Twilight's magic. Maybe I could teleport! Experiments for when I'm not around any of the ponies. The thought of being able to teleport made me a giddy as Twilight was.

With a little dance, Twilight dumped a bunch of boxes onto the floor in front of the couch I was sitting on. I could feel Sarah getting a bit tense from having Twilight so close, but a quick squeeze made her relax. I looked down and nearly yelped.

She had just dumped a multitude of long, thin rectangle boxes. They were all Earth board games! Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Monopoly, Risk, Othello, Battleship, Bejeweled, Clue...she had it all. And they all had the same logo at the top right corner, which I assumed was the trademark for the show I had starred in. I even saw some sort of trivia game. Something along the lines of 'So You Think You Know OtherWorld?' Lame title, but the idea of having a trivia game based on me was kind of fascinating.

Oh my god. She had Apples to Apples. I was so going to play that. Ha, I could only imagine if she had...

...she had it. Why in the fuck did they actually reproduce Cards Against Humanity for ponies?! I was not going to put my friends through something like that. They were just too innocent. Luckily enough, it was still wrapped in its plastic. Good, Twilight had not actually looked into it. Just going to hide that behind me for now. Yep, nothing going on, just shifting a little~ and it's gone. Whew.

The rest of Twilight's circle had walked over to join us in sorting through the games. Pinkie Pie was immediately dead-set on Candy Land. Both Spike and Rarity started whining to play Bejeweled. Dash was holding Battleship in front of her, looking at the back of the box. Fluttershy didn't interact with any of the boxes, but I couldn't really see her playing much else other than Othello. I bet that Applejack would rock at Clue, with her near mind-reader levels of perception. Sarah didn't get off the couch to look with us, but when I turned to watch her, she had been eyeing Risk.

But there was no way I was going to play Monopoly against Twilight. No way in hell. I sucked normally, I didn't need to be shown my place by the smartest of all booksmarts. Before any arguing could go on, I tried to vouch for some form of compromise.

"Hey, how about this?" I asked, lifting up 'So You Think You Know OtherWorld?'. The other ponies looked around at each other, all shrugging. Except for Twilight. She looked waaay too determined now. A chance to go up against the subjects of her favorite show about trivia regarding the fictional planet I belonged to. This must have been every holiday rolled up into one for her.

Even Prime had wondered over and latched onto Candy Land with Pinkie. Lyra and Bon-Bon were slow to follow, but they must have realized that not following would have looked suspicious for them. I wanted to cheer the poor younger brother up in any way I could.

"I think Candy Land has two votes. Anyone have a problem with playing that, first? It's only up to four players, though. The rest would have to watch or play something else," I spoke up. Pinkie Pie looked like she was about to burst into song and dance right then and there. Prime gave a happy smile, but didn't express his emotions in any other way. Poor guy. The rest of the ponies nodded in understanding and pushed the rest of the board games away from our circle. We would have to play on the floor in here, since the only piece of furniture was a couch. A couch that had been taken up all the way by Sarah the moment I got up.

It was decided that I would be playing against Pinkie, Prime and Twilight. I had at first wanted the players to be all ponies, but I was quickly volunteered by the others. Twilight looked happy just to be playing with me. Pinkie always looked happy, and Prime...he looked a bit better. His posture was a bit more relaxed and his eyes weren't as dead as they had been. I was really glad I had vouched for Time Warner. Helping him benefited more ponies than I knew.

So, as it went, I ended up with the green game piece. Pinkie was red, Prime was blue, and Twilight was yellow. We all placed our pieces at the start of the path and began. I was again volunteered against my will. This time it was for who was to go first. Shakily, I lowered my hand and gripped the top card of the deck.

A bead of sweat rolled down my cheek. None of the ponies in the room dared breathe as I drew my fate. Very slowly, I lifted the card up to my face. I could feel my heart beating in my ears. This was it. The first turn. Whatever happened beyond this point was entirely up to the cards. With a deep breath, I spun the card around and looked at the colored square painted on the other side.


I forgot about how much I fucking hated Plumpy. That fat green shit had the nerve to show his ugly-ass face to me right when I was a few squares away from sweet victory. After all that effort, I had been sent back to the very beginning of the path. The crowd surrounding the four of us all made sympathetic hissing sounds through their teeth.

"Oooh..." I heard Bon-Bon say under her breath. Pity wasn't going to take back the turn that had Royally screwed me. I was done. Finished. There was absolutely no way I could-

Yeah, Prime won. God damn it. Behind me, I could hear Sarah cracking up. Oh, yeah, laugh it up, chuckles. She just lost her dream oral privileges. Even in her human form. She was going to stay dry as I was. Mwahaha.

Pinkie Pie took her loss really well, and gave Prime a bunch of congratulatory back pats. He just smiled and blushed shyly, rubbing the back of his head with his hoof. At least he won. He probably needed the uplift more than any of us. Even me. Twilight pouted a bit at her loss, but I think the pain was lessened by the complete randomness of the game. She wasn't outsmarted, Prime was just luckier than the rest of us.

The rest of the ponies were having fun watching us. Except for Lyra. She had been staying quiet the whole time. In fact, I don't think I remembered her speaking at all when I was around her. She stole little nervous glances at me every so often, which I pretended not to notice. Yeah, we needed to talk sometime tonight. Without the others around. I think she was worried about them recognizing her voice from the show. She did voice my mom, after all. I'm sure she wasn't just a small character. I just played along, waiting for a good moment to get her alone to discuss what we needed to.

Unfortunately, that moment didn't arrive anytime soon. After we put our mess away from the first game, we moved onto the next one. Ooh, yeah. 'So You Think You Know OtherWorld?' This was going to be interesting. Better yet, this was a game for as many players as you wanted. So naturally, all of the ponies tried to join. Lyra seemed to be unwilling, but again, not playing would draw attention to her.

"Um...Princess Luna..." spoke Fluttershy shyly. Sarah looked around at the yellow mare and tilted her head.

"Yes?" she responded. Fluttershy just scuffed her hoof on the ground for a few moments before continuing.

"Well, uh...if you're Sarah, then...do you think it's fair to play?" she asked, her voice shrinking more and more. Way too cute. Before Sarah could stop me, I swooped down and scooped up the surprised yellow mare into my arms.

"R-Ryan!" Sarah exclaimed. Oh, yeah. She was super flustered. This would be a good chance to get her to practice getting over her jealousy. In my arms, Fluttershy barely moved a muscle. I don't know if I had scared her or not, but she wasn't tense. Maybe she was just enjoying the attention.

"Flutters is right, Bear. I think both of us should sit this one out. Maybe we could...hm, be card readers or something. Hey Twilight, how does this game work?" I asked, turning my head to the purple alicorn. She blinked for a moment, caught off guard by my sudden question. She regained herself quickly and read the back of the game box to herself.

"Hm, let's see...okay, it looks like at the beginning of every round, the player whose turn it is picks a trivia card from one of five decks. Each deck is a different category...there's history trivia, music trivia, show trivia, character trivia and...Ryan trivia," she explained, a small smirk forming on her face. That just confused me. Ryan trivia? Wasn't there already a character category? Why did I get my own? It didn't make much sense, but whatever. Twilight continued on. "So the player picks a card and gives it to the scorekeeper to read out loud for the entire group to hear. Each player then writes down his or her answer on the erase boards provided. Then an assigned answer reader collects the boards and reads each answer out loud. If the player whose turn it was gets the answer right, then they get two points. If they get it wrong, they lose two points. However, the player can also choose to not answer, in which case no points will be added or removed. The other players can also earn or lose a single point, depending on their answer. The first player to fifty points wins. Be sure to write the names down on each board so that they don't get misplaced. Okay, that sounds easy enough. We'll just need somepony to read the answers and keep score. Ryan, would you mind doing that if you're not going to be playing?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, that sounds good. Sarah, could you keep score? You were always better with numbers," I said happily, letting Fluttershy down to join the others. She was shaking a little bit, but I think that might have been from the malicious glare that Sarah had been burning into the back of her head. Damn it, Bear. Sarah looked at me, still sulking slightly. I guess she really wanted to play a game that she would have a massive advantage with. Finally, she relented and nodded.

"Fine. I shall keep the score, and you will read the answers. What will be the prize?" she asked. Why did she care? She wasn't even playing. And this really didn't seem like the kind of game to have a prize at the end, anyway. Maybe bragging rights. Pinkie Pie jumped into my vision and nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Ooh! I know! The winner gets to be the 'Super Earth Expert!'" she yelled into my fucking face. Seriously, her tendency of breaking into my personal space was starting to unnerve me. Eh, I guess I could stand it for now. I was still happy that she was still safe and uninjured after the jumping event. If I had hurt her, I...I don't even know...


Twilight seemed to love the idea of winning the right to be called an expert in something. Her face grew into an oddly creepy image of fierce determination and confidence. The other ponies...and Spike...all looked at her in worry. Yeah, they knew who they were going up against. They knew that they probably didn't stand a chance against Purple. But it would still be fun to play, right?

"Alright, then, let's get started!" Twilight exclaimed, her magic opening the box and setting up the play area in a matter of seconds. Man, that looked useful. I hope I could someday use magic like her. Just have to get it to stop almost exploding every time I strain myself. At least now, I was starting to take the proper steps to solving that issue. With Princess Celestia, Twilight and Sarah on the case, I really couldn't be in any better hands...hooves...what the fuck ever, I want to see the game.

Dry erase boards were passed around to everybody in the room, Sarah and myself included. Sarah to keep track of the scores, and I jsut wanted to draw things. Speaking of which, none of the others had noticed Sarah's dickmane yet. Pfft, this was going to be absolutely epic. I just hope she didn't try doing anything to me in my sleep again after this. I already got punished, right? I should be good.

Twilight was the first to go. She was squirming around in her place on the floor, clearly excited beyond all reason. The others looked around at each other, silently resigning to their fate of being beaten down by the newest princess. A purple glow surrounded one of the history cards. The card was quickly lifted towards me so that I could read it.

"In what year did Ryan's country, the United States of America, become its own nation?" I read loudly so that everybody could hear me. Oh, boy. How would they know something like that? If my understanding of the show was correct, then I had only been watched for about four years now. That was high school. We learned around the founding of the US in...what, third grade? Sooner? I didn't really remember.

To my surprise, all of the ponies started scribbling their answers down on their boards. Even Lyra and Bon-Bon were participating with a look of slight thrill on their faces. Prime was happily writing his answer down, oblivious to those around him. I could see Pinkie holding the marker firmly between her teeth. Oh, that was kind of gross. I hope I don't accidentally use that sometime. Looking around, I could see that a bunch of the others were doing the same thing. Well, actually, only those that didn't have a horn. Spike was holding the marker in a matter very similar to how I would, but wasn't writing anything. Neat.

Sarah sat next to me, floating the marker in circles in apparent boredom. I was just still pretty amazed that Sarah could do magic. I mean, I could too, but I was dangerous about it. This whole time, she could do magic and shit. My girlfriend was one of the most powerful beings in existence. That...was kind of hot.

The clatter of the last overturned dry-erase board let me know that they were all done. I quickly reached out, grabbing the boards within my grasp. The last two boards, belonging to Lyra and Prime, were a bit too far away. I was going to get up to get them, but Twilight floated them over to me gently. I gave her a small smile and a nod, which she returned.

"Okay, let's see..." I said to myself as I looked down at the stack of boards. Time to read some possibly hilarious answers!

"Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, Prime, Lyra and Bon-Bon all guessed the year seventeen-seventy-six. Rainbow Dash guessed seventeen-eighty-eight. Applejack and Spike didn't answer. And Pinkie Pie...drew a balloon," I said, turning my attention to the madly giggling pink mare. The others gave her a look of exasperation. "Does that count as a guess, Twilight?"

"Um...nothing about drawings in the rules...uh, I'd say no. Just please answer or don't next round, Pinkie," she told her friend. Once Pinkie had her giggle fit subside, she nodded and settled back down. I could already tell that this was going to get way out of hand.

"Anyway, the correct answer was seventeen-seventy-six," I stated after looking at the bottom of the card for the answer. Not that I needed to, though. Rainbow Dash threw her legs up in frustration and grunted. The others looked happy, even those who didn't answer. It was better to not answer than to risk losing points. This felt just like the SAT's back home. Sarah spoke up next to me, her scoreboard lifting up for all the see.

"That means that Twilight Sparkle earned two points, while Fluttershy, Rarity, Prime Warner, Bon-Bon and Lyra Heartstrings earned one point each. Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Spike did not earn or lose any points, and Rainbow Dash lost one point. Since she has no points to lose, her score remains the same," Sarah declared. Rainbow Dash looked up happily at this news. So I guess the first round was safe to make guesses in. This also meant that Applejack and Spike could have possibly guessed and gotten a point, without worrying about starting off in the negative. Judging by the sounds of them hitting their foreheads, they realized this as well. Heh.

I passed all of the boards back out and watched as everybody erased their answers.

Next up was Fluttershy. She took a few moments to think, before slowly reaching a hoof out and poking the 'Ryan' deck. Oh, this was going to be interesting. I reached out and grabbed the top card for her. This card made me a bit nervous. What would it be asking? It could be anything about me, honestly. I didn't really want to think about what these ponies possibly knew about me that I had forgotten myself. I took a deep breath and flipped the card over, reading it out loud.

"What's Ryan's favorite brand of breakfast cereal?" I asked the group. Huh, that was oddly innocent. But...what was my favorite cereal? I didn't know I had one. Honestly, I just ate whatever happened to be cheap when I went shopping. I liked some more than others, but I didn't think I had an actual favorite...

More scribbles all around. Even from Spike. Had he watched my show? He didn't seem to recognize me when we first met. If he wasn't a fan, then why was he even playing? The boards were all passed to me this time by Sarah's magic. Ah, not to be outdone by Twilight, I see. Any favor done for me by another mare was probably going to be echoed many times over by my girlfriend. So what was the answer that the cards provided? Well, let's see what answers I got, first.

"Twilight guessed Reese's Puffs. Rainbow Dash guessed...Reese's Puffs. Um, Fluttershy guessed...holy crap, these all say Reese's Puffs," I said in amazement, spreading the boards out in front of me to view them all at once. With a quick glance to the bottom of the card, written in tiny print, I could see 'Reese's Puffs' plainly written as the answer. That was my favorite? I mean, yeah, they were good, but I didn't know they were my favorite...

"How did you guys know that?" I asked curiously, still a bit shocked over my friends knowing more about me than I did. They all responded with some variation of 'You ate it all the time,' except for Spike and Lyra. Spike just tilted his head towards Twilight.

"She keeps buying the stuff and telling me that it's your favorite," he deadpanned. Twilight gave a nervous chuckle as the others gave her knowing smirks. Oh, that makes sense. With all the merchandise around here, I should have known that they would have made cereal boxes with me on the cover. How...I don't know the word to describe it. 'Invasive' was kinda close.

Sarah quickly announced the scores. Everybody had gotten one point, except for Fluttershy, who had received two points. Now Fluttershy and Twilight were both in first place at three points. At least the questions seemed innocent enough. I don't know if I could handle the trivia questions if they were anything close to Cards Against Humanity.

Rainbow Dash was next in line. She quickly bopped the 'Ryan' deck with her hoof, a proud and determined expression on her face. I complied with her choice and picked up the card.

"What is Ryan's secret fetish?" I read aloud. I stopped, a choking feeling rising in my throat. The others in the room also got caught off guard, except for Applejack. She was pumping a hoof in triumph, quickly scribbling her answer down.