• Published 3rd Jan 2016
  • 3,305 Views, 27 Comments

Love is a Changeling - Dreamscape

After caring for and developing feelings for a lost, amnesia ridden stallion who was found stumbling out of the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy discovers that he is not the pony he said he was, or even a pony at all for that matter.

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A New Guest

Fluttershy took in a deep breath of the fresh but damp morning air as she stepped out of her cottage. She had risen early so that she could begin her daily routine of chores for the animals which she cared for. But before beginning, the pony paused to take in the beauty of the day. The sun was already above the hills in the sky, casting its bright, warm glow down upon the land which surrounded her. The heat of its rays had caused a thin layer of mist from the morning dew which rested upon the grass to hang low in the air. It was already growing warm, and it looked as though it was going to continue doing so with a distinct lack of any clouds in the clear cerulean blue skies above. Her eyes followed the contours of the landscape until they reached the edge of the Everfree forest, its dark, towering trees keeping its contents cool and sunless. Her ears raised and her eyes focused as she noticed movement within the shadowed underbrush.

She stood curious and frozen as a stallion stumbled out from the forest, tripping over a root and nearly crashing to the ground. He then looked around again and again as if lost and confused. Besides the fact that his mane and fur were a mess, tangled, caked with dried mud, and some parts covered with burrs, the stallion appeared rather average; a pony that would not be all that noticeable in a crowd. His coat was a light brown, almost the color of cream and his mane the color of coffee. She squinted to see the cutie mark upon his flank. It was too distant for her judgement to be accurate, but it seemed to be a cookie. She could tell that something was amiss and began to trot towards him at a quick pace.

The last of the dew that still clung to the grass beneath her hooves soaked into her fur as she made her way towards the stallion. “Um, hello? Is everything okay?” she asked in a soft holler. The stallion’s light blue eyes darted towards her, and he stood there still and silent until she reached him. “Are you okay?” she asked again.

“Um… yes… I’m just a bit lost,” he let out hesitantly, his eyes leaving hers and returning to examining the landscape.

“It really looks like it. Are you from around here? What’s your name?”

“No… and it’s… um…” he muttered, his eyes turning up towards the glowing blue sky and squinting at the sun. “S-Sunny… Skies? Yes, that’s right, Sunny Skies,” he then said more confidently, giving her a nod. That confidence disappeared quickly, and he turned away in what Fluttershy took as embarrassment. A pale yellow caught her eyes, and she looked down at the sun upon his flank which seemed to match his name nicely, she thought. She then remembered thinking it to be a cookie previously. At a distance it had not even appeared to be yellow at all.

“I’m Fluttershy. So where did you come from then? Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked softly. The stallion paused, opened his mouth, and then shut it softly again.

“Is something wrong?” Fluttershy asked, soon after realizing that her question had already been answered.

“I’m sorry,” he said weakly before pausing once more. “I can’t…” he said after a moment. Fluttershy let out a soft gasp, remembering how he had struggled with his name as well.

“Could you have amnesia? You must. Why else couldn’t you remember?”

“Yeah, that’s it. That makes sense,” he agreed rather quickly.

“Oh my, well, it’ll be okay… even if it’s not. I’m sorry. You’re lost, have nowhere to stay, and you’re probably starving and parched. How about you stay with me until we figure things out? You can get cleaned up and I’ll make you something to eat.”

“I… alright. Thank you, Fluttershy.”

“Mhm, and then once you’re feeling better I can take you to a doctor. Now come with me. I’ll show you my home,” she said with a soft motion of her head in the direction of the cottage.

The two were silent on the short jaunt back to Fluttershy’s quaint and homely cottage. She led Sunny Skies to her bathroom and returned to the kitchen to make breakfast for both of them and to allow him the time he needed to clean himself up.


To Fluttershy’s surprise, the stallion who seemed almost even quieter than herself was much more willing to converse when he sat down with her for breakfast, a generous stack of pancakes before him. She was barraged with a series of questions about her life, an activity that might make her uncomfortable with the normal stranger, but with him, it was different. She also could not help but notice that perhaps she had misjudged him as the average stallion before. There was something different about him, something she could not quite put her hoof on. Yes, he looked as average as a stallion could be at first glance, but with closer examination, there was something unique about him. He did stand out. She was unsure of exactly how though, and it was not just his personality either.

“There’s a lot of animals here. Are they your pets, or are you just caring for them?” he asked, his eyes examining the many creatures wandering about the pony’s home.

“Oh, well yes, some of them are pets like Angel,” she said pointing a hoof to the impatient bunny standing on the table beside her with a scowl on its muzzle, “and the others I’m caring for.”

“So is that your duty… er… job here?”

“Mhm, but I’d consider it a major part of my life more than anything else. I absolutely love caring for all of these lovely critters.”

“Hm, well, it’s good that you enjoy it, especially if you’re getting paid to do it… bits right?”

“Um… yes?” Fluttershy muttered softly, a bit confused by the asking of a question with such an obvious answer. Unless he was a pony born in another land with a different currency. He certainly looked Equestrian though. She then remembered the amnesia that plagued him, and began to feel as though her answering of the question was a bit harsh.

“So, I can tell you like the company of animals. Is there anything else you do for fun?”

“Oh yes, I love nature just as much. It is these amazing little critters’ home, after all. So I spend a lot of my time outdoors. Um, otherwise I guess I just like relaxing at home, or any situation that’s calm and not too exciting.” She gave Sunny Skies a smile before taking a bite of her pancakes.

“Hmm, sounds nice. Any friends then, besides the animals, I mean.”

“Oh yes, I have five very close friends. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and-”

“Princess Twilight Sparkle,” the stallion interrupted.

“Oh, um, you know them?”

“Well, of course I do, doesn’t everypony? I mean even me who’s not from around here knows. I didn’t know you were that Fluttershy.”

“I… yes, I am,” the pegasus muttered in embarrassment, unsure of whether or not his tone was that of amazement or fear. The pink glow of her cheeks began to stand out from her yellow coat. “But what I meant was the amnesia. It must be improving, or maybe that’s just a memory that’s never gone away?”

“Oh… right, uh, maybe it is getting… better?”

“Well, I certainly hope it is,” she said in a soft and considerate tone that she hoped helped to hide the sudden anxiety that was rushing over her.

“Anyways,” Sunny Skies said to her relief, her change of mood being much more noticeable to him than she had hoped.

“…Um, I actually do need to get to the animals. They haven’t had their breakfast yet either, and of course I have a full day ahead of me taking care of them,” Fluttershy said, one of Angel’s paws tugging at the thick curl of her mane. “Besides, I’m sure you’d like some time to rest and catch up after all,” she muttered, hurrying to finish off her pancakes so that she could tend to the patient and some not so patient animals.

“Actually, I should thank you for all you’ve done to help so far. Is there anything that you need me to do, or do you need an extra hoof with your work?”

“Oh no, no, no,” Fluttershy said with a soft shake of her head. “That’s so very kind of you to offer, and I’m sorry for refusing, but you need your rest. You still look exhausted,” she said, glancing up at his eyes, a dull glaze over top of them, “and maybe a bit confused?”

“I’ll be fine to work though. Trust me, I’m used to it… or I think I am, I mean.”

“Oh no, I’m positive. You need your rest. I’ll be fine. I do this every day,” Fluttershy said somewhat more assertively, yet still with a softness in her tone.

“Hm, alright then. Thanks again, Fluttershy.”

“Oh yes, of course, I probably won’t be back for lunch. You can have or make whatever you want…oh,” she muttered, noticing the almost untouched stack of pancakes still sitting in front of her guest. There was only a bite or two taken from them, and she knew they had already grown cold after finishing her own. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes, much better than I was. Thank you,” he said with a nod and smiled. Unsure of whether or not he was avoiding the question or simply not fully understanding why she had asked, she decided not to push it any farther.

“You’re very welcome,” she said with a smile. “I’ll be back before dinner, I hope you get some good rest and are feeling even better when I return.”

“I have a feeling I will. Thanks again.”