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I love sporks. And I love soup. Those two things unfortunately don't go together very well.

Comments ( 253 )

This story of "Everything I'v ever wanted" was very well written and I can not wait to see the next exciting chapter. I think you did wonderful delightful job on this work.

I really want to know where this leads to. Impress me, my good author!

Have a like and a fav.

Doth I smell the scent of a Momlestia Fic?

If it tis so the much rejoicing is to be had!

(Spoiler warning for if I did in fact "Nail it")

You dont need an M rating unless you have explicit content like sex or porm. You cam use a T rating if all you have is Makeouts


That's what I thought too, until my story failed moderation. I haven't published the offending chapter yet, but the approver read it and required me to change the rating.

I love SunLight stories

Jumping to conclusions. Extreme emotional overreactions. Running away in order to drag out the paper thin drama. A few chapters of nothing followed by the characters making up with the typical "I shouldn't have done X. Yeah well I probably shouldn't have said Y. We were X and didn't communicate like the apparent adults are characters are supposed to be."

You can then have one or both repeat step one again and again. Keep doing it until you decide to stop. The show acts as a poor foundation for how the characters should act as they are written to fit the moral of the episode so to speak. If they need Celestia to be useless and incompetent so the main characters can be the heroes, that's how she'll be written. If they need her to be the wise mentor dispensing life lessons for the kids at home that's well you get the idea.

Is Twilight an adult woman with the responsibilities of a princess whose title revolves around forming lasting bonds and the maturity to handle those responsibilities or is she an emotionally stunted teenage girl with a poor understanding of relationships and general healthy communication. Wait! She's somehow both!

What's the endgame meant to be. The characters eventually mature enough to act their ages and get together as mature adults that can properly communicate with each other? How old are they supposed to be again?

Well I'm not surprised this chapter called for a mature rating. The descriptions of the actions were very detailed (which is certainly the reason the mods requested for a mature rating), I almost forgot this wasn't a clop fic for a second there. Regardless, great chapter and I eagerly wait for more.

I was hoping for more, but I still loved it

The movie was totally Titanic wasn't it?

You know, this actually makes a lot of sense. I may just adopt some of this backstory as headcanon myself. I also have to say this is quickly becoming one of my favorite stories ever. The pacing is good, the grammar is excellent (and trust me, that's a big deal as compared to some of the stories on this site), and best of all, it has Sunset Shimmer in it. Keep up the awesome work :pinkiehappy:

6912103 damn. You're right. How could I have missed that? It's so obvious in hindsight.

This has become relevant to my interests.
I :moustache: you to continue. :pinkiegasp:

Oh Celestia...........what have you done?:applecry:

Nice start. I can sort of see where you're going with this but it will be interesting to see how you get there.

Small nitpick about chapter 1. Twilight has the Equestria side journal with her after she shows up at CHS. I'd think that would seal the portal behind her since it's needed to keep the mirror open. Might want to address it or change it a bit to keep the real critics from whining.


Having re-read the chapter, I find your criticism valid and your point sound. Twilight's overreaction was unnecessary and overwrought, so I edited that part of the chapter to make more sense and better fit the tone of the rest of the story. Plot-wise, I just needed Twilight to leave so that the next chapter could happen, and that bit was actually the first thing I thought of, when it could have been so much more subdued. Gonna likely have to re-edit it again later to fix inevitable sentence structure and spelling issues that occur whenever I write anything, since I reposted right away.

Well Twilight, you just walked out of an emotional mine field and into another.
Sun ponies sure are messed up in the heart...


Well darn. I can't believe I didn't notice that. Not sure how I'd change it, really. Honestly when I first wrote the chapter, it started with Twilight already inside the cafe. I guess l can change it so that she goes back into her castle to write to Sunset. That'll give her time to get some warm clothes, too.


That could easily work. Just a few sentences and it's fixed. :twilightsmile:


Is Twilight an adult woman with the responsibilities of a princess whose title revolves around forming lasting bonds and the maturity to handle those responsibilities or is she an emotionally stunted teenage girl with a poor understanding of relationships and general healthy communication. Wait! She's somehow both!

Going by the show, yes, she pretty much is. Her understanding of friendship is deep and extensive, but it's not flawless, and she has come into it only in the recent years, after a youth as a friendless shut-in who thought the whole friends thing was unimportant. It's not much of an assumption that she's romantically inexperienced, and while (correctly!) seeing Sunset as a friend, missing the other aspects that might be going on.

Eject, eject! Abort! Take evasive maneuvers! Do a barrel roll! :facehoof: Oh bother, this is going to be messy.


One of those critics I warned you about. LOL :derpytongue2:

ok now this is more believable and it actually fits twilight then she slapping her

What if Twilight was carrying one page out of the book, in case she needed it for emergencies?

This is not a Myst crossover, the journal is not a portal book to the Equestrian Age, Twilight Sparkle does not know The Art of D'Ni.

Comment posted by werewolf212001 deleted Feb 7th, 2016

Oh, dear god.

Well, I'm in for the long haul on this one.

There's another side to see about this in all honesty.

"i got with Sunset and we did it. Things got messy and happened but I still would like to be with her."

"I approve of your choice, you have my blessing."

"She really means alot to you."

"Of course, she's my daughter."

"Oh, I just gave myself to your little filly and you are not incinerating me."

"Why would I do that? I've shipped you both since you saved her and hoped for it. The Hero saving my little girl. Just like those old stories of unicorn knights being saved by princesses."

Actually. Twilight overreacts to just about fucking everything. Having her heart played with and then... I don't know, emotionally-raped for the dark vestiges of Sunset's shattered ego seems like the perfect time to actually slap someone and run out.

But whatever. What concerns me is how quickly this went from Sunset being evil-and-now-being-redeemed to how everything is Celestia's fault. In this chapter it feels like you're trying to shuck some of the blame and responsibility that is Sunset's off onto Celestia in order to make Sunset more relatable and less at fault. Which in turn feels a bit like a shortcut into reconciliation with Sunset's crimes and plot device into feelings-issues with Twilight.

Edit: Read next chapter, I was right. Bleh. This might not be for me.

Called it.

Its official I'm clairvoyant.

Tactical Momlestia Fic incoming!

Boowop! Boowop! Boowop!

Is the story already finished? Because I'd really hate it if, for some reason, you stop updating.

Of all the "Celestia is Sunset's mom" fics, this is, by far, the best.

Last chapter was kind of a letdown with how Twilight snapped at Sunset, but this chapter recoverd that by this very interesting backstory.

Kudos, my good author!


I've already written the next chapter and there honestly isn't that much more to go. I just haven't posted it yet, in case there are additional details I want to add or change. One more chapter after that, I think, and then an epilogue. If you read the version where Twilight snaps at Sunset, please consider re-reading "Mistake" again, because I rethought the ending scene and have changed it.

EDIT: Holy cow, there's a new chapter of The Enchanted Library up. Stopping writing to read it. BBL.

Twilight is suddenly very insightful and rational; she feels like a mouthpiece for exposition. I feel this could have been handled better, but I can't express how.

reread the chapter and find it better. When i first read it, Twilight's reaction was too harsh and was more of s set up for Sunset to seemly try to kill herself from guilt and sorrow.
that was the vibe i got the new ending is much better now.
but I don;t see Sunset returning to her mother because hr mother..Stunk hard on being a mom, Sunset all grown up now, and after all she been thru.
Why would she go back, i know it can be a happy ending somehow but I perfer this to be a bitter sweet ending. Celestia screwed up BIG TIME!
There will be conquences that may never be healed.

6914119 Mhm I read it and it's way better. I'm glad that you already have everything planned out. I'm looking forward to it!

This is possibly one of the best stories ever made.

Wow, this is really well done. Welcome to fimfiction btw :twilightsmile: I really like how this is done, though I don't think the cannon lines up with this properly in a timeline sense ( I think Sunset was already gone before Twilight became Celestia's student, though I could be wrong) but that doesn't really matter too much for me. What really strikes me about this is it finally painting Celestia in some other role than the perfect pony princess she's portrayed as in the show, I'm sure this isn't the first fic to do so but I don't often read ones which do so, and it really is refreshing. I liked the small look at Canterlot politics/social lives as well. I look forward to more stories from you in the future :)


When Celestia says she was watching Twilight and that Sunset was aware of her, she refers to the time before Twilight got her cutie mark and became her student. The biggest clue that Twilight would be the one was Shining Armor's cutie mark, long before Twilight got hers.


I don't actually remember that but it's been awhile since I've seen the movie so I very well could have just not remembered it... anyways, can't wait for more


This is in the fic, not the movie. Here's a timeline for the fic.

1. Sunset Shimmer officially becomes Celestia's student. 2. She gets her cutie mark and Celestia realizes that it is not her destiny to be the one to save Luna. 3. Celestia begins watching Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer. She realizes that Shining Armor has the Element of Magic as a cutie mark. She guesses that Twilight is the correct one. Celestia starts becoming very interested in Twilight (possibly sending Cadance to babysit her- I didn't write this in) 4. Sunset wonders why Celestia isn't paying as much attention to her. She finds out about Twilight and gets angry. 5. The events in The Fall of Sunset Shimmer happen. 6. Twilight takes the entrance exam for the School of Gifted Unicorns and hatches an unhatchable egg, getting her cutie mark in the process. This confirms to Celestia that she is the prophesied one. She becomes Celestia's student.

I did write this in explicitly in the story, but I get that it's not perfectly clear what order it happened.

This is one of the very best and most well written Sunset Shimmer stories that I have read yet. How ever I do feel that Celestia should have had her flank handed to her on a platter for asking Twilight to relay a message of pure remorse to Sunset. That is something that Twilight should have flat out refused to do because it should be Celestia and NOT twilight that goes to Sunset with that message. Still a very good and most well Written story. can't wait to see the next chapter.

I need more. :derpyderp2:


You... are right, actually. Celestia may have her faults, but I don't think she'd actually ask Twilight to do that. I've changed the phrasing a bit.

6914756 why is it every time I fined a great story I end up reading through it in one go instead of breaking it up into smaller bites to make it last?

Celestia keeps seeming to miss what she needs to do.

She needs to stop sitting around waiting for Sunset to return and go to her herself. Those two are never going to heal unless she takes the first steps. Sunset really isn't the one that needs to reach out first.

For your:

(Spoiler warning: plot to the EQG Holiday Special follows)

I'm pretty sure it was all of the cmc, not just AB. Or at the very least AB and Sweetie. If I remember, we only got 2 hangouts, Pinkie's and Rarity's before they broke off with Sunset. I can't remember with AJ and AB, but I remember at Rarity's, Sweetie Belle wanted to hang out and Rarity basically told her no, that she wasn't allowed.

Yeah, looking at it right now, AB's problem I don't understand too much. AJ left, but AB still had Big Mac and Granny. Sweetie Belle however, I do understand. Because she lives alone with just Rarity, and Rarity pushed her out and sent her to bed alone, just so Rarity could have a sleep over with her friends. AB starting it, I don't get, but Sweetie I can understand doing it.

Ships That Collide in the Night

Subtle.... Really Subtle there Author...

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