• Published 9th Jun 2012
  • 944 Views, 6 Comments

Cool Mint - Kumare Tanamaru

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Prologue: Part One

"Alright everypony! Get ready to get this party started!! This is your mixer, DJ M1n-T, and I'll be takin' care of all y'alls musical wants and needs! Let's get down to one of my new records: Cool Mint!" I yelled as I flipped a light green record onto my turntables. The crowd cheered and started dancing.

This is the life. I thought to myself. No worries. Just me, my music, and the mare down the street. What was her name again...?

I snapped out of my daze and found myself staring into one of the scariest sights I had ever seen. It was the Horse-Shoes. The most feared, respected, and loved DJ's of my time. I would have loved to seen them come in to sample my music. Only, there was one problem with that fantasy: Me.

I had gotten on their bad side when I started hitting on Clef's mare. She was nice too. Slick gray mane, nice violet eyes. Never got in more than two words with her before I was ran out of the club. The Horse-Shoes told me that I'd never be a great DJ if I didn't have a face to match my music. As you can tell, I didn't stick around that joint too long. I also had to promise them something: I was never to DJ in one of the clubs surrounding the Pony Party Center.

Problem: There was no way I could even dream of get my stuff out there without playing in one of those clubs.

Solution: Play secretly.

Current Situation: I'm up on stage, jammin' out, and have no way of leaving, except through the front door. Plus, my only copy of my "Cool Mint" record is here on stage with me. So I have two options:

Option One: Ditch my record and save my hide (which I don't want turned into one of the Shoes' boots).

Option Two: Save my baby, get the living crap beat out of me, and leave town afterwards.

I think I'm going to choose option two.

I grabbed the mic and sighed.

"Alright everypony. I gotta good one for you. This one's called 'Beyond her Tomb.' Hope everypony enjoys, I'm out."

The crowd gasped as I started the record. I looked up and saw the piercing scowls of the Horse-Shoes. I have to say: I've never seen Clef's expression change. Tonight must've been a special occasion, because his eyes looked like that of pure evil.

I approached the group slowly and kept a close eye on the records I had in my bag.

"Clef." I said calmly.

"Mint." he replied without breathing.

"Been a while. Still seeing that mare? What was her name?"

"Synth. And no, I'm not. Not after that night."

"That's a shame. She wa-"

"Shut up. Just shut the buck up, and get out. I won't do anything to you unless you leave." He said.

He blinked and looked at the ground. I had never seen him like this.

"I don't care where you go. Just never come back. You'll never be a successful DJ. You'll never be successful in music. So leave town."

I paused and stared through his sunglasses, and into his light green eyes.

"Agreeable. Just let me get a few things fr-"

"Tonight. You have to leave tonight." He said, taking a step towards me.

"Alt, You-"

"Don't ever call me that again. Just leave. Now. We'll take care of your stuff. Just get out."

I looked at him with disappointment. I used to call him my friend. Now he was just competition. I walked to his side and put on my shades.

"For music, for passion. For friendship..." I paused and opened the door.


I walked out the door and headed down the road. Safely snugged in my pack was my pride and joy, my first and only record: Cool Mint.


I arrived in the next town with no problems. No henchmen following me, no one out to get my name.

"This town would be great..." I said to myself. "Without the Horse-Shoes name tattooed all over the damn place."

I winced at the name and nodded at the conductor, who had tapped on the glass, asking if I was staying for another ride. I closed my eyes and drifted into a deep sleep, and dreamt my dream life. The dream I have every night. My own club. My own music. A nice mare by my side, and my whole future ahead of me.

"Excuse me, sir?" I heard a small voice say.

I opened my yellow eyes and found a filly, not much younger than myself, staring at me with her deep blue eyes. She was pretty, slender, and shy. But of all her traits, I notice she lacked a cutie mark.

"My mother and I were wondering if these other seats were taken." she said, breaking my concentration

"Nah. I have no use for them but to put my hooves up. You can have them." I said, pulling my shades over my eyes.

"Thank you sir." She said with enthusiasm.

The filly ran out the room to find her mother, I suspect, and returned not three minutes later.

"Here mother, this nice stallion said we could have these seats!"

I felt the mother's eyes stare at me for a while.

"I'm terribly sorry if my daughter bothered you."

"She asked for seats. Who am I to say no? Take 'em. I don't mind a bit of friendly company." I said smirking to myself.

"See mom? I wasn't lying!"

"Hush, Elegy."

"Elegy..." I said aloud. I smiled at the two and lifted my shades to see them more clearly. "Please, sit. I need some company. You're name. Elegy. Do you know what it means?" I asked softly.

"No sir," she said taking the seat across from me. "What does it mean?"

"It means 'An instrumental lament with praise for the dead.' Basically, you give ponies a happy goodbye gift with song. How does that make you feel?"

The little filly looked at the ground and then to her mother. Tears welled up in her eyes, and I held my breath in fear of what I had done.

"M-my father died when I was younger... His name was Vivace. When he died, I wrote a song for him, to celebrate his life. Here, I want you to have it." she said, scooting a folded paper across the table.

It had a wax seal on it. The seal had a lyre imprinted in it, and was a solid yellow color. I held it to my chest and nodded in thanks. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't help but notice her flank was glowing brightly.

"Elegy! Look!" her mother exclaimed.

Elegy quickly examined her behind and tears fell from her deep blue eyes.

"Congratulations Elegy." I said standing up to leave.

"Oh... You're going?"

"This is my stop. See you 'round." I said about to disembark.

"W-wait! Can I know your name?"

I pulled my shades over my eyes and chuckled a bit.

"Mint. See you 'round, El." I said getting off the train.

Comments ( 6 )

This looks promising... Although I don't very much care for your disuse of the tab button.

P.S. Love the Tombstone reference.


719358 I mean the formatting, how you don't indent whenever you star a new paragraph. But I'm just really nit-picky so you shouldn't worry about it lol.

Oh. Indenting. I never could get used to that.... sorry bout that, friend! :twilightsheepish:

Looks like a good one, yet I'm nopony to judge.

We'll see.neven I don't know where this story is taking me. :twilightblush:

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