• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 1,428 Views, 20 Comments

Unforgiven - VampDash

Twilight did something horrible.... something unforgivable. Now she seeks to try and correct it

  • ...

The First and the Last

I did what I had to. Twilight kept repeating these words over in her head. The past few days… to say they were unkind to her would be an understatement. She suffered a loss more great than she was willing to admit to anypony, not even Celestia herself knew, and exiled herself from the outside world; preferring to stay up in the old tower she used to live in most of her life.

She then started losing weight due to refusing to eat anything that was given to her reducing her almost to mere bone. But the biggest one was that despite what she told everypony she couldn’t make herself believe it. I did what I had to. She told herself as she went to bed that evening, after doing her research that is.

She glanced at the black book and her notes, along with seven black orchids she had secretly requested from the royal guards. She pressed them that she had to have them today, less her chance for her plan tomorrow failed.

She couldn’t fail. She already made one failure, and it costed her everything.

What is it going to be? Your magic or your friends? Tirek asked her from what seems like so long ago. She should’ve chosen something else. She should’ve SAID something else. Anything other then the answer she gave him.

But she did.

And now her friends were dead.

Realizing that she had to get some sleep for the big day tomorrow, she decided to head to bed.

She curled up in her bed and was about to tell Spike good night… except then she remembered he wasn’t with her anymore. She sighed and then retreated into her sleep. It was peaceful this time. The nightmares didn’t torment her this time as they did last time she was asleep.

Everything…. everything is going to be fine…. I did what I-I had to. And I’m going to do what I have to do tomorrow.

The next morning Twilight stretched a bit carefully so that she wouldn’t hurt herself due to her condition. As she got out of the bed she felt her hooves wobble from her own weight so she resorted to merely using her own weak wings.

Was this what it felt like when Scootaloo tried to fly so often? If so she pitied her more than she ever had before. She stopped at her old desk and picked up the notebook and the flowers before she began her journey. As she headed down part of her wanted to use the teleportation spell but she still refused. Figuring that she will have to find out the best way to talk to each of them would be better if she took her time getting to each place.

When she reached the bottom two pegasi guards were awaiting her with a dark outfit, a hat, and a thin veil hung from a coat hanger. “Princess Celestia requested that you at least should wear this.” The guard to her right said.

She nodded and grabbed the coat hanger with her mouth and gently laid it down. They were about to ask for help but she held a hoof up telling them to stand back as she tried to put on the dress herself. She felt some pain in her hooves as she unbuttoned the dress but ignored it while she slipped it over each of her hooves. The hat and veil felt less awkward but the pain still lingered. She turned to face the guard on her left and nodded. Both guards lead her towards a black carriage just outside. They hitched themselves up to it as they spread their wings and began flying towards Ponyville.


As the sun shone down on Ponyville Twilight could already feel the sorrow from the town as she remembered the pain that befell it not too long ago. She saw the first stop she needed to make pointed towards the barn. The guards nodded and brought her near it. Scuffling to a stop in front of the ground where Bloomberg once stood. She smiled as she touched the dirt and felt the ground beneath her.

She saw the barn and marvelled at how the Apples designed it. The outer portion of it had been painted a very dull red instead of the usual bright red she normally would’ve associated it with but then again considering the circumstances it was rather fitting. She saw that they had decorated the windows with no more than three laurels each that overlapped one another. She took a deep breath before heading towards the two huge doors that made up the entrance to the barn.

She nudged it opened slightly and heard many members of the family talking to one another. Some were merely trying to catch up on how they’ve been and what memories they had about Applejack while the others were more than likely at her casket with some parting words.

Twilight half considered leaving and returning when it was less crowded. It would be easier for her but something in her gut told her that she needed to do this now rather than later. With a push she entered the barn and was once more blown away by the decorations that the family put up. Long wreaths of flowers and apples decorated the ceiling and the interior was painted the same dull red as outside. She also noticed that upon entering the whole room suddenly became silent. She could feel all of their eyes either staring or glaring at her. The emotions surprised her. She figured they all hated her for what she did but to see that they didn’t all feel the same way both made her feel better yet worse.

However she said nothing as she began walking towards the casket. She was no more than halfway there when a little yellow filly dressed in a black dress and a darker red ribbon bow tied to her bright red mane stopped in front of her.

“What the hayseeds do you think yer doin’ here?” Apple Bloom demanded from her. Twilight said nothing but that just seemed to fuel her anger more. “Yah know she had me convinced that yah knew what you were doin’? That yah always had a plan tah save her and the others? Well what was yer plan this time?! What did you do besides let mah sister die yah uncaring, horrible, worthless-!”

“Young’un that is enough out of yah.” An elderly voice called out to her. Bloom stopped her rant as a old green mare with white hair and a old dark dress walked up. “She came tah pay her respects. Ah suggest yah let her do what she came here tah do.” Granny Smith told her. Bloom just glared as she marched off. Her eyes watering as she exited the barn.

Twilight just sighed as she continued to walk to the casket. Looking down she saw the perfectly preserved body of Applejack dressed in a beautiful orange gown, her face had some make-up done to it but other wise she was still the same smiling farm mare she met what seemed like ages ago. She took one of the orchards and placed it into AJ’s folded arms. She turned to leave but was surprised by a rather large stallion with a red coat and orange mane wearing a tuxedo standing behind her.

“Hey Twi.” He told her. Simple words were always how Big Mac preferred to talk Twilight remembered. “Listen… don’t let this whole thing fool yah. No matter what yer still considered family tah us okay?” Twilight once more said not a single word but nodded in understanding as she walked out the barn.


As Twilight entered her carriage she saw Apple Bloom being let back in but the filly still gave her a nasty glare. She just sighed as the carriage lifted off and flew towards the next pony on her list.

She soon saw the building she was looking for near the entrance of Ponyville. A giant church that was painted with the color scheme of black and white on the painter’s mind apparently when they designed it. Twilight didn’t mind it that much. She liked simplicity at times and this was one of them.

She was about to push open the doors when she found that it was already opened up by a eggshell colored stallion wearing a dark tuxedo and a mustache.

“Hello Twilight…so I take it you’re here to pay your respects?” He asked her. She merely nodded as he let her through. She looked around and saw that the whole church was packed yet unlike the last funeral none of them seem to have been glaring at her…. except one.

Twilight merely continued her walk to the coffin and saw the body inside. Rarity was dressed in a beautiful and sparkling white dress that seemed to have been made by the crystal ponies. Her face betrayed no emotion and yet Twilight couldn’t help but feel like Rarity would be happy with the reception here.

She carefully pulled out another orchard and gently placed it in between Rarity’s hooves. She sighed as she turned to leave… but then felt that same cold feeling like somepony was glaring at her.

“Why... why did it have to be her?” She heard somepony say. She kept walking but the voice seemed to keep pace with her. “She didn’t do anything wrong…. s-she was just trying to be a good pony….. i-it should’ve been you.” Sweetie Belle’s voice told her. Twilight paused at this yet she had nothing to respond to the filly. She then kept walking before she exited the church and stepped onto her carriage as it lifted up into the sky.


Twilight had always seen Cloudsdale as one of the busiest places she ever encountered. The streets normally were bustling with Pegasi that flew everywhere they could to reach their jobs. It was vibrant. It even at times seemed ALIVE even at night. So when she and her guards arrived she was surprised to see hardly any light illuminating from any building and hardly any Pegasi flying around. She was about to ask the guards but they seemed to have predicted this.

“The funeral for both Rainbow Miriam Dash and Fluttershy are to be held near the Cloudsdale Cemetery. The customs dictate that after a full day the deceased are to be cremated at midnight.” The guard to her right told her. She merely nodded in understanding as the carriage skidded to a stop in front of the cemetery. She gently walked off the carriage and into the graveyard.

She felt…. cold.


As though she didn’t deserve to walk amongst the tombs of the pegasi that were burned here. She was about to wonder how she was going to find the funeral when she saw a group of ponies walking north. They were wearing dark clothing like how Rarity’s funeral was and she elected to follow them. She soon arrived at what appeared as a mass gathering. Everyone was merely silent as she walked towards the center where her two former friends were at. Nopony said anything but here she felt even warmer then at Rarity’s funeral… maybe this one was going to be different.

“Hey there…. Twilight right?” She heard from her right. She turned and was met with a griffoness wearing a tuxedo and a white rose pinned to her suit. “Listen…… I get it….. if there was another out you would’ve taken it in a heartbeat….. I guess I’m saying…. I don’t blame you for what happened.” The griffoness told her.

Twilight understood the meaning behind it. She may not have blamed her but she still hated the choice she made. At least she was more civil about it then her previous two encounters. She continued walking up and met Scootaloo wearing a black dress almost like Twilight’s. The two said nothing which Twilight didn’t mind. They said all that was there with the griffoness.

She saw her two friends on two different pyre stacks dressed totally different. Rainbow was wearing a tux which Twilight thought fit her just perfect thought it was somewhat ruined by the flower crown on her head. Fluttershy also had a flower crown but was merely dressed in a green gown and had little green hoof shoes on. She put her orchids with them and headed back to the carriage were the two guards were. She got back on as they began their final trip before returning to Canterlot.


It was harder to reach the Rock farm then Twilight realized. She also knew that Pinkie never REALLY explained where it was she came from so that added to the problem. However Twilight was unprepared for how… plain it looked. The barn was just gray with no other color other than white on it.

As the carriage landed Twilight began walking towards the double decker doors. She was hardly to them when an unexpected pony opened them for her. A dull faced blue shirt and black belt wearing Maud. At first it seemed like things were going to be fine… and then Maud decked her in the face with a mean right hook.

The guards were about to charge in but Twilight just gave them a look that said no. Before she could give them the order, however, Maud came rushing up and grabbed Twilight by the head before slamming it into the ground, thankfully avoiding cracking her horn, followed by two more swift punches from the still dull looking earth pony mare.

“MAUD PIE THAT IS ENOUGH!” A stallion’s voice rang. Maud stopped punching Twilight then and let her get back up.

“I hate you…. I hate what you made my sister go through and I hate that she had to die because of a mistake you made.” Maud told her in what seemed to be a bored tone but Twilight said nothing. Whether this angered the ridiculously strong earth pony or not Twilight did not know but she came here with a purpose. She walked past Maud and to Igneous Pie who greeted her.

“Thou should forgive my beloved daughter. She hath been through a truly troubling time. All of us have suffered from the demon that thou hadst stopped…. we understand the choice thou hadst to make at that time…. we just hoped thou could’th found a better solution.” He told her.

Twilight nodded in agreement. She merely walked to the casket and felt the apologetic glances from the two parents and sisters. When she got to the box she found it sad that it was nothing more then a plain casket with nothing distinguishing about it. When she looked in she saw that Pinkie wore hardly anything… no scratch that she wore nothing in the casket. She was a dull pink and her hair was straight.

Yet despite all this she still wore her signature Pinkie Smile. Twilight couldn’t help but smirk at this as she placed the orchid between Pinkie’s hooves. She then turned around and exited the barn as she got back on her carriage and took off. It was almost time for the final leg of her journey.


The carriage arrived at the church in Canterlot about two hours after leaving the rock farm. Twilight sighed as she steeled herself for the hardest leg of this whole odyssey. She pushed open the door to the church and saw how few ponies were here before remembering this was a quiet and private funeral.

She saw everypony related to her either by blood or by virtue of being her friend and just nodded as she walked to the two glass caskets. Spike was wearing a suit she only saw him wear once but it still fit the little dragon perfectly. She placed the second to last orchid in his claws before kissing him on his head. She then walked over to the other casket and saw Discord, The so-called Spirit of Disharmony and Chaos himself, just looking for the first time at peace. She tried to find the words more appropriate but felt a simple sentence would suffice.

“I…. I forgive you.” She told the corpse and placed the orchid in his hands. She sighs as Celestia walked up to her and smiled sadly.

“Twilight….. it’s time.” She told her. Twilight smiled and shed a small tear.

“Yes… yes it is.” She said as her horn started glowing bright white. Celestia and Luna’s eyes widen at this but before they could react the two orchids in the church as well as the others began glowing. The bodies that held them also began glowing as well and even levitated a few inches off the ground. It lasted a few seconds before Twilight’s horn stopped glowing before she slumped to the ground with a smile on her face.


At the barn on Sweet Apple Acres every Apple family member stared in shock as the body slowly lowered down….. and soon heard a gasp coming from the box.



Sweetie just couldn’t help but look slack jawed at her sister as her body began lowering back into the casket. She soon saw something even more shocking. Her sister starting to crawl out of the casket.

“Sweetie…why am I in a casket? Where is my halo and wings? And my dress! My angel dress! Ugh it was perfect!”.”


To say Gilda and Scootaloo were dumbfounded would be an understatement. They were utterly confused as to why Rainbow and Fluttershy were staring at everyone as though they caught them wearing nothing and just gotten out of bed.

“Okay…can someone tell the priest to uh…. NOT light our sticks on fire please?” Rainbow asked.


“Why’s everyone frowning?! The author just brought me back to life! This is a happy moment!” Pinkie shouted as her family looked at her with shocked expressions…. except for Maud.

“I am happy.”


“Twilight! Twilight wake up! What’s wrong with her?!” Shining asked as he held Twilight’s body with his own hooves.

“She…. she used soul magic.” Celestia stammered out. Spike and Discord were being looked at by royal physicians after they woke up to see if there was anything wrong with them. “She… she saved them but…. at the cost of her own life.”

“What…what do you mean?”

“She just destroyed her own soul and split it into seven pieces… she brought the dead back by killing herself.” Celestia said with tears in her eyes.

“But…. but she can move on right? I-I mean y-you’re making it sound like-”

“Shining Armor… her… her soul exists between her friends… I’m sorry but she’s gone.” Celestia said as her eyes began watering. Shining either didn’t hear her or he just chose to ignore it as he cried over his dead little sister’s body.


It was rainy the day of the funeral. Everypony, griffon, and dragon it seemed appeared to have come to the funeral of the princess who gave everything up saving the world more times then she needed to. Even the Spirit of Chaos wasn’t causing any insanity. Each of the Princess’s friends were dressed accordingly for the funeral. Spike himself was taking her death the hardest out of them all as he couldn’t even say his eulogy about her without breaking down into tears. As Shining got up to do his own each of her friends walked up to her casket. In the diamond encased coffin Twilight wore the bright purple and yellow coronation dress she wore when she first became an alicorn. As they all smiled at her peaceful and content face they placed flowers of varying colors into her coffin before saying one final word to her.

“Goodbye… and hope to see you soon.”

Comments ( 20 )

That is so sad. An amazing yet sad ending.

6822837 you should make another where twilight comes back.

6822869 There's a reason this is a One-Shot. I feel if I did a sequel it would ruin the impact of this story.

Well, I must say I was rather touched by this little story. You done good. Also, sorry I haven't been in contact with you for awhile. It's not because I hate you or anything, it's just that I've been really busy with a few of my other projects.

6822961 6822869 6822946 To quote the movie Unforgiven

"It's a hell of a thing killing a man. You take away all he's got... And all he's ever gonna have."

I felt the fourth wall breaking broke the mood of the story (no pun intended).

6823480 I just wanted to do something that was in character for Pinkie Pie.

I really want to say "you have been unforgivened" here, but I'm afraid nobody would get the reference.

6862056 That's what happens when Rated Ponystar is your editor and lets you write sad crap.

This is somewhat related to the story but also a bit off topic, but the title makes me think of the song The Unforgiven by Metallica. Badass song. But anyway, awesome story. Almost made me cry. Almost

6984810 Twilight also may or may not have been in love and slept with Discord on one occasion. She tried to have his baby.... it gave her the middle finger right before dying.

6985278 I kid of course.... or am I?


The ultimate sacrifice....

Dying to save your friends. Oh Twilight...

*bursts into sobs*

This was very sad… :raritycry:

Great story. Never seen one of these where they actually focus on the aftermath of Twilight giving up her friends.

I do like that it doesn't have everyone forgive Twilight but it isn't overly cruel either. Even if she was justified in her actions, that would be cold comfort for the ponies having to bury their friends and family.

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