• Published 15th Jan 2016
  • 12,928 Views, 356 Comments

Across the Universe - Comet Burst

Across the universe, two minds meet. One on Equestria, and one on Earth.

  • ...

Le Début

The gray clouds of winter hung motionless in the sky, despite the chilling wind whipping through the city. Frost had gathered on the edges of the windows, creating their beautiful sculptures as water dripped from the roof into puddles along the cobblestones. The sound of hundreds of ponies shuffling along echoed among the stone and brick walls of the stores lining the street, proving there was still life amid the cold. Dead leaves scattered about the road were lifted with the wind, flying to the sky as they drifted about. With every small gust, ponies pulled their scarfs, hats and coats closer.

In the distance, the magnificent gold and white castle of Canterlot rose from the mountainside, it's windows shuttered and smoke rising from the many chimneys. The magnificent Royal Gardens had blankets and bedsheets wrapped around the many bushes, trees and shrubs residing there. Guards in thick winter armor and coats stood near the doors with only a brave few willing to follow the patrol routes. The stone beneath them was icy cold, numbing their hooves as they stood. Not a single pony complained, but even with their training, some couldn't help but clatter their teeth when the wind arrives, along with a trail of leaves.

One such leaf followed the current up the side of the castle spire, flitting and spinning carelessly past the stonework. The wind eventually moved on, abandoning the lead to a slow spiral back to the ground once it neared the purple roof of the tower. As it passed, a warm waft of air blew below it before the cold rushed in, pulling the poor leaf into an open window. It landed with a soft skid on a wonderfully crafted wool carpet, flittering as the long leg of a pure white pony walked by, her rainbow tail trailing along the floor. With a soft clack, the wind stopped and the leaf lay still as she passed by again, ignoring the intruder and laying back down on the carpet.

"Brrr," she said, shivering slightly. "Winter has finally arrived, hasn't it?"

She looked around the room with her gorgeous magenta eyes, scanning the purple walls and inviting four poster bed before frowning and turning back to an open book with a quill laid across the blank pages. Her horn lit as the quill lifted itself and floated over to a small inkwell, dipped the tip into it and began to scribble onto the empty pages. The frown she wore was quickly replaced with a smile as she watched the words be penned. Glancing up, she watched the roaring fire in her fireplace, her gaze enraptured with the dancing orange. She tilted her head, blinking once before returning to the book and reading the lines written into the page.

Her smile seemed to fade for a second as she paused, staring at the page the same way she stared at the fire. She blinked and placed a golden shoed hoof on her chin, tapping it slightly as she thought. The quill hovered mere centimeters away from the page, poking the air ever so slightly as she read it again.

"No, no," she said with a defeated sigh. "That's not right either."

Frowning again, she laid the quill back down pursed her lips and looked off into a corner of the room, staring into space. With the quill's scratching gone, only the small crackles and pops of the fire could be heard, accented by the faint whistling of the wind outside. Turning back to the fire, she sighed as her horn lit and a tea set for one popped into the air next to her. Smiling again, she watched the teapot tilt over and fill the cup. Two cubes of sugar danced about the air before plopping down into the steaming amber tea, dissolving almost instantly. A spoon dipped itself daintily into the tea and stirred it slowly, ensuring the granules had all mixed in properly when she took a sip, feeling the soothing warmth wash over her tongue.

"Mmmm. East Saddle Arabian black tea," she said, sipping it once more.

Placing the cup down, the quill lifted itself again and Princess Celestia smiled as it scratched along the paper once more.

The sound of hooves drowned out the scratching of a man sitting at a table, writing into a pocketbook in his hand. Glancing up, he frowned as the soft wind tousled his curly brown hair, watching a cart travel by with casks of wine big enough to hold him within. A sniff escaped him as the people milled about, some shouting about the revolution and waving their flag in the air while others tried to hand out pamphlets to those passing by. Golden sunlight gleamed off the roofs of the chateaus, casting dancing gleams of light onto the mud and cobblestones.

Grunting, the man stood and reached into his overcoat, fishing out a couple five franc coins. He tossed them onto the table, bound his pocketbook and strode off into the crowd, pulling his coat tighter around him. The rabble of the masses rose as he passed each street, watching as they danced, rioted and made speeches on carts and tables, each with large crowds gathered around them. Sniffing again, he stifled a sneeze while he passed a butcher shop, listening to the flies buzz as the meat monger yelled into the crowd, trying to sell his wares. Pressing himself between the women, he managed to free himself when he heard a familiar voice.

"Jacques!" came a voice to his right.

Glancing over, Jacques looked down the street at the masses gathering around the wine cart he saw earlier, frantically reaching up to help get the barrels off. Atop the cart stood three men, each unfastening the casks and spinning them to the back where several soldiers parted the crowd while a few workmen placed planks for the casks to slide down. Confused, Jacques looked to either side before a hand clapped down on his shoulder, making him flinch as a weight pressed down on him.

"Jacques!" the voice said again, full of glee. A toothy grin filled his vision as a man leaned in, supporting himself on Jacques' shoulder while a woman giggled madly in his other arm. Jacques smiled weakly as the scent of wine assaulted his nose and stung his eyes.

"Pierre," he said, reaching up and clapping his other hand on the man's.

"Jacques, what is blazes are you *hic* doing all by your lonesome?" Pierre said, his words on the verge of slurring. "It's a new day! Vive la Revolution!"

Several shouts of approval came from around them as Pierre leaned back, his blonde hair flipping while he released his arm from around the woman and chugged from a bottle.

"Yeah, vive la revolution," Jacques said, his smile turning awkward.

"Oh, come now," Pierre replied, wrapping his arm around the woman again. "We're free! No more kings or nobles! Every man can make his own fortunes! It's all we've ever wanted!"

"Yeah, it's, uh, great," Jacques replied, trying to pry Pierre's hand off his shoulder. "Can't believe it happened."

"But it did," Pierre said, pulling the wine bottle from his lips again. "And I was there! At the Bastille! Best day of my life. No *hic* guards were stopping us and we showed the king we are not afraid of him."

The woman giggled as she ran her hand up Pierre's chest, eyeing him with the most sultry gaze she could muster. Pierre looked over to her and smiled wider. "Yes, we ran through the corridors, freeing all the citizens inside. It was like God himself was directing us."

Jacques smile finally dropped off his face as Pierre rambled on to the woman, finally removing his hand and using it to play with her curly hair. Wiping off his shoulder, Jacques heard a cry ring out through the crowd in front of them and looked up in time to see one of the casks topple from the cart, nearly crushing one of the workers as he dove out of the way. It fell in slow motion, tumbling the short distance to the mud before bursting like a ripe tomato. Red wine sprayed outward and the people cheered, rushing forward to scoop up some of the wine. The guards tried to fend off the masses, but were eventually shoved aside and disappeared as the people fought for a drink.

"Free wine!" Pierre shouted as he and the woman ran towards the crowd, shoving a few aside before he thrust the bottle into the air. "Viva la Revolution!"

Jacques straightened his jacket while the people roared in approval, scrunching up his nose before turning and walking down the road again, determined to avoid eye contact with anyone. The next few minutes were silent as he passed the many buildings huddled around the avenue, most with the new flag of France flying from their balconies. The rabble eventually grew quieter as he moved away from the center of the city and passed into the much nicer Le Marais borough. Tall, proud estates lined the streets with beautiful wrought iron fences guarding them faithfully. Amber and orange leaves blew down the road as the trees swayed in the wind, blocking some of the sunlight.

His pace slowed as he looked up at the trees, smiling while memories of climbing the ones near his childhood home came back. Shaking his head, he pushed past a couple and made his way over to a small café. A woman outside furiously wiped off the table before glancing up and smiled.

"Ah, Jacques. Welcome back," she said as he passed by.

He nodded to her, returning her smile as he entered the café, noting the emptiness of the shop. Behind the counter, a balding man stood there, wiping off cups with a rag as Jacques walked up to it. The tender glanced up as Jacques leaned onto the richly colored wood and smiled.

"What do you want?" he asked with a voice far more gruff than he looked.

"I'm here to rent a room from you," Jacques said, pulling a small note from his pocket.

Princess Celestia sighed, reclining on her pillows while she savored the warmth from the tea and fire. Her horn lit and her cyan magic covered her tiara, lifting it from her crown while the necklace around her neck clicked free. She glanced over to the window, noting the stars were twinkling brightly as Luna's moon rose into the sky. A small sigh escaped her as she kicked off her slippers, sending them clattering on the floor closer to the fire where they could keep warm. Today had been a quiet day. No major disasters, no reports of monsters ransacking towns or cities and certainly no incursions from Discord or anypony.

She wiggled as she snuggled against the plush pillows, wondering if she should summon another batch of tea when heard a couple of hooves outside her door. Craning her neck, she watched it for a few seconds before the sound of hooves rang out again, making her smile. Her guards must have been tired from standing watch all day and she hoped they'd get some well deserved rest.

The thoughts of them sleeping stuck in her mind and her eyelids grew heavy. Saddle Arabian tea was very strong, keeping her alert until the caffeine wore off. When it did, she always needed a small nap. She brought a hoof to her mouth and yawned at it, shivering once she finished. Perhaps a small nap by the fire before bed wouldn't be so bad. An idea struck her, though, as she looked over to her bed and her horn lit again. The four corners of the blanket lifted in unison, floating over to her and draping it across her body. She shivered at the cold touch of the fabric and snuggled against her pillows more, confident it would warm nicely next to the fire.

Laying her head down, Princess Celestia watched the dancing flames as her eyes began to close. The figured the fire made in the air was a wonderful sight to watch, and soon she found herself reclining on a beach with a clear blue sky overhead. A gentle breeze began to blow through the palm trees as she sighed, enjoying the sounds of the ocean.

Jacques lay on his back, staring at the wooden rafters as he thought about nothing in particular. A small fire crackled in the tiny fireplace as his socks and boots sat near it, drying from the day. His coat hung on the back of a chair at the writing desk under the window to the right of the fireplace, along with his nice shirt and pants. He rolled to his left and stared out the window into the starry sky as the skyline of Paris stretched out before him.

The city was beautiful under the stars, each home having a light twinkling within to match the endless expanse above. He could see the lights of the revelers still celebrating their independence in the distance, along with the mass of candles burning outside of Notre Dame. His gaze lifted from the city and into the sky, observing all the stars as they formed the many constellations in the pitch black sky. He had heard the theories the scientists were coming up with about them, saying they were other suns farther away from the planet than the planet was big. While he wasn't really against what the scientist said, Jacques gave their theories very little thought.

Still, he continued to stare into the sky and trace the constellations his father had shown him long ago. From here, he could see Orion, the hunter and Ursa Major, along with many smaller ones. There was an almost endless number of them and his eyes grew tired from tracing their lines. Rolling over, Jacques stared at the fire until he drifted off to sleep, his thoughts swirling.

He stood on a glorious yellow beach with an endless blue ocean in front of him, much like those he had heard of from the sailors and soldiers. The air was warm, much warmer than he had ever experienced in France, and the sound of the ocean filled his ears. Taking a deep breath, he smelled the salty water and smiled before turning and walking down the coastline. The sand was much more fine than the chunky and wet clumps on the shores of Normandy he remembered, feeling like sugar beneath his bare feet. His coat drifted with the breeze as he spread his arms, inhaling the fresh air again when he felt something new under his foot.

"Hey! Luna!" Celestia said, snapping out of her enjoyment as a hoof pressed into her mane. It immediately backed off as she rose, rubbing the crown of her head where her mane still stung. She snorted, turning to see who had interrupted her daze when the pony spoke.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry!" he spoke with a strange accent.

She had some choice words in mind when she froze, staring at the pony towering above her. It certainly wasn't Luna due to the deep brown coat covering his body. His shiny hooves poked out from underneath his coat, leading her up his well defined body to a set of green eyes that sparkled like emeralds. A set of large wings were spread in alarm, similar to her own as his forehoof hung in the air.

Jacques stared in amazement at the woman below him, watching as her rainbow hair drifted in the wind. She wore a simple dress of pure white with golden bangles on her slender arms and sandals of the same gold weaving up her legs. He stared into her eyes, watching as the deep magenta drew him in to her perfectly shaped face. She was beautiful, more than any woman he had ever met as he took a step back.

"A-Are you a goddess?" he asked.

A look of confusion crossed her face as she stared back. "No, but are you a prince?" she asked, her eyes filling with wonder.

"Uh, no," the pony replied, his wings pressing back against his body. "Being royalty isn't a good thing right now."

"Why?" Celestia asked, still staring at his eyes.

"You know, the revolution," he said, taking another step back. "Are you sure you're not a goddess?"

Celestia giggled at the compliment, blushing slightly as she broke her stare. "No, I'm sure."

The pony seemed to relax at that, placing all his hooves on the sand and leaning over to keep staring at her. "Could've fooled me."

Celestia smiled wide as he reached out a hoof and patted the sand next to her, nodding to him. Thankfully, he picked up on the offer and sat next to her, still staring as she flicked her mane back. "No, but I suppose being a princess does give that impression sometimes."

Jacques' eyes widened as the woman spoke. A princess? No wonder she was so beautiful. She probably had every handmaiden in her castle tending to her every need and the finest of makeup. Even though he had never heard of rainbow hair, he could understand it now. Part of him was tempted to touch it and his hand reached out, pausing before he grabbed a lock.

"Do you mind if I touch? I've never seen such exquisite hair before, even on royalty," he said.

The woman giggled her musical voice again and nodded, looking back at him as his fingers closed around her soft hair. He rubbed it between his digits, seeing if the dye would come off, but to his amazement, his fingers remained dry and colorless. Following the lock up, he saw the color reached all the way to her head without any sign of another hair color.

"Wow," he said, returning his gaze to her.

She blushed slightly as she pushed a few loose strands back, looking down at the sand. "Thanks."

"Where are you a princess of?" Jacques asked, excitement building in his chest. "India, China, Africa?"

A strange look crossed her face as she turned back to him. "No, I am princess of Equestria. Princess Celestia."

"Celestia," he said, the name rolling off his tongue. "What a wonderful name. Where is this 'Equestria'?"

She blushed again as she looked back into his eyes. "It's on the western continent."

"Oh! America?" he replied, a smile splitting his face.

"No," Celestia said, the confusion returning. "Just north of the Gryphon Kingdom."

Jacques blinked, confusion filling his mind. "Gryphon Kingdom? Is that Germany or Austria?"

"What are these places you're naming?" Celestia said, tilting her head. "And you've yet to tell me your name."

Embarrassment burned on his cheeks as he realized he had forgotten the most basic form of etiquette around a woman. Shaking his head, he looked back up and reached out for her hand. She flinched as he touched her, but he brought it up to his mouth and kissed it gingerly.

"Pardon my rudeness," the pony said, kissing her hoof gently. "Your beauty caused me to forget my manners."

Celestia felt her cheeks begin to burn again as he kept eye contact the whole time, acting like this was an everyday thing to do. She found it odd he reached out with his own hoof rather than lifting hers with magic, but his hooves were much softer than they looked. Underneath his unkempt mane of brown curls, his emerald eyes twinkled again.

"I am Jacques Desmarais," he said with an extreme emphasis on his vowels. "I am a citizen of the Republic of France."

Celestia's eyes widened. "Oh! Prance?"

"No, France," Jacques repeated. "France, not Prance."

Celestia tilted her head again, but smiled regardless. Perhaps his strange dialect was just a quirk of the country. "I am very honored to meet you, Jacques. Would you care to join me?"

Jacques' eyes shimmered. "It would be my pleasure."