• Published 8th Jun 2012
  • 6,162 Views, 276 Comments

From man to mare: An aching heart - The Psychopath

Derry now has to cope with bizarre feelings he has gotten for Cyclon Opal.

  • ...

Painful awakening

I was still clinging to the bed, my breathing at an irregular and heavy pace. I could only stare at the ceiling as my sweat trickled down my body like knives, while Cyclon moaned in agony as he struggled to get onto the edge of the bed.

"What was that for?"

"I just...had a HORRIBLE nightmare."

Cyclon wiped his forehead as he hoisted himself back onto the sheets. "Horrible how?"

"You don't want to know, and I'm not gonna tell you."

"If you don't tell me, you'll never get over it. Besides, it had to be a TERRIBLE nightmare for you to hollow out my stomach like that."


"Tell me."


I could see he was getting frustrated, and that nightmare was enough to lock my muscles in place. He was frowning and creeping closer to me. I had to get out of here, but my body wouldn't let me.

"Hey brain, unlock my muscles. That's enough!


"What? Lemme go! I can't stay here!"

Not my problem.

"This is going to affect you too you know."

No. It's only going to affect you. I'm not concerned.

"Why you little bas-"

"HEY! Either you tell me or I'll force it out of ya." Cyclon cracked his ankles. "A captain knows how to get the information he needs."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Yeah. I am. Now answer me or else."

Both of his front hooves were reaching for above my head. What kind of pressure point was that? Maybe ponies have different points that hurt from humans. It wouldn't surprise me, after all, for obvious reasons. He barely touched me that I yelped in pain.


Wow. I've never heard you talk that fast before. You must have really had a weird dream.

I saw Cyclon blnk irregularly as he tried to process what I had just said at great speeds. I was hoping that he would've let it slide due to incomprehension, but then he turned red and purple. That must be his "ultra-embarassment" mode.

"And that was your nightmare? I don't know whether I should laugh or be insulted." his voice was cracking.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That you consider a marriage with me a nightmare, and that it means that I'm not good enough?"


His eyes broke open and started to jolt around everywhere as he realized what he just said.

"Duhhh...nothing. I said nothing."


"I know a way to tense out your muscles without you having to go to that creepy spa though. It could help you with your current 'lockdown' effect."

"And what might that be?"

"First, I gotta flip you over."


I'm still too tense, so he pushes me over.

"Now then."

I keep my head on the pillow and feel something feathery wrap around my shoulders, accompanied by something hard pushing against my back like a "cat making toast". I'm pretty sure he was smirking, because I was giving a big smile and my eyes were closed. I guess I'm more vulnerable to massages than I thought. Apparently, we hadn't noticed that it was already morning as the curtains were closed. We learned it as soon as Rainbow Dash and Applejack came barging in.

"Hey Silver, we heard that you're back, so we-woah." Rainbow Dash averted her gaze.

"Well, well. Ah thought ya said ya didn't want no relationship. Seems ta me that ya've got yerself a coltfriend."

"A c-c-coltfriend." Cyclon stuttered.

Once again, he went red. I think he'll be needing a blood transfer after these many blood rushes.

"No. He was...massaging me because I went tense after having a nightmare." I replied seriously.

"Mhmm. Ah bet that thar dream had him in it." AJ pointed to Cyclon.

"Exactly! That's why it was a nightmare." I smiled.

"Ha. That was very funny. Let me laugh."

"Just get off me."

"With pleasure."

We both hopped out of bed and stretched about as AJ and the speedster looked around.

"So, how come you two were in the same bed if you aren't 'making out'?" Rainbow Dash hit her front hooves together while making a smoochy face. It took Cyclon and AJ to prevent Silver from bashing her face in.

"There's only one bed. What do you want us to do?"

"Have yer coltfriend sleep in the couch?" AJ suggested.

"Or on the floor?"

"Or outside?"

"I'm not gonna sleep outside! Besides. I have to get a certain gentlepony that I met yesterday to Canterlot. I'll just strap on my armor and be going. Have a nice day."

With the clanking of his metallic pieces, Cyclon stormed through the door and headed for the farms. The two mares just stared at the point of exit of the stallion while I just rolled onto my back and showed little emotion on my face. They both turned around to look at me in a confusion while I snort and wipe my...snout.

"Okayyyy...so we're really glad that you're back."

"Yeah. 'N we want ta show ya something at the Sugarcube corner."

"Pinkie Pie prepared me a surprise party?"

"No." RD suspiciously replied.

I eye her from head to hoof, and decide to go along with it.

"Okay. I'll come with you. One thing though, how did you get through the barrier? I thought only Cyclon and I could open it for others."

"We didn't notice anythin'."

"We just waltzed right up into the house to call you."

"Riiiight. So you intrude upon someone's property without their consent and knowledge? I see." I squint at them.

"It's nothing like that. Just...just come one already. Staying in a house is aching my wings."

"I'm right behind you."

Cyclon was furious at these unjust comments and was grumbling to himself as he stomped up the hillside, only to find Motel waiting just for him and with a rather larky smile on his face.

"Okay. I'm here. Let's go to Twilight Sparkle's library. Hurry up."

"Oh ho. Someone is having some lllllady problems."

"No, I am not."

"Yes you are." Motel pointed playfully at the guard.while donning a big smile.

"There are no mare problems." Cyclon snorted.

Motel's smile faded away for annoyedness and determination. He gave Cyclon a very cold stare.




"Don't play coy with me, sir! I know all about love when I see it! And indeed, I see quite alot of it! You do not seem to want to admit it. Afraid of the mutual feelings or results?"

"Not really. She's just...strange." the guard averts his gaze.

"Strange? You mean that silver colored mare that was with Twilight Sparkle?"

"Yes. How did you-"

"I felt that her heart also belonged to somepony."

Cyclon's interior seemed to race in joy.

"You know, Hearts and Hooves day is coming up. What a coincidence! It's even in two days. You come with me to the castle and, after I'm done sharing talks with Bullseye, I'll help you to grab ahold of her heart!"

"But she isn't soft like the others."

"A rough gem? A bit of polishing and you'll get down to the best part. Trust me on this one. Any form of mare can be tamed if you aren't concentrated on only that! You aren't doing this just for that specific thing are you?" Motel crocked an eyebrow.

"What?! You sir, are sickening."

"Hmph. Many stallions have said to be afflicted with this 'love bug' only to leave the next day that their need has been fulfilled, never to be seen again. Disgusting beasts. Either way, I can see that you are sincere, and I'll shall help you tear down the fortress leading to her heart. Now then, shouldn't we be going to the library instead of into a pole?"

"What do you *bong* OW!" Cyclon fell on his rear as he hit a lamp post head on. "Owwww...Yeah. Let's go."