• Member Since 9th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I just recently started to write stories directly towards the FiM actively, though I have been writing for years, publishing numerous stories at Mibba and the eventual pony story, as far as to the MLP


Sanguine is commonly the blue-eyed and optimistic Pony. When her exterior is speaking for her, and when it is speaking against her; she is known to kick back, or buck circumstances with equal measures.

To the best of her knowledge, Bat Ponies are rare, as are the Tentacle Ponies; while the combination is next to unheard of. Kind of like the Alicorn.

In the end; her tastes are taking her by train, to Ponyville. The word had it, they have bright, red harvests every year; even if they are on the rim of the Everfree forest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Mehhh you stole my name fer yer bat pony >o<

6838479 how is that? I haven't even seen the story, or the Pony in question.
I merely chose the name as a perfect representation of her.
Not that I am using the second meaning of the word in equal measures here.

On that note, she isn't the regular type of Bat Pony either. the fact she is keeping a deep secret for as long as she is able.

Just curious; here can a Pony read about your bat, or see her if there is only a picture of her?

6838513 lol XD no worries, I am just poking fun. and the name is right under your nose, its the name of my profile what is Seye eniugnas spelled backwards?
the name sanguine is one I have used in a lot of my non pony stories and was planning on using in a future pony story.
It is a beautifuland poetic word that has multiple meanings. It makes for a good name ^_^

6838527 backwards is tending to poke people the wrong way, as it were.
It certainly is a good name, and the Poetic sense to it does lend a bit more joy to it.
Maybe you could permit me to inspire you in your writing, I have more than my share in ideas as it turns out.

If you go over my list of stories, there could be enough ideas to get you going.
I tend to include a new idea with every other story, including this Sanguine Bat Pony.

I found it in a description and poked it in the dictionary.

6838616 lol I have a surplus of inspiration ^_^ but if you like to share then go ahead and share.
Sanguine has only two definitions that I quite enjoy, First and foremost is the color of blood. Then you have a sense of joy or happiness in a bad time. Like the whole world is crumbling around you and you have a smile on your face. ^w^
That is why I like the word sanguine.

6838674 Maybe an idea swap, asking for a few ideas on what to do and how to proceed in situations?

Blood is red, so I guess that tracks there; which is why I named her like that. I like positive characters, such as Pinkie Pie, so the characteristics would go very well with me as well. If there is any important undermeaning of the word I missed? I guess it could help me in a later situation.

I think we have several inter5esting Sanguine words in the book, I found a special joy in the Plush for that reason.

Guess I could imagine Pinkie Pie in the situation, just smiling at the reflection as the world came to an end?

6838994 hrmm pinkie is a good example of the definition of Sanguine, though not the color XD
lol if it will help anyone's inspiration I would be glad to share ideas

6839082 She is just a tad bit pale as the Sanguine you were looking for.
I guess there are more Sanguine Pie stories out there. (even if my stories hardly pick up any of the darker hues, even when her spirit sounds like it)
Otherwise, she is the very picture of the word.

Feel free to look through the collection and suggest what you think would improve or continue the story.
Some of my stories are getting on stuck from time to tome, when I don't just get side-tracked by a new and novel idea for a new story.

6839118 lol will do, I am a tad busy with my elder scrolls crossover but Ill try and give it a shot

6839126 I know the feeling, even if I have no idea as to what the story or the original is about.
(at least, you have Four stories to your name) :twilightsmile:

You may notice that there is very few items I don't touch, although I have problems with a few things like Apple-Talk.

My stories come in all sizes and colours, as it were. Just pick one you think looks promising? :raritystarry:

6839179 I have a full library of stories, for you to enjoy.
If you enjoy the style of my writing, you should be able to find something inspiring to enjoy.

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