• Published 22nd Jan 2016
  • 885 Views, 80 Comments

Nights. A awoken legend. - Tunefulsubset72

I returned to my home. Now to hunt down every demora that ever set foot in our world.

  • ...


"My name is trixie." she said." So your the dark knight."

"I am." I say turning to face her." does anyone else know about that video?"

"Just me." she says.

"What are your demands?." I ask.

"Need any help with crime and stuff." she said, i look at confused." I may not have powers, but I know how to use a computer."

"We have someone in charge of our computers." I say." but, she could use as much help as possible."

"Alright then." she said before leaving." Where do you want me to wait for you?"

"Suger cube." I say before teleporting back home.

--a few days later--

After we recruited trixie, things seemed easier to do around our base. We managed to build a portal thanks to someone named stanford
pines. We built according to his design.

We managed to get the frame set up, we just had to wire it and program it so that it will work. Trixie and vinyl made a special type of batter that could power the portal.

"The only problem is." vinyl said." we don't know what type of energy to use."

"I could take it to sunset or twilight." midnight said." they might know how to power it."

"No, magic won't work." I said." But I know what will."

"What?" vinyl said." NIGHTS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?" she yelled as I made a ball of chaos energy in my hand and transferred it into the battery." never mind." vinyl said picking it up and examining it." It will take the portal some time for it to power up, so we'll call you when it's up and running."

"Thanks." I said as I made my way to the training." hey, Octavia want get some training in?"

"Alright." Octavia said." let me get my training suit."

--gravity traing room--

Over the time Octavia joined the guardians she gotten stronger with her saiyen abilities. She asked me if I could make her a suit simalar to my superiorium armour. It took a few days but managed to make her one. When I gave it to her she said she loved and called it omega.

While we were training she got used to using the suit, I made it it almost like mine except her suit as a back up power system, so while she flying and gets tired, the suit will fly using the energy sorce I used to power it.

"Seems like your getting better with that suit Octavia." I said while dodging some ki blast fired by Octavia." Heck even your aim is getting better."

"Seems like it." she said charging me throwing punches." How high is the gravity by the way?"

"At the max." I say, driving a big bang at her, which teleported behind me and sledge hammered be into the ground." Your getting really strong."

"Thanks." she said hovering down to me, then falling to her knees." how long have we been training." she said breathing heavily.

I look at the timer as I sit up." about a good four hours." I say." I wonder if vinyl and trixie have the portal up and running?"

"Same." Octavia said." Shall we take a brake, this suit is staring to get hot."

"I was about ask if you wanted to stop." I said." computer deactivate gravity training."

"deactivating." the computer said as we felt the gravity lower back to normal.

"Hey you bet your record." I said to Octavia as I help her up." I remember the first time you tried to use the gravity training."

"I couldn't get even get past 50x." she said with a laugh as we deactivate our suits.

"Agreed." I say as sit down, then we got a call through our comlinks.

"The portal is ready." vinyl said through the comlinks.

"Let's go." I said to Octavia as we run to the portal room.

--portal room--

Me and octavi were standing in a blocked off area of the room were the portal is. It wasn't active yet until I gave the all clear. Vinyl called the rest of the team to see if they wanted to go. Midnight couldn't because he was on a date with sunset. Trixie had to stay home to help her parents. Ryker came along to see of the portal would work, but didn't want to go to equestria. So it was just me and Octavia going.

"Alright vinyl." I said." on my mark open the portal."

"got it." vinyl said." This portal is a one way only, so you two will need to find another way back."

"I already know a way back." I said." activate the portal."

As Octavia activated the portal it started pulling stuff in. I activated my superiorium armour just as a pipe was ripped off the wall." OCTAVIA LOOK OUT!!" I yelled as the pipe missed me and was heading strait for Octavia.

Octavia activated her amour but the pipe hit just before the suit could fully activate. It hit her in th head and knocked her into the portal. I jumped in after her, but as soon as I jumped in I blacked out.


I woke up in a field surrounded by a dark forest, I still had my suit but I was still human. I got up and looked around, the HUD in my mask showed me that I was indeed in equestria, but I was in the evrefree. When I got up I was in pain, i figure since i was in crater, I probably fell. Then it hit me. I got up quickly ignoring the pain and looking around to see if I could find Octavia. I used my scanner to find her, but when I did she was about a hundred feet from me, but I could tell she was hurt, badly.

"Octavia." I said panicked and ran over to her, her suit was activated so it protected her form the fall, but I used the body scan to see of she had any Broken bones, she had a broken rib and that we sit.

"We're almost there girls." a voice said from the ever free.

"Come on twilight." A voice I recognized from anywhere said." Why won't you let me fly ahead."

"Because rainbow." a another voice said." we don't know what ever fell could be dangerous."

"Great." I said to myself." the tomboy, princess, and the cowgirl." I picked Octavia up bridle style." better get to safety." I said as a teleported into the forest behind some bushes so I could see if it was who I thought it was.

"There's nothing here twi'." pinkie pie said walking up to the portal.

"It or they, must've gone into the forest." rarity said." what could it be?"

"maybe it's aliens." rainbow dash said with a creepy voice.

"Close." I whispered to myself.

"Or maybe it could be a dragon." spike said." it could be hurt, we should've brought fluttershy."

"Highly unlikely." pinkie pie said, causing the mane six to look at her with wired looks.

"how could you possibly now that?" rarity asked.

"Becaaaauuuuseee." pinkie said getting right in raritys face." what ever crashed here is watching us in the bushes, see you cann see it's eyes." she said pointing right at me.

"Come out righ now." rainbow dash said landing I. Front of the bush." Or I'll make you."

"Worst then the rainbow dash on earth." I think to my self. I stand at full height, while picking up Octavia. While I stood at full height the group backed up I'm fear. I stepped out of the bush, looked at them, then ran at sonic speed leaving a white and gold trail be hind me.

"Rainbow dash." twilight said." see of you can..."

"Alreay on it." Rainbow dash said flying off leaving rainbow trial behind her.

"The rest of you." twilight said facing the rest." let's head back to ponyville."

-- everfree--

As I was running, I noticed rainbow dash chasing me." great." I say to myself." hang on just for a little....ACKK!!" I say as I was smashed into a tree dropping Octavia.

"Stay down if you know hits good for you." rainbow dash hovering." You should've known better, nothing can out run or out fly me because I'm..."

"That fastest in equestria." I say sarcastily, causing rainbow dash to look at me with surprise.

"you can talk!!!" she almost yelled." who and what are you?"

"I am superiorium." I said." superior then you infrerior equestrians." that got her made her mad.

"nobody calls me inferior and gets away with it." she said charging me. Only for her to make a loud clang." ouch."

"Your are indeed inferior." I said activating my weapon." Leave us, and if you attack me again, I won't be as as merciful."

Rainbow dash started backing up, then looked behind her then looked back at me with a smirk." Well you stand no chance against an alicorn." she said as a purple magic bolt came flying past her hitting me in the leg. I fell to one knee. "FIRE ANOTHER ONE!!" rainbow dash yelled as another bolt zipped past her hitting me in the chest. I looked to see apple jack tying up Octavia.

"This one won't be ah threat." she said. Then I snapped.

"We just came here for answers." I said getting back up. Twilight try to use her magic to hold me down but I didn't work." I am SUPERIORIUM." I yelled as I deactiveated my helmet reveling my white flamed skull."My friend is hurt, leave us alone." I said reactiving my helmet and going back to normal." Princess of friendship." I spat." What princess of friendship would send someone to attack someone holding someone injured." I cut the ropes off Octavia and picked her up." leave us alone." I said getting ready to speed off.

"I WON'T LET YOU HURT MY FRIENDS YOU BRUTE." a voice yelled from the forest.

"RARITY WAIT." twilight yelled, but it was too late.

Rarity used her magic, throwing a sharp cyrstal piercing the back of my keg armour going right throught my left leg. Know I was mad." You asked for." I said laying Octavia down and face the the group." But it's not me you have to worry about." I said chuckling.

"What do you mean?" twiligt asked.

"I'll answer that, but cover your ears." I said looking up to the sky and releasing a shout, never heard a two centuries." OD AH VIING" I shouted, thunder follow after. I looked back the twilight, who's looking at me with fear.

"How do you know dragon tongue?" she asked." and what did you do?"

"I've study it for years." I say." also I just called a old friend." I picked up octavia." Best you start running." I say as a dragon lands behind me, as I start running, trying to ignore the pain in my leg.

A roar was heard though the forest." Impossible." twilight said charging her horn.

"what is twilight?" apple jack said." what type of dragon is that."

"That applejack is no ordinary dragon." twilight said as the sound of dragon wings got closer." That's an annierian dragon." a loud thud came from behind them, as they turned around fear filled thier eyes." the snow winged hunter, od ah viing."

"Who dares harm the descendent of the dragonborn." he said looking at them." answer truthfully and I my spare your lives."

Author's Note:

Never make nights angry, or attempt to hurt his friends.