• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 384 Views, 1 Comments

Spoon - Flame486

When a mysterious unicorn starts bending reality, Applejack decides to dive deeper, and uncovers some rather shocking secrets.

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Chapter Two

Applejack shook her head. She felt disoriented. She felt herself spinning in midair. Opening her eyes did nothing to alleviate the pain. All sorts of weird colors and visions approached her. It was enough that made her clench her eyes shut in discomfort. Eventually, she felt herself drift off into unconsciousness.

"Come on, Apples! Yee-haw!" Applejack heard herself say. She was just becoming apparent of the surroundings. She was back on the farm, buckin’ for apples. The tree relented, giving way to the delicious fruits that lay inside. The apples fell into the conveniently placed buckets below. She sighed, feeling content with her hard work. The tree slowly began releasing a fresh supply of apples, as she moved over to the next tree and did the same thing. She thought it initially weird that there were buckets across every apple tree in the orchard, but shook off those feelings before moving on the next tree, and the next tree and the next tree.

"Boy, howdy. There are a lot more trees than Ah remember in the East Orchard." Applejack said pessimistically. She looked back and saw that the trees she had just finished bucking had fresh new apples once again. The buckets at the bottom were empty once again. She felt herself stare at the impossibility as a pit grew in her stomach. She felt a nervous twitch at her neck before a familiar voice began to resurface itself.

“Now, jus’ stop it right there you screw! Now STOPPIT! I know you’re listenin', and Ah know y’all can hear me, and you better wisen up right this instant!” The voice came from nowhere, but slowly increased in volume until it was pervading her entire being. She clenched her eyes shut to deal with the immense volume, but after a while, the voice spread outward and began to echo somehow. The sound was still loud but became manageable. She opened her eyes and saw quite an oddity before her. The trees, the landscape... goddarn everything suddenly had an outline to it, and what's more, there were nowhere near enough lines going through everything to make it look strange.

"What was it that Twilight was telling me about? Strange, newfangled electronics? A hologram?" Applejack thought to herself. After listening to a bit to the echoes of her own voice, she tried something.

"Now STOPPIT!" She exclaimed. The image before her shook, until very carefully, the squares that made up the trees began to shatter. Soon, a big gaping hole began to fill in the simulation. The hole was spreading and quick. Applejack tried to run, but it seemed that her running just made things worse, as the entire landscape began to fall apart until she started to fall into it, apples and all.

Applejack awoke to a start. She found herself chained up to a wall, with electronic wires flowing through them. At nearly impossible speeds the wiring shifted and changed to bare ropes holding her down. All of a sudden, Applejack felt very self-conscious about herself.

"These are some measly ropes holdin' me down. I've been the rodeo champion of Ponyville three years runnin'. Ain't no ropes nor lassoes gonna tie me down!" And with that, she ripped the wires out of the sockets, and freed herself, leaving nothing but electrical threading behind.

Now that she was free from that strange situation, she took stock of the environment. She looked like she was in a tiny cubicle, and it looked like the walls were made of some kind of mix between cement and metal. It had a strange sheen to it as if it too had electricity running through it.

Applejack saw a strange glimmer and looked down at her own body. "Boy howdy, what in Tartarus happened to mah clothes?"

She had been wearing a strange blue jumpsuit that seemed to encase her entire body. All sorts of strange triangles and zigzags appeared on it. She noticed a ball moving on a pathway. like a... like a... Gosh-darn it, what was it that Twilight called it? A circuit! Like a circuit. The ball moved from low speeds to high-speeds, and she noticed it cycle everywhere. Her blue jumpsuit seemed to be filled with these circuits.

"Prisoner number 829B, please remove yourself from your cubicle," said a voice out of nowhere.

Applejack looked up and saw... well, she didn't know what she saw. The only way she could describe it was like looking into a beehive. Lots of colorful lights zooming past in the horizon. Blue, green, red, orange, purple, all sorts of strange colors and lights racing past in the sky. And in the closer distance, she saw she was in a boxed-in structure. What did Twilight call those again... a rhombus! A strange rhombus-like structure that had an open ceiling into the strange lights. She also noticed strange pony-like creatures with spears, wearing the same types of garments that she herself had been wearing. Unlike her, however, their eyes had been a solid gleaming red.

She removed herself from looking at the ceiling to notice that a portion of her wall was gone! She stepped outside and saw a thin hallway, with invisible, electronic doors to her right. Glancing over, she noticed that her holding pen had a sign on it '829B.'

"Ooooohhhh. So that's what that strange voice had been goin' on about," Applejack said quietly to herself.

She looked down on the ground and saw an arrow begin to light up on the floor, pointing to the end of the corridor, where a different arrow began to light up to go in a different direction. Applejack played along, for now. She began taking a few hesitant steps into that direction before glancing over to her side. Parallel to cell 829B was a different holding pen by the name of 829A. Inside was a strange green pony with a wacky blue mane. He looked confused and distressed. Applejack decided that she had enough of this and began to bang on his door.

"Hey, it's okay. Ah got outta here, and so can y'all!" Applejack yelled. Just as she began to place her hoof on the door, she felt a semi-painful zap. It wasn't incredibly painful, and after a look over, she couldn't find the place where she got hurt. It just felt like some external force was just telling her body to stop, but nothing more to it than that.

"That good-fer-nuthin' door! Keeping innocent ponies inside. Why it seemed like he didn' even hear me! He's still trapped in that weird prison, without a care in the world..." Applejack felt herself drone off, as she began looking inside of the other cells. Some had nothing inside, others had strange, otherworldly shapes and entities, including what looked like what Granny Smith called "Jell-o" mixed with what Twilight would call an "octopus."

Nonetheless, she walked, vowing to herself to regain freedom for both herself as well as the strange creatures within these pens. Even the most malevolent entities still had a chance at freedom, and it was just inhumane to keep anypony trapped inside.

The arrow dragged on until it opened up into a much bigger room. She saw other ponies, wearing the strange gitup that she was wearing. They were sitting at tables, talking, playing cards, drinking. At one point, she thought she saw herself a bar at one end of the room. Applejack was tempted to see what was there, but she continued following the arrow like it said. She glanced at some of the ponies, and they neither seemed surprised at her introduction, nor saw, or at least was surprised to see an arrow on the ground. Some moving across the corridor looked like they were following their own arrows. Yet despite this, she couldn't see anything on the ground guiding them... she suspected that each individual pony could only see the arrow guiding them.

At long last, she saw the arrow led her down another brief, narrow corridor until she came across a door. At first, the door was emotionless, showing nothing more than a metallic X going across it. That was when the arrow seemed to levitate itself upwards, onto the X itself. The X glowed a darkish green, before changing to a bright green, and opening up. Suddenly, a door dropped behind Applejack, leaving her nowhere to run, but forward. So that's what she did.

Before her was an immense room. On the far wall was a solid sheet of glass, looking hard enough that any ordinary pony couldn't break it without trouble. Kinda like a mix between glass and metal. It kinda looked like an aquarium, with a slanted view of the city below them. Aside from the big open space, there was a giant desk in front of her, to the side of the metal-glass. It looked quite genuine as if it belonged in some Griffon's chancellor office, rather than in... whatever this was.

As Applejack began to approach the desk, she saw that there was a pony behind that desk, looking outside the metal window. There was a massive, multicolored city below them, seemingly made up of concrete and circuits. She agreed with the mysterious pony before her: it was quite a sight to behold.

"Hello," The pony said to Applejack.

He seemed to have a gruff voice about him. He did an about-face away from the window and looked at Applejack. He seemed to have a black-metallic appearance, while simultaneously having the upper-body of what looked like a seapony. The white beard was masking most of his face, and he seemed to have a whitish-grey hat atop his head.

"So, you are Prisoner 829B," The gruff seapony said to her. "I don't know if you know why you're here, but I just want to make things clear, that I don't appreciate your destroying the program. As you can see before you, this city is sacred in its beauty. Every single thing that you have seen is beautiful just the way it is. And I'd appreciate if you did not wantonly destroy everything you came across."

Applejack was at a loss of words. "What in tarnation are y'all talking about? I haven't destroyed anything, yet. And where in the heck are we? This ain't no part of Ponyville Ah've ever seen before."

The seapony chuckled. "Girl, you're in a sanctuary. Home to the electric ponies. MY Domain. And as to your violation, prior to your holding cell, you were having a dream about picking apples before you broke everything. I'd advise you just go right back into there and stay put, otherwise we're gonna have some words."

"WHAT?!" Applejack said. "How in tarnation did you know about that???"

The seapony laughed, and harder than before. "My girl, you're in Sanctuary. I know all the happenings within and without of my domain. The moment you stepped foot within the geometrical realm, you fell right into my grasp." He then started walking closer to Applejack. "Now SLEEP, my little filly. All will be over soon."

Before she could react, she felt her eyes begin to droop. She didn't recall feeling sleepy, in fact, she couldn't recall much of anything. Her eyes felt heavy. She felt herself begin to fight back against it, but there was a nagging part of her which was wondering about why she was doing anything. Slowly that part of her began to empower and overwhelm her until he fell back in a daze. She began to fall asleep.

Author's Note:

Hello everypony. Flame486 here, I hope you're enjoying my story thus far. What will happen next? Will Applejack ever regain consciousness? Who is this mysterious seapony? Who are the electric ponies? Find out next time on Spoon.