• Published 16th Jan 2016
  • 8,026 Views, 72 Comments

Lunacy - shortskirtsandexplosions

Sunset Shimmer's experiencing a night of living hell. Thankfully, Twilight Sparkle shows up and lends a comforting shoulder to lean on.

  • ...


Sunset Shimmer woke up screaming.

She stared into the moonlight, panting, sweating bullets.

The girl spun on her mattress. Her bed had been shoved into the center of her room, away from the windows and doors. All the blankets and sheets had been removed.

Hyperventilating, Sunset hugged her knees to her chest. She curled up into a little ball. Shivering. Her eyes raced across the barren walls and furniture.

At last—when she couldn't handle her own trembles any more—she hopped out of bed. Instinctively, she landed on all fours. Then, wincing, she teetered until she was standing upright like the biped she was. One pensive step after another, Sunset left her room and stumbled down the stairs of her two-story apartment.

Once she reached the first floor, the shadows shifted. With an audible yelp, Sunset flinched. She flung a nervous look over her shoulder, then searched the corners of the living room. All of the furniture had been draped over with sheets. The wall sockets were covered over with tiny strips of duct tape.

All throughout, cold silver moonlight shone... permeated.

Stifling a childish whimper, Sunset stumbled towards the kitchen. She had to lean against the walls and tabletops for support. Her hands fumbled across the counter. All of the knife and utensil drawers had been sealed shut with plastic zip-ties. The bottom cabinets that housed cleaning chemicals were boarded up.

Quivering all over, Sunset opened the only cabinet that wasn't fastened shut. All of the glass canisters were missing, and only the plastic cups remained. With a shaking hand, she grabbed one, then took it to the kitchen sink. She filled it with water, then took several hearty sips. For a brief moment, the girl's muscles relaxed.

With a sigh, she took one look into the remaining contents of the cup. Something shook... squirmed from within. Shrieking, Sunset threw the cup out of her grasp. The container rattled against the kitchen wall, spilling water all over the floor.

A look of utter horror hung off Sunset's lips. She backed out of the kitchen, shaking in her pajamas. A loud groan shook through the apartment's foundation. She jerked a look to the right. Her teeth shattered. Something dangled from overhead. Sunset flinched, looking up at the foyer's dorman chandelier.

Moonlight cascaded over every glossy, reflective surface in the hallway. Dark tendrils shook, came alive, and slithered towards her.

Sunset's eyes watered. She sniffled... then sniffled again. A sob escaped her throat as she hugged herself, quaking. She pressed her back to the wall and slid down until she was curled up on the floor, rocking back and forth.

Off in the distance, a mournful howl rolled over the city, shaking against the windows. Rattling them.

Sunset seethed. She reached her hands up, fingers scooping up clumps of scarlet hair.


There was a knock on the front door.

Sunset sucked her breath in. "...no..."

The knock repeated, louder this time. Persistent.

"It's not real..." Sunset clutched her skull, shaking her head vigorously. "It's not real. It's not real!" She cried, wept. "Don't listen to it. Don't listen don't listen don't listen—"

But then...

...the door creaked open. A gust of cold night air rushed in, billowing across Sunset's lonesome figure.

She hugged herself, rubbing her shoulders for warmth. She convulsed... hissed... and—against her better judgment—she looked up at the doorway. Glossy eyes reflected a petite, pigeon-toed figure.

Twilight Sparkle stood in a wintry cloak covering her normal school wear. At first sight of Sunset Shimmer curled up against the wall and in distress, she gasped. "Sunset...?!" She gaped down at the girl, eyes bright as she incredulously adjusted her thick, thick glasses. "Sunset Shimmer?! Is that you?!"

Sunset clenched her teeth. She stared up at Twilight in petrified horror.

"Sunset..." Twilight took a bold step forward.

"Mmmm...!" Like a rocket, Sunset sprang up off the floor and bolted towards the living room.

Twilight grimaced. "Sunset..." She closed the front door behind her and slowly... cautiously stepped into the next chamber of the apartment. There, she found Sunset squatting beside a sheet-covered couch, trembling at the mere sight of the midnight visitor. "Sunset... omigosh. It's... it's okay! It's me! Twilight—"

"St-Stay back!" Sunset yelped. Tears trailed down her cheeks, and yet she struggled to keep her voice firm. "Don't come any closer!"

Twilight winced. She anchored herself in place, nevertheless entreating her friend with glossy eyes. "Sunset... I'm not going to hurt you!" She gulped. "I would never... ever hurt you."

"It's... it's n-not me that I'm worried about!" Sunset blurted.

Twilight blinked wildly at that. "Huh? Sunset..."

"Wh-what are you even doing here?!" Sunset crawled backwards, nearly hyperventilating. "It's... it's the m-middle of the night!"

"I... I'm sorry..." Twilight winced. She brought both hands together in a demure fashion, her shoes facing inwardly. "It's just that... well... the door was unlocked... and I j-just couldn't help myself. I mean... I-I'm sorry for intruding, Sunset... and at such a bizarre time as well."

"But..." Sunset turned about, squinting into the bright moonlight beyond the curtains. "B-but—"

"It's just th-that you haven't been to school in days. You disappeared without a word, Sunset! I... I've been so worried. Your friends and I have been worried..."

"I... I..." Sunset hugged her knees again. Her voice collapsed into a series of pitiful squeaks.

"It's... I mean it's not like you." Twilight peeked her head out from around the couch. "Erm... is it?"

"Gaaaie!" Sunset scooted away from her. "I said stay back!"


"I don't want to h-hurt you, Twilight!"

"But Sunset..." Twilight stood across the carpet from her. Slowly, she squatted down so that she was even with the girl. Her eyes were full of concern. "...what makes you think that you would hurt me?"

"Because... I-I can't be trusted right now." Sunset buried her face in her hands. "I c-can't trust myself right now! It's so... so agonizing..."

"What is?" Twilight asked. She gulped hard, her voice taking on a wavering pitch. "Sunset, come with me." She held a hand out from afar. "Let me take you to the hospital—"

"It's not like that!" Sunset suddenly blurted, growling. The lines in her face sharpened as she hissed, "Don't you get it?! None of you people can help me!"

Twilight leaned back, startled by Sunset's outburst.

Sunset winced. She broke into tears once again, dropping her head to avoid Twilight's gaze. "I'm sorry. I-I'm so very sorry." She gulped. "You're right. I... I-I should have given you girls some warning. I..." She writhed. "I'll be okay. Honest, Twilight." She tried to smile. It barely came out straight. "It'll pass... it'll pass soon. Just... just go home. Please. I'll... I'll see you in school once... once it all blows over."

Twilight shook her head. "I can't leave you now, Sunset. Not after seeing you like this."

"Twilight, please—"

"You changed my life for the better." Twilight gulped hard. "You showed me a better way. If it weren't for you, Sunset, I'd be back at Crystal Prep. Miserable. Friendless. Of course I'm going to help you see this through."

"There's... there's nothing you can do..." Sunset suddenly gasped, flinching away from the darker shadows of the room. Once her turquoise eyes made a good survey of the emptiness, she relaxed, shoulders slumping behind her.

Twilight studied every movement. Calmly, she murmured, "It's... it's a magic thing, isn't it?"

Sunset sniffled. She hugged herself, trembling. "K-kinda..."

"A pony thing?"

Sunset bit her lip.

"Sunset..." Twilight sighed. She sat down across from her. "Please. I really want to help. Maybe if I just understood..."

"It's... it's hard to explain." Sunset gulped. "Remember... remember th-the first week you were at Canterlot High? When... when the other Twilight visited?"

"You mean the Princess?" Twilight nodded. "Yes. What about it?"

"Remember... mmmm..." Sunset swallowed a lump down her throat as she shivered. "...remember when we discussed with the Princess how anypony who comes through the mirror retains their pony essence deep inside their being?"

"I... think I recall that. Why? Is that what's going on here?" Twilight squinted, adjusting her glasses. "If so, how?"

"Well... uhm... back... b-b-back in Equestria..." Sunset gnashed her teeth. "...Princess Luna controls the moon."

"Uh huh..."

"But she does more than maintain the lunar cycle. She... mmmmm... she looks over the realm of dreams."

"You mean..." Twilight cocked her head to the side. "...she's Equestria's Goddess of Dreams?"

"Yes? Kinda? I mean..." Sunset shuddered, waving a single hand. "Technically speaking, she's an alicorn—and she concentrates all of her magical strength in maintaining the collective dreamscape of all equine beings in our world. And... and..." She looked at her own trembling wrist. Nervously, she bit onto her knuckle to keep her limb still.

Twilight blinked. "Does... any of this have an effect on you now that you're living over here?"

Sunset nodded with a shudder. "In more ways than you know."

"Like how?" Twilight leaned forward. "Please, Sunset. Tell me."

"I..." Sunset looked up, lips quivering. "I can't dream, Twilight."

Twilight's breath left her. "You... c-can't dream?"

Sunset shook her head.

"Like... at all?"

Sunset shook her head harder.

"Then... then what exactly is going o—?"

"Except..." Sunset hissed. "Except during a full moon. You see..." She gulped, gesturing at herself. "With the absence of Luna's guidance, my mind has nowhere to wander at night. So whenever I sleep, it's... it's like a d-deep black abyss. I... I-I have to take regular sleeping pills to get shuteye. But now? During... during a f-full moon?"

"What about it?"

"It... that... I-I dunno..." Sunset panted and panted. She hugged her knees again. "Maybe... m-mabye it drags something to the surface of my inner pony being. Something magical that doesn't know how to work on its own. But... but my mind goes wild. And every bit of energy that would normally go into dreaming manifests itself all at once... whether I'm sl-sleeping or awake."

"Is... that what's happening right now?"

Sunset's breaths came in tiny, spastic spurts.

Twilight's brow furrowed. "Sunset!"

The girl's eyes jerked towards her, twitching.

"Tell me what's happening to you," Twilight spoke, her voice soft.

A tear rolled down Sunset's face. "...the shadows keep moving. And... and..." Her eyes darted left and right. "...there are shapes. Things that are stalking me. Part... p-part of me knows that they're not real... and yet... and yet..."

"How long has this been going on for?"

Sunset buried her face in her hands. "Nnnnnghhh... all night. I... I knew it was going to happen in advance. I pr-prepared for it. It's... happened over forty times since I came here..."

Twilight grimaced. "Oh Sunset..."

"I... I usually have a grip on it. But right now?" Sunset peeked a panicked gaze through her fingers. "With the moon as bright as it is? I..." Her shoulders quivered. "...I hear them, Twilight."

"Hear who?"

Sunset's lips shook. "...the voice of every pony I've ever disappointed." She gulped hard. "Celestia. Luna. My friends from foalhood." She clenched her teeth, whimpered, and breathed: "Last night, I tried taking a shower and... a-and I saw my dead parents." She shook her head. "That's h-how I knew it started. They were dead and looking at me and... they knew, Twilight. They knew what a horrible monster I've become..."


"And... and in the closet..." Sunset panted. "I saw me. But not me me... the she demon. It's... it's like I never stopped doing horrible things to the people of this world."

Twilight crawled across the carpet. "You shouldn't have to be alone during all this."

"Nrnngh... g-go away!" Sunset yelped.

"Shhhh..." Twilight took her cloak off and draped it over Sunset's tender shoulders. She held her gently from behind. "That's not what a friend is supposed to do. And you're the best friend a girl—or a pony could have."

"That's... grnnngh..." Sunset spat. "That's not true!" She tried to shake out of Twilight's soft embrace. "You don't understand, Twilight! I've committed theft! Treason! I stole a Princess' crown and... and... I bullied the students of Canterlot High for years... long before you ever came here—!"

"You still don't deserve all of this."

"How can you say that?!" Sunset sobbed. She wiped her cheek with her sleeve, quivering. "You don't know anything!"

"Hmmmm..." Twilight hugged her closely from behind. "I know that you're a good pony."


"You're a good pony who only wants to do good things." She wrapped her arms around Sunset's waist, holding her in place, protecting her. "Sure, you've made mistakes. But you've more than made up for them."

"But... b-but..."

"Why else would all of your friends stick by your side?" Twilight leaned in so that Sunset could see her smiling face. "Why would I stick by your side?"

"I... I m-might... might harm..."

"Shhhh..." Twilight rocked her gently. "Like you could really hurt me right now. Don't you think I'm tougher than that?" A slight giggle. "I was a she-demon too, y'know."

"It's..." Sunset sniffled. "It's not the same..."

"Only because you stopped it from being permanent." Twilight caressed Sunset's cheek. "You saved me, Sunset. The last thing I'd ever do is abandon you."

"You... you mean..."

Twilight leaned back, hugging Sunset so that she leaned back with her. "I'm staying right here."

"You... you are...?"

"All night if I have to." Twilight hugged her tighter, her voice and breath warm. The scent of lavender. "We'll face the shadows together, okay?"

"I... I-I..."

"And when morning's risen, and the full moon is gone, then I'll make sure you get your sleep." Twilight leaned in to look at her again. "Sound like a deal?"

Sunset stared back, breathless.

"It's okay, Sunset." Twilight smiled. She closed her eyes. "You can go ahead and cry. I won't tell anypony."

And just like that, Sunset's face melted. She hunched over, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Shhhhh..." Twilight rocked her slowly, stroking her hair and shoulders from behind. "It's okay. We'll get you through this. I promise."

"Twilight..." Sunset wept. She wailed. "Twilight... I don't... don't deserve..."

"Don't give in, Sunset. Don't give into your fears."

"You're so precious... so sweet..." Sunset shook her head, wincing. "It should be me looking after you. Guiding you through friendship..."

"Let's make that journey together, hmmm?"


"You don't have to be afraid."

"Twilight... the only fear I have..." Sunset hyperventilated. One muscle at a time, she surrendered into Twilight's embrace. The warmth chased her sobs away, so that she spoke with utter clarity. "...is that you'll hate me..."

"Me?" Twilight leaned in. She kissed Sunset's ear. "Hate you?"

"When..." Sunset exhaled. "...when I tell you that... that I love you..."

She clenched her eyes shut, on the cusp of an explosion.

"I love you so much... and I-I've wanted this closeness for as long as I've known you."

Birds sang.

"... ... ...?" Sunset's eyes fluttered open.

Morning light wafted through the curtains. It was a cold morning.

Sunset blinked. "Twilight...?" She reached a hand up and behind her... but felt nothing. "Twilig—" She looked over her shoulder.

She was alone.

Sunset breathed... breathed. She felt the cloak that was draped over her shoulder... only it wasn't a cloak—but instead a bedsheet that had been yanked off a couch overnight. Sunset's eyes darted across the carpet, spotting broken plaster and overturned bits of furniture.

The sun grew brighter. The birds louder.

A dull sigh escaped Sunset's throat. She wrapped the blanket tighter around herself... then stood up on wobbly legs. With meditative grace, she marched back up the stairs, and took a long, warm shower.

It did a magnificent job of hiding her tears.

Comments ( 72 )
Comment posted by Harmony Pie deleted Jan 16th, 2016

It was a long night
We ran along into the spotlight
You sang a song that made the children cry
And all the people knew my name
It was a bright light

This was amazing!:pinkiehappy:

I'm not exactly sure what happened at the end tho

....Daaaaaaaaaaaamn. That's a horrible thing to suffer through, and that moment in particular. :ajsleepy:

"Maybe... m-mabye it drags something to the surface of my inner pony being.

Noticed a small typo.

Yes. All of my yes.

Much love and respect, sir.

Well, I'm suitably sad now.

What an horrid thing to have to deal with.

~Skeeter The Lurker

So in the end she was just dreaming ?

I just saw the author, the characters and the romance tag and I knew I would fav. I have been impatient in the comment sections of your other Sunlight stories before, but this just showed me all over again while I love them so very much. Your stories are just amazing. They make me feel the character's pains and emotions, your descriptions are so vivid.

Just, thank you again for the wonderful stories you give us.

And on danger of being thought of as a silly melon fudge again...


Well, that went from one side of the emotional spectrum to the other real quick. Talk about emotional whiplash. Now I don't know how to feel :/

This is incredible! Not an idea I've seen done before, and the fact that Twilight being there was just more of the dream should have been something I saw coming in hindsight but it was so surprising and gahhh. Your Sunset is so good.

Comment posted by FrostVortex deleted Jan 17th, 2016

And here I thought you were going to write a happy ending for once.

Yer gettin' predicatable in yer old age, Skirts...! I figured it would end like that...


Dude, come on. You can't upvote someone's stories, no matter how much you may like them personally, unless you understand what's going on. If anything, it's a disservice to the author.

That's an interesting idea, that being in the human world without Luna's guidance means would affect Sunset's dreams. Though Sunset left before Luna returned, but being in a world with no magic is probably another different reason for why Sunset has this ordeal every full moon. That sure wouldn't help her personality before (not that it excuses her actions of course) when she first arrived in the human world.

Figures that Sci-Twilight would be a dream too. It was a bit too convenient for her to show up and possibly a bit out of character for her to be that affectionate. Not sure if its better or worse for Sunset that it was all only a dream- better than the nightmares and terrors, or worse that it wasn't really Twilight.


I got everything else except for the dream part.

And really, it's not a disservice if the feels were tearjerking enough for a upvote.

Imma... I'm just gonna go cry... over there in the corner now...

6841156 I think that's the question...

so confessing her feelings in her dreams but never in person, sounds like Sunset is living out her nightmare.

wow, I got 19 thumbs down on my "first" comment?!


also this was really well written! yay

Well damn, that heartfelt confession almost made me smile until I noticed Twilight didn't respond and got that sinking feeling in my gut when I realized I'd been had. It is an interesting idea for not having Princess Luna in the EG world affecting Sunset's dream cycle, the result of it though is beyond heartbreaking that Sunset would have to put up with it. :pinkiesad2:

This would make a nice idea for a full fic where Sunset's friends find out, contact Princess Twilight and see if they can't come up with a solution for it. I mean, Sunset could always go home but given she's apparently in love with Sci-Twi that might cause a bit of drama. Of course, this whole thing is just so I can get a happy ending which I'm a sucker for. I mean I can appreciate a bittersweet ending every now and then but a happy ending is always nice. Must just be the disney fan in me. :raritywink:

Good story all the same though.

Wow. That's all i am capable of saying right now. Wooooow.

Jesus Christ, that ending.

Dreams don't get much worse than THAT.

Damn..... at first I was like well this is ok, but Sci-Twi is ooc. Then I reach the end and you broke my feels. This is beautifully dark. I would love to see more from this.

God fucking dammit, Skirts.

Okay, that ending shook me. I don't know how I didn't see that coming. You pulled a good one on me, a fantastic, brilliant story!
I've decided to add a new Muffin Award - Crystal Muffins. They are very similar to Golden Muffins, with a catch. They are from the human world of Equestria Girls. Brilliant job! You've earned the first Crystal Muffin award! :derpytongue2:

If she can't have dreams, then does that mean she can't have nightmares? I though she would still be able to have nightmares:applejackunsure: That ending tho:raritycry::raritydespair: Great. I need another box of Felios:pinkiesick:

Damn, that ending. Wow. That is quite the gut-punch.

I would write a sequel to this as soon as you can. Only I would have her friends all go to Equestria and demand that Celestia and Luna BOTH put a stop to this torture that Sunset is going through. Or at the very least video tape it so that they can show what their good friend has gone through each night during a full moon. If that doesn't work make some deal with Twilight and have her let Sunset sleep in her home during the full moon so that her dreams can stop turning into such horrible nightmares. Very good story but like I said REALLY needs a sequel to it.

I'll be honest, I kinda got clued in when I heard human Twilight use "anypony" instead of anyone. Still a good ending though.

When you can't dream and then it manifest itself into something, that stalk you in real life. You become an empty vessel of horror, emotion and disappointment. But, I need this Twilight. We are all need this Twilight. A real one, not a dream one.

Anyway, like usual, your writing keeps getting better, polished and easier to digest. Goodjob.

Oh fuck you too Skirts.

"Daydreams filled his nighttime,
And nightdreams filled his days."

Y u do dis?

Don't the Mane Human Six have "pony essence" too? Would they be going through the same thing?:unsuresweetie:

*whistles* dayum... that was a little painful there! would make a fantastic first chapter to a longer story too ;)

6843367 Yes. But it's something similar to werewolves on a full moon. Skirts periodically becomes unable to revel in our torment and tears and instead is compelled to write somewhat passable comedy instead.
Which is, of course, why the rest of the time is as bleak as possible, as if somehow to make up for the occasional slip.

The ending tells us that the rest of it, starting with Twilight's visit, was all an illusion/dream.

*Finishes chapter...*

Dangit, bro. I can't hate this. Dangit.

A dull sigh escaped Sunset's throats.

*throat. ?

6844978 But none of them turned into a raging she - demon... :applejackunsure:

You can go ahead and cry.

Don't mind if I do. :pinkiesad2:

She reached a hand up and behind her... but felt nothing.

... don't mind if I do :fluttercry: :fluttercry: :fluttercry:


On second thought though, this means that Sunset did have a good dream for once, which seems to be a first.


But they're not originally ponies, unlike Sunset...:unsuresweetie:

Because sometimes there is just no happy end.

I thought that she was using "anypony" and "good pony" because she was that considerate of a friend. Because she knew exactly how to comfort Sunset in her time of need.

And bam. Nope, just because it was Sunset's subconscious.

Damn you.

I loved it all! The descriptions were lovely and I especially enjoyed the dialogue between Sunset and Twilight.

Poor Sunset!:raritydespair:
I wonder if she'll ever talk to not-dream Twilight:twilightsmile:

(Also Sunset's best human pony):pinkiehappy:

And shortskirtsandexplosions is my Senpai:derpytongue2:

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