• Published 18th Jan 2016
  • 514 Views, 9 Comments

Enter Crimson - milestails16

Ponyville has had many visitors. A zebra,a gryphon,a showoff,and even princesses. But what of this new visitor? Who is he? Where did he come from? How much will he affect Ponyville? How much will he affect Equestria?

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Chapter 7: Crimson VS The Timberwolves

The trio of Timberwolves, bewildered by the kick, fell to the ground. After recovering from the kick, the Timberwolves regrouped and snarled at their new found prey. The trio started walking towards their new target, preparing to attack. The people of Ponyville started to get tense as they watched the timberwolves walked towards this man that just came out of nowhere. They knew that if these things were not taken down, then their town would be turned to rubble!

Crimson watched them, waited for them, ready to take them head on. He suddenly felt something tug on his pant leg; looking down, he saw Rainbow Dash tugging hard on his pant leg.

“Dude, what the heck!?” Dash said, “What do you think you’re doing!?” Crimson pulled his leg away from her, not even bothering to give her a response. He started walking towards the Timberwolves, not a hint of emotion on his face. Rainbow reached her hand out towards him, to try and stop him again; before she could, she was stopped as Twilight held her back.

“Twilight? What’re you do-” Before she could ask her question, she was interrupted by the sound of a large amount of wood smashed into pieces.


Standing before Crimson, stood 3 agitated Timberwolves, ready to tear him apart; One to his left, the second one to his right, and the last one in front of him. He glared at them all with disgust.

‘I have to deal with these things? What a waste of time’ Getting tired of waiting, all three of the timberwolves charged towards Crimson. He stood there, not making any sudden movements. The beasts were getting closer, and yet he still just stood there. He slowly turned his head to look at his friends; even though he had only known them for several minutes, he still considered them friends. He didn’t want to do this! But, he had no choice; he knew what he had to do.

Just as one of them was about to slam his paw onto Crimson, he suddenly vanished; the beast’s paw hit the ground hard, making an impact and slightly cracking the ground beneath it. ‘Too easy’

“Twilight? What’re you do-” said Rainbow Dash from her group. Before the timberwolf could react, it felt its tail being grabbed and its body being slammed hard onto the ground; exploding into a million pieces.

The girls were surprised by what they just saw. They just saw somebody take down a full grown timberwolf with ease, and teleport...with no use of magic!

Right after Crimson took out the first one, another Timberwolf ran towards him from behind. When the wolf was an inch away from him, Crimson quickly turned around and brought his right arm up to block the approaching Timberwolf. It roared before it bit down hard on Crimson’s arm and sunk its teeth deep into his flesh. Seeing this made everyone gasp while a few people screamed. Blood started to drip from Crimson’s new injury as the Timberwolf sunk his teeth deeper into his arm. The Mane 6 expected him to cry out in pain, but instead he was...smiling?

“That taste good, ya mutt?” said Crimson. The Timberwolf was now scared of this young man. It started whimpering and tried pulling its teeth out of Crimson.

“What’s wrong?” asked Crimson, “Can’t get free? Well then, let me help you!” With the Timberwolf’s teeth still dug deep into Crimson’s arm, keeping its jaw stuck on his arm, both it and Crimson teleported somewhere away from Ponyville. Everybody looked around, seeing no signs of the two. A sudden crash interrupted them as they saw a large pile of broken wood in the middle of Ponyville. Right next to it was the cracked head of the dead Timberwolf with its teeth missing. Crimson appears right next to the pile of wood with the Timberwolf’s teeth still in his right arm and blood still leaking from the wound.

‘That’s two mongrels down’ Turning his attention towards the remaining Timberwolf, Crimson prepared himself for whatever the beast might do next. The beast, for some strange reason, charged straight towards him. The Timberwolf came closer and closer to Crimson, who didn’t even budge from where he stood. When the Timberwolf was mere inches away from him, he disappeared again before the wolf could attack him. Before it could react as to what happened, it was sent high into the air by a strong kick in the stomach.

Just as it had left the ground, it immediately found itself meeting it, creating a small crater as it hit the ground hard and exploding into a million pieces of bark. The Timberwolves that had come and gone were defeated by just one man. With little to no effort. The people of Ponyville were saved and everything was peaceful again. But of course, nothing stays peaceful forever.

Before anyone could say anything, the pieces of bark from the supposedly defeated Timberwolves started to shake as they glowed bright with green. The pieces traveled towards the middle of the village, where the freshly made crater was, and quickly started to rebuild what was destroyed. Once all of the pieces of bark were collected and had finished their work, the creature was now ready to get vengeance on the person who destroyed it.

In the middle of the crater stood a King Timberwolf. With its glowing green eyes, the creature looked around for his opponent. Once it spotted Crimson the creature started glowing green again. Suddenly, Green and gray vines shot out from each side of its body and started wrapping themselves around the King Timberwolf’s body. Once the creature’s body was completely covered up by the vines, it started to fuse with the vines. After it finished fusing with the vines, his body started transforming.

“Finally” Crimson said as he watched his opponent transform, wearing a mischievous grin on his face “It’s about time this fight got good”

The creature finally completed its transformation: Its size had increased to being the size of an Ursa Major, claws and teeth had grown long and became sharp as a meat cleaver, the bark on its body had turned from dirt brown to green as the vines that had previously covered it, and its tail had grown to be 5 feet long.

The citizens of Ponyville could only cower and stare at the horrifying creature that stood before them. Both Crimson and the Timberwolf stood in the middle of the crowd; both awaiting for their opponent to make the first move.

“Th-This can’t be!” said Twilight as she tries to comprehend what just happened right in front of her, “That’s not possible! Timberwolves are only supposed to turn into a King Timberwolf once they combine, not turn into this!” Her friends couldn’t even respond to her shouting, nor try to stop her shouting, since they were frozen in utter shock at what was happening before them.

Not wanting to wait any longer the King Timberwolf launched towards Crimson; however, it seemed to be quite faster than a regular King Timberwolf. It took the creature less than a minute to close the distance between it and Crimson, before it slammed his massive paw on top of him. He was able to block it by using his left arm to hold it up as the beast’s paw came down hard on it. As the beast kept pushing down harder on Crimson’s arm, he kept pushing against the beast’s paw. The King Timberwolf started pushing down harder and harder on Crimson’s arm, causing Crimson to slowly get closer and closer to the ground as the Timberwolf’s strength slowly overwhelms him. Not being able to take it anymore he collapsed onto the ground with the creature’s massive paw still on top of him. With its paw on top of Crimson, the King Timberwolf started pressing hard on his ribcage and skull; making Crimson scream out of agony as he felt like his head was going to split in half! That monster just stood there and grinned as it crushed his opponent, enjoying the screams of a-

“Good acting, right?” said Crimson as wore a grin of his own. The Timberwolf’s face changed from one filled with pride, to one filled with utter shock. Right before it was going to start crushing his opponent again, it felt something hit against his other foreleg. Then, all of a sudden, it fell off making the King Timberwolf fall to the ground. Crimson quickly got up back on his feet and looked at the creature that laid before him. As it laid there, the wound where the leg had fallen off off started glowing green, along with the rest of the Timberwolf’s body. Suddenly, vines shot out of the wound and started twisting themselves with each other; quickly remaking the leg that got cut off from the beast. As soon as his new leg was fully regenerated, it got back up to its feet and let out a fearsome roar! The Timberwolf decided to try again and slammed its paw on top of Crimson, only this time it failed. When its paw slammed down it only hit the ground it stood upon. Sniffing around to find its opponent, the beast looked up to find Crimson a mere 6 inches away from him.