• Member Since 17th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday



Spike received a dream, or a vision, or a message, he's not sure. What he is sure of is that he has a calling. A calling from one massive red dragon. When he tries to learn more of dragons, he may have found himself pulled into something much bigger than one meeting.

Thanks to CaptainPudgeMuffin for the inspiration, art, and permission.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 61 )

I love it so far. I can't wait for more

So, miss pony-first, pony-only finally coughs up where Spike really comes from, I look forward to THIS.

So, no matter where the story goes from here, you get legitimate props for coming up with a very cool creation myth for their world. Nicely done.

Waiting for the next update!

Now, the question is, 'how accurate was that book?'

Isn't it strange that ponies are quick to condemn the history of others but never really consider theirs?

great story hope too see more. Haven't read a single story where spike is the main character like this.

Well this is quite the good read. :) Keep up the good work!

“I think the Badlands are her nest Twi.”

Was kinda wondering if that'd turn out to be the case considering how this chapter was playing out

Ah, so it so big they never noticed they were looking at it the whole time? That's one big nest.

At this rate, it'll be a surprise if they find a small clue as opposed to a big one.

Welp, Spike is afraid he's useless, Twilight reassures him he is not useless.

No. She doesn't say it doesn't matter if he's useful or not in a tangible way. No she doesn't say that his happiness makes her happy, or that she values him because she loves him because he is who he is. Just that just because he's not doing something for her at the moment doesn't mean she doesn't need him.

Why couldn't it be about how he shouldn't need to be needed?

Why can't it ever be about that?

Spike will never be able to claw his way out of the self-esteem pit he is in if he cannot believe that he in himself is something to be valued. He'll stay in stasis forever.

So this is another one of those 'Spike thinks he's useless' bits. I wonder how the rest of the story will deal with that.

(Also, the joyously violent female dragon has me intrigued.)


Why couldn't it be about how he shouldn't need to be needed?

Why can't it ever be about that?

you know I'm trying to think of a story where the useless/slave trope comes up and I can't come up with one that ever really answers it in that way... guess it wouldn't "make a decent story otherwise..."

why does luna do that without consent? serious a breach of privacy and trust there helping with nightmares than there just being noisy i hope she gets rebuke one day for invading private dreams jeesh or ask once in a while...

It's really just not on most people's radars, and when it is it is often the exaggerated "Spike's a slave and abused!" which makes many who'd take the idea that Spike's self-esteem is hurt by his position as the assistant as a complex psychological issue want to take it not seriously at all.

... And there's a probably values mismatch between me and others anyway. I am far more "virtue is passion and excellence" than "virtue is self-sacrifice."

ggggggggAAAAAH!:flutterrage: A pox on all cliffhangers!!!!!

UPDATE and some very interesting stuff going on.

"Welcome home Little Spike..."

"I see your mother"------------------------------->:twilightoops:

"I smell your mate"--------------------------------->:raritystarry:

"I feel your pain"-------------------------------------->:facehoof:

"Feel like some cup cakes?"------------------------>:pinkiehappy:

Great chapter! Can't wait to read the next one...

Sooo, why was he called?

Well shit. Pyrathy's kids do not kbow about his siblings..

This is getting weird.

Enjoying this fic! Though minor, you might want to see to some grammatical errors and letter omissions, like:

Sure, the few I’ve met have been a bit antisocial and off putting, but it’s not like their

“The problem that their cruel?” Twilight asked.

... to name a few examples.
All in all, great work! Tracking! :twilightblush:

7556585 Is there something not coming off right about Dazzle's reaction?

7559946 Edited a bit to flesh out greed growths in this continuity.

I wonder how dragons actually view ponies due to their difference in lifestyle. I always imagined that saw them as a doomed species because they practically do everything possible to avoid changing in the long run. That seems like a logical byproduct of the fact that the same one pony has always had the most authority.


I'm fairly certain that dragons wouldn't believe ponies are too unmovable... since dragons are a long-lived race that probably doesn't do that "adapting" thing very often themselves. I don't think it would be that much of a culture difference, just because it's likely Celestia is still older than they are.

... I guess it might get to something similar if they see Ponies as followers, and dragons as independent... but that would depend on how hierarchical the dragons actually are.

Anyway, I do like the way this is addressing Spike's personal crisis, and how he links it to Twilight.

7649023 Maybe, but long-lived doesn't mean unchanging. Just because they share one feature (Long lives) hardly means they're gonna be very similar.

Hm. Mourning Star seems a little different from the other dragons in the clan. I particularly liked:

He saw that grandfather Spike never knew he wanted or needed. One who knew what he had been through and one who knew what he was going to face.

Now we get to see Mourning's relationship with the blood red scale, though. Is the scale uh... naturally carnage ridden, or is that an effect of the combat of Pyrathy's brood?

There are a ton of still unanswered questions.

Why does it seem like some cultures are so intolerant of the ways of others?

I forget if was already explained or not, but I wonder if all dragons can see the red light from the things like the scale, or if it's just Spike and some special thing that makes him unique in the world (not secluding the possibility that it was a trait many dragons had long ago, before the purge)

:duck: Yes Princess Celestia I'll tell Spike to stop sending stones!

:twilightoops: ouch!
:trollestia: More tea?
:duck::moustache: Apple Jack Daniels on the rocks!:facehoof:

It's seems not many on this planet know much about each other.

well written, clever, while having some conflict with official cannon if flexible can be easily over looked for it's well thought out story.
pleas note that the show canon is also flexible. Pleas keep writing :raritystarry:

Hm. Spike's extreme shortness does seem like an interesting thing.

It kind of surprises me that Dazzle and Chromie would let him do what he did while thinking he's a three year old.

:trollestia: Well you're on your own...
:twilightsmile: Why doesn't this surprise me
:moustache: Well duh...

"When I sort through just who is the most distraught over these proceedings, I am going to call for a summit with the Dragon Clan Council. You can then explain to them why you came here and that you are glad to take all questions. Is that acceptable?”

"Indeed, it is acceptable, for I know for a fact that they will not place any misgivings, nor blame, on either you, Twilight, or myself, for it was Pyrathy who placed the task onto me, and gave me the escort of Dazzle to learn about the dragon's current state of living, through their closest living space to his dwelling, so that I may greet all others with some knowledge and enlightenment to aid them. You might not know about Pyrathy, Celestia, but let me assure you, he is to the dragons what can be only scarcely compared to the wildest imaginations of both you and your sisters most loyal subjects combined, and for good reason."

or something like that... I kinda lost my train of thought a few times while writing it down

Spike's first taste of meat huh? I wonder how much he'll like it.

I'm so glad you updated this story :) Great chapter! :twilightsmile:

Ah crap.. so, we have our first representatice of Tiamat.. should we call him a claw of tiamat, or a fang??

Things look like they are getting tense...

And possibly very bad things will happen if Starset wins.

Interesting to see that every dragon tribe believes they are all descended from the same dragon. There was an implied larger world with non Pyrathy dragons, right?

In this story, Pyrathy is the father of ALL dragons. Anything relatively claiming to be a dragon came from him. The point of contention and confusion is that each clan believes themselves to be the true descendants of Pyrathy, when in fact they all are. Dragon history is a bit fuzzy as they tend to only record important figures and events such as the Purge, but due to the Purge being a fracturing of the culture, each clan has the events shaded in their own glasses, with a solid point of agreement that it was 'pure' dragons that started the whole mess.

Remember, even in their own recounting, Mourning Star says that Tiamat was the daughter of Pyrathy and hardly worth recalling past her involvement with Pyrathy. (This is slightly due to the fact that she was sealed away and thus was never seen nor heard from by any of the clans.) Their histories have spiraled out to the point, where if they all started in Greece, we would have Germans, French, and Spaniards by now.

Oh boy.

The fact that this dragon came in to solve the conflict would be nice.

Except that this new dragon is more obsessed with the scale than anyone else... Which makes things potentially much, much worse.

Still, a good chapter, with Spike interacting with the other clan's dragons.

Ah, I'm so happy this story is still going on. Really niece chapter!

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