• Published 17th Feb 2016
  • 5,986 Views, 380 Comments

Bakugan: Equestria Girls - CosmicAlchemist24

Come and join this band of heroes as they face trials against an unknown evil from the dimension of New Vestroia. How will they face this threat, come and find out. BAKUGAN BRAWL!!

  • ...

Evil Arrival.

3 days Later

The students from both CHS and Crystal Crep were all gathering in the gym to prepare for the Bakugan Battle Tournament.

"Attention all CHS and Crystal Prep students, please take your seats so that we may begin." Dean Cadance said over the intercom. The students all took their seat and gave their attention to Cadance.

"Thank you, now I welcome everyone to the Bakugan Battle Tournamet. I understand all of you are eager to start, but before we do Principal Celestia would like to say a few words." Cadance said giving Celestia the mic.

"Thank you Dean Cadance, I would just like to say that I this may be a competition, but remember these tournaments are meant for all of you to not only connect with your Bakugan partners, but to connect with each other on both an emotional and mental level. Now without further ado, LET THE BAKUGAN BATTLE TOURNAMENT BEGIN!" As soon and Celestia said that the gym was filled with cheers. Vice Principal Luna stepped up next to here sister and took the mic.

"Alright everybody take out your cards and let's get this show on the road." Luna said holding up a card. Everyone in the gym pulled out their cards and raised them up.


As soon as those words were said the entire outside of the school was surrounded by a big circle with six mini circles with symbols on them and started to glow. Those cars and people outside of the circle all started to move in slow motion until they all just stopped, while those in the circle were being engulfed by a multi colored light and began to disappear. After a few seconds, everyone in the school appeared in the coliseum and began to cheer again. The Ranbooms, The Dazzlings and the PomE Gang (CHS) seemed the most excited, well Pinkie, Sonata and Rainbow were.

"This is so awesome I can't wait to start." Rainbow said with enthusiasm.

"I know I'm so excited let's brawl." Pinkie said bouncing up and down. Swift then came up and grabbed Pinkie from behind.

"You're a little too excited Pinkie." He said kissing Pinkie on the cheek. Pinkie turned around and smiled at him.

"How could I not, I'm going to win." She said confidently.

"You better get that idea out of your head Pinkie, me and Rubanoid are winning this." Sunset said. Rubanoid then jumped onto her shoulder.

"You got that right Shimmy." He said in a cocky tone.

"Wow you guys really think you stand a chance?" Indigo said. The girls turn to see only the Shadow 5, Heavenly Quill, Rapid Shadow and Sparkjump walking over and sitting next to them.

"Is that a challenge Zap?" Rainbow said cracking her knuckles.

"You bet it is, get ready to lose." Zap said mimicking Rainbow. The other just looked at the scene and rolled their eyes.

"Those two don't quit, they're worse than Zero and Warhawk." Applejack said shaking her head.

"I wouldn't go that far, Zero and Warhawk battle at least four times a day." Aria said.

"Yea and most of them end with Zero losing." Adagio said bluntly.

"HEY I BEAT HIM 3 DAYS AGO!" Zero said angrily.

"Oops did I say that out loud." Adagio said with a smirk. Akwimos then jumped onto Sonata's shoulder.

"Come on Dagi don't be like that, Zero's just as good a brawler as you are." He said.

"Akwimos is right Dagi, stop trying to bring him down." Sonata said. Adagio rolled her eyes.

"I'm just stating the facts." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh screw you Dazzle." Zero said angrily.

"Sorry Zero, but I have Daemon for that." Adagio said causing Daemon to blush and turn away.

"Come on Adagio knock it off." Artemis said.

"Fine killjoy I'll stop." Adagio said. A red and black ball then jumped onto Adagio's shoulder and transformed into what looked like a dragon with large black wings and red eyes.

"You all might as well give up now, none of you stand a chance against me." The red and black bakugan said. Harpus then jumped onto Night's shoulder.

"Oh can it Helios, like and Adagio can beat me and Night." She said.

"What did you say?" Helios asked angrily.

"You heard me." Harpus said back.

"Calm down you two, save the arguments for the battle field. Does anyone know who is going to battle first?" Night asked. Sunset pulled out a packet of papers from her bag.

"Let's see, first up is Eclipse and a girl named Lilac Steele." Sunset said reading the packet.

"Alright I'm first to battle just one question, who's Lilac Steele?" Eclipse asked looking at his friends. Everyone looked just as confused as he did, none of then have ever heard of a girl named Lilac Steele.

"That's actually a good question, I've never heard of her before." Applejack said putting a hand to her chin.

"Same here I don't think she goes to Crystal Prep, we would have known if she did." Sunny Flare said.

"Ok then where did she come from?" Rainbow asked.

"I got a better question where are Rarity and Fluttershy?" Pinkie said.

"Rarity had to manage the Boutique today, plus she said that she wasn't really interested." Clyde answered.

"And Fluttershy is at the animal shelter helping out her mother." Night said. Before anything else could be said, principal Celestia spoke up into the intercom.

"Alright everyone settle down, now will Solar Eclipse and Lilac Steele please report to the Battle Field." She said.

"Go time, wish me luck guys." Eclipse said getting up.

"Good luck." Midnight said kissing him on the cheek before he made his way to the field.

"So how do you think he'll do?" Rapid asked.

"He'll be fine, Eclipse is a great brawler. I'm still wondering who this Lilac girl is." Sour Sweet said.

"Well we're about to find out look." Daemon said gesturing to the battle field. Eclipse walked on to the field listening to the students from both schools cheering for him.

"Alright so where is my opponent?" He asked. A few seconds later, A peach skinned girl walked onto the field. She had black and purple hair and piercing blue eyes. She was wearing a light purple t-shirt with a black leather jacket over it, a dark purple skirt, black fingerless gloves and dark blue boots with black flames on them. Everyone in the bleachers had the same question running through their minds 'Who was this girl?'.

"Ok now that we see her, does any recognize her?" Applejack asked.

"NO! and I know everyone that goes to CHS and Crystal prep." Pinkie said.

"Somehow that doesn't surprise me." Warhawk said shaking his head. Back on the battle field, Eclipse looked at the girl in front of him and smiled.

"So you're my opponent, you new here or what?" He said. The girl smiled back at him.

"Yea something like that, my name is Lilac Steele it's a nice to meet you." She said in a icy tone. The girl's voice made Eclipse shiver, but he shrugged it off.

"I'm Solar Eclipse, it's nice to meet you too. So are you ready to do this?" He asked her.

"Oh I'm ready just try not to disappoint me ok, I want a challenge." She said with a smirk. Eclipse then got serious.

"I'll give you a challenge, bring it." He said with determination in his voice.

The Bakugan Battle between Solar Eclipse and Lilac Steele will now begin!

Eclipse Life Force: 500
Lilac Life Force: 500

"Ladies first." Eclipse said. Lilac smiled.

"Such a gentleman, Doom Card Set." Lilac then drops a card with a skull of a dragon on it right next to her. The card then glows purple and inserts itself into the field causing the entire coliseum to glow purple for a few second. Back in the bleachers Sunset and the Dazzlings felt a weird chill up their spines.

"Whoa that felt creepy." Sunset said rubbing her arm. Adagio then looked at her.

"Wait you felt it too?" She asked.

"If you mean the weird chill up my spine then yes." Sunset said.

"Same here" Aria said. "Me two." Sonata said shivering.

"What are you guys talking about?" Soul asked confused.

"For some reason my sisters and your girlfriend got this creepy chill up all our spines." Adagio explained.

"Yea and it happened as soon as the Lilac girl threw down that card." Aria said Glaring at Lilac.

"You think she's up to something?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know, but I think were about to find out in this battle." Sunset said. Back on the Battle Field Eclipse looked at Lilac confused.

"Hey, what was that card?" He asked

"Oh nothing let's just get to the battle, Gate Card Set!" Lilac said throwing a card onto the field. The card then glowed purple and began to expand until it covered the field and disappeared. "Well Solar I'd like to introduce you to my partner, Bakugan Brawl!" Lilac said throwing a black and purple ball onto the field. "Bakugan Stand, Rise Darkus Hydranoid!" The black and purple ball transformed and began to glow a bright purple causing everyone in the coliseum to shield their eyes. When the light died down, the black and purple ball was replaced with a creature that walks on four legs, has three purple teeth jutting out from it's upper jaw, and a long neck and tail. It also has pink spines running from the middle of its neck to about the end of its tail, which somewhat resembles the tail of a stegosaurus. In addition to this, it has a large pink horn on its nose and red eyes. It also has what looked like a blade in the center of its chest.

Eclipse just looked at the creature in front of him and began to sweat. "What the hell is that thing?" He thought to himself. Everyone in the bleachers were thinking the exact same thing, but the ones who were really worried were Sunset and the Dazzlings.

"s.. s.. Sunset you feel that?" Adagio asked in a worried tone. Sunset didn't answer, she was to frightened to say anything.

"Sunset you ok?" Soul asked concerned. Once again Sunset didn't respond, she just kept staring at Lilac's bakugan.

"What's wrong with her?" Applejack asked.

"It's not her you should be worrying about." Aria said trembling.

"Ari what's wrong, why shouldn't we worry about her?" Artemis asked.

"Because the thing down there is giving off some serious negative energy." Aria said with the same worry in her voice as Adagio.

"Ari's right and that's not all it's giving off a dark aura, that bakugan is evil." Sonata said holding onto Warhawk's arm. The other's were looking at the four girls with confused looks on their faces.

"What do you mean evil, is it like when we fought you, Twilight or Sunset?" Applejack aksed. Sunset finally spoke up.

"No this is much worse." She said.

"She's right me and my sisters may have fed off of negative energy, but this...this is just...insane." Adagio said.

"Is it really that terrible I mean I know we can't sense it, but is it really that bad?" Octavia asked. Sunset then turned to Octavia.

"Octavia think of my She-demon form, The Dazzlings at full power, and Midnight Sparkle, Multiply their power by ten and then fuse then together. that's only a fraction of what we're felling right now." Sunset said in a somber tone. Everyone paled after hearing what she said and looked at the creature on the field.

"What do we do, we can't let Eclipse battle her." Midnight said worried about her boyfriend.

"We have no choice, form what I'm feeling Midnight my angel form wouldn't so much as scratch that thing." Sunset said. That sentence right there started making everyone sweat.

"Once again she's right all we can do is watch and hope Eclipse can pull through." Adagio said in a somber tone. Everyone then looked to Eclipse with worried expressions on their faces.

"Cosmic you just love putting us in dangerous situations don't you." Treble said to the Author.

"Treble this is serious, we have no time for your 'Fourth Wall Breaking' nonsense." Vinyl said glaring at her boyfriend.

"Sorry." Treble said. Back on the battle field, Eclipse was still shocked by the Bakugan in front of him.

"What's wrong Solar you're not scared of my Hydranoid are you?" Lilac asked in a mocking tone. Eclipse then gritted his teeth, but before he could say anything back Hydranoid spoke up.

"No one will blame you for giving up human that way you can save yourself the embarrassment." He said in a deep and cold voice. Eclipse was a little creeped out by Hydraniod's voice, but he took a deep breath and took out a bakugan.

"Are you kidding, I'm not running away let's do this, Bakugan Brawl!" Eclipse said throwing a black, purple and silver ball onto the field. "Bakugan Stand, Let's go Darkus Anchorsaur." The black ball transformed and began to glow. Soon the ball was replaced with a purple bipedal reptile with gems embedded in its shoulders and armor on its legs, shoulders, and arms.

"Alright let's see what you got Lilac." Eclipse said.

Hydranoid: 500
Anchorsaur: 400

Oh I've got plenty let me show you, Ability Activate: Auragano Revenge!" Lilac said throwing a card at Hydranoid. Hydranoid was soon surrounded by a black aura and released a blueish purple steam of fire from his mouth.

Hydranoid: 500+300=800
Anchorsaur: 400-300=100

The flames covered Anchorsaur causing him to fall on his back a roar in pain. " Hold on Anchorsaur, Ability Activate: Zero Reflection!" Eclipse said holding up a card. Anchorsaurs body began to glow and the flames began to die down.

Hydranoid: 800-300=500
Anchorsaur: 100+300+200=600

"He got so lucky just now." Swift said.

"I know and did you hear Anchorsaur scream?" Lemon said a little freaked out.

"I'm trying to un-hear it." Sonata said covering her ears.

"This is only going to get worse, I can tell." Sunset said. Midnight was getting really worried, she felt really helpless. Leonidas then jumped onto her shoulder.

"Midnight you need to calm down, I know it's bad but you need to have faith in him right now." He said.

"I know Leo, but-" "I understand, but right now you need to relax." Leonidas said cutting her off. Midnight nodded and continued watching.

"Wow I'm surprised you survived that try this, Ability Activate: Violet Nightmare." Lilac said. Hydranoid was then covered by a violet aura and in split second he was behind Anchorsaur. He then used his tail and slammed Anchorsaur from behind. Anchorsaur was sent flying across the field and crashed into the coliseum wall.

Hydranoid: 500
Anchorsaur: 600-200=400

"Enough, Ability Acti-" "Gate Card Open: Freeze Enemy!" Lilac said cutting eclipse off. The field began to glow and just as Anchorsaur was getting back up he frozen in place.

Hydranoid: 500
Anchorsaur: 400-200=200

"What did you do?" Eclipse asked. Lilac smiled.

"The Command Card 'Freeze Enemy' is a trap card that freezes the movements of the opponent, prevents them from activating ablilities, and decreases their power by two-hundred." Lilac said with a chuckle.

"That's not fair." Eclipse said.

"She completely shut Eclipse down." Rainbow said shocked by Lilac's move.

"I will admit that was a good move." Rivet said.

"Hydranoid Attack!" Lilac commanded. Hydranoid was once again covered by a violet aura and in a split second he was behind a frozen Anchorsaur. He then swung his tail and slammed Anchorsuar into the air this time. Then something strange happened to Anchorsaur, instead of going back to ball form a huge portal opened up in the direction that Anchosaur was flying and as soon as Anchorsaur was on the other side of the portal it closed. Everyone in the Bleacher were speechless by what they just saw and Eclipse wasn't doing any better.

"w.. w.. What did you do?" Eclipse choked out. Lilac just gave a dark chuckle. Hydranoid then returned to ball form and landed in lilac's hand.

Eclipse Life Force: 200
Lilac Life Force: 500

"Ok I'm co confused right now." Pinkie said rubbing her head.

"I think we all are sugarcube." Applejack said.

"Did she just get rid of Anchorsaur?" Twilight asked.

"Yes she did, but where did she send him?" Sunset wondered. Rubanoid then jumped onto her shoulder.

"I'm afraid Anchorsaur has been sent to the Doom Dimension." He said. Everyone then looked at him.

"The what Dimension?" Rainbow asked. Back on the battle field, Eclipse finally got over his shock but he was angry.

"What did you do with Anchorsaur, Bring him back." He demanded with venom in his voice. Lilac chuckled again.

"Sorry no can do once the Doom Card has been played the battle is over." She said with a smile.

"Doom Card?" Eclipse asked confused.

"Yes Eclipse the Doom Card, Once it's been thrown down it overpowers all cards and sends the defeated bakugan into another dimension for eternity." Lilac explained. Everyone was shocked by what she said.

"She right Sunset, a bakugan can never escape from the Doom Dimension." Rubanoid said in a somber tone. Strikeflier then jumped onto to Twilight's shoulder.

"It is there that we meet our eternal demise, nothing is feared more." He said.

"I don't believe it this girl is crazy, she's literally killing Bakugan." Vinyl said gritting her teeth.

"Doesn't she understand that the bakugan are living creatures, she can't just go around killing them." Quill said getting angry. That anger was shared by his friends, but mostly by Eclipse.

"How could you do something like that, you're going to pay for this. Gate Card Set!" Eclipse said throwing a card onto the field. "Bakugan Brawl, Hammersaur Stand." he said throwing a new black ball onto the field. This time the ball was replaced by another bipedal reptilian Bakugan, that resembles Anchorsaur. Unlike Anchorsaur, Hammersaur has large armored hands which are its distinguishing feature.

"Well see about that, Bakugan Brawl, Hydranoid Stand." Lilac said throwing Hydranion back into battle.

"If you really think you can defeat us boy, you're a bigger fool than I thought." Hydranoid taunted.

Hydranoid: 500
Hammersaur: 400

Eclipse gritted his teeth.

"Well see about that, Ability Activate: Crush Hurricane." He said. Hammersaur's armored hands began to glow, he then jumped in the air and dived straight for Hydranoid.

Hydranoid: 500-400=100

Lilac just smirked and held a card above her head. "Ability Activate: Double Dimension." She said. The card then glowed causing Hammersaur's Armored hands to go back to normal.

Hydranoid: 100+400=500
Hammersaur: 800-400=400

"You nullified his ability." Eclipse said shocked.

"Very observant." Lilac said with a smirk.

"Back off weakling." Hydranoid said releasing fire from his mouth. The Fire hit Hammersaur causing him to fall onto the ground.

"That's it, Gate Card Open: Enemy Down." Eclipse growled.

Hydranoid: 500-300=200

"And now Ability Activate: Chaos Rip!" Eclipse said. The claws on Hammersaurs's armored hands began to glow and grow. He quickly made his way to Hydranoid and began hitting him with multiple slashes.

Hydranoid: 200
Hammersaur: 400+300=700

How do you like that?" He asked Lilac.

"I don't know why don't you ask Hydranoid." Lilac said with a smirk. Eclipse raised an eyebrow and looked over to Hydranoid. Hammersaur was still slashing away, but Hydranoid was standing there like nothing was happening.

"Hehe stop that tickles." He said in a mocking tone. Eclipse began to sweat again.

"What the hell!?" He said shocked.

"If you really think you can beat us with a weak attack like that, you won't get very far. Ability Activate: Dimension 4." Soon Hydranoid was covered by a black aura and that aura spread across the entire field.

Hydranoid: 200+300=500
Hammersaur: 700

"What!?" Eclipse said shocked.

"Dimension 4 nullifies your Gate Card sorry pal." Lilac said with a smirk.

"This girl won't let up, but doesn't mean I'm giving up. Ability Activate: Dark Divider." Eclipse said. Hammersaur's began to glow and with a quick dash he tackled Hydranoid to the ground.

"Finally I'm getting somewhere." Eclipse said with a smile.


"Yes now finish her off Eclipse." Midnight yelled.

"Hammersaur Attack!" Eclipse said. Hammersaur went in strike the final blow but..

"Ability Activate." Lilac throws a card into the air causing an unnatural storm to occur. "Chaos.. of the.. Darkness." Lilac said in a sadistic tone. A bolt of lightning shot out of the storm and struck Hydranoid. As soon as it did that, Hydranoid shot a ball a dark energy at Hammersaur, but Hammersaur holds out his hands and tries to deflect it.

Hydranoid: 100+500=600
Hammersaur: 1100

"Sorry, but you're still low on power Lilac. Hammer send that ball right back." Eclipse said.

"Like I would let that happen, Fusion Ability Activate: Lunatic Burst." Lilac said.

Hydranoid: 600+500=1100

Hydranoid released a massive steam of fire from his mouth, aiming straight for the energy ball. As soon as the fire made contact with a the ball, it caused a massive explosion and Hammersaur was right in the middle on it.

"Haamersaur!" Eclipse screamed. When the smoke cleared Hydranoid was the only one on the field and he was looking down a portal in the ground with a hand sinking into it before closing.

"Fool I told you, you had no chance of winning." Hydranoid said going back to ball form and landing in Lilac's hand.

Eclipse Life Force: 0
Lilac Life Force: 500

Everyone was shocked by what they saw not only did Lilac win, but she sent another bakugan to it's death.

"How could she be so cruel?" Twilight asked.

"I told you that bakugan was evil!" Sonata said hiding behind Warhawk.

"She completely destroyed Eclipse, I mean I didn't expect her to play a Fusion Ablility." Rainbow said. Midnight was completely speechless, she couldn't believe that this Lilac girl beat her boyfriend.

"h.. He lost." was all midnight was able to choke out.

Battle over winner: Lilac Steele!

"Well that was fun, it was nice battling you Eclipse later." Lilac said waking away.

"Get back here!" Eclipse yelled. Lilac stopped in her tracks and turned her head.

"Sorry pal, but I have no time for weaklings. I just hope my next opponent isn't as disappointing as you were." With that she left and Eclipse fell to his knees.

"Damn her" He said under his breath.

Author's Note:

Enter Lilac Steele the Villain of the story. I would like to thank Darkmaster0224 For allowing me to use her.
I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter, see you next time.

All Oc's belong to: Cogwing (Rivet), Azure_Shadow (Swift), Ragga_Muffin (Treble), BlueSun(Soul), Heavenly Quill (Quill), Skeleton (Sparkjump), Crystal Blade (Rapid) and Red Hood (Daemon),

Lilac's Partner: Darkus Hydarnoid

Eclipse's temporary Bakugan: Darkus Anchorsaur and Hammersaur.

Adagio's partner: Pyrus Helios (Ball Form)

Next time: Darkus Master Pt. 1.